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The estimation of genetic parameters has played an important role in animal selective breeding for growth traits.Recently studies show that molecular markers can be incorporated into genetic evaluations. In order to improve the performance of an incomplete pedigree(i.e, only parents are known) in the genetic evaluations, 12 microsatellite markers have been applied in the estimation of the genetic parameters for body weight in a farmed population(n=1 890) of juvenile turbot(Scophthalmus maximus L.). A new relatedness called parental molecular relatedness(PMR) is estimated based on results of genotyping of 48 parents(31 males, 17 females) with microsatellites markers. The feasibility of PMR in estimation of genetic parameters is verified by comparison with pedigree related(PR) which is obtained from a complete pedigree. The results demonstrate that a high correlation(0.872) between them is found. Heritabilities are estimated using the PMR(0.52±0.13) and PR(0.55±0.22) with the same animal model. A cross-validation shows that the predictive abilities of models using the PMR and the PR are identical(0.81). From that, a conclusion can be made that PMR and PR predicted genetic values equally well in a population of juvenile turbot. Therefore PMR can be applied as an alternative of the PR when only parents are known. However, for a better performance, more markers and more families should be included in a further study.  相似文献   
本文将外频谱转化为外观波数谱并设计了计算处理格式,提出了一种谱宽度参量的优化方法,为进一步研究海浪特征资料提取谱值和应用奠定基础。数值试验验证了此方法的可行性,但在高海况下风浪过程复杂,优化出的谱宽度偏大,外观谱解析形式需进一步改进  相似文献   
福建晚更新世海侵问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
福建沿海在晚更新世大约距今90—80ka、70—60ka、44—39ka和34—20ka期间分别发生过4次海侵。最末一次海侵(距今34—20Ka)期间有过明显的海面下降波动,时间大约在距今28ka前后。  相似文献   
渤海大型底栖动物丰度和生物量的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
于 1997年 6月、1998年 9月和 1999年 4月 3个航次对渤海的大型底栖动物进行了定量研究。在研究海区共采到大型底栖动物 30 6种 ,其中甲壳动物 97种 ,环节动物 95种 ,软体动物 88种 ,棘皮动物 11种 ,其它动物共 15种。其总平均丰度和生物量分别为 2 5 76 ind./m2和4 4 .4 7g/m2。渤海大部海区的总平均生物量在过去十年中可能未发生大的变化。渤海含砂量相对高的生境有较高的动物丰度 ,而在水位较深的水域 ,由于有较高的初级生产量到达底部 ,从而支持着较高的大型底栖动物的生物量。渤海海峡口可能是渤海大型底栖动物生物量的高值区  相似文献   
冲绳海槽浮岩包裹体的测温试验   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
对浮岩中斜长石斑晶中的包裹体及玻璃基质中的包裹体首先进行双面光薄片的镜下观察,然后进行了系统的均化法与爆裂法测温试验。观察与试验结果表明:(1)斜长石中的包裹体均为玻璃质+气泡的两相包裹体,未发现气—液包裹体。固化包裹体为玻璃质,非晶质的固化包裹体外即是大量的气泡,特别是基质当中气泡更为发育,说明熔浆中含有丰富的挥发性组分,同时也说明包裹体形成于较浅的地质条件下。(2)长石中包裹体的均化温度不受包裹体特征不同的影响,均化温度分布范围从910—1250℃,峰值明显,计算的均化温度为Tz=(1081.4±177.9)℃,但还存在有高于1250℃的均化温度峰。包裹体均化法测试结果说明浮岩中斜长石的形成过程至少有两个阶段:第一阶段的岩浆温度在1200—1300℃左右,在此温度下形成的是An值较高的基性斜长石,同时结晶的还有辉石等矿物,斜长石结晶第二个阶段时的熔浆温度在1100℃以下,这一阶段持续的时间长,跨越的温度范围大,应是岩浆在近地表和岩浆喷出过程中的岩浆快速冷却期,同时伴随有矿物大规模晶出。(3)包裹体中的气相部分均聚合成圆形或近圆形,说明温度下降速度较快。斑晶斜长石中部分包裹体与基质玻璃中包裹体的形成温度是连续变化的,这一事实应该与冲绳海槽特殊的地质条件有关  相似文献   
1998年夏季南海水团分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据 1 998年夏季“南海季风试验 ( SCSMEX)”期间所获的 CTD资料 ,使用系统聚类、Fuzzy模式聚类、Bayes判别分析和 Fuzzy分析等水团分析方法 ,对南海水体的结构和水团配置状况等进行了分析 ,划出了南海存在的 9个主要水团 ,并对各水团的温、盐度特征进行了初析。在调查期间 ,南海本地水 (南海水 )几乎控制了整个调查海区 ,而黑潮水仅出现在台湾岛的西南海域 ;海水强烈混合发生在吕宋海峡附近 ;在中南半岛以东和吕宋岛以西海域 ,表层水明显下沉 ;在南海东南部可能有来自苏禄海的海水 ,其温、盐度特征类似于吕宋海峡中的黑潮水  相似文献   
