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淮河流域洪涝变化吸引子维数研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
周寅康  包浩生 《地理科学》1998,18(4):362-367
淮河流域洪涝序列的功率谱表现出了较好的混沌谱特征,这是序列呈分形结构的内在原因。洪涝序列及其不同平滑序列的关联维数表明,序列平滑程度越大,关联维数越小,关联维数反映了序列所在系统的层次,是系统结构复杂性的重要量度,是 系统建模所需独立变量的控制参数。要恰当地描述淮河流域洪涝发生系数,需构造至少5个状态变量的动力学系统。  相似文献   
本文介绍了兰州形变台水管倾斜仪和石英伸缩仪1987年初至1990年底观测资料的调和分析结果和各分量的年变化,分析了M_2波γ和α因子的月重复精度及其对非潮汐变化的监测能力和本区当前的构造活动特征,对异常变化与1990年10月20日甘肃景泰Ms6.2级地震之关系作了初步探讨。  相似文献   
南海及其邻近海域SST系统的点概率密度谱特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用相空间点概率密度谱分析方法对南海及其邻近海域NCEPreanalysisSST候平均资料进行了分析,发现南海与其邻近海域的SST系统的结构均具有混沌特征,南海与孟加拉湾SST系统的耦合谱分布几乎一致;年变化最显著,年际变化次之,季节内变化相对较弱。邻近西太平洋SST系统中的准3a耦合振荡相当显著。对于季节内振荡,西太平洋SST系统强于孟加拉湾和南海的SST系统。结果还表明季节内振荡(30~60d)是一种耦合振荡。  相似文献   
西沙礁序列的磁性地层学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用西沙群岛西琛一井330m以上井段的149块岩心标本,用美国2-G型超导磁力仪进行了古地磁测定,获得了一个从更新世至中新世晚期包括布容,松山,高斯和吉尔伯特四个极性时及若干亚极性的磁性地层柱,为礁序列的划分对比,提供了新的依据。  相似文献   
适合于复合驱的防腐垢剂BH是一种磷硅酸盐。针对矿场实际,通过室内实验,对含该防腐垢剂的三元复合体系基本性质进行了研究。结果表明,这种磷硅酸盐防腐垢剂具有良好的缓蚀防垢效果,且驱油体系与渤海油田原油仍然可以形成超低界面张力。体系的表观黏度和界面张力的稳定性也有所改善。压力传导和转向调44能力实验结果表明:“聚合物/BH助剂”和“聚合物/表面活性剂/BH助剂”复合体系相比聚合物溶液其传导能力分别下降了14.2%和29.5%,转向调剖能力分别提高了11.8%和14.9%;而“聚合物/ga活性剂/BH助剂”相比“聚合物/表面活性剂/NaOH”体系传导能力相差不大,但转向调剖能力相对提高了10%左右。可见BH防腐垢剂不仅具有良好的缓蚀防垢和降低界面张力效果,而且具有较强的转向调剖能力。  相似文献   
南极冰藻是南大洋碳流和能量流的重要组成部分,在该区域的生态系统中发挥着极其重要的作用.低温、低光照和高盐度对类囊体膜光系统的伤害必将影响冰藻对光能的吸收、传递和转换,从而影响冰藻的正常生长繁殖.事实上,冰藻为了能够在这寒冷骤变的环境中生存、繁衍,类囊体膜光系统在生理、代谢和遗传上进行了复杂的适应性改变,冰藻在低光照条件下保持很高的光合效率.因此研究南极冰藻类囊体膜光系统具有重要的理论意义.综述了南极冰藻类囊体膜光系统的研究进展,以期为进一步了解南极冰藻光系统作用机理提供依据.  相似文献   
本文利用美国NCEP/NCAR逐月的再分析资料、HadISST海温、中国160台站气温和反映渤海冰情轻重的渤海冰情等级资料,研究了前秋巴伦支海海温异常对后期渤海冰情和东亚冬季风的影响,并对相关的物理过程进行分析。结果表明,前秋巴伦支海关键区海温与该区域海冰密集度呈显著的负相关,且具有较好的持续性,通过调节随后冬季向大气释放的热通量,引起后期环流变化。偏高(偏低)年冬季亚洲纬向环流偏弱(偏强),东亚大槽加深(减弱),东亚冬季风加强(减弱),我国东北、华北及西北地区地区显著偏冷(偏暖),这与冬季渤海海冰异常的强度和范围都偏大(小)及与之相联系的环流异常相一致。进一步的分析揭示了联系上游关键区海温变化与后期东亚地区气候异常的重要途径,前秋巴伦支海海温偏高会导致200 hPa高度场形成一个自西向东的波列形式,在东亚局地Hadley环流异常的作用下,加强了我国北方地区地表的北风异常。因此,前秋巴伦支海海温异常可以作为冬季渤海冰情的预报因子。  相似文献   
A hydro-dynamic model is established on basis of MIKE21 FM to simulate the hydro-dynamic characteristics of Xinghua Bay and investigate the influence of reclamation project on the tidal elevation and tidal currents. Tidal elevation data was obtained at the six tide gauge stations around the Xinghua Bay, and another six current stations were established to observe the tidal current velocity and direction. Validation shows that the model-simulated tidal elevation and tidal currents agree well with observations made at different stations. Predictions are made according to the reclamation project proposed in the regional marine planning of Hanjiang Industrial Park around the port in Putian City. The variations of hydro-dynamic factors, such as tide, current velocity and direction and tidal influx are obtained, and the adverse effect of reclamation on marine environment is discussed. It is shown that the tidal level inside the Xinghua Bay during high tide decreases after the reclamation project is completed. The tidal currents during flooding tide generally decrease in the southeast of the reclamation region, with the maximum decreasing amplitude reaching 0.44 m s-1. On the other hand, the tidal currents during flooding tide increase around the southeast and southwest corners of the reclamation region. The tidal currents during ebb tide increase around the southeast and southwest corners of the reclamation region, with the maximum increasing amplitude attaining 0.18 m s-1. The results in this paper can give some guidance for the marine environment management and the effective utilization of land in Putian.  相似文献   
