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Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique was used to analyze the fingerprinting of four successive generations ofFenneropenaeus chinensis to reveal their disease-resistance traits. Some loci showed quite different genetic frequencies due to artificial selection, which implied that these fragments were putative markers related to the disease-resistance trait. We developed a simple and effective method to further characterize these AFLP fragments. Specific AFLP bands were cut directly from polyacrylamide gels, re-amplified, cloned and sequenced. Eight putative genetic markers were sequenced and their sizes ranged from 63 to 209 bp. The sequences were submitted to dbGSS (database of Genome Sequence Survey); and the BLAST analysis showed low similarity to the function genes, indicating these markers were tightly linked to a disease-resistance trait but were not functional genes. This research was supported by special funds from the National Key Basic Research Program (G1999012007) and the National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (863 Program. 2001AA620105).  相似文献   
<正>The Yarlung Zongbo Suture Zone(YZSZ)is thought to be the most important geological boundary,the collision between the India plate and the Eurasia happened since Cretaceous-Tertiary(Aitchison et al.,2011).The YZSZ,bordered to the north by the Lhasa Block and to the south by the Tethyan sedimentary sequence and the Greater  相似文献   
A >1500–km–long northeast–southwest trending Neoproterozoic metamorphic belt in the South China Craton (SCC) consists of subduction mélange and extensional basin deposits. This belt is present under an unconformity of Devonian–Carboniferous sediments. Tectonic evolution of the Neoproterozoic rocks is crucial to determining the geology of the SCC and further influences the reconstruction of the Rodinia supercontinent. A subduction mélange unit enclosed ca.1000–850–Ma mafic blocks, which defined a Neoproterozoic ocean that existed within the SCC, is exposed at the bottom of the Jiangnan Orogen (JO) and experienced at least two phases deformation. Combined with new (detrital) zircon U–Pb ages from metasandstones, as well as igneous rocks within the metamorphic belt, we restrict the strongly deformed subduction mélange as younger than the minimum detrital age ca. 835 Ma and older than the ca. 815 Ma intruded granite. Unconformably overlying the subduction mélange and the intruded granite, an intra–continental rift basin developed <800 Ma that involved abundant mantle inputs, such as mafic dikes. This stratum only experienced one main phase deformation. According to our white mica 40Ar/30Ar data and previously documented thermochronology, both the Neoproterozoic mélange and younger strata were exhumed by a 490–400–Ma crustal–scale positive flower structure. This orogenic event probably induced the thick–skinned structures and was accompanied by crustal thickening, metamorphism and magmatism and led to the closure of the pre–existing rift basin. Integrating previously published data and our new results, we agree that the SCC was located on the periphery of the Rodinia supercontinent from the Neoproterozic until the Ordovician. Furthermore, we prefer that the convergence and dispersal of the SCC were primarily controlled by oceanic subduction forces that occurred within or periphery of the SCC.  相似文献   
汶川地震和科学钻探   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:34  
许志琴  李海兵  吴忠良 《地质学报》2008,82(12):1613-1622
2008年5月12日,在我国四川省发生了震撼世界的汶川特大地震,给人民的生命财产造成了巨大的损失。在汶川特大地震发生及其余震尚在继续的特殊时期,快速实施汶川地震断裂带的科学钻探(WFSD),是认识地震发生的机制、继续对余震进行有效监控以及提高地震监视和预警的能力的极佳机遇。2008年11月6日,汶川地震断裂带科学钻探工程开工典礼在四川省都江堰市虹口乡举行,标志着地震机制的研究跨上了新的台阶。通过对科学钻孔的直接取样,多学科观测和测试,揭示地震断裂带的深部组分、结构和构造属性,重塑地震断裂带的物理和化学过程,为提高未来地震的监测、预报或预警能力提供重要信息。  相似文献   
