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In karst regions,the spatial heterogeneity of soil mineral oxides and environmental variables is still not clear.We investigated the spatial heterogeneity of SiO2,Al2O3,Fe2O3,CaO,MgO,P2O5,K2O,and MnO contents in the soils of slope land,plantation forest,secondary forest,and primary forest,as well as their relationships with environmental variables in a karst region of Southwest China.Geostatistics,principal component analysis(PCA),and canonical correlation analysis(CCA)were applied to analyze the field data.The results show that SiO2was the predominant mineral in the soils(45.02%–67.33%),followed by Al2O3and Fe2O3.Most soil mineral oxide components had a strong spatial dependence,except for CaO,MgO,and P2O5in the plantation forest,MgO and P2O5in the secondary forest,and CaO in the slope land.Dimensionality reduction in PCA was not appropriate due to the strong spatial heterogeneity in the ecosystems.Soil mineral oxide components,the main factors in all ecosystems,had greater influences on vegetation than those of conventional soil properties.There were close relationships between soil mineral oxide components and vegetation,topography,and conventional soil properties.Mineral oxide components affected species diversity,organic matter and nitrogen levels.  相似文献   
关于来流对槽道推进器流体动力性能影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为主动操纵装置的船艏侧推器,其侧推效率受船速的影响会有很大的变化。为能有效地进行操纵控制,本文从理论和实验两方面人手,研究了艏侧推器受船速影响的流体动力性能,并在一定的速度范围内,获得了一种理论估算方法。  相似文献   
Trace elements from samples of bauxite deposits can provide useful information relevant to the exploration of the ore‐forming process. Sample digestion is a fundamental and critical stage in the process of geochemical analysis, which enables the acquisition of accurate trace element data by ICP‐MS. However, the conventional bomb digestion method with HF/HNO3 results in a significant loss of rare earth elements (REEs) due to the formation of insoluble AlF3 precipitates during the digestion of bauxite samples. In this study, the digestion capability of the following methods was investigated: (a) ‘Mg‐addition’ bomb digestion, (b) NH4HF2 open vessel digestion and (c) NH4F open vessel digestion. ‘Mg‐addition’ bomb digestion can effectively suppress the formation of AlF3 and simultaneously ensure the complete decomposition of resistant minerals in bauxite samples. The addition of MgO to the bauxite samples resulted in (Mg + Ca)/Al ratios ≥ 1. However, adding a large amount of MgO leads to significant blank contamination for some transition elements (V, Cr, Ni and Zn). The NH4HF2 or NH4F open vessel digestion methods can also completely digest resistant minerals in bauxite samples in a short period of time (5 hr). Unlike conventional bomb digestion with HF/HNO3, the white precipitates and the semi‐transparent gels present in the NH4HF2 and NH4F digestion methods could be efficiently dissolved by evaporation with HClO4. Based on these three optimised digestion methods, thirty‐seven trace elements including REEs in ten bauxite reference materials (RMs) were determined by ICP‐MS. The data obtained showed excellent inter‐method reproducibility (agreement within 5% for REEs). The relative standard deviation (% RSD) for most elements was < 6%. The concentrations of trace elements in the ten bauxite RMs showed agreement with the limited certified (Li, V, Cr, Cu, Zn, Ga, Sr, Zr and Pb) and information values (Co, Ba, Ce and Hf) available. New trace element data for the ten RMs are provided, some of which for the first time.  相似文献   
