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G. Z. Xie F. K. Liu Y. Y. Zhu J. H. Fan R. W. Lu 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1991,179(2):321-329
It has become clear in recent years that relativistic beaming is a good explanation for the BL Lac phenomenon. Of studies based on the relativistic beaming model of BL Lac objects, we note that the orientation of jet's axis to the line-of-sight is very small and, therefore, the observed flux emitted from a rapidly moving source is orders of magnitude higher than the flux in its rest-frame:F
obs = 3 +
intr, where is the bulk relativistic Doppler factor. Then the observed apparent magnitudem
must be corrected for this effect. For our 39 samples, the corrected apparent magnitudem
and logZ have a good correlation. 相似文献
CHEN Lei 《地球空间信息科学学报》2008,11(3):228-234
A review was conducted on the environmental evolvement and environmental archaeological research since the 1980s in the Yangtze Delta. Former environmental evolvement and environmental archaeological research results can be summed up into 4 aspects: 1) Formation and evolution of the Taihu Lake; 2) Transgression and sea-level changes in the Holocene epoch; 3) Reconstruction of the pre-historical environment; and 4) Impacts of environmental variations on the rise and fall of human civilization (formation of the cultural interruptions). Based on this review, some limitations in the present research methods and possible outcomes are pointed out in this paper. 相似文献
针对BDS区域卫星导航系统的空间信号精度评估问题,分析利用精密星历进行空间信号评估的算法以及SISURE的投影原理,讨论BDS不同星座的参数选择。估计BDS各个卫星的空间信号精度,估算出SISURE综合误差的平均值为1.54 m,与GPS的空间信号精度还存在一定差距。针对个别导航卫星某些分量误差偏大的情况进行分析,发现GEO卫星SISURE个别时段较差和轨道机动有一定关系,并明确了BDS实际的空间信号精度,可为BDS用户提供一定参考。 相似文献
半干旱黄土丘陵区人工植被深层土壤干化效应 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
科学评估不同植被恢复模式的土壤干化效应是目前黄土高原生态恢复一个亟需解决的关键问题。本文以半干旱黄土丘陵区14种典型人工植被为例,通过构建土壤水分相对亏缺指数CSWDI和样地土壤水分相对亏缺指数PCSWDI,定量评估了不同植被深层土壤干化效应。研究发现:除农地和撂荒草地外,各植被深层土壤水分均随土层深度的增加而升高,深层土壤水分含量同土层深度之间呈一元线性关系。不同人工植被深层土壤相对干化程度存在差异,以油松林地最高,杨树侧柏混交林地最低。不同植被类型受其自身蒸腾耗水、根系特征和耕作等影响,土壤干化的程度在剖面上存在差异,但总体趋势为随深度增加而降低。针阔叶植被配置模式土壤水分状况要稍好于阔叶纯林的配置模式。 相似文献
同向超接型变换构造往往是由同向趋近型变换构造发育而来,当主干断裂的叠置部分较大时,其内部会受到与区域伸展方向一致的局部拉张作用,产生与主干断裂平行的纵向变换断层.根据区域伸展量守恒原理,结合同向超接型变换构造的发育特征及其主控因素分析,提出了“变换强度”( transfer degree)的计算公式来定量表征变换构造对主干断裂的调节程度,并将变换强度定义为变换构造的伸展量与主干断层最大水平位移量的比值;为了减小统计过程中的误差,采用了主干断层及其末端的水平位移为参数进行了变换强度的计算.该文选取了东营凹陷西部的平南—石村同向超接型变换构造为典型实例进行了分析,并运用平衡剖面技术验证了计算结果的准确性,二者吻合度好,表明该方法具有一定的可行性,为其他类型变换构造的定量表征提供了一定的思路. 相似文献
The tectono‐stratigraphic evolution of the Austral Basin and adjacent areas against the background of Andean tectonics,southern Argentina,South America

The Austral Basin (or Magallanes Basin) in southern Argentina is situated in a highly active tectonic zone. The openings of the South Atlantic and the Drake Passage to the east and south, active subduction in the west, and the related rise of the Andes have massively influenced the evolution of this area. To better understand the impacts of these tectonic events on basin formation to its present‐day structure we analysed 2D seismic reflection data covering about 95 000 km² on‐ and 115 000 km² offshore (Austral ‘Marina’ and Malvinas Basin). A total of 10 seismic horizons, representing