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The luminescence properties of two single zircon crystals from kimberlite of Yakutia have been studied, excited by the DORIS HASYLAB synchrotron, Germany, within energy range from the visible to the soft X-ray region (5–25, 50–200, and 500–620 eV) at temperatures of 300 and 10 K. The luminescence spectra in the range of 2.5 to 6.0 eV and excitation spectra of the main bands have been examined, the physical nature of the luminescence centers has been discussed, and the luminescence properties of a crystal containing growth (radiation) structural defects and a crystal with the same impurities but annealed in air at 1200°C are compared. The zoned structure of the mineral has been considered and the value of the energy gap (E g) in the mineral has been estimated at 7.1 eV. Two groups of luminescence bands caused by impurities of intrinsic (growth, radiation) nature (E max = 2.1, 2.7–2.8, and 3.2–3.3 eV) and matrix luminescence (E max = 4.4−4.7 and 5.4 eV) probably with the participation of excitons were distinguished on the basis of selective excitation of zircon with different synchrotron energies relative to the gap value (E excit < E g, E excitE g, and E excitE g). The short-lived component with a response time of 4 ns has been revealed in the afterglow of zircon in the region of 5.4 eV.  相似文献   
Platinum-group minerals (PGM) in primary ores and placers are compared in order to substantiate prospecting guides for layered and differentiated intrusions containing sulfide Cu-Ni ores with platinum-group elements (PGE). It is shown that supergene placer mineral assemblages bear information on primary sources and their probable economic value. The mineralogical and geochemical data on the large Siberian intrusions that host Cu-Ni and low-sulfide PGM deposits (Noril’sk 1, Kingash, Chinei, and Yoko-Dovyren) are used to elaborate mineralogical prospecting guides based on the comparative study of PGM assemblages in primary ore, heavy concentrate halos, and hillside sediments. The mechanism of PGM redistribution under supergene conditions is exemplified in the Chinei deposit. The placer mineral assemblage with prevalence of Pt-Fe alloys, atokite-rustenburgite, sperrylite, and multicomponent Pd-Sn-Cu-Pb compounds can be used as a prospecting guide for Noril’sk-type primary PGM ore and related economic placers. The paolovite-sperrylite or sperrylite PGM assemblage in heavy concentrate halos indicates occurrence of Cu-Ni ore in the prospecting area. Sperrylite with isomorphic admixture of Ir and Os typical of the Kingash pluton could be a orospecting guide for Ni-bearing mafic-ultramafic intrusions.  相似文献   
The chemistry, REE patterns, and carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of carbonates from ore veins of the Darasun deposit are discussed. In addition to the earlier described siderite, calcite, and carbonates of the dolomite-ankerite series, kutnahorite is identified. The total REE content in Fe-Mg carbonates of the dolomite-ankerite series (2.8–73 ppm) is much lower than in later calcite (18–390 ppm). δ13C of Fe-Mg carbonates and calcite varies from +1.1 to −6.7‰ and from −0.9 to −4.9‰, respectively. δ18O of Fe-Mg carbonates and calcite varies from +17.6 to 3.6‰ and from +15.7 to −0.5‰, respectively. The REE sum and carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions reveal zonal distribution relative to the central granodiorite porphyry stock. The correlation between the carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions and REE sum reflects variations in the physicochemical formation conditions and composition of ore-forming fluid. The isotopic composition of fluid is calculated, and possible sources of its components are considered. Earlier established evidence for a magmatic source of ore-forming fluid and participation of meteoric water in ore formation is confirmed. Geochemical evidence for interaction of ore-forming fluid with host rocks is furnished. The relationships between the REE sum, on the one hand, and carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of hydrothermal ore-forming fluid, on the other, are established.  相似文献   
The water characteristics of the Gucheng Lake, such as eutrophication, health and spatial distribution, were investigated. On the basis of the trophic state index (TSI) and entropy weight, a synthesized trophic state index (STSI) model was established to assess lake eutrophication condition through calculating STSI, choosing TP, TN, COD, BOD and NH3-N as trophic variables. The STSI ranged from 50.58 to 62.44, which showed that the water has been between eutrophic and supereutrophic. A histogram was applied to health risk assessment which was analyzed from carcinogenic substances (Cr+6, As and Cd) and non-carcinogenic substances (hydroxybenzene, Pb, Hg, CN and NH3), and the results showed that the former was much greater than the latter for effect. The total risk for each resident caused by all pollutants ranged from 5.18E-05 to 8.34E-05, which is far higher than the standard, recommended by Sweden Bureau of Environment Protection and Holland Ministry of Building and Environment Protection (1.0E-05). Cluster analysis was used to detect similarities and dissimilarities among the seven sampling sites and explain the observed clustering in terms of affected conditions. Twenty-one variables were used to divide seven sampling sites into three groups, namely, north lake, south lake and lake center.  相似文献   
