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The Monglo adakite contains mafic and ultramafic xenoliths, which probably originated from the mantle section of an Early Cretaceous supra-subduction zone ophiolitic complex located within the Luzon arc crust. Spinel-bearing dunites are dominant among this xenolith collection and display evidence for three episodes of subduction-related melt percolation. The first one is evidenced by an undeformed clinopyroxene characterized by convex-upwards REE pattern. This clinopyroxene crystallized from a calc-alkaline basaltic magma, likely formed in the Cretaceous supra-subduction setting of the ophiolite. Then, two metasomatic events, evidenced by orthopyroxene-rich and amphibole-rich secondary parageneses, respectively, affected most of the spinel dunites. The opx-rich paragenesis is related to the circulation within the dunitic upper mantle of hydrous slab-derived melts similar to those affecting the mantle peridotite xenoliths from Papua New Guinea and Kamchatka. Finally the amphibole-rich veins are related to the interaction between the studied dunite xenoliths and the host adakite or an adakitic melt similar to it.  相似文献   
New radiolarian ages show that the island arc-related Acoje block of the Zambales Ophiolite Complex is possibly of Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age.Radiometric dating of its plutonic and volcanichypabyssal rocks yielded middle Eocene ages.On the other hand,the paleontological dating of the sedimentary carapace of the transitional mid-ocean ridge-island arc affiliated Coto block of the ophiolite complex,together with isotopic age datings of its dikes and mafic cumulate rocks,also yielded Eocene ages.This offers the possibility that the Zambales Ophiolite Complex could have:(1)evolved from a Mesozoic arc(Acoje block)that split to form a Cenozoic back-arc basin(Coto block),(2)through faulting,structurally juxtaposed a Mesozoic oceanic crust with a younger Cenozoic lithospheric fragment or(3)through the interplay of slab rollback,slab break-off and,at a later time,collision with a microcontinent fragment,caused the formation of an island arc-related ophiolite block(Acoje)that migrated trench-ward resulting into the generation of a back-arc basin(Coto block)with a limited subduction signature.This Meso-Cenozoic ophiolite complex is compared with the other oceanic lithosphere fragments along the western seaboard of the Philippines in the context of their evolution in terms of their recognized environments of generation.  相似文献   
The Kingking deposit is a gold‐rich porphyry copper deposit and the southernmost deposit at the eastern Mindanao mineralized belt, Philippines. It is underlain by Cretaceous–Paleogene sedimentary and volcanic rocks that are intruded by mineralized Miocene diorite porphyries and by barren Miocene–Pliocene dacite and diorite porphyries. The main alteration zones in the deposit are the inner potassic zone and the outer propylitic zone. The biotite‐bearing diorite and hornblende diorite porphyries are the primary host rocks of mineralization. Two dominant copper minerals, bornite and chalcopyrite, which usually occur as fracture fillings, are associated with fine crystalline quartz veinlet stockworks in the mineralized diorites. Minor secondary covellite, chalcocite and digenite are also observed. The primary Cu‐Fe sulfide phases initially deposited from ore fluids consisted of bornite solid solution (bnss) and intermediate solid solution (iss), which decomposed to form the bornite and chalcopyrite. Peculiar bornite pods that are different from dissemination and are associated with volcanic rock xenoliths in biotite‐bearing diorite porphyry are noted in a drill hole. These pods of bornite are not associated with quartz veinlet stockworks. Fluid inclusion analyses show three types of inclusions contained in Kingking samples: two‐phase fluid‐rich and vapor‐rich inclusions and polyphase hypersaline inclusions from porphyry‐type quartz veinlet stockworks. The liquid–vapor homogenization temperatures (TH) and the dissolution temperature of halite daughter crystals (TM) from the polyphase hypersaline inclusions predominantly range from 400°C up to >500°C. The wide range of TH and TM may be due to heterogeneous trapping of variable ratios of vapor and brine. For some inclusions, TH > TM and in some cases, TH < TM, indicating that some of the brine was supersaturated or saturated with NaCl at the time of entrapment. Calculated salinity of the polyphase hypersaline inclusions ranges from 40 to 60% NaCl equivalent. Temperature and vapor pressure of mineralized fluid were estimated to be 400°C and 16 MPa.  相似文献   
