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Unrepresentative subsamples can be obtained from a sedimentary sample through repeated subdivision when using a mechanical microsplitter. Physical biases are often compounded by repetition and can result in wide variations among the estimates computed from the relative proportion of foraminifera of a given species. A new microsplitter, designed on a new principle, has been built to separate small representative subsamples. The device is based on the uniform distribution of unconsolidated sediments suspended in water. A subsample of the desired size is obtained by collecting sediment from an appropriate sedimentation area. Operation of this sampler is rapid and convenient and requires only one step, thus eliminating sampling biases introduced by repeated operations with other splitters. This new device was tested and found to be superior to the Otto Microsplitter according to some statistical goodness-of-fit tests conducted on the series.  相似文献   
The deep thermal field in sedimentary basins can be affected by convection, conduction or both resulting from the structural inventory, physical properties of geological layers and physical processes taking place therein. For geothermal energy extraction, the controlling factors of the deep thermal field need to be understood to delineate favorable drill sites and exploitation compartments. We use geologically based 3-D finite element simulations to figure out the geologic controls on the thermal field of the geothermal research site Groß Schönebeck located in the E part of the North German Basin. Its target reservoir consists of Permian Rotliegend clastics that compose the lower part of a succession of Late Carboniferous to Cenozoic sediments, subdivided into several aquifers and aquicludes. The sedimentary succession includes a layer of mobilized Upper Permian Zechstein salt which plays a special role for the thermal field due to its high thermal conductivity. Furthermore, the salt is impermeable and due to its rheology decouples the fault systems in the suprasalt units from subsalt layers. Conductive and coupled fluid and heat transport simulations are carried out to assess the relative impact of different heat transfer mechanisms on the temperature distribution. The measured temperatures in 7 wells are used for model validation and show a better fit with models considering fluid and heat transport than with a purely conductive model. Our results suggest that advective and convective heat transport are important heat transfer processes in the suprasalt sediments. In contrast, thermal conduction mainly controls the subsalt layers. With a third simulation, we investigate the influence of a major permeable and of three impermeable faults dissecting the subsalt target reservoir and compare the results to the coupled model where no faults are integrated. The permeable fault may have a local, strong impact on the thermal, pressure and velocity fields whereas the impermeable faults only cause deviations of the pressure field.  相似文献   
The apparent ionization constants for silicic acid, k1 and k2, and the ionic product of water, kw, have been determined in 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 2.0 M Na(CI) media at 25°C. The medium dependence of these constants was found to fit equations of the form
where K1 is the ionization constant in pure water, αi and bi are parameters of which bi has been adjusted to present data. The following results were obtained (αi, bi): pK1 = 9.84, (1.022, ?0.11); pK2 = 13.43, (2.044, ?0.20); and pKw = 14.01 (1.022, ?0.22). ki values are collected in Tables I and II. Attempts have been made to explain the medium dependence of k1 and k2 with weak sodium silicate complexing according to the equilibria
Na++SiO2(OH)22?NaSiO2(HO)?2; k21
giving k11 = 0.37M?1 and k21= 3.0M?1. However, these weak interactions cannot be interpreted unambiguously from potentiometric data at different 1-levels. Probably the medium dependence could equally well be expressed by variations in the activity coefficients.The measurements were performed as potentiometric titrations using a hydrogen electrode. The average number of OH- reacted per Si(OH)4, Z, has been varied within the limits 0 ? Z ? 1.1 and B1, the total concentration of Si(OH)4, between 0.001 M and 0.008 M. k1 was evaluated from experimental data with B ? 0.003 M, and k2 with B ? 0.008 M and Z ? 0.95.  相似文献   
Quick clay, a soil that changes from normal firm ground to a liquid mass when it is disturbed, has been involved in most of the large and serious clay slides in Sweden, Norway and Canada. The location, time of occurrence and size of quick clay slides are difficult to predict and large slides may cause great devastation. Some geochemical studies of Swedish quick clay were done in the 1960s and early 1970s, but no systematic studies of the interrelationships of pore water chemistry, mineralogy, geotechnical properties and other parameters on quick clays in Sweden have been published. Such studies are of national and general interest because of the many combinations of rock flour source areas and sedimentation conditions that occurred across central Sweden and into the Baltic Sea area during deglaciation. In this study, geotechnical properties related to the in situ chemistry at one quick clay site were extensively studied, and spot sampling was conducted at two other locations in Southwest Sweden. In this area the clay minerals mainly are non-expanding phyllosilicate minerals (illite) and primary minerals (quartz, feldspar), which is consistent with previous studies of quick clay mineralogy. Extensive leaching has occurred at all three locations. At the extensively studied site, Surte, the lowest salinity was found at the greatest depth, inferring that the leaching by fresh water was accomplished