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Actual pumping tests may involve continuously decreasing rates over a certain period of time, and the hydraulic conductivity (K) and specific storage (Ss) of the tested confined aquifer cannot be interpreted from the classical constant‐rate test model. In this study, we revisit the aquifer drawdown characteristics of a pumping test with an exponentially decreasing rate using the dimensionless analytical solution for such a variable‐rate model. The drawdown may decrease with time for a short period of time at intermediate pumping times for such pumping tests. A larger ratio of initial to final pumping rate and a smaller radial distance of the observation well will enhance the decreasing feature. A larger decay constant results in an earlier decrease, but it weakens the extent of such a decrease. Based on the proposed dimensionless transformation, we have proposed two graphical methods for estimating K and Ss of the tested aquifer. The first is a new type curve method that does not employ the well function as commonly done in standard type curve analysis. Another is a new analytic method that takes advantage of the decreasing features of aquifer drawdown during the intermediate pumping stage. We have demonstrated the applicability and robustness of the two new graphical methods for aquifer characterization through a synthetic pumping test.  相似文献   
内蒙古自治区重要矿种成矿规律综述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
2007~2013年开展的内蒙古矿产资源潜力评价项目,对铁、铜、铅锌、金、银、钨、钼、铬、镍等重要矿种进行了区域成矿规律总结,为矿产资源潜力评价提供了基础资料。文章即是对该项工作部分成果的概括总结。主要进展包括:在全国Ⅲ级成矿区带划分的基础上,首次进行了覆盖全自治区的Ⅳ级成矿亚带的划分,共划分出34个Ⅳ级成矿亚带;对内蒙古铁、铜等11个重要矿种的主要矿床类型及成矿特征进行了概述,对其时空分布规律做了归纳,认为全区70%以上的矿床数量和资源储量均集中在Ⅲ_5、Ⅲ_6、Ⅲ_8、Ⅲ_10和Ⅲ_11五个成矿区带。此外,不同矿种甚至同一矿种,由于成矿地质背景的差异,在不同的三级区带中的分布也不一样。主要成矿期为元古宙和中生代,次为太古宙和晚古生代,不同矿种的重要成矿期也不完全相同。从区域演化的角度探讨了构造与成矿的关系,认为不同的构造演化阶段形成不同的矿床类型和不同矿种的矿床,其中,古大陆边缘裂谷带以白云鄂博式铁_稀土元素矿床为代表,而大兴安岭岩浆岩带则以产出与燕山期中酸性火山侵入杂岩有关的多金属矿产为特点。  相似文献   
詹雅婷 《地质与勘探》2016,52(6):1087-1094
为了研究宁芜北段火山岩盆的矿产资源潜力及空间分布,本文以Landsat8中分辨率遥感数据及Pleiades1高分辨率遥感数据为数据源,综合运用目视解译法和多种遥感图像增强技术,结合区域成矿地质背景,对研究区进行了遥感影像解译,提取了与预测矿种密切相关的线、环、色、带、块遥感五要素。通过分析遥感五要素矿产地质特征与矿产点分布关系表明,研究区内的铁铜硫金矿床及星罗棋布的矿点大部分位于构造岩浆成矿亚带中,受区内北东向、东西向、北西向及其它断裂纵横交叉形成的断裂网格及火山机构控制,大多分布在数条断裂带交汇位置,另有一些分布在断裂带与环形构造的交汇处附近。基于主要的矿点受区内断裂网格及火山机构控制,遥感图像的综合地质信息特征与找矿目标紧密相联,说明了基于遥感图像的综合信息可以作为找矿预测的标志。  相似文献   
A method was developed to analyze the susceptibilities of 541 regional basins affected by debris flows at the Wudongde Dam site in southwest China. Determining susceptibility requires information on source material quantity and occurrence frequency. However, the large number of debris flows can hinder the individual field investigation in a each small basin. Factors that may trigger debris flows can be identified using remotely sensed interpretation information. Susceptibility analysis can then be conducted based on these factors. In this study, SPOT5 satellite imagery, digital elevation models (DEM), a lithology distribution map, and rainfall monitoring data were used to identify 12 debris flow trigger factors: basin relief ratio, slope gradient in the initiation zone, drainage density, downslope curvature of the main channel, vegetation coverage, main channel aspect, topographic wetness index, Melton’s ruggedness number, lithology, annual rainfall, form factor, and cross-slope curvature of the transportation zone. Principal component analysis was used to obtain the eight principal components of these factors that contribute to susceptibility results. Then, a self-organizing map method was adopted to analyze the principal components, which resulted in a debris flow susceptibility classification. Field validation of 26 debris flow basins was used to evaluate the errors of the susceptibility classification, as well as assess the causes of such errors. The study found that principle component analysis and self-organizing map methodologies are good predictors of basin susceptibility to debris flows.  相似文献   
