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探索西部欠发达城市人口空间格局及其演变特征,与东部发达城市人口分布形成对照,有利于认识城市人口分布规律,引导城市人口有序疏解。以西部欠发达城市兰州为例,对其乡镇街道尺度的常住人口数据进行空间化处理,在此基础上借鉴标准差椭圆分析思路,提出变形椭圆圈层法,并结合GIS空间分析和人口密度模型拟合等方法,多角度揭示2000-2010年兰州市人口空间分布格局及其演变特征。研究发现:兰州市人口分布呈现“带状集聚”特征和“圈层-分异”结构,形成“中心区和近郊区人口缓慢增长,外围区人口快速增长,远郊区人口明显减少”的格局;兰州市人口重心在10年间向东偏北方向移动,人口空间呈“西北-东南”分布格局,总体上表现出集聚态势,且10年间集聚态势有所强化;Smeed模型是刻画兰州市人口分布的最佳单中心模型,10年间人口分布的单中心趋势增强,人口多中心结构尚不成熟。  相似文献   
李军  赵玉竹  邓梅 《山地学报》2019,(2):284-294
为了建立合理、准确且便于估算和应用的山地地理可照时数空间分布模型,本文以重庆为例,首先利用分布式模型估算了30 a平均年和各月可照时数,并利用基于气象行业标准得到的理论值进行了验证;其次,以栅格单元为统计样本,建立了基于地形尺度的可照时数估算的统计模型。结果表明:(1)基于分布式模型的模拟结果具有较高可信度,除10月外,其他各月和年的相对误差均小于10%,且东北和东南部的相对误差较中西部高。(2)西部方山丘陵区的可照时数高,中部平行岭谷区次之,东北和东南部低。冬季可照时数的空间异质性最大,夏季次之,春秋季接近,均较小。(3)各月和年可照时数与主要地理和地形因子之间的相关关系均表现为极显著性,各月复相关系数在0.7929~0.8277,年复相关系数为0.8522。(4)重庆可照时数估算统计模型在一定程度上简化了分布式模型的计算步骤和计算量,便于其应用,并可为其他地区估算可照时数提供方法参考。  相似文献   
Non-crop habitats have been suggested to impact local biodiversity significantly in agricultural landscapes. However, there have been few studies of the effects of less-focused non-crop habitats(orchard, wetland, pit and ditch) on variation of spider abundance. In this study, spiders in 30 woodlands were captured using pitfall traps in Fengqiu County, China, and the effects of local and landscape variations at different scales(50 m, 100 m, 200 m, 350 m and 500 m) on spider abundance were analysed. The most important variation that influenced spider abundance at the 500 m scale was the less-focused non-crop habitat(LNH) cover, and 10% was an appropriate proportion of LNH cover to sustain high level of spider diversity in the investigated landscape. Non-metric multidimensional scaling analyses revealed that there were significant differences in the spider composition among the high, medium and low LNH coverage. Based on indicator species analysis, different spider species were associated with landscapes with different levels of LNH cover. Lycosidae, which accounted for 48% of the total specimens, preferred woodland habitats neighbouring areas with high LNH cover. Compared with woodland habitats, LNH provided more diverse food sources and habitat to sustain more spider species in the study area. Furthermore, linear elements composed of vegetation, such as pits and ditches, may prevent agricultural intensification by enhancing landscape connectivity and providing habitats for different spiders. Our findings may provide a theoretical basis for biodiversity conservation in agro-ecosystems and top-down control of pests.  相似文献   
Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei each contributed to the comprehensive governance of bulk coal to treat bulk coal pollution in a mutually beneficial way in 2017. The cooperative game theory is used in this paper to study the environmental benefits and cost effectiveness brought about by this comprehensive governance strategy, primarily focusing on the issue of how to maximize the environmental benefits by choosing an appropriate strategy since the benefits to Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei are closely related. Therefore, the linear optimization, game theory and Shapley value method in the cooperative game model are used to find the ways to minimize the total governance cost of bulk coal in the three areas. In addition, the issues of how to carry out rational distribution and transfer of governance capital among the three places are explored according to the actual amounts of consumption of bulk coal, the influence of the coal burning on the PM2.5 and the actual cost of coal governance in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei in 2017. The results show that the governance task in Hebei Province is the most onerous, and requires more investment than the other two cities. Thus, it requires the support from other two cities, with the amount of increased capital required of about 600 million Yuan. At the same time, the cost saved after optimization in Tianjin is calculated to be the largest, which thus can be adjusted appropriately and allocated to Hebei for the governance of bulk coal. The model constructed in this paper can not only be used to solve the issues related to bulk coal consumption in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, but also to carry out the effective distribution of capital, by which a win-win scenario among the three places can be achieved.  相似文献   
本文对广西钦州(Gq)、福建霞浦(Fx)、浙江温州(Zw)、浙江三门(Zs)、浙江宁海(Zn)、浙江慈溪(Zc)等6个野生群体拟穴青蟹(Scylla paramamosain)肌肉进行了氨基酸及脂肪酸分析。共测定出19种游离氨基酸和26种脂肪酸。氨基酸含量在80.94—191.39mg/g之间, Gq为最高;总脂肪酸含量在7.97—11.38mg/g之间,Zn为最高。主要氨基酸为甘氨酸和精氨酸;主要脂肪酸为C20:5n3(EPA),占总脂肪酸含量的平均值为(22.47±5.84)%。各群体风味氨基酸和多不饱和脂肪酸含量丰富,占总氨基酸比例(TDAA/TFAA)和总脂肪酸比例(PUFA/TFA)分别为(53.62±5.43)%和(59.27±5.29)%。Zs群体的必需氨基酸含量及C22:6n3(DHA)均为最高。主成分分析结果表明:各群体的氨基酸与脂肪酸组成与含量相似性与地理距离分布具有一定的相关性,特别是Gq群体,在氨基酸与脂肪酸的分类中与其他群体区分比较明显。各群体风味氨基酸和多不饱和脂肪酸的聚类分析结果均表明:Zw、Zc与Gq群体较为接近,具有较强的甜味; Fx、Zn与Zs群体较为接近,具有较强的香味及不饱和脂肪酸营养价值。  相似文献   
为了解山东半岛南北两侧的烟台崆峒岛(KTD)海域和日照东港(DG)海域真核浮游生物群落特征,采用高通量测序技术,以18S rDNA V4区为目标基因,对2017年10月至2018年7月两海域的真核浮游生物多样性进行了检测;同期测定两海域的环境因子(溶解氧、氨氮含量等10个理化指标),并与真核浮游生物丰富度做相关性分析。实验结果表明:通过高通量测序技术共鉴定出浮游生物455种,其中,KTD海域共检测出真核浮游生物36个门类424种;DG海域共检测出真核浮游生物34个门类365种。绿藻门(Chlorophyta)、硅藻门(Diatomea)是两海域浮游植物中整体丰度最高的门类。KTD海域,绿藻门各月丰度在3.0%—21.3%之间,其中2018年7月(K1807)最高,达到了21.3%;硅藻门各月丰度在2.0%—16.59%之间,其中2018年2月(K1802)最高,达到了16.59%。DG海域,绿藻门各月丰度在2.0%—12.3%之间,其中2017年11月份(D1711)最高,达到了12.3%;硅藻门各月丰度在2.0%—47.0%之间,其中1月(D1801)最高,达到了47.0%。占优势地位的浮游动物主要是节肢动物门类的物种,其每月丰度分别在6.0%—38.9%和7.6%—48.6%之间。环境因子相关性分析表明水温、DO、pH、硅酸盐、硝酸盐氮等环境因子为影响该海域浮游生物群落结构的主要因子。研究结果对了解双壳经济贝类养殖区饵料组成及其在时空的变化,对海岸带食物网、生态基础管理和海洋经济贝类养殖生产等方面提供数据支撑。  相似文献   