中国大陆构造及动力学若干问题的认识   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
中国(东亚)大陆受特提斯、古亚洲和太平洋构造体系的制约,具有复杂的地体构架和特殊的岩石圈结构。本文从地学前沿——大陆动力学的视野出发,围绕中国大陆构造及动力学四个方面的研究,总结已有的进展并提出新的思考:①中国大陆板块下的构造和整个地幔运动的构架:地震层析资料揭示西太平洋板片向西俯冲到东亚大陆之下,其倾角逐渐减小,最后近水平地插进400~600km深度的地幔过渡带中,成为箕状几何形态的超深俯冲板片。印度岩石圈板片超深俯冲至青藏高原之下~800km的深度,在喜马拉雅西构造结部位发生双向不对称深俯冲,印度岩石圈板片向东俯冲至东构造结东侧之下300~500km的深度。②中国大陆变质基底的再活化:中国大陆的大部分陆块未受显生宙以来构造、变质和岩浆事件的改造与激活,在冈瓦纳大陆北缘的印度陆块和阿拉伯陆块北缘还发育有形成于泛非期(530~470Ma)的造山带,其影响范围至高喜马拉雅、拉萨地体和三江地区。新生代的变质活化普遍出现在喜马拉雅、南迦巴瓦、拉萨地体和三江-缅甸地区,最新的变质年龄仅2~1Ma(南迦巴瓦)。③中国主要高压-超高压变质带的大地构造背景及深俯冲-折返机制:中国及邻区含榴辉岩的高压-超高压(HP/UHP)变质带有洋壳(深)俯冲和陆壳(深)俯冲之分。青藏高原中,大部分洋壳俯冲形成的高压/超高压变质带与原-古特提斯洋盆中诸多微陆块之间的小洋盆的汇聚碰撞有关,陆壳深俯冲作用有两种机制,它们分别是大陆块之间剪式碰撞和撕裂式岩石圈舌形板片的深俯冲。④中国大陆造山带的深部物质可经3类机制挤出,即深部地壳物质牙膏式挤出、侧向挤出和挤压转换式挤出。  相似文献   
首先对现存的GPS/INS组合系统中不同的时间解决方案进行了分析。然后从模块化角度出发,利用NI公司的数据采集板卡和软件Labview,通过软硬件结合的方法搭建了一种方便灵活、低成本的时间同步模块。通过实验证实,应用于市面上常见的RS-232数据接口的低精度的微机械INS传感器也可以达到5 ms的同步精度。  相似文献   
随着地球系统科学研究的深入开展以及解决人类所面临的环境、资源、防灾等科学问题的需要,20世纪90年代以来,世界大陆、大洋科学钻探工程研究以及在钻孔深井内进行的地震、地球物理长期观测得到飞速发展,并取得了初步的观测研究成果。本文介绍了日本、德国、美国在深井长期观测方面的最新进展和科研成果,结合中国现实情况,展示了中国大陆科学钻探工程江苏东海现场开展深井地球物理综合观测的初步方案及其观测研究前景。该深井观测站将成为中国第一个无地面干扰的综合性深井地球物理和流体长期实验观测站,预期可以获取客观真实的深井综合地球物理资料,开创中国零干扰条件下地球科学观测研究的崭新局面。  相似文献   
There is a large ductile shear zone, 2 km wide and more than 3SO km long, in the South Qilian Mountains, western China. It is composed of volcanic, granitic and calcareous mylonites. The microstructures of the ductile shear zone show nearly E-W extending subvertical foliation, horizontal and oblique stretching lineations, shearing sense from sinis-tral to oblique sinistral strike-slip from east to west, "A" type folds and abundant granitic veins. Measured lattice preferred orientations (LPOs) of the mylonitic and recrystallized quartz of the granitic mylonite in the west segment suggest a strong LPO characterized by the dominant slip systems {1010} formed at high temperature (>650℃). K-feldspar of the mylonite shows an 39Ar/40Ar high-temperature plateau age of 243.3±1.3 Ma, and biotite, 250.5±0.5 Ma, which represent the formation age of the ductile shear zone. The 39Ar/40Ar plateau ages of 169.7±0.3 Ma and 160.6±0.1 Ma and the 39Ar/40Ar isochron ages of 166.99±2.37 Ma and 160.6±0.1 Ma of biot  相似文献   
三十烷醇对海带三个品系雌配子体克隆生长和发育的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以海带雌配子休克隆为实验材料,通过施用三十烷醇处理。结果表明,三个品系在供试条件下,LH36生长最好,LH30发育率最高。它们对TA的反应为浓度在0.5~1.0×10-5mg/L时,都有促生长作用,其中LH30反应最敏感,LH10次之。浓度在1.0×10-5mg/L时,发育率最高,其中LH30发育率为51.5%,LH10为18.0%。LH36对各浓度处理的发育反应,差异都不明显。  相似文献   
Laser Raman spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence (CL) images reveal that most zircon separated from paragneiss and orthogneiss in drillhole CCSD‐PP2 at Donghai, south‐western Sulu terrane, retain low‐P mineral‐bearing inherited cores, ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) mineral‐bearing mantles and low‐P mineral‐bearing (e.g. quartz) rims. SHRIMP U–Pb analyses of these zoned zircon identify three discrete and meaningful age groups: Proterozoic protolith ages (> 680 Ma) are recorded in the inherited cores, the UHP metamorphic event in the coesite‐bearing mantles occurred at 231 ± 4 Ma, and the late amphibolite facies retrogressive overprint in the quartz‐bearing rims was at 211 ± 4 Ma. Thus, Neoproterozoic supracrustal protoliths of the Sulu UHP rocks were subducted to mantle depths in the Middle Triassic, and exhumed to mid‐crustal levels in the Late Triassic. The exhumation rate deduced from the SHRIMP data and metamorphic P–T conditions is 5.0 km Ma?1. Exhumation of the Sulu UHP terrane may have resulted from buoyancy forces after slab break‐off at mantle depths.  相似文献   
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