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渤海风暴潮的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据山东渤海沿岸各县县志记载的不完全统计,自汉朝初元(公元前48年)至民国27年(公元1938),渤海南部沿海发生的特大潮灾有79次之多(见表1)。其中特大潮灾如唐朝高宗上元三年(公元676年)八月,“青州大风,海溢,漂民五千余家,齐淄等七州大水”;明朝万历四十一年(公元1613年)七月,“海水溢逾百余里,坏民舍无算”。再如1938年8月31日,台风由青岛登陆,横断山东半岛西部(见图1),晚间抵达黄河口,逐渐停滯减弱,变成一个低气压。这次台风不仅在青岛造成严重灾情,整个渤海沿岸都深受其害,并且出现了历史最高水位。解放后,渤海又多次受到强风暴潮的危害。历史资料表明,渤海的菜州湾和渤海湾地区是风暴潮的多发区和严重区,这种潮灾大都出现于春秋过渡季节和盛夏台风频繁活动季节。 近几年来,国内对渤海局部地区风暴潮的研究已有许多论述,但大都是对冷锋所导致的单站风暴潮的研究,对台风潮的研究则较少。本文试图对冷锋和台风两种灾害性天气所导致的整个渤海风暴潮的一些现象作一较全面的讨论,并对其一些基本特性作一理论分析。  相似文献   
On October 30, 2016, a seismic event and its aftershocks produced diffuse landslides along the SP 209 road in the Nera River Gorge (Central Italy). Due to the steep slopes and the outcropping of highly fractured and bedded limestone, several rockfalls were triggered, of which the main event occurred on the slope of Mount Sasso Pizzuto. The seismic shock acted on a rock wedge that, after an initial slide, developed into a rockfall. The debris accumulation blocked the SP 209 road and dammed the Nera River, forming a small lake. The river discharge was around 3.6 m3/s; the water overtopped the dam and flooded the road. By a preliminary topographic survey, we estimated that the debris accumulation covers an area of about 16,500 m2, while the volume is around 70,000 m3. The maximum volume occupied by the pre-existing talus mobilized by the rockfall is about 20% of the total volume. Besides blocking the road, the rockfall damaged a bridge severely, while, downstream of the dam, the water flow caused erosion of a road embankment. A rockfall protection gallery, a few hundred meters downstream of the dam, was damaged during the event. Other elastic nets and rigid barriers were not sufficient to protect the road from single-block rockfalls, with volumes around 1–2 m3. Considering the geological and geomorphological conditions, as well as the high seismicity and the socioeconomic importance of the area, a review of the entire rockfall protection systems is required to ensure protection of critical infrastructure and local communities.  相似文献   
Numerous Fe–Cu deposits are hosted in the late Paleoproterozoic Dongchuan and Dahongshan Groups in the Kangdian region, SW China. The Dongchuan Group is composed of siltstone, slate, and dolostone with minor volcanic rocks, whereas the Dahongshan Group has undergone lower amphibolite facies metamorphism and consists of quartz mica-schist, albitite, quartzite, marble and amphibolite with local migmatite. Deposits in the Dongchuan Group are commonly localized in the cores of anticlines, in fault bends and intersections, and at lithological contacts. Orebodies are closely associated with breccias, which are locally derived from the host rocks. Fe-oxides (magnetite and/or hematite) and Cu-sulfides (chalcopyrite, bornite) form disseminated, vein-like and massive ores, and typically fill open spaces in the host rocks. The deposits have extensive albite alteration and local K-feldspar alteration overprinted by quartz, carbonate, sericite and chlorite. Deposits in the Dahongshan Group have orebodies sub-parellel to stratification and show crude stratal partitioning of metals. Fe-oxide ores occur as massive and/or banded replacements within the breccia pipes, whereas Cu-sulfide ores occur predominantly as disseminations and veinlets within mica schists and massive magnetite ores. Ore textures suggest that Cu-sulfides formed somewhat later than Fe-oxides, but are possibly within the same mineralization event. Both ore minerals predated regional Neoproterozoic metamorphism. Both orebodies and host rocks have undergone extensive alteration of albite, scapolite, amphibole, biotite, sericite and chlorite. Silica and carbonate alterations are also widespread. Ore-hosting strata have a LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb age of 1681 ± 13 Ma, and a dolerite dyke cutting the Fe-oxide orebodies has an age of 1659 ± 16 Ma. Thus, the mineralization age of the Dahongshan deposit is constrained at between the two. All ores from the two groups have high Fe and low Ti, with variable Cu contents. Locally they are rich in Mo, Co, V, and REE, but all are poor in Pb and Zn. Sulfides from the Fe–Cu deposits have δ34S values mostly in the range of +2 to +6 per mil, suggesting a mix of several sources due to large-scale leaching of the strata with the involvement of evaporites. Isotopic dating and field relationships suggest that these deposits formed in the late Paleoproterozoic. Ore textures, mineralogy and alteration characteristics are typical of IOCG-type deposits and thus define a major IOCG metallogenic province with significant implications for future exploration.  相似文献   