Coupled effects on a single point mooring(SPM) system subjected to the combined action of wind,waves and current are studied in this paper. Due to the complicatedness of the sea state and the huge size of the vessel,physical experimental study is both time consuming and uneconomical,whereas the numerical study is cost-effective and DNV software provides powerful SESAM software in solving the issues. This paper focuses on the modeling process of the SPM system,catenary equilibrium calculation,static analysis of the vessel in three different scenarios,and dynamic response simulation of the SPM system under environmental excitations. The three scenarios in study are as follows:the SPM is under the combined function of(a) wind,waves and current,(b) wind and waves,(c) current and waves. They are so set that one can compare the contributions of different types of loads in both static and dynamic studies. Numerical study shows that wind and current are the two major factors contributing to the mooring line tension,and surge and sway are the two dominant motions of the moored vessel subjected to environmental excitations.  相似文献   
Autonomous orbit determination is the ability of navigation satellites to estimate the orbit parameters on-board using inter-satellite link (ISL) measurements. This study mainly focuses on data processing of the ISL measurements as a new measurement type and its application on the centralized autonomous orbit determination of the new-generation Beidou navigation satellite system satellites for the first time. The ISL measurements are dual one-way measurements that follow a time division multiple access (TDMA) structure. The ranging error of the ISL measurements is less than 0.25 ns. This paper proposes a derivation approach to the satellite clock offsets and the geometric distances from TDMA dual one-way measurements without a loss of accuracy. The derived clock offsets are used for time synchronization, and the derived geometry distances are used for autonomous orbit determination. The clock offsets from the ISL measurements are consistent with the L-band two-way satellite, and time–frequency transfer clock measurements and the detrended residuals vary within 0.5 ns. The centralized autonomous orbit determination is conducted in a batch mode on a ground-capable server for the feasibility study. Constant hardware delays are present in the geometric distances and become the largest source of error in the autonomous orbit determination. Therefore, the hardware delays are estimated simultaneously with the satellite orbits. To avoid uncertainties in the constellation orientation, a ground anchor station that “observes” the satellites with on-board ISL payloads is introduced into the orbit determination. The root-mean-square values of orbit determination residuals are within 10.0 cm, and the standard deviation of the estimated ISL hardware delays is within 0.2 ns. The accuracy of the autonomous orbits is evaluated by analysis of overlap comparison and the satellite laser ranging (SLR) residuals and is compared with the accuracy of the L-band orbits. The results indicate that the radial overlap differences between the autonomous orbits are less than 15.0 cm for the inclined geosynchronous orbit (IGSO) satellites and less than 10.0 cm for the MEO satellites. The SLR residuals are approximately 15.0 cm for the IGSO satellites and approximately 10.0 cm for the MEO satellites, representing an improvement over the L-band orbits.  相似文献   
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