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The Drillhole ZK703 with a depth of 558 m is located in the Donghai area of the southern Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt, eastern China, and penetrates typical UHP eclogites and various non-mafic rocks, including peridotite, gneiss, schist and quartzite. Their protoliths include ultramafic, mafic, intermediate, intermediate-acidic, acidic igneous rocks and sediments. These rocks are intimately interlayered, which are meters to millimeters thick with sharp and nontectonic contacts, suggesting in-situ metamorphism under UHP eclogite facies conditions. The following petrologic features indicate that the non-mafic rocks have experienced early-stage UHP metamorphism together with the eclogites: (1) phengite relics in gneisses and schists contain a high content of Si, up to 3.52 p.f.u. (per formula unit), while amphibolite-facies phengites have considerably low Si content (<3.26 p.f.u.); (2) jadeite relics are found in quartzite and jadeitite; (3) various types of symplectitic coronas and pseud  相似文献   
运用地体和地体活动论观点,提出青藏高原结构划分的新方案;强调青藏高原的形成经历了新元古代以来长期活动的过程,青藏高原是一个“非原地”诸多地体会聚、拼合以及经历复合碰撞造山的“造山的高原”;大型走滑断裂在青藏高原形成中起着地体相对位移、侧向挤出、移置及使高原几何形态扭曲的作用。提出青藏高原隆升的“南缘超深俯冲(>600km)、北缘陆内俯冲、腹地深部热结构及岩石圈范围内的向NE右旋隆升”的多元驱动力机制。  相似文献   
在苏鲁超高压变质带南部东海地区的中国大陆超深钻预先孔CCSD-PP1中获得了石榴石橄榄岩样品,在石榴子石内单斜辉石包裹体中首次发现钛斜硅镁石和钛粒硅镁石出溶体结构,钛斜硅镁石和钛粒硅镁石呈出溶棒和出溶片晶产出。根据石榴子石中包裹体的成分计算包裹体的形成温压条件为t=716~914℃;p=4.8~5.1 GPa。根据钛斜硅镁石出溶体的X_(OH)=1,X_F=0,X_(Fe)=0.074~0.094(平均0.082),X_(Ti)=0.41~0.74(平均0.56),估算钛斜硅镁石出溶结构形成在压力>3.5 GPa条件下(>850℃),这种出溶结构记录了该岩石在早期折返过程中仍处在超高压变质环境中。  相似文献   
Eclogites have been recently discovered in the Xitieshan area in the middle segment of the northern margin of the Qaidam basin. These eclogites, together with those recognized earlier in the Yuka area of the western segment of the northern margin of the Qaidam basin and in the Dulan area of the eastern segment of the northern margin of the Qaidam basin, form an eclogite belt with a length of 350 km. A comparison of the eclogites from the Yuka and Xitieshan areas suggests that they show different country rocks, microtextures, mineral assemblages, and especially, different peak temperatures, PT paths during decompression and isotopic features. Eclogites from the Yuka area bear evidence of prograde metamorphism, such as prograde mineral relics in garnet and growth zoning of garnet, and hairpin-shaped PT paths with coincidence of the baric and thermal peaks of metamorphism, which reflect rapid burial and uplift. Sm-Nd isotopic determination shows obvious Sm-Nd disequilibrium, and no isochron ages of Early P  相似文献   
型钢混凝土框排架结构主厂房拟动力实验研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
针对高烈度区大容量火电厂主厂房不适于应用钢筋混凝土框排架结构和钢支撑钢排架结构的情况,提出了采用新型型钢混凝土框排架混合结构体系.以1000MW机组电厂主厂房为原型,按1/7进行缩尺的3跨3榀框排架子结构进行空间模型的拟动力试验,研究了在水平地震作用下模型结构的裂缝发展规律及破坏机制、结构的滞回特性及变形性能、框排架结构协同工作性能等.研究结果表明:在地震加速度0.1g地震波作用下结构满足"小震不坏"的要求,在0.4g时满足"大震不倒"的要求;结构弹塑性层间位移角限值为1/95;排架结构的设计剪力应不小于整体结构7%的基底总剪力等.  相似文献   
The pre-pilot drillhole CCSD-PP1, Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project (CCSD), with depth of 432 m, is located in the Donghai area in the southwestern Sulu terrane. The core samples are mainly comprised of paragneiss, orthogneiss and ultramafic rock with minor intercalated layers of eclogite and phengite-bearing kyanite quartzite. All analyzed paragneiss and orthogneiss samples were overprinted on amphibolite facies retrograde metamorphism. Coesite and coesite-bearing ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) mineral assemblages were identified by Raman spectroscopy and electron microprobe analysis as inclusions in zircons separated from paragneiss, eclogite and phengite-bearing kyanite quartzite samples. In the paragneiss samples, UHP mineral inclusion assemblages mainly consist of Coe+Omp+Grt+Phe, Coe+Jd+Phe+Ap preserved in the mantles (M) and rims (R) of zircons. These UHP mineral inclusion assemblages yield temperatures of 814–852 °C and pressures of ≥28 kbar, presenting the PT condition of UHP peak metamorphism