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蒸散发是地表陆气水分交换的纽带,准确量化蒸散发的时空演变格局对于水资源规划与管理至关重要。本文基于GLEAM模型的蒸散发及其组分数据集,借助7个通量观测站数据、120个流域的流域水量平衡及PML_V2蒸散发产品,在中国九大流域系统评估了GLEAM-ET产品,分析了植被恢复背景下,蒸散发(ET)及其组分(植被蒸腾Ec,截留蒸发Ei,土壤蒸发Es)在1980—2020年的时空演变格局。本文主要得到以下结论:① GLEAM-ET产品在中国九大流域具有较好的适用性,其性能与气候类型有关,干旱区效果优于湿润区。此外,GLEAM与PML_V2模型在九大流域相关性较好(R>0.7),分布格局与变化趋势整体保持一致。② 全国尺度上,ET均值为416.88 mm,增长速率为1.21 mm/a。EcET均呈自东南向西北递减的分布格局,而Es与其相反。EcET在九大流域均呈显著增加趋势(p<0.001)。EiEs在季风区流域分别呈显著增加和显著减小趋势;在内陆区流域呈不显著减小(p>0.05)和显著增加趋势。③在植被恢复背景下,ET组分比例发生了变化。Ec占比变化存在南北差异,南方流域Ec占比均减小,北方流域均增加。Ei占比在各流域均增加,Es占比均减小。黄河流域ET组分对植被恢复的响应最为明显,Ec占比增加了5.21%,Es占比减小了5.56%。  相似文献   
通过了解青岛市地质资源分布特征和区域地质环境条件,从地质资源和地质环境2个方面科学合理选取评价因子,建立评价指标体系,开展青岛市地质资源环境承载能力评价。评价结果显示,青岛市地质资源相对较匮乏,地质资源环境承载能力整体以强和较强为主,地质资源环境承载能力较弱的地区主要分布在环胶州湾地区、东部崂山山区及西海岸新区的西南部,地质资源环境承载能力弱的地区主要分布在李沧区以北及周边。分别从生产生活空间、农业生产空间及生态环境空间等方面提出了青岛市地质资源环境优化配置建议,为青岛市地质资源合理利用与地质环境安全保障提供科学依据。评价结果能够为区域国土空间规划提供建议。  相似文献   
本文介绍了智能潜器集成仿真系统的硬、软件结构.通过这一系统所展示的水下虚拟仿真环境能够在研究和开发智能潜器的控制体系结构、潜器载体的水动力学、信息融合和目标识别等工作中发挥巨大作用  相似文献   
无人机多源遥感数据的获取、融合以及应用是当今研究的热点和难点。文中以城洲岛为例,针对海岛特殊的地理生态环境,获取无人机多源遥感数据。结合无人机多光谱遥感数据定量分析各遥感植被指数与植被叶面积指数(Leaf Area Index, LAI)的响应关系,构建单因子遥感反演模型;基于无人机激光LiDAR点云提取海岛植被冠层高度模型(Canopy Height Model,CHM),并将其作为自变量引入到多源统计回归分析中,从而构建多源遥感数据协同反演模型,对区域尺度下海岛叶面积指数(LAI)进行估算,开展验证和精度评价。结果显示,加入植被冠层高度因子的协同反演模型的判定系数R2为0.92,绝对平均误差系数为12.29%,预测精度要优于单因子反演模型(判定次数R2为0.86,绝对平均误差系数19.95%)。研究表明,加入了植被冠层高度因子的协同反演模型能在一定程度上提高乔木植被LAI的预测精度。实践证明,无人机多源遥感技术在生态学定量研究中具有巨大的潜力和广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
以位于内蒙古鄂尔多斯高原上的伊金霍洛旗为研究区域,以景观生态学的数量分析方法为基本手段,在土地利用现状分类体系下,以其1984、1991和1998年3个年度的土地利用图为基础。从区域和斑块类型两个尺度上,对其景观格局进行了数量分析。结果表明,在三个典型年度。天然草地为伊金霍洛旗的景观基质,景观格局指数的所有变化均是在此基础上发生和演变的。从整个景观尺度的格局指数变化情况显示,伊金霍洛旗景观的破碎化程度在增加;同时景观的异质性程度在下降,景观愈来愈有少数景观斑块类型所控制。而在斑块类型这一尺度上的格局指数变化说明,不同类型斑块的复杂性的变化趋势基本相同,即均有不同程度的增长,但增加幅度有限;同时还说明,不同类型斑块内部其大小差异的幅度在不断缩小。但从不同年度的变化情况来看,无论是区域还是不同的斑块类型,其格局指数的变化并不与总体的变化趋势同步。  相似文献   
填海造地项目海域管理和土地管理衔接不充分问题由来已久,已成为海洋管理中的痛点和难点。文章对浙江省在填海造地项目换发土地使用权证书、规划与用途管制、使用金征收等方面的衔接制度和实践经验开展梳理分析、调查研究,剖析存在的问题,提出管理建议。研究表明,填海造地与土地管理衔接的主要问题为:换发土地使用权证书所需土地管理指标配套不足;海域和土地权属价值不一致;规划、用途管制衔接不充分;使用金征收标准不统一。为规范填海造地与土地管理的衔接,提出建议:统筹陆海规划和用途管制;建立填海项目指标(计划)管理制度;探索海域使用权价值实现形式;完善海域和土地使用金衔接制度;推进海域土地使用权联合招拍挂出让。本研究可为相关政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   
Gene specific primers and DNA probe were designed based on the sequence of 18S rDNA cloned from the red tide alga Thalassiosira rotula. A real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR (RFQ-PCR) method was developed for quantitative detection of T.rotula. The RFQ-PCR assay data showed that the results obtained with the RFQ-PCR quite good agreement with those with the light microscope (LM) counting method, which suggested that the RFQ-PCR could be a useful method for red tide alga detection.  相似文献   
在所有海洋装备中,大深度载人潜水器代表深海技术的制高点,而大深度载人潜水器的研制所要解决的关键问题之一就是浮力材料的选择。文章概述浮力材料的分类以及浮力材料在三代大深度载人潜水器上的应用情况,并对能够满足大深度尤其是全海深载人潜水器需求的浮力材料进行对比研究。研究结果表明:微珠复合泡沫虽然能满足7 000m载人潜水器的需求,但应用在全海深载人潜水器时存在密度大和吸水率高的缺点,且不能满足1.5倍安全压力要求;陶瓷等新型浮力材料的密度小和吸水率低,是未来浮力材料的重要发展方向。本研究可为大深度载人潜水器浮力材料的选择提供一定的理论支持。  相似文献   