The Southwest Subbasin (SWSB) is an abyssal subbasin in the South China Sea (SCS), with many debates on its neotectonic process and crustal structure. Using two-dimensional seismic tomography in the SWSB, we derived a detailed P-wave velocity model of the basin area and the northern margin. The entire profile is approximately 311-km-long and consists of twelve oceanic bottom seismometers (OBSs). The average thickness of the crust beneath the basin is 5.3 km, and the Moho interface is relatively flat (10–12 km). No high velocity bodies are observed, and only two thin high-velocity structures (~7.3 km/s) in the layer 3 are identified beneath the northern continent-ocean transition (COT) and the extinct spreading center. By analyzing the P-wave velocity model, we believe that the crust of the basin is a typical oceanic crust. Combined with the high resolution multi-channel seismic profile (MCS), we conclude that the profile shows asymmetric structural characteristics in the basin area. The continental margin also shows asymmetric crust between the north and south sides, which may be related to the large scale detachment fault that has developed in the southern margin. The magma supply decreased as the expansion of the SWSB from the east to the west.  相似文献   
长江口水域的水系组成和特征的综合研究结果表明,长江、台湾暖流、气旋型涡旋和32°N附近的上升流从东、南、西、北四个方向向长江口水域提供了丰富的磷酸盐,并且均以不同的时间、方式和强度提供磷酸盐。长江口的浅海区南侧有上升流出现,这可由物理海洋、海洋化学和海洋生物调查数据予以证实。这样,展示了整个长江河口区水域磷酸盐的输送过程,为研究长江河口区磷酸盐的分布成因和浮游植物的生长过程提供了科学基础。  相似文献   
自青岛近岸海水中分离到一株硅藻,经形态学和分子生物学鉴定,表明该藻与小头菱形藻(Nitzschia microcephala)最为相近,18SrDNA相似性99%以上。研究以f/2培养基为基础,对该藻的生长和油脂积累条件进行探析,表明其在pH=6~8时具有较高的生长速率,最大可达到0.01d-1,油脂含量随pH的升高而降低;添加SiO2-3可以抑制菱形藻的生长和油脂积累;高浓度的Fe3+能促进菱形藻的生长;在Zn2+浓度为1.74μmol/L的条件下,菱形藻能够较好地生长并且进行油脂的积累;其中pH、SiO2-3和Fe3+是影响该藻生长和油脂积累的主要因子。正交试验研究表明,该藻在f/2培养液中生长和油脂积累的最优条件为初始pH=9,SiO2-3和Fe3+添加浓度分别为0.07和100μmol/L。在该最优条件下,该藻的生物量和油脂积累可分别达到94.7mg/L和19.6%。  相似文献   
The warming of the Arctic Intermediate Water (AIW) is studied based on the analyses of hydrographic observations in the Canada Basin of the Arctic Ocean during 1985-2006. It is shown that how the anomalously warm AIW spreads in the Canada Basin during the observation time through the analysis of the AIW temperature spatial distribution in different periods. The results indicate that by 2006, the entire Canada Basin has almost been covered by the warming AIW. In order to study interannual variability of the AIW in the Canada Basin, the Canada Basin is divided into five regions according to the bottom topography. From the interannual variation of AIW temperature in each region, it is shown that a cooling period follows after the warming event in upstream regions. At the Chukchi Abyssal Plain and Chukchi Plateau, upstream of the Arctic Circumpolar Boundary Current (ACBC) in the Canada Basin, the AIW temperature reached maximum and then started to fall respectively in 2000 and 2002. However, the AIW in the Canada Abyssal Plain and Beaufort Sea continues to warm monotonically until the year 2006. Furthermore, it is revealed that there is convergence of the AIW depth in the five different regions of the Canada Basin when the AIW warming occurs during observation time. The difference of AIW depth between the five regions of the Canada Basin is getting smaller and smaller, all approaching 410 m in recent years. The results show that depth convergence is related to the variation of AIW potential density in the Canada Basin.  相似文献   
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