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Paired catchment studies have been widely used as a means of determining the magnitude of water yield changes resulting from changes in vegetation. This review focuses on the use of paired catchment studies for determining the changes in water yield at various time scales resulting from permanent changes in vegetation. The review considers long term annual changes, adjustment time scales, the seasonal pattern of flows and changes in both annual and seasonal flow duration curves. The paired catchment studies reported in the literature have been divided into four broad categories: afforestation experiments, deforestation experiments, regrowth experiments and forest conversion experiments. Comparisons between paired catchment results and a mean annual water balance model are presented and show good agreement between the two methodologies. The results highlight the potential underestimation of water yield changes if regrowth experiments are used to predict the likely impact of permanent alterations to a catchment's vegetation. An analysis of annual water yield changes from afforestation, deforestation and regrowth experiments demonstrates that the time taken to reach a new equilibrium under permanent land use change varies considerably. Deforestation experiments reach a new equilibrium more quickly than afforestation experiments. The review of papers reporting seasonal changes in water yield highlights the proportionally larger impact on low flows. Flow duration curve comparison provides a potential means of gaining a greater understanding of the impact of vegetation on the distribution of daily flows.  相似文献   
华北地区跨断层流动形变监测场地优化初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先分析了华北地区跨断层流动形变监测场地布测现状及监测效能,继而依据跨断层流动形变测量规范及监测的可控性、均匀性、目的性以及监测场地监测效能等,结合该区域断裂活动及地震活动性研究结果,给出华北地区跨断层流动形变监测场地拟优化布设结果。该优化布设结果消除了华北地区跨断层流动形变网监测地震活动盲区,有助于提高该区跨断层流动形变网监测地震活动能力。  相似文献   
2022年1月8日青海门源县发生6.9级地震,此次地震前青海地区出现了大量地球物理观测异常。2021年10月下旬青海地区出现地磁垂直强度极化高值异常,10月27日异常台站最多,并在门源-祁连至兴海地区形成一个面积约为6.6×104km2的高值异常区;此外,2021年7—11月青海地区8项地下流体观测数据出现准同步异常变化。结合青海及周边地区历史震例的分析结果,认为2021年11月23日至2022年1月23日,青海西北部地磁垂直强度极化高值区内可能发生5.6~6.4级地震。门源6.9级地震发生在地磁垂直强度极化异常出现后的73天,震中位于预测区的边缘,地震的发生时间和地点与预测意见一致,但震级超出预测意见上限值0.5级。此次地震前基于地球物理观测地震预测指标体系开展的短临异常跟踪分析过程,对中国大陆西部地震预报工作具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
汶川地震前后地震波速比和视速度变化特征的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
2008年5月12日在中国四川省境内龙门山断裂带发生了8级巨大地震.在其主震前后随着震源区附近应力状态的改变,地壳介质的物性是否也存在相应的异常变化过程?该问题成为汶川地震研究的热点科学问题之一.本研究搜集和整理了中国地震局四川数字地震台网2001年1月1日-2010年5月31日产出的震相观测报告,和中国地震局地球物理研究所流动数字地震台网2008年5月12日——9月30日产出的震相观测报告,采用多台和达法和多地震联合测定法,根据入选的直达波Pg和Sg的震相数据,重点研究了龙门山断裂及其附近地区的P波和S波视速度的时间变化特征,并与波速比的时间变化特征进行了对比分析.为保证计算结果的可靠性和稳定性,对所收集到的数据进行了较为严格的筛选和限定.研究发现,龙门山断裂及其附近地区,在汶川地震前P波和S波视速度存在4年左右的明显降低过程,到震前约半年出现快速恢复.在震前P波和S波的视速度明显降低的过程中,波速比的低值异常过程仅为2年多,且幅度小持续时间较短.在波速比和视速度异常发展的进程中,进入发震中短期异常快速恢复是两者的共同特征.   相似文献   