In this paper, from a Hamiltonian point of view, the nonlinear optimal control problems are transformed into nonlinear two-point boundary value problems, and a symplectic adaptive algorithm based on the dual variational principle is proposed for solving the nonlinear two-point boundary value problem. The state and the costate variables within a time interval are approximated by using the Lagrange polynomial and the costate variables at two ends of the time interval are taken as independent variables. Then, based on the dual variational principle, the nonlinear two-point boundary value problems are replaced by a system of nonlinear equations which can preserve the symplectic structure of the nonlinear optimal control problem. Furthermore, the computational efficiency of the proposed symplectic algorithm is improved by using the adaptive multi-level iteration idea. The performance of the proposed algorithm is tested by the problems of Astrodynamics, such as the optimal orbital rendezvous problem and the optimal orbit transfer between halo orbits.  相似文献   
Based on DNA extraction and optimization of random amplified reaction (RAPD) to the gametophytes and sporophytes of Kelp “901” strain, genetic study on variation was conducted to its parents and offsprings of F6, F7,Fs, and F9 generation. RAPD results have shown that among 30 selected primers for gametophytes, 297 loci ranging from 200 to 3 000 bp were obtained in the average of 9,9 loci for each primer, This indicated a high polymorphic rate with RAPD detection. UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method arithmetic average) analysis showed that each male and female gametophyte of a generation could be clustered into one pair separately. The genetic distances of the Kelp 901 generation were 0.321 2-0.476 7, and the maximum was between F7 and Fs (0.476 7). Identity analysis showed that F6 generation was more close to the female parent (0.659 3), and F7 generation was more close to the male parent (0.5788). To the sporophytes study in 24 selected primers for RAPD amplification, 191 loci ranging from 230-2 800 bp were obtained, in the average to each primer of 8.0 loci. The heterozygosity to six populations were male parent (0.223 9),female parent (0.107 2), F6 (0.216 4), F7 (0.228 6), F8 (0.229 6) and F9 (0.317 2). The nearest genetic distance was 0.083 5 (Fs, F9). Total heterozygosity (HT) ofF6, F7, F8 and F9 generations was 0.318 6, the average heterozygosity (Hs) for F6,F7, F8 and F9 generations was 0.248 0, and deduced coefficient of population differentiation (Gst) was 22.2%. Six sequence characterized amplified regions (SCAR) were preliminary screened through RAPD analysis. It needed to be verified in detail as they are significant for molecular marker assistance in breeding and selecting Laminaria.  相似文献   
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