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Danube loess, located at the westernmost part of the widespread Eurasian loess belt, is one of the most well-preserved aeolian dust deposits in Europe with the basal age dating back over 1 Ma. Owing to its unique location and formation processes, Danube loess plays an important role in understanding the linkage of climate changes in different climate regimes over Eurasian continent and paleoclimatic changes in middle-high northern latitudes. Major research advances of the Danube loess, including compositions, provenance, chronology, stratigraphy and paleoenvironment changes were systematically reviewed and the focuses of future research were suggested. To better understand loess provenance, the compositions of sediments in all the potential source areas should be investigated, and methodological study of provenance indicators and application of multi-proxies approaches need to be carried out. Chronologically and stratigraphically, feldspar luminescence dating and tephrochronology methods should be widely used, and the establishment of a uniform stratigraphic framework and correlation scheme should be constrained by precise chronology. In terms of the paleoenvironment, it is necessary to conduct high-resolution multi-proxies reconstruction of paleoenviroment for the entire loess-paleosol sequence, extending from the last interglacial period (130 ka to present) to interval of last 1 Ma. The future progress in Danube loess is crucial to improving the study of continental paleoclimate comparison and paleoclimate dynamics over the Eurasian loess region.  相似文献   
宁蒗地区喜山期斑岩带受近南北向的包都-波罗弧形断裂带控制,由壳幔混源型岩浆被动侵位而成,总体上呈向北逐渐倾伏的趋势。该斑岩带斑岩属钙碱性系列、中酸性岩类。通过对该斑岩带各斑岩体(群)地质特征、岩石化学特征的综合分析,表明其为含铜斑岩或铜(钼)斑岩,具良好的成矿前景。  相似文献   
重力流是自然界中广泛存在的一种流体形式,不同学者基于不同切入点往往会提出多种重力流的划分方案。采用浊流和碎屑流的二分方案,对浊积岩和砂质碎屑流岩的沉积特征展开综述和探讨,旨在进一步概括这2类岩石的沉积特征,明确具有指示意义的最典型相标志。研究表明,在野外露头和钻井岩心中,可以通过以下典型特征鉴别浊积岩和砂质碎屑流岩: 砂岩内若发育以正粒序为特征的递变层理,则应该将其认定为浊积岩;若砂岩内发育泥岩撕裂屑、漂浮状泥砾或不含任何层理构造(块状砂岩),则应该将其认定为砂质碎屑流岩。这些特征是鉴别浊积岩和砂质碎屑流岩最可靠的标志。此外,变形层理、爬升波纹交错层理、波状层理、平行纹层、冲刷侵蚀界面、岩性突变界面和槽模等沉积构造也具有一定指示意义,出现这些特征时需要结合沉积背景、岩相的垂向组合关系和地球物理等资料进行综合判断。  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地西北缘玛湖凹陷中心区10×108 t级砾岩大油区的发现,带动了该区沉积储集层研究的不断深入。作者梳理了准噶尔盆地西北缘及玛湖凹陷的沉积储集层研究现状和进展,认为准噶尔盆地西北缘及玛湖凹陷的沉积储集层研究的进展主要表现为: (1)提出了新的砂砾岩储集层岩石相和岩石学分析方法;(2)探索形成了新的沉积储集层地球物理测井和地震描述技术;(3)针对不同层系,在沉积物源、沉积相、沉积环境、沉积体系和沉积模式等方面取得大量新认识,建立了大型退覆式浅水缓坡扇三角洲沉积模式,指导油气勘探不断获得新突破;(4)在成岩作用理论指导下,所发现的储集层埋藏深度不断增加。研究表明,玛湖凹陷的沉积体系具有继承性: 从二叠纪到新近纪,发育了火山—碎屑岩沉积体系、细粒—蒸发盐沉积体系以及粗粒冲积扇、扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲等沉积体系,气候、构造和湖平面变化控制了沉积体系的形成和演化。沉积储集层研究为玛湖砾岩大油田的发现提供了有力的理论支持。未来应当加强针对古老层系和深部地层的沉积储集层研究工作,重视新理论新技术在西北缘和玛湖沉积储集层研究中的应用,已经形成的理论技术需要在勘探实践中接受进一步检验和完善。  相似文献   
郭小刚 《地质与勘探》2022,58(5):1057-1069
甘肃白银厂铜多金属硫化物矿田是受陆缘弧环境火山机构及其同生断裂控制的典型火山岩赋矿块状硫化物矿床(VHMS)。为了进一步探讨该矿床重磁场特征及与构造和矿床的关系,通过对区内的重磁场异常数据进行位场分离、小波分析和基于张量数据的三维欧拉反褶积自动确定地质体位置和埋藏深度的定量反演计算。结果表明,研究区布格重力场具有西部高、东部低的特征,其磁场可划分为4个磁场区;局部异常按一定分布规律呈圆形或似圆形正负相间分布,不同尺度的重磁细节异常图在一定程度上反映出引起重磁异常的地质异常体具有一定的延深且分布稳定,而且这些地质异常体具有向深部复合的趋势。经位场分离后正负相间的剩余重磁异常分布范围和分布特征大致反映了白银厂奥陶纪中酸性火山岩建造构造为一个继承性的火山穹窿构造,东、西部不同的重磁异常特征说明东西部的火山喷发具有不同的基底、源区和喷发方式。发育NW向、NE向、近NS向、NEE向等4组断裂构造,近NS向断裂F3、F4、F5、F6、F7形成时间稍晚于NEE向断裂,其与NEE向断裂F1、F2共同形成了研究区棋盘网格状的构造分布特征,这两组断裂为研究区内主要的控岩、控矿断裂。火山机构的分布明显受断裂构造控制,火山口集中分布在深大断裂、大断裂或两组断裂的交汇处。矿田内各矿床及成矿有利地段均处于研究区中部低缓重磁异常场内正负磁异常变化的梯度带内。本次研究为控矿要素研究和开展找矿预测工作提供了丰富、翔实的地球物理资料。  相似文献   
