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2012年6月12日在吉林省白城市洮北区发生一次龙卷过程 (简称“612”龙卷),对此次龙卷过程天气形势和雷达资料分析结果表明:龙卷发生在高空冷涡的东南象限、中高空急流北侧、低空急流左侧的对流不稳定区域及地面较暖湿的环境中,大气对流参数计算结果显示龙卷过程低层 (0~1 km) 的垂直风切变较强 (为6.0×10-3s-1),抬升凝结高度较低 (低于1 km),且龙卷发生前对流有效位能较大。同时,龙卷过程超过50 dBZ的强核高度均在4 km以下,为低质心的对流系统,龙卷产生于一条带状回波与一近似团状回波合并加强后的强回波带中,并逐渐演变成“S”型,伴有“V”型缺口,中心最强值达61 dBZ。根据多普勒天气雷达导出产品并结合径向速度图反映出“612”龙卷是发生在以龙卷涡旋特征为主的尺度较小且垂直涡度较大 (约为3.65×10-2~3.83×10-2s-1) 的强对流风暴中,持续时间较短。  相似文献   
上海地区雨水酸度与天气背景的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1981—1983年在上海地区11个观测站进行了雨水pH值观测,取到资料2448份.从资料分析得到:(1)雨水pH值与天气背景有关,静止锋天气影响时,酸雨出现几率达44.5%,雨水较酸;暖锋天气时,酸雨出现几率仅9%.(2)台风、高压边缘天气影响下,酸雨的形成主要是受局地污染源的影响;但静止锋、冷锋、低压系统天气时,酸雨的形成不仅受局地污染源的影响,而且还可能受随气流输送来的外来污染物的影响.  相似文献   
In our previous study,a statistical linkage between the spring Arctic sea ice concentration(SIC)and the succeeding Chinese summer rainfall during the period 1968–2005 was identified.This linkage is demonstrated by the leading singular value decomposition(SVD)that accounts for 19%of the co-variance.Both spring SIC and Chinese summer rainfall exhibit a coherent interannual variability and two apparent interdecadal variations that occurred in the late 1970s and the early 1990s.The combined impacts of both spri...  相似文献   
We present comparisons of the NO2 regional Chemical Transport Model (CTM) simulations over North-eastern North America during the time period from May to September, 1998 with hourly surface NO2 observations and the NO2 columns retrieved from the GOME (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment) satellite instrument. The model calculations were performed using the Mesoscale Meteorological Model 5 (MM5), Sparse Matrix Operator Kernal Emissions (SMOKE), and Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling systems, using the emission data from the National Emissions Inventory (NEI) databases of 1996 (U.S.) and 1995 (Canada). The major objectives were to assess the performance of the CMAQ model and the accuracy of the emissions inventories as they affected the simulations of this important short-lived atmospheric species. The modeled (NcMAQ) and measured (NGOME) NO2 column amounts, as well as their temporal variations, agreed reasonably well. The absolute differences (NcMAQ-NGOME) across the domain were between ±3.0×10^15 molecules cm^-2, but they were less than ±1.0×10^15 molecules cm^-2 over the majority (80%) of the domain studied. The overall correlation coefficient between the measurements and the simulations was 0.75. The differences were mainly ascribed to a combination of inaccurate emission data for the CTM and the uncertainties in the GOME retrievals. Of these, the former were the more easily identifiable.  相似文献   
TSI3563型积分式浊度计是一种性能出色的气溶胶散射系数观测仪器,然而由于仪器设计所固有的限制,TSI3563型浊度计观测结果包含有角度截断和非朗伯体光源两项系统性误差,会使观测结果较真值偏小10%左右。因此,需要对TSI3563型浊度计的观测结果进行校正才能得到较为精确的散射系数观测值。该研究利用2009年华北平原HaChi气溶胶外场观测数据测试了现有校正方法,结果显示,传统的校正方法在我国华北平原这样的高气溶胶污染地区并不适用。为此,提出一种改进的校正方法,利用同时观测的PM1和PM10数据,在校正方案中加入超微米粒子体积比这一参量,对于不同体积比采用不同的校正函数。利用实际观测数据检验后发现,改进方法的校正效果相对于传统方法有很大改善。  相似文献   
“00.7”北京特大暴雨模拟中气象资料同化作用的评估   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
