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Extensive deposits of shell-rich sediments in the nearshore environment of Lake Tanganyika, Africa, form a unique habitat for a diverse group of endemic gastropods, crustaceans, fish and sponges, among other organisms. Anthropogenic alteration of the lake’s hinterland from deforestation, fires, and agriculture threaten this crucial habitat through sediment pollution of the littoral environment. This study examines the sedimentology of these nearshore shell beds along a study area north of the Mahale Mountains (Tanzania) to test whether varying levels of watershed disturbance, determined by analysis of satellite imagery, within three moderately sized watersheds (>?100 km2) results in sedimentological differences offshore. The results show that shell beds adjacent to disturbed watersheds (Lagosa and Rukoma) contain more fine-grained sediment compared to shell beds offshore of the undisturbed watershed (Katumbi). Widespread burning, clearance, and land cultivation, and rains of the wet season are causal factors that result in significant differences in fine-grained sedimentation, larger sediment plumes offshore, and increased shoreline progradation. In areas most affected by sedimentation, sponges are largely absent, and shell coverage, which is a measure of fish-nesting capabilities, is lower. The discovery of a small population of live Neothauma tanganyicense offshore of the Katumbi river suggests that the presence of shell-bed forming gastropods in front of a relatively low disturbance watershed, and their conspicuous absence offshore of the other two watersheds, could be related to recent watershed disturbance and increased sedimentation. The increased fine-grained sedimentation and limited shell production by the reduced modern gastropod populations may signal that the shell-bed ecosystem of Lake Tanganyika is at risk.  相似文献   
Simultaneous MERLIN observations of the OH 1665- and 1667-MHz maser lines in the circumstellar envelope of the semiregular star W Hya have been taken in all Stokes parameters. The 1665-MHz emission comes from two elongated clusters located 80 au from the star. The 1667-MHz emission arises in an incomplete shell of radius 130 au, with the blueshifted features located in the northern part of the envelope and the redshifted components clustered south of the centre. The circularly polarized maser components exhibit spatial separation along the north–south direction. The linearly polarized components were found from the near side of the envelope. Their polarization position angles indicate that the projected axis of the magnetic field at PA ≃ −20° is consistent with spatial segregation of circular polarization. The intensity of the magnetic field, estimated from a tentative measurement of Zeeman splitting, is about 0.6 mG at the location of the 1667-MHz emission, with the field pointing away from the observer. A small change of position angles of linear polarization observed in both maser lines is interpreted as a weak Faraday effect in the maser regions with an electron density of about 2 cm−3. The overall polarization structure of the envelope suggests an ellipsoidal or weak bipolar geometry. In such a configuration, the circumstellar magnetic field may exert a non-negligible influence on mass loss. The velocity field in the circumstellar envelope recovered from observations of SiO, H2O, OH and CO lines at five radial distances reveals a logarithmic velocity gradient of 0.25 and 0.21 in the 1665- and 1667-MHz maser regions respectively. The acceleration within tens of stellar radii cannot be explained by the classical model of radiation pressure on dust.  相似文献   
A data–model assimilation method (called “Beach Wizard”) is presented with which the nearshore subtidal bathymetry can be accurately estimated based on video-derived observations of wave roller dissipation and variation of the intertidal shoreline, and/or radar-derived observations of wave celerity. Using many consecutive images, these observed properties are compared with numerical model results, and through a simple, optimal least-squares estimator approach the estimated bathymetry is adjusted gradually for each image in order to improve the fit between model output and observations. The key advantages of the technique are that it is based on multiple sources of information (i.e., different remote sensors and/or data products), depends on only a few free parameters (to which the model results are insensitive), and shows good skill. Herein, the technique is applied to a synthetic case and two sets of field data from sites at Duck, NC (USA) and Egmond (The Netherlands). The method, which may be extended with observations of other properties from other sources than the three described in this paper, can deliver coastal state information (i.e., simultaneous updates of bathymetry, waves, and currents) with high temporal and spatial resolution and can be used in conjunction with or instead of in-situ measured data.  相似文献   
Recent observations have detected bursts of extremely high energy pulsed (1.24 s)-rays (1012 eV to 5×1014 eV) from Her X-1. We propose a model for producing these-rays.  相似文献   
Variations in the global atmospheric electric circuit are investigated using a wide range of globally spaced instruments observing VLF (∼10 kHz) waves, ELF (∼300 Hz) waves, Schumann resonances (4–60 Hz), and the atmospheric fair weather electric field. For the ELF/VLF observations, propagation effects are accounted for in a novel approach using established monthly averages of lightning location provided by the Lightning Image Sensor (LIS) and applying known frequency specific attenuation parameters for daytime/nighttime ELF/VLF propagation. Schumann resonances are analyzed using decomposition into propagating and standing waves in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide. Derived lightning activity is compared to existing global lightning detection networks and fair weather field observations. The results suggest that characteristics of lightning discharges vary by region and may have diverse effects upon the ionospheric potential.  相似文献   
