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The phase velocity of seismic waves varies with the propagation frequency, and thus frequency-dependent phenomena appear when CO2 gas is injected into a reservoir. By dynamically considering these phenomena with reservoir conditions it is thus feasible to extract the frequency-dependent velocity factor with the aim of monitoring changes in the reservoir both before and after CO2 injection. In the paper, we derive a quantitative expression for the frequency-dependent factor based on the Robinson seismic convolution model. In addition, an inversion equation with a frequency-dependent velocity factor is constructed, and a procedure is implemented using the following four processing steps: decomposition of the spectrum by generalized S transform, wavelet extraction of cross-well seismic traces, spectrum equalization processing, and an extraction method for frequency-dependent velocity factor based on the damped least-square algorithm. An attenuation layered model is then established based on changes in the Q value of the viscoelastic medium, and spectra of migration profiles from forward modeling are obtained and analyzed. Frequency-dependent factors are extracted and compared, and the effectiveness of the method is then verified using a synthetic data. The frequency-dependent velocity factor is finally applied to target processing and oil displacement monitoring based on real seismic data obtained before and after CO2 injection in the G89 well block within Shengli oilfield. Profiles and slices of the frequency-dependent factor determine its ability to indicate differences in CO2 flooding, and the predicting results are highly consistent with those of practical investigations within the well block.  相似文献   
重点分析和总结了由显生宙增生复合体和造山带混杂岩重建的年轻造山带洋板块地层--太平洋洋板块地层,也简要介绍了东古印度洋(东新特提斯洋)和古亚洲洋洋板块地层的重建情况。通过对阿拉斯加南部中生代增生地体、俄罗斯远东和中国东北侏罗纪-早白垩世增生复合体、日本二叠纪-侏罗纪-白垩纪等不同时期的增生复合体、菲律宾侏罗纪增生复合体和美国加州海岸山脉中侏罗世-古新世弗朗西斯卡杂岩体等不同单元的岩石学特征、古生物地层学、年代地层学、因逆冲导致的构造叠置和混杂失序特征及演化阶段的分析,重建了太平洋洋板块地层。其中加州海岸山脉中侏罗世-古新世弗朗西斯卡杂岩体的研究比较深入,对该区俯冲带上叠蛇绿岩(大峡谷群弧前盆地蛇绿岩)和弗朗西斯卡北部马林海岬杂岩体(原岩为洋中脊玄武岩)进行了有效区分,不仅还原了太平洋板块的俯冲碰撞过程,还厘清了与之伴生的弧前盆地裂陷和扩张过程。另外,板块俯冲的滞留和幕式增生在活动时间较短的板块俯冲体系中可能不容易识别。  相似文献   
Wetland economic valuation approaches and prospects in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ecosystem services valuation seeks to increase the social relevance of ecosystem characteristics, the underlying biological mechanisms that support services, by making the contribution of ecosystems to human well-being explicit. Economic valuation can help management by clarifying the full range of benefits and costs of proposed management actions. In the past two decades, economic valuation of wetland ecosystem services has become one of the most significant scientific priorities for wetland protection. In this paper, we provide an overview of ecosystem services, and summarize the main interdisciplinary approaches to measure and value wetland ecosystem services. We identified four main methodological gaps preventing progress on wetland valuation of ecosystem services in China, which are: 1) confusion on terminology like intermediate and final ecosystem services, 2) lack of ecological production functions to link ecosystem characteristics to final ecosystem services, 3) static valuation making it difficult to evaluate the trade-offs and synergies among ecosystem services, and 4) lack of clear guidance on relating ecological compensation programs to conservation targets. Overcoming these gaps is important to inform wetland compensation mechanisms and conservation policies. We propose future research on wetland ecosystem services in China should be focused on: 1) defining final ecosystem services based on beneficiary preferences and underlying biophysical mechanisms, 2) establishing wetland monitoring programs at specific sites to collect data on final ecosystem service indicators and ecosystem characteristic metrics to create ecological production functions for economic valuation and rescaling techniques, and 3) incorporating wetland ecosystem service values into decision-making processes to inform wetland management.  相似文献   
