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川纹笛鲷消化道优势菌群PCR-DGGE指纹图谱比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用免培养的16S rDNA梯度凝胶电泳技术(DGGE)对集约化海水网箱养殖川纹笛鲷(Lutjanus sebae)的消化道胃壁、胃内容物、肠壁、肠内容物优势菌群结构进行了比较分析。研究结果显示,川纹笛鲷消化道存在着丰富多样的细菌群落,对DGGE指纹图谱聚类分析表明菌群组成相似度高于55%,其中胃内容物及胃壁细菌组成相似度最高(90%),这可能与摄食饵料在消化道推移有关;而胃壁与肠壁相似度相对最差,可能反应了由于生理环境不同引起的宿主差异性。通过建立川纹笛鲷消化道16S rDNA-DGGE指纹图谱及比较分析,为澄清川纹笛鲷消化道微生物区系奠定了基础。  相似文献   
提出一种针对FY-3C搭载的微波辐射成像仪(MWRI)海表温度产品的分段回归偏差订正方法,该方法通过引进气候态海表温度数据,建立与关联实测海表温度相匹配的回归模型,并通过对模型中关联变量的误差分析,选择最优样本进行分段回归,以实现对海表温度数据的重新估计。通过对MWRI海表温度数据的偏差订正试验表明,采用分段回归方法获得的订正结果无论在误差指标的空间分布还是时间序列上,都要明显优于采用传统概率密度函数偏差订正方法的结果。其中,采用概率密度函数方法订正后的海表温度产品误差标准差和均方根误差从订正前的0.9—1.0℃,减小到0.8℃左右,而采用分段回归方法获得相应的订正误差仅为0.6℃左右,订正效果有明显改善。  相似文献   
韩敬  潘哲  周慧敏  张宁  周玉奇  陈燕 《气象科学》2024,44(3):572-582
本文选取南京市新街口商业区和白下路居民区作为典型研究区域,利用大涡模式(Parallelized Large Eddy Simulation Model,PALM)模拟不同入流风速和风向对流场的影响。结果表明,不同入流风速条件下归一化风廓线基本一致,风廓线总体上主要受到功能区自身建筑物形态的影响,在中性层结下城市冠层内平均风速随高度的变化接近于指数分布。而本文计算得到的指数风廓线衰减系数的范围为0.55~0.81,高于目前城市冠层模式中的默认值,说明目前的城市冠层模式对建筑物密集区域的风速衰减可能存在低估。风速衰减系数主要受迎风面面积的影响,随迎风面积指数的增加而增大。迎风面积指数随入流风向发生改变,在本文研究的商业区和居民区中,行人高度风速随入流风向的改变最大下降幅度可分别达8%和10%。行人高度风速一般在与入流风向平行的街道和开阔的空地上较大,在建筑物密集分布的区域风速较低,由于强烈的狭管效应部分区域的风速可以超过入流风速。不同城市结构中入流风向的影响也不同,在十字路口、对称和非对称街谷以及多排建筑物中局地风场随入流风向存在各种变化。  相似文献   
周芳弛  李国平 《气象科学》2024,44(3):431-441
利用四川省2010—2019年2 165个气象站逐小时降水资料,分区统计了四川盆周山地暖季(5—9月)单站暴雨事件的精细特征。结果表明:(1)四川省单站暴雨事件频数在川西山地与川西南山地呈密集的带状分布。川西与川西南山地通常在降水开始不久就达到雨量最大值,而川东北山地的峰值时间集中在暴雨事件中段。(2)盆周山地的暴雨系统整体呈自南向北由前半夜向后半夜传播的特征。川西南山地和川东北山地的暴雨系统分别呈现较弱的自南向北和自西向东传播,而川西山地的暴雨系统则存在明显的自西向东的传播特征。(3)长历时暴雨事件的峰值出现时间略落后于短历时暴雨事件。暴雨持续时间在空间上存在显著的经向差异,大值区主要位于川西山地和川东北山地一带,暴雨雨量、频次和峰值基本不随持续时间变化,但川西南山地的暴雨峰值则随持续时间的加长而推迟。(4)在四川省大部区域,单站暴雨事件的降水量、频次和强度均表现出随海拔高度升高而减小的特征。在成都平原西南部、东部以及川东北山地,夜间暴雨事件持续时间越长,降水量和频次在较高海拔越易出现最大值。  相似文献   
公开地图的表示关乎国家安全、领土完整、民族尊严,具有严肃的政治性、严密的科学性和严格的法定性。动画效果地图是大众喜闻乐见而又十分有效的信息传播载体。但在公开表示方面存在盲区,是"问题地图"的高发区,可能造成严重的不良影响。本文总结了动画效果地图的常见类型、高发问题及成因,提出了动画效果地图表示方法建议,明确了地图底图和动画效果都要符合公开地图表示有关要求,对动画效果地图的制作和公开使用具有一定的指导性和启发性。  相似文献   
The timing of Palaeolithic human activities in South China is still controversial because of the lack of a reliable chronology of archaeological sites. The Longdengshan Palaeolithic site(LPS), located close to the Wuyi Mountain of South China, represents the first discovered and scientifically excavated Middle Palaeolithic site in the Fujian Province. This site is of considerable significance for studying the diffusion and cultural connotation of early Homo sapiens in southern China. In this study, we present optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) ages obtained from medium-grained quartz collected