The Philippine Fault Zone, a system of left-lateral strike-slip faults traversing the length of the Philippine Islands, is associated with the oblique convergence between the Philippine Sea Plate (PSP) and the Eurasian Plate (EP). Although it is a major deformational structure within the diffuse PSP–EP convergent boundary, some of its segments, particularly its marine extensions, are not well studied. To investigate the crustal deformation in the marine prolongation of the Philippine Fault Zone offshore Luzon Island, multi-channel seismic (MCS) data, gravity data and centroid moment tensor solutions were used in this study. Focal mechanism solutions from the Global CMT catalog were inverted to determine the average principal stress directions and consequently understand the prevailing stress regime in the study area. The stress inversion results indicate that the direction of maximum compression (σ1) is 321°N, which coincides with the PSP–EP convergence direction. From the MCS profiles, the study area was subdivided into deformation zone and a relatively stable zone. Thrust faulting, folding and general uplift are observed in the deformation zone. This zone is further subdivided into the active and inactive segments. In the active segment, uplift is occurring in the submarine ridge. This deformation pattern can be related to the ongoing uplift in some regions bisected by the PFZ. The inactive segment, characterized by intense folding of the sequences and faulting of the basement and overlying sequences, is suggested as the precursor of the Philippine Fault Zone. Deformation appears to be recently shifted to the east as delineated by an uplifted N-NW trending submarine ridge offshore NW Luzon Island.  相似文献   
We report here for the first time the occurrence of a high-temperature metamorphic/plutonic complex (amphibolites, metagabbros, hornblende pyroxenites and hornblendites) in Calaton Hill, Tablas island, Romblon, Central Philippines. The mineral assemblages and relic magmatic textures in these rocks imply apparent derivation from arc-related protoliths. Major element and trace element data are also comparable to those of gabbroic rocks in arc-related setting. Subsolidus re-equilibration under granulite to amphibolite facies is documented by the triple junctions between mineral phases in the different lithologies, the recrystallization of plagioclase and the presence of coronas around olivine with mineral assemblage of orthopyroxene + amphibole ± green spinel. The formation of hornblendite and the pervasive occurrence of amphiboles in the different lithologies are being attributed to the infiltration of a younger hydrous arc magma which also caused metamorphism and hybridization on the surrounding rocks. The characteristics of the Calaton Hill samples are comparable with those of the well-studied xenoliths from Ichinomegata, NE Honshu arc, Japan. We therefore interpret the Calaton Hill metamorphic/plutonic complex as representative of the lower crust underlying the Philippine island arc.  相似文献   
Geochemistry of Adakites from the Philippines: Constraints on Their Origins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. We have identified in the Philippine Archipelago 230 samples of Late Miocene to Quaternary intermediate and evolved magmatic rocks or glasses, the compositions of which plot within the adakitic field defined by Defant and Drum-mond (1990) using Sr/Y ratios versus Y contents. These rocks belong to four different subductions, along the Manila Trench (Batan, Northern Luzon, Central Luzon), the Negros and Sulu Trenches (Negros and Western Mindano), the Cotobato Trench (Southern Mindanao) and the Philippine Trench (Eastern Mindanao). Lavas from Central Mindanao overlie the deep remnants of the Molucca Sea Plate, and were emplaced in a post-collision setting.
