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浙中一次强对流天气动力热力场和雷达回波特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用NCEP再分析资料、常规气象观测和区域自动站观测资料、闪电及多普勒雷达天气资料,对2013年5月29日浙中局地强对流天气过程的环境场、触发机制和雷达回波特征进行了分析。结果表明:局地强对流天气是在东北冷涡背景下产生的;高空冷平流南侵、低层暖平流北上,有利于大气对流不稳定度进一步加大;在热力不稳定能量增长储存条件下,冷空气、地面辐合线与中低层切变线是强对流天气的重要触发机制,地面辐合线对强对流天气还具有组织作用;沿等熵面移动的较大位涡有利于超级单体风暴的发生和发展;初夏0 ℃层高度偏高,但在满足强烈位势不稳定、中等风垂直切变以及低层充足水汽条件下仍可以导致局地小冰雹的产生;地面大风过程是低空暖湿气流入流在快要进入上升气流区时受到上升气流区的抽吸作用而加速导致生成的;多个回波强核被中气旋组织在一起,形成超级单体风暴造成了局地强风雹天气。  相似文献   
地面自动气象观测设备运行状态信息检测技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李雁  周青  李峰  周薇  徐鸣一  梁海河 《气象科技》2015,43(6):1030-1039
地面自动气象观测设备运行状态检测机制不足一直是困扰我国地面气象观测运行保障工作的一大难题。本研究从运行监控实际业务需求角度出发,在梳理现有业务运行地面自动气象观测设备结构基础上,结合部分研究成果,从数据采集模块、气压观测模块、温湿度观测模块、风观测模块、地温观测模块、雨量观测模块、供电系统模块、软件模块、能见度观测模块和称重降水观测模块共10个方面逐一细化了每一主要部件的状态检测点,并对其进行了分类和编码,同时参考现行业务运行设备长Z数据报文,制定了地面自动气象观测设备运行状态报文规范,最终研制了地面自动气象观测设备运行状态信息检测技术。通过统一规范、标准,研究结果可解决目前我国地面自动气象观测设备监控信息设计规范缺失的问题,可缓解当前厂家多、型号杂、设备不统一的不利局面,有利于推进地面自动气象观测设备运行监控技术规范化建设工作。  相似文献   
张旭  黄伟  陈葆德 《气象学报》2015,73(2):331-340
将一种新的高度地形追随坐标(Klemp坐标)引入了GRAPES区域模式,并与传统追随坐标(Gal-Chen坐标)和平缓地形追随坐标(SLEVE,Smooth Level Vertical coordinate)进行了比较。对不同坐标下气压梯度力的计算误差通过理想静止大气试验进行了评估,结果表明:与Gal-Chen坐标和SLEVE坐标相比,Klemp坐标有效地减小了气压梯度力的计算误差。理想重力波模拟试验表明,Klemp坐标下对重力波的模拟相比其他两种坐标也更接近于解析解。模式进一步采用了Mahrer气压梯度计算方案减少了计算误差,并提高了模式的精度和稳定性。实际个例试验与理想试验的结论相似。  相似文献   
An atypical occlusion process that occurred in North China on 14 July 2011 is studied based on both observations and a real-data Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model simulation. The results show that this atypical occlusion process was significantly different from the traditional, synoptic-scale occlusion process that occurs within extratropical cyclones. It was caused by the merger of two cold-type mesoscale fronts. One of the fronts developed from the gust front of convective storms, while the other was a sea-breeze front. As the two fronts moved towards each other, the warm air between them was squeezed and separated from the surface. An atypical occluded front was formed when the two fronts merged, with the warm air forced aloft. This kind of occlusion is termed a "merger" process, different from the well-known "catch-up" and "wrap-up" processes. Moreover, local convection was found to be enhanced during the merger process, with severe convective weather produced in the merger area.  相似文献   
It is conventionally thought that the state equation of dense matter softens and thus cannot result in high maximum mass if pulsars are quark stars and that a recently discovered 2M⊙ pulsar (PSR J1614-2230) may make pulsars unlikely to be quark stars. However, this standard point of view would be revisited and updated if quark clustering could occur in cold quark matter because of the strong coupling be- tween quarks at realistic baryon densities in compact stars. It can be argued that the state equation of...  相似文献   