at the LPS. The single-aliquot regenerative-dose measurements of red soil deposits collected at the same site yielded internally and stratigraphically consistent ages and similar errors, indicating a potential ability of the technique, and also reflecting the influence of various sedimentary facies on the test results. Our results indicate that the 38-63 μm quartz grains were generally partially-bleached and had large values of over-dispersion in the palaeo-reticulated laterites of west Fujian. Some samples yielded unsatisfactory results, suggesting that the degree of bleaching of diluvial and alluvial deposits should be properly assessed before dating. We did not detect any enrichment/depletion of U, Th and radioactive disequilibrium. The effect of chemical weathering on the dose rate estimation was negligible. Therefore, we used a central age model and the maximum age model to calculate the age of two samples, respectively, and the minimum age model to calculate the ages of the rest of the samples. The OSL ages of the samples ranged from 27.09 ± 2.30 ka to 54.65 ± 7.39 ka for the 38-63 μm quartz size fraction, and roughly corresponded to the Marine Isotope Stage 3. In addition, three ages out of five are based on the calculation of minimum ages in this research, which needs to be further verified by other dating methods.  相似文献   
晋北煅烧高岭土用煤矸石的应用矿物学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了给晋北煅烧高岭土用煤矸石的评价和开发利用提供科学依据,采用XRD、XRF、SEM和白度计等现代分析测试技术,研究了晋北煅烧高岭土用煤矸石的应用矿物学特征。结果表明:1)根据造纸和涂料用煅烧高岭土的国家标准,晋北煤矸石主要可分为3种类型:合格原料、基本合格原料和不合格原料。2)与合格和基本合格原料相比,不合格原料煅烧产物的化学成分中SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3含量以及碱金属与碱土金属总含量都与前者有较大差异。3)合格和基本合格原料主要由高岭石(85%~94%)组成,不合格煤矸石矿物组合为高岭石(30%~60%)+石英(23%~38%)+伊利石(14%~26%),并含少量黄铁矿和白云石等杂质矿物,石英等杂质矿物和含铁矿物是分别导致煅烧产物化学成分和白度不合格的主要原因。4)合格原料中高岭石结晶度较好,主要为不规则片状、书册状和弯曲片状,片表面光滑,片径大小范围较大,为0.05~51.22μm,平均2.80μm,径厚比41.24。  相似文献   
董策  周建波 《地球科学》2013,(Z1):21-30
孔兹岩系普遍发育在华北克拉通,中国东北孔兹岩系最早发现是在佳木斯地块麻山群.近期对兴安、额尔古纳地块孔兹岩系中斜长角闪岩的主量、微量、稀土元素进行了研究.斜长角闪岩的主量元素以Fe2O3(1.83%~12.37%)、MgO(4.28%~7.29%)、CaO(6.27%~10.29%)含量较高,K2O(0.56%~2.09%)、SiO2(47.06%~56.13%)含量较低为特征.微量元素Sr、Cr、Ni、Co等元素的含量较高,轻、重稀土元素分异不明显,(La/Yb)N=2~6,具有弱的负Eu异常,δEu=0.76~1.05.斜长角闪岩的原岩为玄武岩或安山质玄武岩,具有板内拉斑玄武岩的特征,因此研究区孔兹岩系形成于裂谷沉积环境.这与佳木斯地块麻山群孔兹岩系形成环境一致,表明东北地区各地块的变质基底均为孔兹岩系,其原岩均形成于裂谷沉积环境,并统一经历约500Ma泛非期变质事件.西伯利亚克拉通南缘Sayang-Baikal造山带和蒙古地体晚泛非期变质岩也经历约500Ma变质作用,因此,中亚造山带内各地块均经历约500Ma变质作用,中国东北各地块可能起源于西伯利亚克拉通南缘晚泛非期造山带的一部分.  相似文献   