前人对四川盆地盆缘冲断带及川中高-磨地区断裂系统进行了系统性研究,但对于盆地其他区块断裂发育特征、形成演化及应力背景的认识尚不充分.发现了梓潼-成都-威远-华蓥山-广安地区震旦系-下三叠统地层中发育的一套区域性张扭性断裂,主要自震旦系及以下地层向上延伸切穿二叠系地层,多为高陡、小断距正断层,部分形成负花状构造.根据该断裂系统的剖面产状、纵向穿层特征及盆地范围内体现出的分异性,推断该断裂系统形成于喜马拉雅期.物理模拟实验研究发现该断裂体系应发育于扭张性应力环境中,该断裂体系的发育指示了四川盆地内部新生代存在南西-北东向张应力,可能与四川盆地新生代发生的逆时针旋转有关.   相似文献   
矿体赋存于燕山早期形成的石英闪长斑岩及闪长玢岩中。矿石的主要金属矿物有:黄铜矿、黄铁矿、斑铜矿、自然金、银金矿等。黄铁矿、黄铜矿是金的主要载体矿物。通过矿相鉴定、单矿物化学研究、物相分析,电子探针分析、透射电镜分析等,查明了金的赋存状态。显微金呈包体状态包含于黄铜矿之中,粒径为5—20微米。次显微佥呈球状、链状及不规则状分布于黄铁矿晶体边缘及微裂隙中。经探针分析,金的成色为790—850,平均成色为815。经物相分析,金的矿物量为85%—95%,表明金是以矿物态存在。我国玉龙、德兴、多宝山等地的斑岩铜矿都有不同程度金的显示,查明金的富集规律及赋存状态,对于综合开发斑岩铜矿,提高矿床利用价值将会开拓新的前景。  相似文献   
耕地总量动态平衡政策实证研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
耕地总量动态平衡政策是经过多年调研和在充分论证的基础上提出的,是新土地管理法中的核心内容之一。从近几年的实践看,有效地保护了耕地资源。文章从耕地总量动态平衡的含义分析着手,研究评价该政策对土地资源的开发与利用、不同区域发展、农业生产与农民生活等的实际影响,分析了与此相关的费用转嫁和归属问题,在此基础上提出相关的政策建议。  相似文献   
岫岩-海城MS 5.4地震序列的震源机制解及应力场特征   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
引言1 999年 1 1月 2 9日 1 2时 1 0分在辽宁省岫岩 -海城地区发生了 MS5.4地震 ,这次地震有感范围广 ,震感强烈 ,为广大地震工作者所关注。截止到 2 0 0 0年 2月 2 9日止 ,共记录该地区地震 2 30 0余次 ,最大的余震是 2 0 0 0年 1月 1 2日 0 7时 4 3分发生的 MS5.1地震。岫岩 -海城地震发生于辽宁省南部台站分布较密的地区 ,全省各台站从不同的方向记录到了这次地震序列活动。我们利用数字台网记录地震初动清楚的特点 ,在主震发生前 ,就做了几次 4级以上前震的震源机制解 ,并且密切关注较大地震初动符号的变化 ,随时将有关情况报告省局分…  相似文献   
The Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) main drill hole (0–3000 m) in Donghai, southern Sulu orogen, consists of eclogite, paragneiss, orthogneiss, schist and garnet peridotite. Detailed investigations of Raman, cathodoluminescence, and microprobe analyses show that zircons from most eclogites, gneisses and schists have oscillatory zoned magmatic cores with low-pressure mineral inclusions of Qtz, Pl, Kf and Ap, and a metamorphic rim with relatively uniform luminescence and eclogite-facies mineral inclusions of Grt, Omp, Phn, Coe and Rt. The chemical compositions of the UHP metamorphic mineral inclusions in zircon are similar to those from the matrix of the host rocks. Similar UHP metamorphic PT conditions of about 770 °C and 32 kbar were estimated from coexisting minerals in zircon and in the matrix. These observations suggest that all investigated lithologies experienced a joint in situ UHP metamorphism during continental deep subduction. In rare cases, magmatic cores of zircon contain coesite and omphacite inclusions and show patchy and irregular luminescence, implying that the cores have been largely altered possibly by fluid–mineral interaction during UHP metamorphism.

Abundant H2O–CO2, H2O- or CO2-dominated fluid inclusions with low to medium salinities occur isolated or clustered in the magmatic cores of some zircons, coexisting with low-P mineral inclusions. These fluid inclusions should have been trapped during magmatic crystallization and thus as primary. Only few H2O- and/or CO2-dominated fluid inclusions were found to occur together with UHP mineral inclusions in zircons of metamorphic origin, indicating that UHP metamorphism occurred under relatively dry conditions. The diversity in fluid inclusion populations in UHP rocks from different depths suggests a closed fluid system, without large-scale fluid migration during subduction and exhumation.  相似文献   

介绍吉林测震台网数字台站仪器配置,对台网31个测震台站台基噪声功率谱进行计算,得出各地震台台基的地动噪声的均方根值、观测动态范围、地噪声功率谱,并将计算地动噪声功率谱作为吉林地震台网资料分析处理的一项日常工作进行.  相似文献   
利用探空数据和毫米波云雷达数据,对在大气探测试验基地同址观测的国内外3种型号地基微波辐射计进行1年(2016年10月—2017年9月)的比对分析,重点分析不同型号地基微波辐射计在晴空和云天下温、湿观测性能特征。结果表明:3种型号地基微波辐射计温度与探空相关系数均超过0.98,达到0.01显著性水平;晴空条件下,德国及国产地基微波辐射计温度平均误差均在±1℃以内(前者为负偏差,后者为正偏差),误差较小,美国地基微波辐射计系统偏差约为-1.8℃;3种型号地基微波辐射计均方根误差随高度递增,整体均方根误差以德国地基微波辐射计2.2℃为最小,美国地基微波辐射计3.8℃为最大;在有云条件下,3种型号地基微波辐射计平均误差分布较晴空条件下无明显变化,均方根误差较晴空条件有约增加0.5℃。3种型号地基微波辐射计均呈晴空相对湿度误差小于云天误差,低空误差小于中高空误差的特点;晴空条件下,美国与国产地基微波辐射计相对湿度均方根误差分别为15%和18%左右,小于德国地基微波辐射计;云天条件下3种型号微波辐射计均方根误差均较大(26%左右)。  相似文献   
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