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镜泊湖火山台网位于崇山峻岭之中,经常遭到强雷电袭击。为了使台网设备稳定高效运转,减轻雷电地干扰,我们对台网的防雷设施进行了建设,取得了非常好的防雷效果。  相似文献   
滇西昌宁—孟连带硅质岩的阴极发光特征及其意义   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
阴极发光手段在恢复碳酸盐岩和砂岩的原始结构构造、成岩及孔隙演化等方面已显示出独特作用,而用于地层学研究较少。硅质岩多为自生成因,常由非晶质或隐晶质SiO2 矿物组成,多数在成岩中发生重结晶作用,通常在低能(< 20 000 eV)阴极射线下发光很弱,常被研究者们忽视。通过对滇西昌宁- 孟连带晚古生代硅质岩的高能(25 000eV)阴极发光及相关研究表明:自生或重结晶的硅质岩(含放射虫化石)(石英)发光明显,其发光强弱和发光特征与Fe,Co,Ni和Mn,Cr,REE质量分数有直接关系,并受地层的沉积- 构造背景控制,对造山带地层分区和地层格架研究有重要意义  相似文献   
天荒坪电 站引水系统岔管段固结灌浆压力为9.0MPa,据此对高压充气塞和机械塞2种灌浆塞进行试验分析,总结出各自的优缺点及其适用条件。  相似文献   
国内外高山林线研究综述   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
戴君虎  崔海亭 《地理科学》1999,19(3):243-249
高山林线作为山地郁闭林和高山草甸的分界在山地生态系统中占有重要地位。以往对山地生态的研究远少于对其它类型陆地生态系统的研究,高山林线方面的研究就更为缺乏。讨论了高山林线的概念和内容,对国内外高山林线研究及特点作了简单回顾,指出高山林线的研究意义及在我国开展此项研究的初步方案。  相似文献   
长江中下游沿江城郊闸控湖泊普遍面临总磷浓度偏高的现象,解析其总磷时空变化特征及影响驱动机制成为精准治理与修复此类湖泊前亟待解决的关键性问题。本文基于安庆市沿江城郊中小型闸控湖泊--石塘湖实测气象降雨、水文、河湖水质等数据,采用多因子相关性分析、变异系数法和主成分分析的方法,研究各指标因子与湖泊总磷浓度时空变化的响应关系。结果表明:(1)湖泊水质呈现丰(5-8月)、平(3-4月和9-10月)、枯(11-次年2月)水期聚类效果显著,但湖泊空间差异不明显;湖泊水质的季节性变化受总磷浓度变化控制,其他理化指标影响较弱。(2)高强度降雨和汛期闸站调度下的水动力变化决定污染物迁移速率,是导致湖泊总磷浓度在丰水期更容易受入湖河流输入影响而达到峰值的主要驱动因子。(3)高强度人类活动导致入湖河流季节性输入是石塘湖总磷上升的决定性因素,从单位土地利用类型产生单位总磷负荷来看,农业用地远大于城镇建设用地,林地和草地充当污染物进入湖泊的预前“汇”。因此,从治理策略和途径来看,可在控制外源输入的同时,适当调节闸站以减弱丰水期水动力强度,减少入湖河流总磷输入影响的同时,发挥湖泊营养盐的滞留净化能力。本文主要从人类活动导致的外源污染及闸站抽排调度角度分析沿江城郊闸控湖泊石塘湖总磷变化、影响因素及驱动机制,可以为此类城郊中小型沿江闸控型湖泊污染治理提供理论参考。  相似文献   
本文在探讨斜坡破坏危险性分区中,试用模糊模型判识方法,依斜坡演变趋势与影响因素间的关联性,进行模糊聚类和相容度的分析,从而对斜坡破坏危险性做以分级分区研究并对斜坡的环境质量做以评价。  相似文献   
<正>七十年代以来,国内用线性渗流确定性模型对地下水系统进行数值模似(反求参数,预报人工流场),已取得丰富的成果和经验,但也存在一些问题。其中重要的问题之一是模型预报时边界条件的非确定性。对于该问题虽然有不同的解决办法,也有一些较大的分歧,至今还缺乏一套科学依据较严密的处理原则和求值方法。  相似文献   
The regularity of CH4 emission from marshland in the Sanjiang Plain was studied by sampling in the open field and analyzing under laboratory condition, the annual emission amount is also estimated. By Grey Relatively Analysis we know that the soil temperature in the 10-cm depth of grass-root layer is close related with CH4 emission. CH4 emission has different kinds of diurnal emission modes:before-dawn maximum mode, night maximum mode and irregular fluctuation mode. The seasonal variation trend of CH4 emission rates is going up steadily from May to August and dropping down from September, the maximum lies behind the maximum of temperature. CH4 emission rates of different marshland types are different, the CH4 emission rate of Glyceriaspiculosa — Carex marshland is always higher than that of Carex lasiocarpa marshland. The paper also studies the difference of CH4 emission rates in different managing modes and analyzes the emission rates between China and U. S. A. The result shows: the average value of CH4 emission rate is 17.26mg/(m2·h), the annual amount of CH4 emission is about 0.75Tg. Supported by National Natural Sciences Foundation of China, and thank the Ecological Test Station of Mires and Wetlands in the Sanjiang Plain, the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   
The environmental problems in the seriously polluted cities in China have been paid attention to by policy-makers and foreign and domestic scholars. However, it is very difficult to improve the environmental quality fundamentally due to its complexity, for example the formation of the seriously deteriorated environment. It is considered that the terminal harnessing is an important way, but the spread of high-level terminal treatment is restricted by the limit of funds and technological level. Therefore, the way for a sustainable development of the seriously polluted cities should be multiple-sided, which is to correlate the operation of environmental protection with the operation of city construction. To achieve an identity of these opposites, measures should be taken during economic development and environmental protection in every developing stage. In this paper, the authors take Benxi City as a case study.  相似文献   
The method of empirical orthogonal modes has been widely used since the 1970's in physical oceanography to study and rebuild vertical structures of ocean dynamic factors. Because of the dominance of the low modes, the dynamic profile data can be largely reduced. Up to now, all expressions of empirical orthogonal modes are numerical. In this study, an analytic expression for empirical orthogonal ocean modes is constructed for convenient use whereby any numerical expressions can be repeated. The features of the normal modes decomposed from the buoyance frequency profiles obtained in October of 1986, 1987 and 1988 by the R/VScience 1 in the western Pacific are quantitatively examined in this study. Contribution No. 1724 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica  相似文献   
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