土地开发整理与新农村建设相结合,是当前社会关注的热点之一。临沂市高度重视通过土地整理促进新农村建设,自2003年以来,共实施国家和省、市、县四级土地开发整理项目1335个,累计投入11.12亿元,项目总规模14.4万hm^,新增耕地2.2万hm^2。通过实施土地开发整理,新建灌溉渠系1930km,排水沟2315km,新上泵站313个,农用井661眼,新上输变电线路287km,  相似文献   
北斗卫星系统是中国正在实施的自主研发、独立运行的卫星定位与通信系统.因其具有短报文通信功能,进行相应的软硬件开发,可以用于传输包括烈度在内的强震动台网观测数据.通过北斗卫星传输烈度速报的性能测试和在芦山7.0级大地震中的实际应用效果,对北斗卫星系统目前在强震动台网数据传输中的应用方式和效能进行介绍.  相似文献   
柞水原划泥盆系中发现早前寒武纪变质岩系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文阐述了作者在1:5万区调填图中,从柞水地区商丹断裂带南侧原划泥盆系刘岭群桐峪寺组中解体出前寒武纪中深变质岩系,取得了同位素全岩Sm-Nd年龄平均值2499.83Ma的数据,这对研究秦岭造山带的演化具有重要的地质意义。  相似文献   
This exploratory study contributes to our knowledge about the relationships between interpersonal communication sources and risk perception regarding natural hazards. Survey data (N?=?186) from a small village in northwest China was used, and the correlations between eight types of interpersonal communication sources related to disaster risk reduction and the perceived severity and perceived likelihood of occurrence of eight types of natural hazards were explored. Past studies have suggested that interpersonal communication sources are more likely to influence individuals in their perceived severity of natural hazards than in their perceived likelihood of occurrence. The results of this study moderately corroborate this finding. The results indicated that different sources have different relationships to risk perception, as positive correlations were found between obtaining information via certain trained science professionals (science teachers, emergency responders, scientific experts) and certain natural hazard risk perceptions, while negative relationships were found between obtaining information via certain personal contacts (other villagers and relatives and friends) and certain natural hazard risk perceptions. However, the strength of these relationships was weak (??0.197?≥?r?≤? 0.245). Age showed statically significant correlations with the perceived severity of most of the natural hazards. Studies with more representative samples and controls for theoretical factors are needed to better understand how interpersonal communication sources affect individuals' natural hazard risk perceptions.  相似文献   
Precise leveling data observed in the period of 1970–2014 around the Ordos block were collected and processed to estimate present-day crustal vertical movement. Vertical rates of 6 GPS sites were employed as a priori constraints to define the reference frame. The velocity field shows that the interior of the Ordos block moves upward at a rate of 3 mm/a as a stable block. With respect to the central Ordos, the grabens and rifts around the Ordos block are undergoing subsidence, while the northeastern and southwestern Ordos uplift at the average rates of 2 and 1 mm/a, respectively. To the southeastern margin of the Ordos block, the Weihe and southern Shanxi grabens are subsiding at the rates of 4–6 mm/a. The subsidence of the Shanxi graben indicates that the graben is experiencing extensional movement on a long timescale. To the northwestern margin of the Ordos block, the Hetao and Yinchuan rifts are subsiding at the rates of 2–3 mm/a. A 2-D buried faulting model is used to infer the normal or reverse dip-slip rates. Our solution shows that most of the normal slip rates along the faults in the grabens and rifts are ~2 mm/a.  相似文献   
刘蓓蓓  张威  崔之久  刘亮 《冰川冻土》2015,37(3):701-710
青藏高原东北缘的玛雅雪山(海拔4 447 m)保存着确切的第四纪冰川遗迹. 野外地貌调查与光释光测年方法相结合, 确认玛雅雪山晚第四纪主要经历3次冰川作用: 第Ⅰ组冰碛时代为新冰期; 第Ⅱ组冰碛物年龄为(23.2±1.0)ka, 其上覆泥石流年龄为(2.9±0.3)~(2.3±0.1)ka, 上层土壤年龄为(3.6±0.2)ka, 对应于深海氧同位素2阶段(MIS 2)的末次冰盛期(LGM); 第Ⅲ组冰碛年龄为(42.6±1.9)~(45.7±3.0) ka, 属于末次冰期中冰阶, 对应MIS 3中期. 采用最新综合因子法计算玛雅雪山现代冰川物质平衡线为海拔4 605 m. 依据冰川地貌形态, 计算末次冰期平衡线为海拔3 800 m. 通过庄浪河阶地的拔河高度及各级阶地的年代, 以河流的下切速率代表玛雅雪山的抬升速率, 计算得到末次冰期中期以来玛雅雪山抬升了50~60 m. 利用玛雅雪山周边的达里加山和太白山冰川漂砾的10Be 数据近似代表流域侵蚀速率, 推算出玛雅雪山剥蚀速率大约为29 mm·ka-1, 推断MIS 3以来流域的剥蚀量为1~2 m. 综合末次冰期中期以来的构造抬升量和剥蚀量, 恢复末次冰期中期时的流域高度为海拔4 200 m, 平衡线高度为海拔3 750 m. 研究结果显示: 研究区在MIS 3时, 流域平均高度已经在平衡线之上, 在流域平均高度到主峰之间冰川开始积累, 发育冰川. 结合其他环境指标综合推断, 玛雅雪山晚第四纪冰川的发育是气候和构造耦合的产物.  相似文献   
通过聊古一井井水中汞量的测定及对比观测试验,找到了影响数据内在质量的干扰因素,提出了浓硫酸、蒸馏水是干扰因素的主要来源,进行空白样的测定是排除干扰,提高观测资料内在质量的重要方法.  相似文献   
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