针对2000年7月4~5日北京地区的一次特大暴雨过程(24 h降水量达240 mm),文中利用MM5/WRF三维变分系统和MM5非静力模式,对此次特大暴雨过程中的各种气象监测资料(地基GPS大气柱水汽含量、常规探空、高空测风、地面常规观测和地面自动气象站)的同化作用通过观测系统数值试验进行了评估.结果表明与传统的客观分析方案相比较,MM5/WRF三维变分同化系统可直接引入非常规地基GPS大气柱水汽含量监测资料,提供更好的大气初始分析场.在三维变分同化方案下,各种大气监测资料均对改进此次特大暴雨模拟有不同程度的贡献,其中,常规探空和高空测风监测资料对改进预报结果的影响最大,地面常规观测和地面自动气象站观测资料作用次之,地基GPS大气柱水汽含量资料在与其他大气监测资料相互优势互补后,可很好地改善模式大气的分析质量,通过三维变分同化技术在区域数值天气预报模式初始场中引入地基GPS大气水汽监测网资料,使此次强降水个例的6 h和24 h测站降水预报的TS评分值在1,5,10和20 mm预报检验阈值下分别提高了1%~8%.研究结果对利用三维变分数值系统,评估气象监测网资料在改进高影响天气事件预报中的作用有借鉴意义.  相似文献   
近半个世纪我国干旱变化的初步研究   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
利用我国地面606个气象观测台站1951—2006年的逐日降水量和平均气温资料, 使用《气象干旱等级》国家标准中推荐使用的综合气象干旱指数(IC), 分析了近半个世纪以来全国及不同地区干旱变化情况。结果表明:总体而言, 全国干旱面积在近50年没有显著增加或减少的趋势, 但不同地区差异较大; 其中东北和华北地区干旱化趋势显著, 特别是20世纪90年代后期至21世纪初, 上述地区发生了连续数年的大范围严重干旱, 在近半个世纪中十分罕见; 东北、华北和西北地区东部的大部分地区在近50年中持续时间最长的干旱事件多发生在1980年以后的20多年中, 而且上述地区在近20多年来干旱发生得更加频繁。另外, 我国干旱化趋势最显著的地区与增暖幅度最大的地区有很大的一致性, 表明区域增暖在干旱变化中起着一定作用。  相似文献   
The responses of sea surface temperature (SST) in the western equatorial Pacific warm pool to the west erly wind bursts (WWBs) play an important role in the relationship between WWB and ENSO. By using da ta collected from eight buoys of TOGA (Tropical Ocean-Global Atmosphere)-COARE (Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment), the heat balances of the upper ocean in the western equatorial Pacific around 0°. 156°E during two WWB events were calculated according to Stevenson and Niiler's (1983) method. In both events, SST increased before and after the WWBs, while decreased within the WWBs. The SST amplitudes approximated to l℃. Although sometimes the horizontal heat advections may become the biggest term in the heat balance, the variation of SST was dominated by the surface heat flux. On the other aspect, some different features of the two events are also revealed. The two cases have different variation of mixed layer depth. The depth of mixed layer is almost double in the first case (35 m to 70 m), which is caused by Ekman convergence, while only 10m increments due to entrainment in the second one. There are also differences in the currents structure. The different variations of thermal and currents struc ture in the mixing layers accounted for the different variation of the heat balance during the two events, es pecially the advection and residue terms. The seasonal variation of SST in this area is also investigated sim ply. The first WWB event happened just during the seasonal transition. So we considered that it is a normal season transition rather than a so-called anomaly. That also suggested that the seasonal distinction of the WWB is worthy of more attention in the researches of its relationship to ENSO.  相似文献   
基于CloudSat资料的冷涡对流云带垂直结构特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用CloudSat卫星资料、NCEP再分析资料和FY-2C卫星可见光云图分析了2006年7月20—24日我国东北一次冷涡过程不同时期对流云的垂直结构以及云内中小尺度的结构,发现在冷涡发展阶段的初期,暖锋对流结构表现为孤立的回波系统多,强对流深厚,对流系统体现为孤立、深厚的特征。在冷涡发展成熟阶段,回波强度比冷涡发展初期的对流系统有所减弱,且为浅薄的对流系统。冷涡系统影响下发展的锢囚锋回波系统顶部呈现独特的结构特征:东南部为干冷空气侵入造成的回波区, 中部为锢囚锋主体对流区, 西北部为暖锋遇冷锋抬升作用形成的回波区。在锢囚锋尾部存在冰水含量与液态水含量分层现象,干冷空气侵入层在5 km高度左右,在干冷空气侵入层上部为冰水含量分布的弱回波区,下部为液态水分布的弱回波区。在冷涡成熟阶段,对流系统分布在冷涡外沿,表现为孤立的对流系统,冰水含量多的对流系统主要在冷涡的北面,而液态水主要分布在冷涡中心零度层以下。  相似文献   
张铭 《大气科学》1992,16(5):565-572
本文提出了一个飑线的非线性重力波行波解模型,并将该模型与实际飑线作了比较,结果表明,该模型可反映出飑线的主要特征.  相似文献   
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