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近百余年上海气温变化的若干特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
徐家良 《地理学报》1993,48(1):26-32
本文根据1873—1990年上海的年、冬、夏平均气温资料,并利用1956—1990年其郊区气温资料,对城市热岛效应对气温的影响作了处理,重建了近118a的上海气温序列。在此基础上对上海的气温变化特征进行分析,并与同期的北半球气温变化作了比较。结果表明,上海的气温变化有其明显的阶段性、跃变性和周期性。近百余年上海气温变化的总体特征与北半球相似,呈缓慢变暖趋势,但具体的变化过程和幅度有差别,尤其近20多年来的变化与北半球不一致,没有明显的增温现象。  相似文献   
厦门-金门海域表层沉积物中重金属铜铅锌镉的含量分布   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1995年 1 0月调查研究了厦门 金门海域表层沉积物中重金属Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd的含量 ,Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd的平均浓度分别为 1 6 .6、5 2 .6、1 0 4、0 .2 0 5 (× 1 0 -6m/m ,干重 )。根据底质标准 ,Pb、Zn明显超标。从平面分布看 ,厦门岛南部海区(XJ1~XJ4号站 )的重金属含量高于北部海区 (XJ5~XJ7号站 ) ,北部海区又高于东部海区 (XJ9、R1、R2号站 ) ,尤其是南部海区的XJ1、XJ2、XJ3号站其含量明显较高。这一分布特征表明除了九龙江河流对该海域的贡献外 ,西海域的输入也是一个重要的因素。位于东部海区的XJ9、R1、R2号站 ,从XJ9至较靠近金门的R1、R2号站 ,重金属Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd的含量略有回升 ,其来源有待于进一步分析探讨。  相似文献   
北京市GPS网解算时IGS站的选取实验   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
用实验的方法,讨论了北京市GPS台网在用GAMIT软件解算时,选取IGS基准站的空间分布(南北半球、网内网缘、均匀展布)、数量分布(0到8个IGS站)对解算结果精度的影响。由于受观测站数量和IGS站观测数据质量的影响,在保证精度的前提下,为了提高观测数据的利用率,需要增加IGS站数量。根据2004全年的解算结果,北京台网选择9到10个IGS站较为合适。  相似文献   
Under the condition of freeze-thaw cycles, two types of rocks (granite and andesite), used as slope protection for the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, were tested according to the special climatic conditions in the Tibetan Plateau, and their various damage processes in appearance were carefully observed. Observation results show that damage of andesite was more serious than that of granite. Using an acoustic instrument, ultrasonic velocity was tested. The changing trends of velocity with the number of freeze-thaw cycles were analyzed, and the freeze-thaw cycle damaging the physical and mechanical properties of rocks can be seen. According to the changing trends of ultrasonic velocity with the number of freeze-thaw cycles, mechanical parameters of rocks, such as dynamic elasticity modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and dynamic bulk modulus were analyzed. It is found that they all have declining trends as the number of freeze-thaw cycles increases, and in particular, when the cycle number reaches a certain extent, the Poisson’s ratio of rocks begins to become negative.  相似文献   
Mafic granulite xenoliths have been discovered in many volcanoes (especially alkali basalt and kimberlite) all over the world. They formed generally in lower crust, and recorded lots of in- formation on the lithosphere formation and crust-mantle interacti…  相似文献   
狄乾斌  於哲  徐礼祥 《地理科学》2019,39(10):1621-1630
海洋经济协调发展是科学评价区域海洋经济发展质量的重要依据。遵循城市与海洋经济协同的发展理念,构建环渤海城市海洋经济发展时空协调度评价体系,运用复杂系统时空协调度评价模型,计算并分析2008~2016年环渤海城市海洋经济发展时空协调度,通过SaTScan软件分析其时空聚类区。研究结果显示:①海洋经济各系统发展水平中,社会系统呈大幅度分散上升趋势,经济系统、生态系统与综合系统呈小幅度集中与分散交替上升趋势;协调等级时序变化稳定型城市主要是大连、潍坊、青岛、烟台、威海。②协调度时空聚类区既有空间分异又有重叠交集,社会系统、综合系统、经济系统聚类区依次相互覆盖,生态系统与其它三系统既有重叠区也有独立区。③聚类区内部,社会系统最为稳定,综合系统、经济系统次之,生态系统最为薄弱。  相似文献   
本文首先做了1956—1975年1—5月各月北太平洋海温距平特征向量场与6月长江中下游夏季风的交叉谱分析。结果表明,当不同月份的海温距平特征向量分布形式相似时,它们分别与夏季风的总体相关系数同号,且振荡周期也一致。相关分析还表明,北太平洋经向海温距平梯度造成的异常热成风影响,使西太平洋东西风带强度和副热带高压位置发生异常,从而导致长江中下游夏季风强度的异常。   相似文献   
河南桐柏围山城金银成矿带矿床地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对围山城金银成矿带的成矿元素、黄铁矿微量元素标型特征、成矿流体地球化学特征、稀土元素、硫铅同位素和氢氧同位素特征的研究,提出矿带中的初始成矿物质主要来源下地壳和上地幔,由海底火山喷流作用形成.各工业矿体的形成与后期叠加构造和热流体的改造作用密切相关.  相似文献   
The North China Craton (NCC) has been thinned from >200 km to <100 km in its eastern part. The ancient subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) has been replaced by the juvenile SCLM in the Meoszoic. During this period, the NCC was destructed as indicated by extensive magmatism in the Early Cretaceous. While there is a consensus on the thinning and destruction of cratonic lithosphere in North China, it has been hotly debated about the mechanism of cartonic destruction. This study attempts to provide a resolution to current debates in the view of Mesozoic mafic magmatism in North China. We made a compilation of geochemical data available for Mesozoic mafic igneous rocks in the NCC. The results indicate that these mafic igneous rocks can be categorized into two series, manifesting a dramatic change in the nature of mantle sources at ~121 Ma. Mafic igneous rocks emplaced at this age start to show both oceanic island basalts (OIB)-like trace element distribution patterns and depleted to weakly enriched Sr-Nd isotope compositions. In contrast, mafic igneous rocks emplaced before and after this age exhibit both island arc basalts (IAB)-like trace element distribution patterns and enriched Sr-Nd isotope compositions. This difference indicates a geochemical mutation in the SCLM of North China at ~121 Ma. Although mafic magmatism also took place in the Late