A grid-based erosion model is developed by integrating the distributed hydrological model, BTOPMC, with the modified USLE to estimate soil erosion and sediment outflow during single storms. The possible sheet, rill, channel erosion types, and sediment transport processes are considered within each grid under the model structure. Instead of representing the sheet erosion and rill erosion separately, the classic USLE method is modified to simulate the lumped sheet–rill erosion during storms. In the modification, the runoff ratio and a relevant correction coefficient are brought into the R-factor which improves the model’s applicability in predicting erosion during single storms. Instead of representing a grid with a unique erosion type, a channel component is assumed to exist in each grid, and its width varies with the upstream contributing area of the grid. This assumption avoids the problems that are caused by the difference between the channel widths in the upstream area and the downstream area if the grid is simply recognized as a channel grid. It also enables the model to be applicable in simulating soil erosion and sediment outflow from a large catchment. Through a case study in the Lushi catchment, China, the results show an overall satisfactory accuracy for the selected events. Moreover, by analyzing the spatial distribution of soil erosion or deposition, the erosion-prone areas are identified for the prioritization purpose.  相似文献   
The porous fine-grained to microcrystalline copper-zinc ore of the Semenov-2 hydrothermal field, a site in the Semenov hydrothermal cluster discovered in 2007 (13°31′N, MAR), is anomalously enriched in Au (22–188 ppm) and Ag (127–1787 ppm). Chalcopyrite, isocubanite, würtzite, and opal are major minerals; sphalerite, marcasite, pyrite, and covellite are auxiliary; and galena, pyrrhotite, native gold, silver telluride, barite, and aragonite are sporadic. Gold containing 0.31 to 23.07 wt % Ag occurs as up to 9-μm-sized subhedral, dendritelike, and elongated grains mostly hosted in opal and less frequently in sphalerite and in pores within isocubanite-chalcopyrite aggregate. An elongated grain (2 × 4 μm in size) of the Ag-Te phase was found in a pore. So far only basalts have been dredged from the Semenov-2 field, but anomalous gold and silver concentrations suggest the influence of ultramafic rocks; the latter were found 1.5 km westward, in the Semenov-1 hydrothermal field. Mineral assemblage and morphology of gold particles indicate its primary origin in contrast to the hydrothermal fields hosted in basalts, where gold is a product of remobilization. Zonal gold grains, found on oceanic floor for the first time, are characterized by low Ag content in the cores and high Ag content in the outer rims, reflecting variation in formation conditions.  相似文献   
A new mineral, yegorovite, has been identified in the late hydrothermal, low-temperature assemblage of the Palitra hyperalkaline pegmatite at Mt. Kedykverpakhk, Lovozero alkaline pluton, Kola Peninsula, Russia. The mineral is intimately associated with revdite and megacyclite, earlier natrosilite, microcline, and villiaumite. Yegorovite occurs as coarse, usually split prismatic (up to 0.05 × 0.15 × 1 mm) or lamellar (up to 0.05 × 0.7 × 0.8 mm) crystals. Polysynthetic twins and parallel intergrowths are typical. Mineral individuals are combined in bunches or chaotic groups (up to 2 mm); radial-lamellar clusters are less frequent. Yegorovite is colorless, transparent with vitreous luster. Cleavage is perfect parallel to (010) and (001). Fracture is splintery; crystals are readily split into acicular fragments. The Mohs hardness is ~2. Density is 1.90(2) g/cm3 (meas) and 1.92 g/cm3 (calc). Yegorovite is biaxial (?), with α = 1.474(2), β = 1.479(2), and γ = 1.482(2), 2V meas > 70°, 2V calc = 75°. The optical orientation is Xa ~ 15°, Y = c, Z = b. The IR spectrum is given. The chemical composition determined using an electron microprobe (H2O determined from total deficiency) is (wt %): 23.28 Na2O, 45.45 SiO2, 31.27 H2Ocalc; the total is 100.00. The empirical formula is Na3.98Si4.01O8.02(OH)3.98 · 7.205H2O. The idealized formula is Na4[Si4O8(OH)4] · 7H2O. Yegorovite is monoclinic, space group P21/c. The unit-cell dimensions are a = 9.874, b= 12.398, c = 14.897 Å, β = 104.68°, V = 1764.3 Å3, Z = 4. The strongest reflections in the X-ray powder pattern (d, Å (I, %)([hkl]) are 7.21(70)[002], 6.21(72)[012, 020], 4.696(44)[022], 4.003(49)[211], 3.734(46)[\(\bar 2\) 13], 3.116(100)[024, 040], 2.463(38)[\(\bar 4\)02, \(\bar 2\)43]. The crystal structure was studied by single-crystal method, R hkl = 0.0745. Yegorovite is a representative of a new structural type. Its structure consists of single chains of Si tetrahedrons [Si4O8(OH)4]∞ and sixfold polyhedrons of two types: [NaO(OH)2(H2O)3] and [NaO(OH)(H2O)4] centered by Na. The mineral was named in memory of Yu. K. Yegorov-Tismenko (1938–2007), outstanding Russian crystallographer and crystallochemist. The type material of yegorovite has been deposited at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.  相似文献   
New data on the elemental composition of the Severnaya Dvina River, the largest one in the White Sea region, are presented. The elemental composition of the river water in May, the period of the snowmelt flood, is similar to the upper layer of the Earth’s continental crust due to the active erosion of the earth material in the catchment area. In August, the period of the summer low water, the impact of biogenic components increases and elevated concentrations of Cd, Sb, Mn, Zn, Pb, and Cu are observed. At other times, no significant pollution by heavy and rare-earth elements is registered.  相似文献   
High pressure experiments have been made on the stability of richterite50-tremolite50 solid solution by the piston-cylinder type high pressure apparatus in the pressure range from 15 to 40 kb, at temperatures from 700 to 1150°C. This amphibole is stable up to 40 kb at 700°C, and the breakdown pressure gradually decreases with increasing temperatures. It is suggested that this amphibole, on the basis of high pressure experiments, may occur in the upper mantle.  相似文献   
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