All these samples show a significant depletion in Y and HREE with respect to their "normal" calc-alkaline equivalents, suggesting that garnet was either a residual phase during partial melting or a fractionating mineral during differentiation or assimilation coupled with fractional crystallisation (AFC). However, only 19 samples out of our set (i.e., 8 %) display very high Sr/Y ratios (100–250). Our preferred model for the genesis of these "typical adakites" is ca. 20 % partial melting of subducted altered oceanic metabasalts converted to eclogite. This melting process could have been triggered by water from the underlying serpentinites. Most of the samples, termed "intermediate adakites", display major and trace element chemical features intermediate between those of the former group and those of normal calc-alkaline lavas. We show that magma mixing between slab-derived adakitic magmas and mafic mantle-derived melts accounts for most of the trends linking typical and intermediate adakites, although an additional contribution of mantle is required in some cases.  相似文献   
Abstract. Petrographic analysis of the Oligocene-Miocene Zigzag Formation and Miocene Klondyke Formation of the Baguio Mineral District reveals a transitional arc source for the former and an undissected arc source for the latter. Whole rock geochemistry of these sedimentary rock formations show affiliation of the Zigzag Formation to active continental margin whereas the Klondyke Formation appears to have been derived from an oceanic island arc source. A different aspect of the geology of the district is further gleaned from the whole rock rare earth element geochemistry of these rocks. Samples from the Zigzag Formation are characterized by higher REE concentrations compared to the Klondyke Formation samples. The REE data indicate that the sedimentary rocks of the Klondyke Formation had geochemically-less fractionated igneous lithologies as their progenitor whereas the older Zigzag Formation was derived from a more differentiated source. This new set of information contributes to the understanding of the evolution of this district from a marginal basin to an island arc setting.  相似文献   
Eric S.  Andal  Shoji  Arai  Graciano P.  Yumul Jr 《Island Arc》2005,14(3):272-294
Abstract   The Isabela ophiolite shows a complete ophiolite sequence exposed along the eastern coast of northern Luzon, the Philippines. It forms the Cretaceous basement complex for the northeastern Luzon block. This ophiolite is located at the northern end of a trail of ophiolites and ophiolitic bodies along the eastern margin of the Philippine Mobile Belt. This paper presents new findings regarding the nature and characteristics of the Isabela ophiolite. Peridotites from the Isabela ophiolite are relatively fresh and are composed of spinel lherzolites, clinopyroxene-rich harzburgites, depleted harzburgites and dunites. The modal composition, especially the pyroxene content, defines a northward depletion trend from fertile lherzolite to clinopyroxene-rich harzburgites and more refractory harzburgites. Variation in modal composition is accompanied by petrographic textural variations. The chromium number of spinel, an indicator of the degree of partial melting, concurs with petrographic observations. Furthermore, the Isabela ophiolite peridotites are similar in spinel and olivine major-element geochemistry and clinopyroxene rare earth-element composition to abyssal peridotites from modern mid-oceanic ridges. Petrological and mineral compositions suggest that the Isabela ophiolite is a transitional ophiolite subtype, with the fertile lherzolites representing lower sections of the mantle column that are usually absent in most ophiolitic massifs. The occurrence of the fertile peridotite presents a rare opportunity to document the lower sections of the ophiolitic mantle. The variability in composition of the peridotites in one continuous mantle section may also represent a good analogy of the melting column in the present-day mid-oceanic ridges.  相似文献   
Abstract The Eocene Zambales Ophiolite Complex that exhibits transitional mid-ocean ridge basalt-island arc tholeiite (MORB-IAT) characteristics was formed in a subduction-related marginal basin. The different surrounding marginal basins of the Philippines, namely, the South China Sea, Sulu Sea Basin, Celebes Basin and the West Philippine Basin have all been modeled to be of probable provenance of this ophiolite complex. Certain information (e.g. age, rock geochemistry, paleomagnetic rotations) and limitations, nevertheless, are inconsistent with the ophiolite complex being generated in these regions. Recent geophysical evidence suggests that the southwest sub-basin of the South China Sea Basin is probably Cretaceous to Paleocene-Eocene in age. This makes it possible to speculate that the Zambales Ophiolite Complex could have come from this sub-basin. The present day rifting of the southern Izu-Mariana arc can be taken as a modern day analog of this type of ophiolite generation.  相似文献   
Abstract   A 8.65 Ma adakitic intrusive sheet exposed near Monglo village in the Baguio District of Northern Luzon contains a suite of ultramafic and mafic xenoliths including in order of abundance: spinel dunites showing typical mantle-related textures, mineral and bulk rock compositions, and serpentinites derived from them; amphibole-rich gabbros displaying incompatible element patterns similar to those of flat or moderately enriched back-arc basin basalt magmas; and amphibolites derived from metabasalts and/or metagabbros of identical affinity. A single quartz diorite xenolith carrying a similar subduction-related geochemical signature has also been sampled. One amphibolite xenolith provided a whole-rock K–Ar age of 115.6 Ma (Barremian). We attribute the origin of this suite to the sampling by ascending adakitic magmas of a Lower Cretaceous ophiolitic complex located at a depth within the 30–35 km thick Luzon crust. It could represent an equivalent of the Isabela-Aurora and Pugo-Lepanto ophiolitic massifs exposed in Northern Luzon.  相似文献   
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