The Sulawesi Sea and Sulawesi Island are located in the western Pacific area where volcanic activity,plate subduction,and seismic activity are very active.The Sulawesi basin formed during the Middle Eocene-Late Eocene and nearly half of the Eocene oceanic crust has subducted below the North Sulawesi Trench.The Sulawesi Island was spliced and finalized in the Early Pliocene-Pleistocene during volcanic activity and is recently very active.This area is an optimal location to study volcanic geothermal conditions and subduction initiation mechanisms in the southern part of the western Pacific plate margin,which are important in geothermal and geodynamic research.In this study,we combined 133 heat flow data with gravity and magnetic data to calculate the Moho structure and Curie point depth of the Sulawesi Sea and periphery of the Sulawesi Island,and analyze the distribution characteristics of the geothermal gradient and thermal conductivity.The results show that the average depths of the Moho and Curie surfaces in this area are 18.4 and 14.3 km,respectively,which is consistent with the crustal velocity layer structure in the Sulawesi Basin previously determined by seismic refraction.The average geothermal gradient is 4.96°C(100 m)-1.The oceanic area shows a high geothermal gradient and low thermal conductivity,whereas the land area shows a low geothermal gradient and high thermal conductivity,both of which are consistent with statistical results of the geothermal gradient at the measured heat flow points.The highest geothermal gradient zone occurs in the transition zone from the Sulawesi Sea to Sulawesi Island,corresponding to the spreading ridge of the southward-moving Sulawesi Basin.Comprehensive gravity,magnetic,and geothermal studies have shown a high crustal geothermal gradient in the study area,which is conducive to the subduction initiation.The northern part of the Palu-koro fault on the western side of Sulawesi is likely the location where subduction initiation is occurring.During the process of moving northwest,the northern and eastern branches of Sulawesi Island have different speeds;the former is slow and the latter is fast.These branches also show different deep tectonic dynamic directions;the northern branch tilts north-up and the eastern branch tilts north-down.  相似文献   
基于前人研究成果以及现场的实测结果,采用卓资山露天钼矿微震监测项目产出资料,提取了5类微震事件的波形特征和时频特征。波形特征显示:微地震的振幅、辐射均匀性和频率变化特征表明微地震是由于岩层受到单力偶和剪切力作用破裂而产生;爆破具有P波初动方向向上、S波不易识别的特点,包含“初震段、主震段、尾波段”三段变化形态;小型边坡滑坡波事件属楔体滑坡,是由多个“加速—缓冲—终止”构成,波形是由包络线呈“V”字形的多组脉冲波列组成;机械开采震动事件具有自振能量不变、脉冲幅度相差很大、持续时间间隔不确定的特点;运输车辆波形振幅具有形态“弱—强—弱”、等频率、包络线呈多段纺锤形的特征。时频空间分布可以分为相对独立、界限分明的两类:一类包含微地震、爆破、机械开采、小型边坡滑坡事件,另一类只包含车辆运输事件。  相似文献   
为解决地震前兆非标准仪器的统一接入问题,本文对地震前兆台网设备异构性进行了分析,提出一套完整的地震前兆数据采集适配软件设计方案,并从采集、存储、传输3个主要软件模块描述了关键技术设计。  相似文献   
本文介绍了地震行业地面骨干网与应急卫星通信网的运行现状及互联存在的路由问题,讨论了实现两网互联的路由设计目标和策略,根据OSPF协议与BGP协议的特点和适用范围,提出了统一互联的接入方法,以及联合使用OSPF和BGP协议解决两网互联路由问题的具体方案,经网络仿真平台测试证明,该方案切实可行,效果良好。  相似文献   
居室氡的影响因素及分布特点   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
氡是天然放射性系列铀系中唯一的气态元素,它对人体健康的影响尤其是氡与肺癌的关系已引起人们的高度重视,已成为环境保护研究的一个重要对象.本文就地壳中放射性元素的分布规律及氡的迁移进行介绍,并着重讨论了居室氡的影响因素,以期利于今后氡危害防治工作的进行.  相似文献   
本文采用劈裂拉伸和三点弯曲法研究了Bukit Timah 花岗岩的动态拉伸力学特性.实验结果表明,当加载速率每增加一个量级,用两种方法得到的花岗岩抗拉强度增加10%.实验结果还表明,对于同种加载速率的花岗岩试样,由三点弯曲法得到的岩石抗拉强度约为劈裂拉伸法得到的2.5倍.与抗拉强度相比,实验得到的花岗岩弹性模量数据比较离散,变化幅度也不大.基于实验结果,本文还对岩石拉伸力学特性机理进行了初步分析.  相似文献   
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