by water movement upward and laterally through the sediment from the underlying bedrock. This is consistent with the local setting where bedrock hills rise sharply to over 100 m above the marine sediment surface. An artesian pressure would also be anticipated at this location. There is a correlation (negative) between sensitivity and salinity but there is an indication that the maximum salinity or electrical conductivity consistent with the quick clay behaviour is higher than reported elsewhere. However, for high sensitivities the salinity is about the same as reported elsewhere. In the deepest part of the borehole, there is a higher content of Fe and Al in the pore water, indicating reduced state. Further work is needed to confirm the difference in salinity and to investigate the possible interplay of salinity and potential dispersing agents such as the role of anoxic conditions, in this region. Further work is especially needed in the locations where the sediment accumulation occurred under lower salinity conditions. At all three locations, high remoulded shear strength and low sensitivity have been seen near the surface together with a decrease in pore water cation concentrations.  相似文献   
A cap model is presented that uses a multiplicative formulation to define a smooth (continuous derivative) failure surface that includes the third stress invariant. This formulation offers several advantages over previous cap model formulations: elimination of ‘corner’ coding, resulting in a numerical algorithm suitable for vectorization; a three stress invariant implementation that is easily specialized to classical failure surfaces or generalized to represent observed material response; and a framework for easily implementing additional model features such as kinematic hardening as demonstrated.  相似文献   
A combined study of lithological, geochemical and physical sediment properties is reported from a completely laminated S5 sapropel, recovered in three gravity cores (M40-4 SL67, M51-3 SL103, M51-3 SL104) from the Pliny Trench region of the eastern Mediterranean. The thickness of the studied sapropel S5 varies between 85 and 91 cm and tops most S5-sapropels in the Mediterranean. Based on optical features like color and thickness of laminae, the sapropels were subdivided into thirteen distinct lithostratigraphic zones. These zones, as well as the finer layering pattern within them, could be followed exactly among the three cores, indicating that the processes responsible for this variation acted at least on a regional scale. The sapropel sediment is characterized by exceptionally high porosity, which is strongly correlated with Si/Ca. This relationship implies that the sapropel is in essence an organic-matter rich diatomite and its exceptional thickness can be explained by preservation of diatoms forming a loosely packed sediment fabric. Compared to other S5 sapropels, the preservation of diatoms has apparently led to a twofold increase in the thickness of the sapropel layer. Relative abundances of 10 elements were determined at ultra-high resolution (0.2 mm) by XRF-scanner over the complete length of each sapropel including several cm of enclosing marl. An analysis of the chemical data indicates that the lowermost 13 cm of the sapropel is chemically more similar to the underlying marl and that the sediment chemistry shows different signals at different scales. The strongest pattern is the contrast between the sapropel and the surrounding marl, which is accentuated in elements indicative for redox conditions as well as terrigenous sediment input and productivity. Within the sapropel, a mm- to cm-scale layering is observed. The abundances of many elements are systematically linked to the pattern of these layers, indicating a common origin, related to productivity and/or terrigenous sediment and/or redox conditions. This pattern indicates a link to a regional climatic process, making the S5 sapropel horizon in M40-4 SL67, M51-3 SL103 and M51-3 SL104 a potential high-resolution archive of climatic variability during the last interglacial in the Mediterranean Sea and its adjacent landmasses.  相似文献   
Middle and Upper Eocene biogenic sediments in the Willunga Embayment along the eastern margin of the St Vincent Basin are a series of warm‐temperate limestones, marls and spiculites. The Middle Eocene Tortachilla Limestone is a thin, coarse grained, quartzose, biofragmental, bryozoan–mollusc calcarenite of stacked metre‐scale depositional cycles with hardground caps. Lithification, aragonite dissolution and the filling of moulds by sediment and cement characterize early marine‐meteoric diagenesis. Further meteoric diagenesis at the end of Tortachilla deposition resulted in dissolution, Fe‐oxide precipitation and calcite cementation. The Upper Eocene Blanche Point Formation is composed of coccolith and spiculite marl and spiculite, all locally rich in glauconite, turritellid gastropods and sponges. Decimetre‐scale units, locally capped by firmgrounds, have fossiliferous lower parts and relatively barren upper parts. Carbonate diagenesis is minor, with much aragonite still present, but early silicification is extensive, except in the spiculite, which is still opal‐A. All depositional environments are interpreted as relatively shallow water: high energy during the Middle Eocene and low energy during the Upper Eocene, reflecting the variable importance of a basin‐entrance archipelago of carbonate highs. Marls and spiculites are interpreted to have formed under an overall estuarine circulation system in a humid climate. Basinal waters, although well mixed, were turbid and rich in land‐derived nutrients, yet subphotic near the sea floor. These low‐energy, inner‐shelf biosiliceous sediments occur in coeval environments across other parts of Australia and elsewhere in the rock record, suggesting that they are a recurring element of the cool‐water, carbonate shelf depositional system. Thus, spiculites and spiculitic carbonates in the rock record need be neither deep basinal nor polar in origin. The paradox of a shallow‐water carbonate–spiculite association may be more common in geological history than generally realized and may reflect a characteristic mid‐latitude, humid climate, temperate water, palaeoenvironmental association.  相似文献   
