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Several large deployments of neutrally buoyant floats took place within the Antarctic Intermediate (AAIW), North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW), and the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) of the South Atlantic in the 1990s and a number of hydrographic sections were occupied as well. Here we use the spatially and temporally averaged velocities measured by these floats, combined with the hydrographic section data and various estimates of regional current transports from moored current meter arrays, to determine the circulation of the three major subthermocline water masses in a zonal strip across the South Atlantic between the latitudes of 19°S and 30°S. We concentrate on this region because the historical literature suggests that it is where the Deep Western Boundary Current containing NADW bifurcates. In support of this notion, we find that a net of about 5 Sv. of the 15–20 Sv that crosses 19°S does continue zonally eastward at least as far as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Once across the ridge it takes a circuit to the north along the ridge flanks before returning to the south in the eastern half of the Angola Basin. The data suggest that the NADW then continues on into the Indian Ocean. This scheme is discussed in the context of distributions of dissolved oxygen, silicate and salinity. In spite of the many float-years of data that were collected in the region a surprising result is that their impact on the computed solutions is quite modest. Although the focus is on the NADW we also discuss the circulation for the AAIW and AABW layers.  相似文献   
均相沉淀法制备Ni(OH)_2和NiO纳米晶   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以NiSO4·6H2O 为主要原料、以CO(NH2)2 为沉淀剂,采用均相沉淀法合成了纳米级Ni(OH)2 和NiO粉末,用X射线衍射分析(XRD) 、差热分析(DTA) 等实验手段对样品的热稳定性、相转变温度、相结构和粒子形状等进行了表征。结果表明所合成的NiO粉末的粒径约为6nm ,且基本成球形。  相似文献   
Two parameterisation schemes for the turbulent surface fluxes and drag coefficients over the Arctic marginal sea-ice zone (MIZ) are (further) developed, and their results are compared with each other. Although the schemes are based on different principles (flux averaging and parameter averaging), the resulting drag coefficients differ only slightly in the case of neutral and stable stratification. For unstable stratification and sea-ice conditions being typical for the north-eastern Fram Strait, the drag coefficients resulting from the parameter-averaging concept are 5–10% larger than those of the flux-averaging concept. At a sea-ice concentration of 45%, the parameter-averaging method overestimates the heat fluxes by a factor of 1.2. An inclusion in the schemes of form drag caused by floe edges and ridges has a much larger effect on the drag coefficient, and on the momentum fluxes, than the choice between the parameter-averaging or flux-averaging methods. Based on sensitivity studies with the flux-averaging scheme, a simple formula for the effective drag coefficient above the Arctic MIZ is derived. It reduces the computational costs of the more complex parameterisations and could also be used in larger scale models. With this simple formula, the effective drag coefficient can be calculated as a function of the sea-ice concentration and skin drag coefficients for water and ice floes. The results obtained with this parameterisation differ only slightly from those using the more complex schemes. Finally, it is shown that in the MIZ, drag coefficients for sea-ice models may differ significantly from the effective drag coefficients used in atmospheric models.  相似文献   
基于多元回归分析的铬污染地下水风险评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土-水分配系数(Kd)是表征重金属污染物在土壤包气带中迁移能力的重要参数,受污染物质量浓度、pH值、有机质质量分数、铁铝氧化物质量分数等多种因素影响。本文通过实验研究了分配系数与各种影响因素之间的关系,基于多元回归分析方法得到了分配系数与影响因素的关系方程;并以分配系数、泄漏量、土壤孔隙度、初始含水率为风险因子建立了地下水污染风险评价方法。以某工厂铬废液的泄露为案例,采用构建的方法进行地下水污染风险评价。结果表明:该处地下水被污染的风险等级为中等。地下水污染风险评价方法的建立为重金属污染地下水的监测管理提供了一种有效方法。  相似文献   
It is well established that A-type granites enriched in high field strength elements, such as Zr, Nb and the REE, form in anorogenic tectonic settings. The sources of these elements and the processes controlling their unusual enrichment, however, are still debated. They are addressed here using neodymium and oxygen isotope analyses of samples from the 1.24 Ga Strange Lake pluton in the Paleoproterozoic Core Zone of Québec-Labrador, an A-type granitic body characterized by hyper-enrichment in the REE, Zr, and Nb. Age-corrected εNd values for bulk rock samples and sodic amphiboles (mainly arfvedsonite) from the pluton range from ?0.6 to ?5.7, and ?0.3 to ?5.3, respectively. The εNd values for the Napeu Kainiut quartz monzonite, which hosts the pluton, range from ?4.8 to ?8.1. The 147Sm/144Nd ratios of the suite and the host quartz monzonite range from 0.0967 to 0.1659, large variations that can be explained by in situ fractionation of early LREE-minerals (Strange Lake), and late hydrothermal HREE remobilization. Oxygen isotope analyses of quartz of both Strange Lake and the host yielded δ18O values between +8.2 and +9.1, which are considerably higher than the mantle value of 5.7 ± 0.2‰. Bulk rock oxygen isotope analyses of biotite-gneisses in the vicinity of the Strange Lake pluton yielded δ18O values of 6.3, 8.6 and 9.6‰. The negative εNd values and positive δ18O values of the Strange Lake and Napeu Kainiut samples indicate that both magmas experienced considerable crustal contamination. The extent of this contamination was estimated, assuming that the contaminants were sedimentary-derived rocks from the underlying Archean Mistinibi (para-) gneiss complex, which is characterized by low εNd and high δ18O values. Mixing of 5–15% of a gneiss, having an εNd value of ?15 and a δ18O value of +11, with a moderately enriched mantle source (εNd = +0.9, δ18O = +6.3) would produce values similar to those obtained for the Strange Lake granites. Based on analogies between the Nain Plutonic Suite and the Gardar alkaline igneous province (SW-Greenland), we conclude that the Strange Lake pluton and associated REE-mineralized anorogenic bodies formed from a combination of subduction-induced fertilization of the sublithospheric mantle, crustal extension and in situ magma evolution.  相似文献   