Based on detailed and systematic researches of the geology of ore deposits, fluid inclusions and isotope geochemistry etc., and regarding the Late Paleozoic fluid system of the Yuebei Basin as an integrated object in this paper, we have revealed the temporo-spatial evolution law of the basin's fluid system and discussed its ore-forming effects by simulating and analyzing the distribution of ore-forming elements, the fluid thermodynamics and dynamics of evolution processes of this basin. The results show that Late Paleozoic ore-forming fluid systems of the Yuebei Basin include four basic types as follows. (1) The sea floor volcanic-exhalation system developed during the rapid basin slip-extension stage in the Mid-Late Devonian, which affected the Dabaoshan region. It thus formed the Dabaoshan-type Cu-Pb-Zn-Fe sea floor volcanic-exhalation sedimentary deposits. (2) The compaction fluid system developed during the stable spreading and thermal subsidence-compression stage of the basin in the Mid-Late Devonian. The range of its effects extended all over the whole basin. It resulted in filling-metasomatic deposits, such as the Hongyan-type pyrite deposits and pyrite sheet within the Fankou-type Cu-Pb-Zn-S deposits. (3) The hot water circulation system of sea floor developed during the stage of basin uplifting and micro-aulacogen from the late Late Carboniferous to Middle Carboniferous. The range of its effects covered the Fankou region. It thus formed MVT deposits, such as the main orebody of the Fankou-type Pb-Zn-S deposits. (4) The gravity fluid system developed during the stage of fold uplifting and the basin closed from Middle Triassic to Jurassic, forming groundwater hydrothermal deposits, e.g. the veinlet Pb-Zn-calcite orebodies of the Fankou-type Pb-Zn- S deposits. Migration and concentration of the ore-forming fluids were constrained by the state of temporo-spatial distribution of its fluid potential. Growth faults not only converged the fluids and drove them to move upwards, but also the fluids often crossed the faults to the edges of the basin at the bottom of these faults and the lithologic interfaces, and even migrated to the basin's edges from top to bottom along the faults, which may be one of the basic reasons for the stratabound deposits to cluster mainly along the contemporaneous faults on the inner border of the basin. The superposed mineralization resulting from the multi-stage activity of contemporaneous faults and ore-forming fluid systems in the basin may be one of the key factors for forming superlarge ore deposits.  相似文献   
在大兴安岭森林沼泽景观区,植被茂盛、土壤表层腐殖质发育,且通视条件差,运用传统的规则网土壤测量方法进行1/5万水系沉积物异常查证,工作周期长、劳动强度大;采用不规则网土壤测量方法进行异常查证,取得了快速评价异常、追踪异常源,缩短找矿周期的效果。  相似文献   
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