Triassic, it was related to exhumation of the deeply subducted South China continental crust because the subduction of Paleo-Pacific slab was not operated at that time. Paleo-Pacific slab started to subduct beneath the eastern margin of Eruasian continent since the Jurrasic. The subducting slab and its overlying SCLM wedge were coupled in the Jurassic, and slab dehydration resulted in hydration and weakening of the cratonic mantle. The mantle sources of ancient IAB-like mafic igneous rocks are a kind of ultramafic metasomatites that were generated by reaction of the cratonic mantle wedge peridotite not only with aqueous solutions derived from dehydration of the subducting Paleo-Pacific oceanic crust in the Jurassic but also with hydrous melts derived from partial melting of the subducting South China continental crust in the Triassic. On the other hand, the mantle sources of juvenile OIB-like mafic igneous rocks are also a kind of ultramafic metasomatites that were generated by reaction of the asthenospheric mantle underneath the North China lithosphere with hydrous felsic melts derived from partial melting of the subducting Paleo-Pacific oceanic crust. The subducting Paleo-Pacific slab became rollback at ~144 Ma. Afterwards the SCLM base was heated by laterally filled asthenospheric mantle, leading to thinning of the hydrated and weakened cratonic mantle. There was extensive bimodal magmatism at 130 to 120 Ma, marking intensive destruction of the cratonic lithosphere. Not only the ultramafic metasomatites in the lower part of the cratonic mantle wedge underwent partial melting to produce mafic igneous rocks showing negative εNd(t) values, depletion in Nb and Ta but enrichment in Pb, but also the lower continent crust overlying the cratonic mantle wedge was heated for extensive felsic magmatism. At the same time, the rollback slab surface was heated by the laterally filled asthenospheric mantle, resulting in partial melting of the previously dehydrated rocks beyond rutile stability on the slab surface. This produce still hydrous felsic melts, which metasomatized the overlying asthenospheric mantle peridotite to generate the ultramafic metasomatites that show positive εNd(t) values, no depletion or even enrichment in Nb and Ta but depletion in Pb. Partial melting of such metasomatites started at ~121 Ma, giving rise to the mafic igneous rocks with juvenile OIB-like geochemical signatures. In this context, the age of ~121 Ma may terminate replacement of the ancient SCLM by the juvenile SCLM in North China. Paleo-Pacific slab was not subducted to the mantle transition zone in the Mesozoic as revealed by modern seismic tomography, and it was subducted at a low angle since the Jurassic, like the subduction of Nazca Plate beneath American continent. This flat subduction would not only chemically metasomatize the cratonic mantle but also physically erode the cratonic mantle. Therefore, the interaction between Paleo-Pacific slab and the cratonic mantle is the first-order geodynamic mechanism for the thinning and destruction of cratonic lithosphere in North China.  相似文献   
Yanchi County is located in the agro-pastoral ecotone and belongs to the ecologically fragile area of Northwest China.It is important to study the evolution of landscape pattern to curb its environmental degradation.In order to intuitively show how the landscape pattern of the study area changes over time,Landsat Thematic Mappers(TM)and Landsat Operational Land Imager(OLI)data of 1991,2000,2010 and 2017 were used.This paper attempts to apply niche theories and methods into landscape ecology,and constructs a niche model of landscape components by usingn-dimentional hypervolume niche theoryand landscape pattern indices.By evaluating the spatial and temporal evolution of niche from the perspective of two-dimensional space to reflect the changes of landscape pattern in the study area over the past 26 years,new theories and methods were introduced for the characterization of landscape pattern.The results indicate that:1)The larger the attribute and dominance value of landscape components,the higher the ecological niche and the stronger the control effect on the overall landscape.2)The ecological niche of each landscape component was significantly different,just as its control effect on the overall landscape.3)The dynamic change of the ecological niche of each landscape component was different,with grassland,unused land and arable land always in a high dominant position,although the ecological niche of construction land and water area was always low.In general,the introduction of niche theory into the landscape ecology provided a new method to study the changes in regional landscape pattern.  相似文献   
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