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给出了一种基于变比冲核电推进载人飞船探测小行星的轨道优化设计方法.首先基于双脉冲单圈Lambert轨道转移,对地球出发段和返回段进行搜索剪枝,再从两个可行区域中优选最佳飞行路径.设定"推进-滑行-推进"的分段飞行策略,以工质消耗最少为指标,利用混合法优化核电推进飞行轨迹,最后以分段优化参数为初值,基于整体任务约束将全飞行过程转化为非线性优化问题,将各飞行段进行拼接,获得整体参数优化解,并给出了数值和图形结果.  相似文献   
在天文观测中射电望远镜性能参数的好坏直接影响到观测数据质量,为了保证观测质量,提高观测效率,需要对天线性能进行测量.当前进行天线测量的方法有场地测量法和射电天文法,不同的方法应用范围和效果不同.对于大型天线而言采用射电天文法进行天线测量高效快捷.针对VLBI射电望远镜,介绍了使用终端FS系统对天线参数进行测量(基于射电天文法)的方法和过程,以乌鲁木齐南山25 m天线增益和指向精度测量作为范例,重点叙述了测量的方法和步骤,并对该方法进行了讨论.  相似文献   
基于IEC-4G冰期后地壳反弹模型,和地球上Laurentia,Fennoscandia,Antarctica,andGreenland四大冰盖最近21000年以来的冰融参数,计算了对地球最大主转动惯量的影响△I33,并进而由现代空间测地技术观测资料分析得到的地球自转非潮汐加速项为约束,估计了地球平均下地幔(670km以下)粘性vLM为(0.9~2.5)·1022Pas,这个结果表明了vLM应具有1022Pas量级.  相似文献   
A postbuckling analysis is presented for a shear deformable anisotropic laminated cylindrical shell with stiffener of finite length subjected to axial compression. The material of each layer of the shell is assumed to be linearly elastic, anisotropic and fiber-reinforced. The governing equations are based on a higher order shear deformation shell theory with von Kármán-Donnell-type of kinematic nonlinearity and including the extension/twist, extension/flexural and flexural/twist couplings. The ‘smeared stiffener’ approach is adopted for the beam stiffeners. This arrangement allows the beam stiffeners to be assembled directly into the global stiffness matrix. The nonlinear prebuckling deformations and initial geometric imperfections of the shell are both taken into account. A singular perturbation technique is employed to determine the buckling loads and postbuckling equilibrium paths. The numerical illustrations concern the postbuckling response of perfect and imperfect, grid, axial, ring stiffened, and unstiffened shells. The results confirm that there exists a compressive stress along with an associate shear stress and twisting when the anisotropic shell is subjected to axial compression. The postbuckling equilibrium path is unstable for the moderately thick cylindrical shell under axial compression and the stiffened shell structure is imperfection-sensitive.  相似文献   
近年来,东海频现对大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)大网捕获(吨级规模以上),引起了对衰退中的野生大黄鱼资源保护的担忧。为查明东海野生大黄鱼洄游规律,本文根据2020−2022年在浙江近海产卵场和外海越冬场采集的不同批次野生大黄鱼样本,利用激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱法(LA-ICP-MS)测定耳石微化学元素,结合聚类分析和主成分分析(PCA),对不同大黄鱼群体进行了划分,结合耳石的年轮特征,研究大黄鱼群体的栖息生境,推测大黄鱼洄游路线。结果表明,Ba/Ca $\leqslant$0.004 2时可以判定为海洋栖息生境,Ba/Ca $\geqslant$ 0 .008 1时可以判定为河口栖息生境,0.004 2 < Ba/Ca< 0.008 1时可以判定为混合栖息生境。根据该阈值范围,判定本次采样的大黄鱼的5种生境类型:(1)近海产卵,近海混合水域短暂栖息类型(占22.2%);(2)近海产卵,阶段性往复混合生境栖息类型(占15.6%);(3)近海产卵,河口水域育幼索饵,外海越冬栖息类型(31.1%);(4)河口产卵、混合水域育幼,外海越冬栖息类型(6.7%);(5)近海混合水域短暂产卵,绝大部分时间海洋生境栖息类型(24.4%)。对所有样本的Ba/Ca核心、峰值和边缘值进行PCA,5种栖息类型的样本均匀分布在第一轴的两侧,大部分时间都在海洋生境中的G1、G2和G5,以及受陆源影响较大的G3和G4。同时,PCA结果同时也显示,5种类型样本均会近同步地在近海岛礁处出现,这表明外海、近海和河口的群体由于洄游等因素的影响会出现混合,说明了舟山岛礁水域对大黄鱼产卵育幼的重要性。本研究为东海大黄鱼近海产卵场、索饵场和外海越冬场之间洄游履历,以及大黄鱼洄游路线推测提供一定依据。  相似文献   