of these country rocks. According to the mineral inclusions and cathodoluminescence images of zircons, the orthogneisses can be divided into two types: UHP (OG1) and non-UHP (OG2). In OG1 orthogneisses, low-pressure mineral inclusion assemblage, mainly consisting of Qtz+Phe+Ab+Ksp+Ap, were identified in zircon cores (C), while coesite or coesite-bearing UHP mineral inclusions were identified in the mantles (M) and rims (R) of the same zircons. These features suggest that the OG1 orthogneisses, together with the paragneisses, phengite-bearing kyanite quartzite and eclogite experienced widespread UHP metamorphism in the Sulu terrane. However, in the zircons of OG2 orthogneiss samples, no UHP mineral inclusions were found. Inclusions mainly comprised Qtz+Phe+Ap and were identified in cores (C), mantles (M) and rims (R) of OG2 zircons; the cathdoluminescence images of all analyzed zircons showed clear zonings from cores to rims. These features indicate that the OG2 orthogneisses in pre-pilot drillhole CCSD-PP1 did not experience UHP metamorphism. Therefore, we should not rule out the possibility that some orthogneisses in Sulu terrane might represent relatively low-pressure granitic intrusives emplaced after the UHP event.  相似文献   
Laser Raman spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence (CL) image reveal that zircons separated from paragneisses in the southwestern Sulu terrane (eastern China) preserve multi-stage mineral assemblages in different zircon domains. In the same paragneiss zircon sample, some zircon grains retain inherited (detrital) cores with abundant low-pressure mineral inclusions of Qtz + Phe + Ap + impurities and Qtz + Phe + impurities. The ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic overgrowths mantles of these zircons preserve Coe, Coe + Phe and other UHP mineral inclusions, indicating that these inherited (detrital) zircons from protoliths experienced metamorphic recrystallization during the Sulu UHP metamorphic event. However, other zircon grains preserve UHP mineral inclusions of Coe, Coe + Ap and Coe + Phe in the cores and mantles, whereas the outmost rims contain quartz (Qtz) and other low-pressure mineral inclusions. These phenomena prove that the second group zircons were crystallized at UHP metamorphic stage and overpr  相似文献   
于1989-1991年对深圳湾、大鹏湾海水及底记的维生素B1和B12含量进行了测定。结果表明,两湾海水中维生素B1和B12含量绝大多数在10ng/L以下;在底泥中的含量最高也仅36×10-9,不会诱导赤潮发生。  相似文献   
青藏高原北部(东昆仑山-唐古拉山)新生代以来的构造变动,可能是印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞后产生强大板内变形扩展的结果。主要表现为强烈的上隆,在σ_1垂直作用下的水平伸展与挤压作用的交替,盆-山体系的形成,裂谷型火山活动及大规模纵向走滑作用造成的块体逐一向东挤出。利用天然地震对岩石圈进行探测,发现岩石圈下部(下地壳及岩石圈地幔,60-120 km)存在高、低速层紧密相间的水平分带及具左行走滑的岩石圈断裂。综合地质与地球物理资料,本文提出了高原深部地幔底辟作用,建立了高原北部隆升的深部构造物理作用动力源的新模式。  相似文献   
The tectonic activities occurring since the Cenozoic in the northern part of theQinghai-Tibet Plateau (the region from the East Kunlun Mountains to the Tanggula Mountains)were probably caused by the intense intraplate deformation propagation after the collision be-tween the Indian plate and the Eurasian plate. Their main expressions include the substantial up-lifting of the plateau, alternation of horizontal extension and compression under the verticalgreatest principal stress σ_1, occurrence of rift-type volcanic activity, formation of thebasin-range system, and successive eastward extrusion of blocks resulting from large-scalestrike-slip faulting. Geophysical exploration and experiments have revealed that there exist close-ly alternating horizontal high-velocity and low-velocity layers as well as lithospheric faults of aleft-lateral strike-slip sense in the lower part of the lithosphere (the lower crust and lithosphericmantle, 60-120 km deep). Based on an integrated study of the geological-geophysical data avail-able, the authors have proposed a model of deep-seated mantle diapir and the associatedtectonophysical process as the dynamic source for the uplift of the northern part of theQinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   
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