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本文研究了星族IRGB/AGB星外壳结合能为零时的核质量与其初始质量的关系,发现此关系与Weidemann和Koester观测得到的初始终止质量关系相符,并与Zhang和Kwok得到的行星状星云核质量分布的观测结果相符合.采用相同的假设,本文还得到了星族II恒星的初始终止质量关系.对于相同的初始质量,星族I恒星的终止质量比星族I的大~10%-20%.  相似文献   
我国尾矿综合利用研究现状及建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘志强  郝梓国  刘恋  费红彩  黄敏 《地质论评》2016,62(5):62051277-62051282
尾矿资源综合利用问题已受到世界各国的重视,其对策已由消极的废物处理转向物质再回收,尾矿资源化的发展趋势越来越清晰。但是,我国尾矿综合利用率和发达国家相比还存在较大的差距。大量的尾矿积存,对矿山周边地区环境、土地利用造成了严重的影响。开展典型尾矿资源综合利用技术研究和推广尾矿资源产业化利用技术研究与推广,不但可使原来资源枯竭或资源不足的矿山焕发青春,而且还能够重新成为新的资源基地,以开辟新的材料科技领域,推动科技进步,同时也可以解决环境污染、改善生态环境和整治国土,具有巨大社会、经济和环境效益。因此尾矿的综合利用要做到国家重視、立法保障、评价先行、技术支撑、全部利用,才能真正解决尾矿污染等问题。  相似文献   
成都地区雷暴的天气气候特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用1986~2000年成都地区的雷暴资料,分析得到:成都地区的多年平均雷暴日数在2430之间,属雷暴较多的地区之一。季节性显著,冬季无雷暴,盛夏雷暴日数占全年雷暴日数的2/3左右。地域性强,大城市的热岛效应对雷暴的发生有促进作用。雷暴天气过程的分析为作好雷暴发生时空域预报提供了好的思路。  相似文献   
平板冻结器超压事故的发生主要由于使用设备时操作不当和设备质量不过关而引起。对设备超压原理分析和平板冻结器在不同温度条件下的充液比例进行理论计算 ,结果表明 ,停机时 ,在室温 35℃的条件下 ,蒸发器中的充液比例达到 0 .86 0 5时 ,会引起蒸发器发生超压而爆炸。当蒸发器中充液比例在 0 .86 0 5以下时发生的超压事故 ,肯定存在设备质量不过关的因素 ;而当充液比例在 0 .86 0 5或以上时发生的超压事故 ,则是由误操作引起。。  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONBydefinitionurbanizationistheprocessofruralareaschangingintourbanareasinnatureforasoci-etyitisanaturallyhistoricalprocessofthetransitionfromatraditionalruraloragriculturalsocietytoamodernizedurbansocietyGAO1991.Inbriefitrepresentsa…  相似文献   
分析了技术要素按贡献参与分配的基本依据和存在问题 ,提出了技术要素按贡献参与分配的建议 :1.在企业分配领域 ,鼓励技术要素以多种形式参与收益分配 ,鼓励体制创新 ,推进技术股份化。 2 .在政府分配领域 ,政府财政科技投入比例与其科技发展对经济贡献增长率挂钩 ,科技财税政策与产业政策、税源经济吻合 ,营造科技奖励的软环境。 3.在社会分配领域 ,充分发挥技术评估部门和行业管理部门的作用 ,对进入技术市场的技术的成熟度和科技含量进行有效的测试和监管 ,保证技术商品的品质 ;技术交易当事人应具诚信态度和法制观念 ;重视中介的作用 ,把技术市场搞活。  相似文献   
The gastric shield and underlying stomach epithelium of Chlymas ffarreri were examined at the light and ultrastructural levels.The results showed that the gastric shield consisted of two different size lobes joined together by a narrow middle piece,the thicker lobe was shaped like a funnel,but unclosed at the lateral side;the other lobe was irregularly triangular-shaped.The transverse section of the thicker lobe was obviously laminated and gradually decreased in thickness from the peak to the margins of the shield.The underlying epithelium bore numerous about 3μm diameter spherical processes formed by the apical plasmalemma of the epithelial cells becoming blunt pseudopodia.Microvilli and some interspersed cilia were present in the areas among the spherical processes regions where only microvilli existed.Rough endoplasmic reticulum,Golgi apparatus,different-sized electron-dense secretory granules and electron-lucent vacuoles as well las abundant mitochondria were present in the underlying epithelial cells.Fused droplets of the secretion from the underlying epithelial cells formed the gastric shield.  相似文献   
A study was conducted on Cu, Zn, Cd, Fe, Co and Ni levels in Saanich Inlet anoxic seawater. Data on the concentration of these trace metals and H2S, and other oceanographic parameters were obtained in four cruises. Equilibrium models are presented together with in situ data. The results strongly support the assumption that the solubilities of Cu, Zn, Cd, Fe, Co and Ni are controlled by bisulfide and/or polysulfide complexes. The species of Cu, Zn, Cd and Ni are shown to be Cu(S4) 2 3− and Cu(Sn4S5)3−, Zn(HS) 2 0 and ZnHS 2 , Cd(HS) 2 0 and Ni(HS) 2 0 , respectively. The solid species controlling Fe2+ and Co2+ are respectively the pyrohotites FeS and CoS. The data illustrates that thermodynamic equilibrium has been established in the H2S-controlled seawater of Saanich Inlet, and that equilibrium has not been established in the H2S−O2-coexisted seawater of Saanich Inlet. The lack of equilibrium in the H2S−O2-coexisted seawater is a result of the flushing or mixing of oxygenated seawater with anoxic water. The new species of trace metals are still in the processes of reduction and precipitation. Contribution No. 1428 from Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica  相似文献   
Biogenic carbonates spawned from microbial activities are common occurrences in soils. Here, we investigate the carbonate biomineralization mediated by the bacterium Bacillus megaterium, a dominant strain separated from a loess profile in China. Upon completing bacterial cultivation, the ensuring products are centrifuged, and the resultant supernatant and the concentrated bacterial sludge as well as the un-separated culture are added separately into a Ca-CO3 containing solution for crystallization experiments. Results of XRD and SEM analysis indicate that calcite is the dominant mineral phase formed when the bacteria are present. When the supernatant alone is used, however, a significant portion of vaterite is also precipitated. Experimental results further reveal that the bacteria have a strong tendency to colonize the center area of the calcite {1 0  4} faces. Observed crystal morphology suggests that the bacterial colony may promote the growth normal to each individual {1 0  4} face of calcite when the cell concentration is high, but may retard it or even cause dissolution of the immediate substrate surfaces when the concentration is low. SEM images taken at earlier stages of the crystallization experiments demonstrate the nucleation of calcite on the bacterial cell walls but do not show obvious morphological changes on the nanometer- to submicron-sized nuclei. δ13C measurements unveil that the crystals grown in the presence of bacteria are further enriched in the heavy carbon isotope, implying that the bacterial metabolism may not be the carbon sources for the mineralization. Based upon these findings, we propose a mechanism for the B. megaterium mediated calcite mineralization and conclude that the whole process involves epi- and inter-cellular growth in the local microenvironments whose conditions may be controlled by cell sequestration and proton pumping during bacterial respiration.  相似文献   
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