Abstract— Clasts of alkaline (the second find in meteorites) and subalkaline rocks were found in the Kaidun meteorite. One of them (#d4A) is a large crystal of albite with inclusions of fluorapatite, arfvedsonite, aenigmatite, and wilkinsonite. The two latter minerals were previously unknown in meteorites. Another clast (#d[3–5]D) has a melt crystallization texture of mainly feldspar (oligoclase) composition and contains relict grains of both high‐Ca and low‐Ca pyroxene and fluorapatite. The mineralogical characteristics of these clasts suggest a genetic relationship and an origin from the same parent body. The textural and mineralogical characteristics of the clasts indicate origin by extensive igneous differentiation. Such processes most likely took place in a rather large differentiated body. The material of clast #d(3–5)D is similar in some mineralogical respects to basaltic shergottites.  相似文献   
It is generally believed that the complexity and variability of the light curves of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are caused by the internal shocks, which would occur when a rapid shell catches up a slower one and collides with it. The electrons in the shock layer are heated by the shocks and radiate via the mechanisms of synchrotron radiation and inverse Compton scattering. Based on relativistic kinematics, a relation between the photon number of the emission from the rapidly moving shock layer and the number of the photons received by an observer is derived. Then, employing the angular spreading of the internal shock emission, the curve equation and profile of a single pulse are obtained, and the shape is typically in the shape of a fast rise and exponential decline. Furthermore, by using the model of the successive collisions of multiple shells under the condition of reasonable parameters, the observed light curves are fitted with a rather good effect. Therefore, by this means, more different types of light curves of GRBs can be explained.  相似文献   
Using the Luminous Red Galaxy (LRG) sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 (SDSS DR7), we investigate the environmental dependence of stellar mass, star formation rate (SFR) and specific star formation rate (SSFR) of LRGs. It is found that stellar mass of LRGs nearly is independent of local environments, and that the environmental dependence of SFR and SSFR in the LRG sample is much weaker than the one in the Main galaxy sample. One possible explanation is that galaxy color and morphology are a pair of galaxy properties most predictive of local environments, while LRGs are a group of galaxies that are likely to be luminous, red and of early types (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   



钻井液流变性是钻井液流动和变形的特性,对于携带与悬浮岩屑、提高钻进速度至关重要,准确掌握钻井液流变参数是保证井眼清洁与高效钻进的前提。提出一种基于卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network,CNN)的钻井液流变参数智能识别方法,通过磁力搅拌产生稳定的钻井液流动图像,利用多种数据增强方法增加图像数量并建立数据库,增强模型的鲁棒性和泛化能力。优化AlexNet卷积神经网络算法,构建钻井液流变参数识别模型。将数据库划分为训练集:验证集:测试集=7:2:1,对训练集进行迭代训练并通过验证集调整参数获得最佳拟合模型。此外,运用混淆矩阵、卷积核可视化技术和类激活技术(Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping,Grad-CAM)对模型进行多方位评估。结果表明:(1)钻井液流变参数识别模型对钻井液塑性黏度测试的宏精确率为95.2%,宏召回率为94.7%,宏F1值为0.95。(2)对钻井液表观黏度测试的宏精确率为91.6%,宏召回率为91.5%,宏F1值为0.90。(3)利用卷积核可视化技术和Grad-CAM对特征提取进行可视化处理,发现钻井液波纹形状和大小会影响模型流变参数识别准确度。(4)室内测试结果表明,该模型的测试误差为±2 mPa·s,在设计允许范围以内,具有较高的识别精确度和稳定性。所提出的钻井液流变参数实时智能识别方法可为安全、快速和准确地进行钻井液流变性测试提供智能化技术思路。

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