我国各地膨润土的矿物学性质   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:24  
运用X射线衍射分析技术对我国不同产地膨润土的矿物学性质进行考察;利用K值法测蒙脱石含量。实验表明,各地膨润土具有蒙脱石的含量较高且均为二八面体的矿物学特点;可能由于所处的矿层或局部地球化学环境不同,使得相同矿床的不同颜色膨润土矿物的蒙脱石含量有所差异。  相似文献   
本文采用过氧化钠(Na_2O_2)熔样,743阳离子交换树脂快速分离,0.4mol/L柠檬酸25ml洗脱稀土,无需浓缩,即可用lCPS-PGS2单道扫描直读光谱仪直接测定15个微量稀土元素。在选择的最佳测量条件下,本法测定下限为0.005~g/ml(Eu)-0.50μg/ml(Ce),标准加入回收在88%—110%之间,样品分析精度为3.3%—17%,样品分析结果与参考值相符。本法适用于一般地质样品中微量稀土元素的例行分析。  相似文献   
云南宁蒗地区喜山期斑岩带地质特征与成矿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
斑岩带受近南北向的包都-波罗弧形断裂控制,由混源型岩浆被动侵位而成,属钙碱性系列,中酸性岩。研究表明为含铜或铜(钼)斑岩,具良好的成矿前景。  相似文献   
我国西部生态退化的社会经济分析--以川西为例   总被引:9,自引:11,他引:9  
陈国阶 《地理科学》2002,22(4):390-396
导致川西生态退化主要原因是经济发展水平低,人口超过环境容量,农村生产方式和生活方式落后,以柴、粪为薪、天然放牧,陡坡垦殖,砍伐森林等导致植被破坏,草场退化,水土流失,据此,对川西的区域资源优势,川西较低密度人口,川西资源开发和支柱产业选择应重新评价和定位。进行川西生态建设,实施可持续发展战略,必须营造开放的社会-经济-自然复合系统的耗散结构,构造社会、经济发展与生态建设协调的有序结构和机制。同时,较彻底地改造农林牧生态系统,开创与生态协调的农业结构,生产模式,种植模式和管理模式,进行农牧区社区建设,根除刀耕火种,陡坡垦殖,游牧的社会基础。  相似文献   
Although Lanzhou is one of the most heavily polluted cities in China, the composition of its air pollutants have not yet been studied in detail. The data of four months on the concentrations and compositions of ions from daily air-filter samples in the winter and spring during 2007–2008 were analyzed to investigate temporal trends and their possible causes. The results indicate that mean concentrations of almost all the aerosol components are greater in winter than in spring due to stronger emissions in winter and weaker localized dispersion. Spring dust storms are the major cause of the highest peak PM10 concentrations recorded during the study period; however, these elevated levels were transient. Ion concentrations related to coal combustion show the greatest reduction from winter to spring, while the concentrations of strong crustal components show a less-pronounced reduction. Strong cycles in the levels of particulate matter (PM) and all ions are also observed during the winter months due to meteorological conditions. Depending on the season, nine different ions accounted for 20%–50% of the PM concentration. The particle size of polluting ions was constant at times of increasing PM concentrations (particularly during winter), whereas the particle size of crustal ions increased dramatically during spring dust storms. Local meteorological conditions (especially wind speed) have a strong influence on the levels of pollutants. Four dust storms were noted, including one during winter. In summary, the regional transport of desert dust from the Gobi can significantly affect air quality and the chemical composition of aerosols in Lanzhou. The dust storms can strongly increase concentration of crustal ions, which are characteristics of deserts in northwestern China. This observation is in agreement with back-trajectories, which show reduced levels of pollutant ions during dust storms. Data on nitrate:sulfate ratios indicate that stationary point sources are the main source of ions rather than mobile sources.  相似文献   
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