Riverine solute versus discharge (C–Q) relationships provide information about the magnitude and dynamics of material fluxes from landscapes. We analysed long‐term patterns of C–Q relationships for 44 rivers in Florida across a suite of geogenic, nutrient, and organic solutes and investigated land cover, watershed size, and surficial geology as controls on these patterns. Solute concentrations generally exhibited far less variability than did discharge, with coherent solute‐specific behaviours repeated across watersheds. Geogenic solutes generally diluted with increasing discharge, whereas organic solutes generally enriched; patterns for nutrients were highly variable across watersheds, but on average exhibited chemostasis. Despite strong evidence of both geologic and land cover controls on solute flow‐weighted concentrations, these variables were poor predictors of C–Q slopes (β) or relative coefficients of variation (CVC:CVQ). CVC:CVQ generally increased with watershed size, and wetland area appeared to influence C–Q patterns for base cations and organic solutes. Perhaps most importantly, we observed significant slope breaks in C–Q association in approximately half of our observations, challenging the generality of using single power functions to describe catchment solute export patterns. For all solutes except phosphorus (P), C–Q slopes decreased above statistically identified breaks (slopes for P increased), with breaks consistently at or near median flow (i.e., 50% flow exceedance probability). This common pattern significantly impacts solute load estimates; failing to account for slope breaks overestimates nitrate and total organic carbon loads as much as 125% and underestimates P loads as much as 35%. In addition to challenging generic power‐law characterization of C–Q relationships for these coastal plain rivers, and exploring the load estimate consequences thereof, our study supports emerging insights about watershed hydrochemical behaviours across a wide array of solutes.  相似文献   
It is possible that climate changes and sea level fluctuations (allogenic processes) are and will cause major changes in mangrove dynamics. However, other driving forces may be significantly affecting this system. Distinguishing allogenic and autogenic influence on mangroves is a challenging question, because mechanisms related to the natural dynamics of depositional environments (autogenic processes) have strong influences on the establishment and degradation of mangroves. Thus, impacts on mangroves caused by autogenic processes may be erroneously attributed to allogenic mechanisms. Therefore, it is imperative to identify the ‘fingerprint’ of global changes in modern mangrove dynamics. In order to characterize the influence of these forces on mangroves, this work has used geomorphology and vegetation maps integrated with sedimentological and palynological data, radiocarbon dating, as well as δ13C, δ15N and C/N from sedimentary organic matter. The inter‐proxy analyses reveal an estuarine influence with mangrove development along the Ceará Mirim River, north‐eastern Brazil, since ~6920 cal yr bp , after the post‐glacial sea level rise. Relative sea level (RSL) has been stable during the middle and late Holocene. Mangrove establishment along this fluvial valley begins at about 6920 cal yr bp , caused by the sea‐level stabilization, an allogenic influence. However, after its establishment, wetland dynamics were mainly controlled by autogenic factors, related to channel migrations, instead of allogenic process. Some influence of sea‐level and climate changes on mangrove dynamics in this estuarine channel have been weakened by more intense tidal channels activities. Therefore, the expansion and contraction of mangrove areas along the estuary of the Ceará Mirim River since 6920 cal yr bp has been mainly influenced by channel dynamics that regulate the accretion and erosion of mangrove substrates. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We present high angular resolution MERLIN observations of the 18-cm OH maser and continuum emission associated with the active core of the ultraluminous infrared galaxy Markarian 273. The continuum emission comes from three distinct regions in the central arcsecond of the galaxy. The brightest region of emission has a double-peaked structure which is spatially coincident with similar structures observed at 6 cm and 2.2 μm. The peak of the OH maser emission is spatially coincident with the peak in the continuum. For the first time the maser emission is spatially resolved, allowing us to measure the gas motion within the central 100 pc of the galaxy. Maser emission is found in both the 1665- and 1667-MHz lines, with no systematic offset found in the spatial locations of the two lines. The brighter component of the maser emission shows ordered motion and is aligned along the axis of the double-peaked structure in the brightest continuum region. The gas motion enables us to estimate the central mass density to be 850±50 M pc−3, which corresponds to a total mass of ≈1.5×108 M.  相似文献   
Feng  Huihui  Ding  Ying  Zou  Bin  Cohen  Jason Blake  Ye  Shuchao  Yang  Zhuolin  Qin  Kai  Liu  Lei  Gu  Xiaodong 《地理学报(英文版)》2022,32(4):589-604
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Vegetation plays an important role in the dry deposition of particles with significant spatial variability, but the magnitude remains unclear at the global scale....  相似文献   
Karst spring measurements assess biogeochemical processes occurring within groundwater contributing areas to springs (springsheds) but can only provide aggregated information. To better understand spatially distributed processes that comprise these aggregated measures, we investigated aquifer denitrification evidence in groundwater wells (n = 16) distributed throughout a springshed in the Upper Floridan aquifer in northern Florida. Aquifer geochemistry, nitrate isotopes, and dissolved gases were compared against similar measurements at the spring outlet to evaluate spatial heterogeneity of denitrification evidence in relation to land surface–aquifer connectivity. Sample locations spanned spatial variation in recharge processes (i.e., diffuse vs. focused recharge) and proximity to sources of denitrification reactants (e.g., wetlands). Although no distinct spatial pattern in denitrification was uncovered, excess dissolved N2 gas measurements were only above detection in the unconfined springshed, with some evidence of a wetland proximity effect. Measured oxidation–reduction potential and dissolved oxygen poorly predicted denitrification, indicating that measured denitrification may be occurring upgradient from sampled wells. Despite dramatic spatial chemical heterogeneity across wells, mean values for recharge nitrate concentrations (0.02 to 5.56 mg N L?1) and excess N2 from aquifer denitrification (below detection to 1.37 mg N L?1) corresponded reasonably with mean spring outlet measurements for initial nitrate (0.78 to 1.36 mg N L?1) and excess N2 (0.15 to 1.04 mg N L?1). Congruence between groundwater and spring measurements indicates that combining sampling at the spring outlet and across the springshed is useful for understanding spatial aquifer denitrification. However, this approach would be improved with a high‐density sampling network with transects of wells along distinct groundwater flow paths.  相似文献   
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