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以综合催熟措施和移植精荚手术相结合的技术方法,解决了鱼塭产斑节对虾催熟效应期长,产卵率低,易蜕壳失去精荚等难题。使用 278 尾雌虾,催熟率达90% 以上,在40 d 内共产卵608 尾次,卵量18 530 万粒,孵出无节幼体11 998 万尾,平均孵化率 64.7% ,平均每尾雌虾孵出无节幼体 43.1 万尾,育成商品虾苗 1 028.5 万尾,育苗平均成活率 13.6% ,试养成活率57.1%  相似文献   
芒萁是华南退化坡地上最具代表性的先锋种、优势种和关键种,能够快速形成密集的单优种层片结构。与传统阻碍更新的观点不同,野外观察发现芒萁层片内仍有少数物种能够成功定居,被认为具有生态筛效应。文章通过设置4种芒萁层片处理(芒萁层片完全剔除-UR;仅保留地上层-AF;仅保留根毯层-AR;芒萁层片全部保留-CK),分别在不同处理下移植目标种幼苗并结合土壤性状,探究芒萁层片生态筛效应及其潜在机理。结果发现:1)桉林芒萁根毯层中土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾、交换性钠、交换性钙、交换性镁和阳离子交换量均显著高于芒萁红壤层和裸地红壤;2)多数乔木种和草本种在芒萁根毯层保留时无法存活,仅荷木、桃金娘、梅叶冬青和野牡丹等目标种幼苗在保留芒萁根毯层处理(AR和CK)下能够存活与生长。这表明芒萁层片确实具有生态筛效应,且其关键在于根毯层的作用而并非土壤养分改善作用。理论上,芒萁层片(尤其是根毯层)与生态恢复的生物阈值突破密切相关,未来需要进一步解析芒萁根毯层的结构与功能。应用上,华南地区存在大量以芒萁为单优林下植物的人工林类型(如桉林等),在进行结构优化与林分改造时需注意芒萁的生态筛效应。  相似文献   
This study uses two forms of the Palmer Drought Severity Index(PDSI), namely the PDSI_TH(potential evapotranspiration estimated-by the Thornthwaite equation) and the PDSI_PM(potential evapotranspiration estimated by the FAO Penman-Monteith equation), to characterize the meteorological drought trends during 1960–2016 in the Loess Plateau(LP) and its four subregions. By designing a series of numerical experiments, we mainly investigated various climatic factors' contributions to the drought trends at annual, summer, and autumn time scales. Overall, the drying trend in the PDSI_TH is much larger than that in the PDSI_PM. The former is more sensitive to air temperature than precipitation, while the latter is the most sensitive to precipitation among all meteorological factors. Increasing temperature results in a decreasing trend(drying) in the PDSI_TH, which is further aggravated by decreasing precipitation, jointly leading to a relatively severe drying trend. For the PDSI_PM that considers more comprehensive climatic factors, the drying trend is partly counteracted by the declining wind speed and solar radiation. Therefore, the PDSI_PM ultimately shows a much smaller drying trend in the past decades.  相似文献   
雷电破坏性极强,如何防雷避雷,降低雷击损失,一直是人们十分关注的话题.本文根据一次雷击实例,详细分析了701C测风雷达被雷击的根本原因,提出了预防雷击的具体措施.  相似文献   
自2012年2月2日起,辽宁盖州地区发生多次4级以上地震,地震活动呈震群态势,且2020年依然持续.利用辽宁区域数字地震台网2008年1月至2018年12月近场小地震波形资料,采用剪切波分裂( SAM)方法,计算盖州震群中75次中小地震的剪切波分裂参数,并利用盖县( GAX)地震台(下文简称盖县台)记录分析剪切波分裂特...  相似文献   
李杨  陈金鹰  杜洪利 《内陆地震》2007,21(2):165-169
基于USB的远程控制系统初步研究设计建立了一种救助模型。与传统生命探测仪的救助系统不同,USB的远程控制系统具有远程实时监控功能。系统的硬件主要由单片机控制电路、USB接口电路、无线收发模块构成。系统利用Internet与计算机互联,通过USB接口电路与单片机的连接,对多个目标检测和控制,实现在地震灾害中的呼叫救助。  相似文献   
INTRoDUCTIONThe3.8GaBeijiafentrondhjemiticrockwasformedbypartialmeltingofsomeoldercontinentalmaterialintermsofgeochemicalresearches(Waneta1-,l999).Soitisveryim-portanttofindthemoreancientrocksintheAnshanarea.Therecentdiscoveryofthemeta-dioriticrockofEoarchaeanintheDongshanScenicSpotisspecificallyimportantsignifi-canceforit'GEOLOGYANDPETROGRAPHYlntheDongshanScenicSpotoftheAnshancity,thereis.anancientrockbeltbeingmorethanlomwideandstrikingapproximatelyNNW-SSE.Inthebelttherear…  相似文献   
The unique bright bluish-green color of turquoise as a high-grade jade has long received wide attention. The relationship between the color of turquoise and its composition and structure is described in this paper on the basis of chemical data, EPR, magnetic susceptibility, absorption and Mössbauer spectra. The results show that the basic color of turquoise (bright blue) is related to the existence of octahedrally on the amount of iron. EPR, magnetic susceblue through green to earth-yellow is dependentcoordinated Cu2+ and the shade variation from ptibility, and crystal-field spectra of Cu2+ have been analyzed and compared with the theoretical calculations. A preliminary discussion is also made of the color change as a function of temperature.  相似文献   
对栗木水溪庙矿区泥盆系上统融县组灰岩的碳氧同位素进行了研究,该地区灰岩的碳氧同位素组成可提供隐伏花岗岩隆起及其相关流体的重要信息。受隐伏花岗岩侵入驱动的流体与上覆融县组灰岩发生反应的温度在110℃左右,流体的初始同位素组成为δ18OSMOW=-3‰,δ13CPDB≤-7‰,反应的水岩比值(w/r)可能小于5。这种岩浆水与大气降水的混合流体与围岩之间的水岩反应使得地表灰岩的δ18O和δ13C值降低,产生负异常。研究表明,围岩的δ18O值降低受反应的水岩比值和温度控制;δ13C值降低主要与反应的水岩比值有关。反应的温度越高,w/r值越大,灰岩的碳氧同位素负异常越明显。因此,水溪庙矿区地表出露的碳酸盐地层中的碳氧同位素变化可在地球化学勘查中用于指示下伏花岗岩岩脊的隐伏位置。  相似文献   
本文收集了一组钛榴石样品,作了穆斯堡尔谱和化学分析。采用各对应双峰等值限制拟合。拟合结果,统计误差X~2均较小。文中还分析了钛榴石结构的阳离子占位情况,并对其五对双峰谱指派如下:Fe~(3+)在[Y]位和(Z)位,Fe~(2+)在{X}和[Y]位,而另一对双峰指派为Fe~(2+){X}→Fe~(3+)(Z)的电荷离域。从化学分析和穆斯堡尔谱数据求出二种方法Fe~(2+)/∑Fe的差值,说明钛榴石中有Ti~(3+)的存在,用此简便方法估算了Ti~(3+)的含量,得出了四面体中阳离子的占位择优为Fe~(3+)>(Al~(3+),Ti~(4+))的结论。  相似文献   
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