Quantifying land use patterns and functions is critical for modeling urban ecological processes, and an emerging challenge is to apply models at multiple spatial scales. Methods of determining the optimum scale of land use patterns are commonly considered using landscape metrics. Landscape metrics are quantitative indicators for analyzing landscape heterogeneity at the landscape level. In this study, due to their widespread use in urban landscape analyses and well-documented effectiveness in quantifying landscape patterns, landscape metrics that represent dominance, shape, fragmentation and connectivity were selected. Five metrics include Patch Density, Contagion, Landscape Shape Index, Aggregation Index and Connectivity. Despite a wide application of landscape metrics for land use studies, the majority mainly focuses on the qualitative analysis of the characteristics of landscape metrics. The previous models are limited in exploring the optimum scale of land use patterns for their lack of quantitation. Therefore, taking the City of Wuhan as an example, the land use unit was treated as a patch, and the landscape pattern metrics at different spatial scales were calculated and compared so as to find the optimum one. Furthermore, a mathematical model of landscape metrics was proposed to quantify the scale effect of urban land use patterns, generating a complementary tool to select the optimum scale. In addition, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was introduced to determine the respective weights of the chosen landscape metrics in this model. Fractal dimension was ultimately applied to verify the chosen optimum scale of our study region. The results indicated that 60 m is confirmed to be the optimum scale for capturing the spatial variability of land use patterns in this study area.  相似文献   
鄂西地区二叠系发育孤峰组、吴家坪组和大隆组三套黑色岩系,为页岩气探勘新主力层系,其沉积背景、沉积环境及时空分布却不尽一致.本次在前人的研究基础上,通过野外剖面和最新的钻井资料综合分析,对该地区二叠系孤峰组—大隆组沉积演化进行了深入解剖,并通过岩相古地理图约束了富有机质页岩的空间分布特征,旨在为鄂西地区二叠系页岩气地质调查和选区评价提供基础资料.研究认为,鄂西地区孤峰组主要发育盆地相碳质硅质泥岩,局部地区发育外缓坡相富有机质泥质灰岩;吴家坪组炭山湾段主要发育潮坪相泥质粉砂岩夹煤层,并在利川地区发育陆棚相的碳质硅质泥岩;吴家坪组灰岩段主要为内缓坡相的生屑泥晶灰岩.大隆组主要发育盆地相碳质硅质泥岩,其次为外缓坡相富有机质泥质灰岩,利川见天坝可见发育内缓坡边缘点礁.综合前人对各层位研究的页岩气参数认为,鄂西地区孤峰组和大隆组具有有机质含量高(>2%)、厚度大(>20 m)、脆性矿物含量高(>60%)等形成页岩气的基本地质条件,深水盆地相为有利相带;吴家坪组炭山湾段潮坪相的黑色泥岩较薄(<10 m),连续性差,但利川地区吴家坪组炭山湾段深水陆棚相黑色泥岩厚度较大(~30 m),为潜在的页岩气勘探区域.  相似文献   
季强  季燕南  詹庚申 《江苏地质》2021,45(2):113-121
简要介绍了北京周口店北京直立人发现的过程、已发现的化石材料、现存的化石材料及首批复制的头盖骨模型。描述了北京直立人的主要形态特征,讨论了直立人与现代人在形态特征上的差异,认为包括北京直立人在内的东亚地区直立人是一个灭绝的支系,没有留下后代,不是现代东亚人或中国人的直系祖先。大约在2.0 Ma前,直立人起源于非洲的匠人或能人,而后走出非洲扩散到欧洲和亚洲。非洲的直立人约在90万a前演化为先驱人,约在60万a前演化为海德堡人,约在30万a前演化为尼安德特人、丹尼索瓦人和包括现代人在内的智人。推测从非洲向欧洲扩散的海德堡人后来有可能演化为尼安德特人,而向亚洲扩散的海德堡人后来可能演化为丹尼索瓦人和智人。讨论了北京直立人的分类位置和名称有效性问题,认为亚种不可能单独存在,必须有2个或2个以上的亚种才有效。当前需进一步深化研究北京直立人,探讨周口店的直立人与爪哇岛的直立人究竟有无差别。如果二者没有差别,那么周口店发现的直立人北京亚种(Homo erectus pekinensis)就不是有效名称,应直接归于直立人(Homo erectus),称为“发现于北京的直立人”(Homo erectusunearthed from Beijing)。如果二者差异明显,有2种处理方法:一是直接提升为种,称为“北京人”(Homo pekinensis);二是保持现状,仍然称为“直立人北京亚种”(Homo erectus pekinensis),但印尼爪哇岛发现的直立人学名需作变动,应称为“直立人直立人亚种”(Homo erectus erectus)。  相似文献   
从1988年建设部颁布《关于开展建设监理工作的通知》算起,在我国工程建设领域推行工程监理制度已有三十多年历史.工程监理在工程建设过程中发挥了重要作用,我国目前在工程领域建立了完善的监理法规及标准体系,形成了较为完整的工程监理机制.但在测绘领域,全面推行测绘监理仍尚需时日,有待健全.湖南省各市州第三次国土调查项目引入了监...  相似文献   
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