High‐resolution palaeorecords of climate are critical to improving current understanding of climate variability, its sensitivity and impact on the environment in the past and in the future. Sediments from the Cariaco Basin off the coast of Venezuela have proven to be sensitive recorders of tropical palaeoclimate variability down to an annual scale. However, the fingerprint of climate and sea level in the sediments of the last glacial period is still not completely understood. In this study, lamination analysis of sediments from the Cariaco Basin is extended to the last glacial period. Detailed sedimentological and geochemical analysis (laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry) reveals couplets of light‐coloured, terrigenous‐rich and dark‐coloured, biogenic opal‐rich laminae, which are interpreted to reflect the seasonal migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. In addition, a previously undescribed, nearly pure terrigenous lamina type is observed, which is referred to hereafter as a ‘C‐layer’. The C‐layers in the sedimentary sequence are interpreted as flood layers that originate from local rivers. The occurrence of these C‐layers is investigated for two core locations in the Cariaco Basin over the last 110 kyr by continuous X‐ray fluorescence scanning. Dansgaard–Oeschger oscillations are most clearly traced by proxies reflecting productivity and marine organic matter content of the sediment. In contrast, the abundance of terrigenous material differs at times between the two sites. On an interglacial to glacial timescale, the ability to record events causing C‐layers is likely to be influenced by changes in sea level and source proximity. On a millennial scale, both sediment cores contain more C‐layers during warmer interstadials compared with colder stadials during Marine Isotope Stage 3. This finding implies that interstadials were not only wetter than stadials, but probably also characterized by increased rainfall variability, leading to an enhanced frequency of flooding events in the hinterland of the Cariaco Basin.  相似文献   
Throughout the contemporary Pacific, relationships that indigeneity makes possible are emerging as celebrated resistance to post-colonial development anxieties. In the process, lived experience heightens the commitment to decolonize thinking, language and practice in teaching and research. Not only because these imperatives are highly personalized but also because they are gendered and heavy with generational trauma. These gendered dynamics circulate around popular culture and imaginaries of Pacific paradise but also problematically around the challenges of long-standing intolerances especially around gender and race. The paper asks how a gendered politics of positionality engages with emerging positionalities that uncritically allow for such intolerances. I touch on two ways in which colonial continuities of belittlement are often reinforced, but are also offering hopeful and careful decolonial scholarly futures. The first is the naming of the Pacific and the second is supervising women doctoral candidates from the Pacific. In this paper, the audacity of the ocean offers a metaphorical opportunity to carefully reconcile these tensions and provide trajectories for decolonial knowledge-making. However, it also offers a material way of understanding the on-going work with ‘tensions’ and disruptions in their ever present but changeable forms. Oceanic tropes and a feminist Oceanic audacity of embodied engagement in the Pacific offer dynamic and gendered intellectual agility which runs counter to the tropical imageries of languid indifference.
black/is a state of mind like the colour of an island Teaiwa (2017) we sweat and cry salt water, so we know that the ocean is really in our blood Teaiwa (2008)
The amphipod, Echinogammarus marinus, is common in sheltered coastal inlets, such as estuaries and sea lochs, in Scotland and exhibits increased levels of intersex in some contaminated areas. Sea lochs are commonly the location for coastal aquaculture development, and some chemicals used in fish-farming are specifically designed to target the crustacean nervous system. Therefore it was hypothesised that these chemicals may also affect neuro-endocrine pathways, causing morphological and reproductive abnormalities in non-target Crustacea. Based upon this hypothesis, Echinogammarus marinus amphipods from two different Scottish sea lochs containing salmon farms were investigated. Morphology, intersexuality, and the incidence of microsporidian parasites were recorded at sites close and at distance from fish-farms. Results suggest a higher incidence of intersexuality at sites within sea lochs, comparable to that observed in industrially contaminated sites elsewhere in Scotland. The data suggest that fish farming activity may influence the observed distributions of intersexuality within lochs. Intersex specimens were more likely to be infected by microsporidian parasites than non-intersex specimens. Normal females were found more likely to be infected by microsporidian parasites at sites associated with high intersexuality, suggesting the parasite as the probable feminiser. The cause(s) for the observed patterns of intersexuality are unclear, although suggestions relating to discharges from fish farms are discussed.  相似文献   
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