边界层参数化方案在“灰色区域”尺度下的适用性评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着数值预报模式分辨率的提高,当模式网格距与含能湍涡的长度尺度相当时,模式动力过程可解析一部分湍流运动,而剩余的湍流运动仍需参数化,此时便产生了湍流参数化的“灰色区域”问题。对传统的PBL(Planetary Boundary Layer)方案在“灰色区域”下的适用性评估,是改进PBL方案以使其能够适应分辨率变化的前提和基础。本研究基于干对流边界层的大涡模拟试验,比较了WRF(Weather Research and Forecast Model)模式中四种常用的边界层参数化方案[YSU(Yonsei University)、MYJ(Mellor-Yamada-Janjic)、MYNN2.5(Mellor-Yamada-Nakanishi-Niino Level 2.5)、MYNN3)]在“灰色区域”尺度下的表现。研究表明,混合层内总热通量对所使用的参数化方案和水平分辨率均不敏感。不同参数化方案中次网格与网格通量的比例表现出对水平网格距不同的依赖性。局地PBL方案(MYJ、MYNN2.5)在混合层内的平均位温随网格距减小而增大,次网格通量随网格距减小而减小,较参考湍流场对次网格通量有所低估。YSU方案的非局地项几乎不随水平格距改变而变化,对次网格通量的表征并未表现出较强的分辨率依赖性,且过强的非局地次网格输送使混合层内温度层结呈弱稳定,抑制了可分辨湍流输送,不易于激发次级环流。MYNN3方案的非局地次网格通量(负梯度输送项)随网格距减小而减小,使其对次网格通量的表征具有较好的分辨率依赖性。PBL方案在“灰色区域”尺度下的适用性与具体分辨率有关。以分辨率500 m为例,四种PBL方案中不存在一种最佳方案,能对边界层的热力结构和湍流统计特征均有准确的描述。  相似文献   
The technical system of the Sino-Russian joint satellite-to-satellite Mars ionosphere occultation is analyzed and introduced. The analogue computation of the observed values of the radio waves of the ionosphere occultation event is carried out by adopting the three-dimensional ray tracking method and the electron density profile inversion is conducted by means of the simulated occultation observational data, with the result showing that the emulation algorithm is reliable. By taking advantage of the emulation method the case computation and analysis of the inversion errors caused by the observational error of the occultation radio wave phase and the satellite orbital error are respectively carried out, and it is obtained from the result that the effect of the phase measuring error of the 5% circle on the result of the daytime ionosphere occultation exploration may be neglected, while the absolute error of the night electron density measurement is less than 4 × 108 m?3, and the main effect of the satellite orbital error on the occultation leads to the lifting or falling of the ionospheric height. The result shows that the technical system of the Sino-Russian joint Mars ionosphere occultation exploration is advanced. It can be expected that the high accuracy electron density profile is obtained and the technical system can be applied to the exploration of the lunar ionospheric environment.  相似文献   
杭州湾海域春、秋季鱼类种类组成和数量分布   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用底层拖网法,用渔获率作为鱼类资源数量分布的指标,进行了杭州湾调查海域2012年5月(春季)、10月(秋季)2个季节的鱼类种类组成、区系特点、数量分布等研究。结果表明:(1)杭州湾海域春、秋两季共获得并鉴定出的鱼类有31种,隶属于9目15科,其中以石首鱼科和■虎鱼科的种类为最多,各有5种,分别占总种数的16.7%;鳀科鱼类次之,有4种,占总种数的13.3%,优势种有睛尾蝌蚪■虎鱼、龙头鱼、刀鲚、棘头梅童鱼;(2)根据鱼类适温性可将该海域的鱼类分为暖水性、暖温性和冷温性3种适温类型,以暖温性种类为主,暖水性种类次之,而冷温性种类极少,仅有1种;(3)根据其生态习性,可分为河口性、沿岸性和近海性3种生态类群;(4)渔获数量分布规律是春季在调查海域的内侧或者说中西部较高,而湾口较低,秋季则正好相反。  相似文献   
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