Which is more hazardous: avalanche,landslide, or mudslide?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Mahu lake, the third deepest lake in China, is located on the west bank of the Jinsha River in Leibo county, Sichuan Province. It is a dammed lake created by an old landslide on the ancient Huanglang river, a tributary on the west bank of the Jinsha River. Previous studies (Wang and Lu in J Mt Res S1:44–47, 2000) suggested that this landslide was caused by an earthquake approximately 372 ka (Middle Pleistocene), during which a few hundreds of million cubic meters of debris were deposited between 1177 and 900 m a.s.l. (above sea level), covering an area of around 15 km2. Our further investigations, including geodetic survey, borehole drilling, and field reconnaissance, combining with five chronological data, have made some new discoveries at this site. First, the toe of the landslide extends from 900 m a.s.l. down to 320 m a.s.l., i.e., the local bed elevation of the contemporary Jinsha River. Second, the area of the landslide deposits is 17.3 km2 with a volume of 2.38 km3, much larger than the previous estimation. Thus, it should be one of the largest known landslides in China. And the lower elevation of the landslide’s toe also rules out the possibility that it is a hanging valley on the ancient Huanglang river. Our work suggests that this landslide was created by five events according to the overlapping characteristics of the deposits and five chronological data, which are old than 52,600 years, old than 16,000 years, old than 15,500 years, 5800 years, and old than 4200 years, respectively.  相似文献   
ARGO hydrographic profiles, two hydrographic transects and satellite measurements of air–sea exchange parameters were used to characterize the properties and seasonal heat budget variations of the Surface Mixed Layer (SML) south of Africa. The analysis distinguishes the Subtropical domain (STZ) and the Subantarctic Zone (SAZ), Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ) and Antarctic Zone (AZ) of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. While no Subantarctic Mode Water forms in that region, occurrences of deep SML (up to ∼450 m) are observed in the SAZ in anticyclones detached from the Agulhas Current retroflection or Agulhas Return Current. These are present latitudinally throughout the SAZ, but preferentially at longitudes 10–20° E where, according to previous results, the Subtropical Front is interrupted. Likely owing to this exchange window and to transfers at the Subantarctic Front also enhanced by the anticyclones, the SAZ shows a wide range of properties largely encroaching upon those of the neighbouring domains. Heat budget computations in each zone reveal significant meridional changes of regime. While air–sea heat fluxes dictate the heat budget seasonal variability everywhere, heat is mostly brought through lateral geostrophic advection by the Agulhas Current in the STZ, through lateral diffusion in the SAZ and through air–sea fluxes in the PFZ and AZ. The cooling contributions are by Ekman advection everywhere, lateral diffusion in the STZ (also favoured by the ∼10° breach in the Subtropical Front) and geostrophic advection in the SAZ. The latter likely reflects an eastward draining of water warmed through mixing of the subtropical eddies.  相似文献   
The dehydration melting of the natural rock at high pressure is important to investigating the magma formation in the earth’s interior. Since the 1970s, a lot of geological scientists have paid more atten- tion to the dehydration melting of the natural rock[1―5]. Previous experiments of dehydration melting and observations of fieldwork argued that the dehy- dration melting of the rock was probably the most important fashion for the melting of the lower crust rock[6―12]. The genesis of most …  相似文献   
Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), nowadays, is a precise technique for monitoring and detecting ground deformation at a millimetric level over large areas using multi-temporal SAR images. Persistent Scatterer Interferometric SAR (PSInSAR), an advanced version of InSAR, is an effective tool for measuring ground deformation using temporally stable reference points or persistent scatterers. We have applied both PSInSAR and Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) methods, based on the spatial correlation of interferometric phase, to estimate the ground deformation and time-series analysis. In this study, we select Las Vegas, Nevada, USA as our test area to detect the ground deformation along satellite line-of-sight (LOS) during November 1992–September 2000 using 44 C-band SAR images of the European Remote Sensing (ERS-1 and ERS-2) satellites. We observe the ground displacement rate of Las Vegas is in the range of ?19 to 8 mm/year in the same period. We also cross-compare PSInSAR and SBAS using mean LOS velocity and time-series. The comparison shows a correlation coefficient of 0.9467 in the case of mean LOS velocity. Along this study, we validate the ground deformation results from the satellite with the ground water depth of Las Vegas using time-series analysis, and the InSAR measurements show similar patterns with ground water data.  相似文献   
柳永清  孟祥化 《地质科学》1999,34(4):442-450
华北地台中寒武世鲕滩碳酸盐沉积序列中具有特征的低频(级)和高频(级-级)旋回层序叠加样式和规律。旋回层序内部的沉积构成、微相组构、成岩特点以及高频旋回的复合、叠加严格受复合海平面变动的控制。巨厚鲕滩形成于低频海平面变化的回落时期,但复合叠加于低频海平面变化中的级海平面变化更直接地控制着鲕滩建造的时空发育、进积迁移。鲕滩微相中鲕粒组构特征则主要与高频海平面变化相关。鲕滩高频海平面变化旋回层序的厚度频率分布、不同级次旋回叠加比率和样式以及大范围空间上的连续可比性规律可能说明它们受地球轨道参数周期性变动的控制。轨道旋回层序具有的特定变化时间周期和频率使得旋回地层学具有了年代学意义,可以对重要地层段、事件层及生物带高精度测年。应用旋回地层学的研究得到了中寒武世毛庄\徐庄\张夏期的界线(面)年龄,即毛庄(期)\徐庄(期)为530.50Ma、徐庄(期)\张夏(期)为526.90Ma,与前人应用生物年代地层学等方法得到的年龄值极为一致。  相似文献   
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