For the rising branch of Cycle 22, 1987 January—1989 November, we plot the daily total flux S at each of the five wavelengths 2.0, 3.4, 6.0, 10.7 and 21.2 cm against the apparent sunspot area of the dominant sunspot Ay and find that, for several large active areas, the locus is located below the average regression line, and the increase in the radio flux is insignificant compared to the increase in the sunspot area.  相似文献   
The dissolution rate of minerals in silicate melts is generally assumed to be a function of the rate of mass transport of the released cations in the solvent. While this appears to be the case in moderately to highly viscous solvents, there is some evidence that the rate-controlling step may be different in very fluid, highly silica undersaturated melts such as basanites. In this study, convection-free experiments using solvent melts with silica activity from 0.185–0.56 and viscosity from 0.03–4.6 Pa s show that the dissolution rate is strongly dependent on the degree of superheating, silica activity and the viscosity of the solvent. Dissolution rates increase with increasing melt temperature and decreasing silica activity and viscosity. Quartz dissolution in melts with viscosity <0.59–1.9 Pa s and silica activity <0.47 is controlled by the rate of interface reaction as shown by the absence of steady state composition and silica saturation in the interface melts. Only in the most viscous melt with the highest silica activity is quartz dissolution controlled by the rate of diffusion in the melt and only after a long initiation time. The results of this study indicate that although a diffusion-based model may be applicable to dissolution in viscous magmas, a different approach that combines the interplay between the degree of undersaturation of the melt and its viscosity is required in very fluid melts.This revised version was published online September 2004 with a correction to Figure 8.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a new method using centroid sliding pyramid (CSP) to identify the removability and stability of fractured hard rock in tunnel and slope engineering. The new method features two geometrical and topological improvements over the original key block method (KBM). Firstly, all the concave corners are considered as starting points of cutting process when a concave block is divided into a set of convex blocks in the original KBM. Only the concave corners formed by two joint planes are used for partitioning a concave block in the presented method and concave corners with free planes are excluded. Secondly, joint pyramid for removability computation in the original KBM is generated using all of the joint planes, while CSP is calculated only from the joint planes adjoining the free planes. The cone angle θ of CSP is the vectorial angle formed by the two candidate sliding surfaces of this CSP. Removability analysis of a block is transformed into calculating the cone angle of CSP. The geometrical relationship is simplified, and data size for removability computation is reduced compared with the original KBM. The provided method is implemented in a computer program and validated by examples of fractured rock slopes and tunnels.  相似文献   
Changes in magmatic assemblages and crystal stability as a response of CO2-flushing in basaltic systems have rarely been directly addressed experimentally, making the role of CO2 in magma dynamics still controversial and object of scientific debate. We conducted a series of experiments to understand the response of magmas from Etna volcano to CO2 flushing. We performed a first experiment at 300 MPa to synthesize a starting material composed of crystals of some hundreds of µm and melt pools. This material is representative of an initial magmatic assemblage composed of plagioclase, clinopyroxene and a water-undersaturated melt with 1.6 wt% H2O. In a second step, the initial assemblage was equilibrated at 300 and 100 MPa with fluids having different XCO 2 fl (CO2/(H2O + CO2)). At low XCO 2 fl (< 0.2 to 0.4), plagioclase is completely dissolved and clinopyroxene show dissolution textures. For relatively high XCO 2 fl (0.9 at 300 MPa), the flushing of a CO2-rich fluid phase leads to an increase of the amount of clinopyroxene and a decrease of the abundance of plagioclase at 300 MPa. This decrease of plagioclase proportion is associated with a change in An content. Our experiments demonstrate that flushing basaltic systems with fluids may drastically affect crystal textures and phase equilibria depending on proportions of H2O and CO2 in the fluid phase. Since texture and crystal proportions are among the most important parameters governing the rheology of magmas, fluid flushing will also influence magma ascent to the Earth’s surface. The experimental results open new perspectives to decipher the textural and compositional record of minerals observed in volcanic rocks from Mt. Etna, and at the same time offer the basis for interpreting the information preserved in minerals from other basaltic volcanoes erupting magmas enriched in CO2.  相似文献   
Debris flows frequently occurred in Wenchuan earthquake region from 2008 to 2010, resulting in great damage to localities and being a prolonged threat to reconstruction. Forty three events' data including debris-flow volume, sediment volume and watershed area are analyzed and compared with other debris-flow events in Eastern Italian Alps, burned areas in USA and in Taiwan. The analysis reveals that there is a strong empirical relationship between debris-flow volume and loose materials volume in the earthquake region. In addition, the relationship between debris-flow volume and watershed area in the earthquake region has a wider variation range than that in other three regions while the debris volume also appears to be larger than that in the other three regions, which implies the volume of debris flows with strong influence of earthquakes is larger than that with no such influence and it is hard to predict the post-quake volume only by the watershed area. The comparison of the maximal debris-flow erosion modulus in the Wenchuan region and in Taiwan indicates that debris flows will be very active in a short time after strong earthquake.  相似文献   
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