nine syn‐ and post‐ rift sequences, were mapped and tied to well data to analyse the evolution of sedimentary supply and depocenter migration through time. 1D well backstripping across the study area confirms three main tectonic stages, containing (i) the break‐up phase forming basement graben systems and the evolution of the Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous ancient backarc Austral/Rocas Verdes Basin (RVB), (ii) the inversion of the backarc marginal basin and the development of the foreland Austral Basin and (iii) the recent foreland Austral Basin. Synrift sedimentation did not exceed the creation of accommodation space, leading to a deepening of the basin. During the Early Cretaceous a first impulse of compression due to Andes uplift caused rise also of parts of the basin. Controlling factors for the subsequent tectonic development are subduction, balanced phases of sedimentation, accumulation and erosion as well as enhanced sediment supply from the rising Andes. Further phases of rock uplift might be triggered by cancelling deflection of the plate and slab window subduction, coupled with volcanic activity. Calculations of sediment accumulation rates reflect the different regional tectonic stages, and also show that the Malvinas Basin acted as a sediment catchment after the filling of the Austral Basin since the Late Miocene. However, although the Austral and Malvinas Basin are neighbouring basin systems that are sedimentary coupled in younger times, their earlier sedimentary and tectonic development was decoupled by the Rio Chico basement high. Thereby, the Austral Basin was affected by tectonic impacts of the Andes orogenesis, while the Malvinas Basin was rather affected by the opening of the South Atlantic. 相似文献
对东昆仑南缘布青山构造混杂岩带哥日卓托闪长岩体进行了锆石U Pb年代学和岩石地球化学研究,以便对其形成时代和岩石成因进行约束。结果表明,哥日卓托闪长岩锆石Th/U比值(0.63~1.28)较高,阴极发光图像显示锆石内部发育振荡环带,具岩浆成因特点;LA ICP MS锆石U Pb年龄为225.8±1.5Ma(MSWD=0.53),表明其形成时代为晚三叠世早期。岩体的SiO2含量在53.07%~58.74%之间,Al2O3(14.66%~16.17%)含量相对较高,全碱含量较低(4.76%~6.04%),高钾(1.60%~2.90%),里特曼指数σ在1.69~2.66之间,属高钾钙碱性系列。稀土元素总量(∑REE)为158.36×10-6~211.50×10-6,δEu为0.85~0.97,稀土元素配分曲线呈右倾型,具有弱的负铕异常。高场强元素(Nb、Ta、P等)和大离子亲石元素(Ba、Sr、Ti等)具有明显的负异常,而Rb、U、La、Hf、Nd等元素具有明显的正异常。哥日卓托闪长岩形成于高温环境(800℃±),具有后碰撞岩浆活动的特征,是东昆仑地块与巴颜喀拉地块碰撞后地壳部分熔融的产物。 相似文献
针对目前地基GNSS台站在全球分布不均匀,导致南半球海洋和中高纬地区出现与实际不符的VTEC为负值的问题,利用IGS前1 d的最终GIM作为虚拟观测值对TEC可能为负值的地区进行约束,结合GNSS数据建立全球电离层模型(称为SGG模型),并用2014年200多个IGS台站数据对模型进行验证。结果表明,各台站VTEC的RMS优于3 TECu(赤道异常区域RMS在5~7 TECu)。同时SGG能有效消除南半球海洋(40°~90°S)VTEC为负的情况,且对原有非负VTEC几乎没有影响(其变化小于2 TECu)。SGG的卫星DCB与CODE 相比,RMS和MEAN分别优于0.2 ns和0.04 ns,不同纬度带SGG与CODE的接收机DCB估值变化基本一致,两者之差基本在1 ns以内。 相似文献
以广播星历为起算轨道的北斗卫星实时滤波精密定轨往往需要较长收敛时间,针对此,提出利用超快速精密星历约束的实时精密定轨方法。通过MGEX跟踪网全球分布的51个测站连续7 d的实测数据,利用平方根信息滤波对北斗卫星实时精密轨道进行确定,并以3 d解事后轨道作为参考,评估北斗卫星实时滤波轨道精度。结果表明,利用广播星历作起算轨道时,北斗实时滤波轨道平均需要经过15 h收敛才能达到稳定,而新方法在这段时间内轨道变化较为平稳,未出现明显的收敛现象,并且7 d时间内GEO卫星在切向、法向和径向上RMS分别优于2.5 m、20 cm和30 cm,IGSO和MEO卫星在3个方向上分别优于30 cm、15 cm和10 cm。 相似文献
济南北部地热田地热资源类型属于层状裂隙岩溶型,热源是北部齐河-广饶断裂的沟通导热,盖层是第四系、新近系、石炭-二叠系、侏罗系.可利用的、具有开发价值的热储层为奥陶系灰岩热储,该热储层顶板埋深在700~2500m左右,热储层厚度由南向北逐渐增大,单井涌水量2000m3/d左右,孔口水温一般在38~57℃,地热田东部地热水矿化度1.4~3.5g/L左右,西部5.1~7.2g/L左右,地热水中富含氟、锶、偏硅酸等微量元素,具腐蚀性,结垢性弱,具较好的开发利用价值.经计算奥陶系热储层单井可采资源量为7.3×105m3/a,合理井间距为5000m. 相似文献