浮游藻类对溶解态氮的吸收同化是湖泊氮生物循环和水体富营养化发生机制探讨的关键环节。本文通过~(15)N稳定同位素添加实验以铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)、海链藻(Thalassiosira sp.)、卡德藻(Tetraselmis sp.)、剧毒卡尔藻(Karlodinium veneficum)以及盐水隐藻(Rhodomonas salina)为研究对象,从浮游藻类氮素吸收时间、营养盐基质以及藻种差异三个方面研究五种藻类对铵氮(NH_4~+-N)、硝氮(NO_3~--N)、尿素氮(Urea-N)三种形态氮的吸收特征。研究发现:(1)浮游藻类对三种形态氮的吸收均在1h时吸收速率最高,其氮素吸收过程为快速吸收。(2)浮游藻类优先吸收还原态氮,其中NH_4~+-N吸收速率最高,当培养周期为1d和4d时浮游藻类对NH_4~+-N吸收速率的均值分别为4.05和4.15μmol/(L·h);浮游藻类对Urea-N吸收相对偏好系数为25.18—713.42,表现出对小分子溶解态有机氮的特定偏好性。(3)不同藻种对氮素吸收具有不同特征,其中,剧毒卡尔藻对三种形态氮的吸收速率均为最高,而铜绿微囊藻的吸收速率均为最低;不同藻种不同培养时间氮素吸收速率差异与浮游藻类生长周期等特性有关。不同浮游藻类对不同形态氮素表现出吸收特异性,对水体氮负荷和浮游藻类水华优势种形成将产生重要影响。  相似文献   
The seasonal prediction of sea surface temperature(SST) and precipitation in the North Pacific based on the hindcast results of The First Institute of Oceanography Earth System Model(FIO-ESM) is assessed in this study.The Ensemble Adjusted Kalman Filter assimilation scheme is used to generate initial conditions, which are shown to be reliable by comparison with the observations. Based on this comparison, we analyze the FIO-ESM 6-month hindcast results starting from each month of 1993–2013. The model exhibits high SST prediction skills over most of the North Pacific for two seasons in advance. Furthermore, it remains skillful at long lead times for midlatitudes. The reliable prediction of SST can transfer fairly well to precipitation prediction via air-sea interactions.The average skill of the North Pacific variability(NPV) index from 1 to 6 months lead is as high as 0.72(0.55) when El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation and NPV are in phase(out of phase) at initial conditions. The prediction skill of the NPV index of FIO-ESM is improved by 11.6%(23.6%) over the Climate Forecast System, Version 2. For seasonal dependence, the skill of FIO-ESM is higher than the skill of persistence prediction in the later period of prediction.  相似文献   
虾蛄(Squillidae)是重要的水产增养殖品种。目前针对虾蛄类的研究主要集中在其基础生物学和繁殖生物学方面,其中在虾蛄的纳精结构、性腺发育和幼体发育等研究方面还存在诸多分歧。作者综述了几种虾蛄类,如口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)、黑斑口虾蛄(O. kempi)、猛虾蛄(Harpiosquilla harpax)和棘突猛虾蛄(H. raphidea)的资源分布、生活习性、亲本、性腺和幼体发育等研究成果,以期为虾蛄繁殖生物学和人工育苗的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   
陈相堂  赵斌  李成林  韩莎  胡炜 《海洋科学》2019,43(6):95-101
本研究对紫刺参胚胎和幼体发育过程进行了显微观测,比较分析了其幼体早期生长情况与体色形成过程。结果表明:(1)在水温21.0±0.2℃条件下,紫刺参受精卵在受精10~15min后释放第一极体,5h 30min~6h 30min进入囊胚期, 18~20h发育成原肠胚; 30~34h进入耳状幼体阶段, 8~10d变态发育为樽形幼体, 12~14d发育成稚参;紫刺参胚胎和幼体发育时序与普通刺参无显著差异。(2)紫刺参早期发育中的樽形幼体发生率和附着变态率分别为58.4±4.7%和45.1±2.7%,高于普通刺参。(3)紫刺参浮游阶段后期随日龄增长表现出较普通刺参发育更快的优势,在日龄6~7d表现出显著差异(P0.05)。(4)紫刺参稚参在日龄35d前后自背部开始着色,50d~60d腹部开始着色,110d体表紫色转变近乎成参体色,完成变色过程。  相似文献   
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