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The 2013-04-20 Lushan earthquake(seismic magnitude Ms 7.0 according to the State Seismological Bureau)induced a large number of landslides.In this study,spatial characteristics of landslides are developed by interpreting digital aerial photography data.Seven towns near the epicenter,with an area of about 11.11 km2,were severely affected by the earthquake,and 703 landslides were identified from April 24,2013 aerial photography data over an area of 1.185 km2.About 55.56% of the landslide area was less than 1000 m2,whereas about 3.23 % was more than 10,000 m2.Rock falls and shallow landslides were the most commonly observed types in the study area,and were primarily located in the center of Lushan County.Most landslide areas were widely distributed near river channels and along roads.Five main factors were chosen to study the distribution characteristics of landslides:elevation,slope gradients,fault,geologic unit and river system.The spatial distribution of coseismal landslides is studied statistically using both landslide point density(LPD),defined as the number of landslides(LS Number)per square kilometer,and landslide area density(LAD),interpreted as the percentage of landslides area affected by earthquake.The results show that both LPD and LAD have strong positive correlations with five main factors.Most landslides occurred in the gradient range of 40°-50° and an elevation range of 1.0-1.5 km above sea level.Statistical results also indicate that landslides were mainly formed in soft rocks such as mudstone and sandstone,and concentrated in IX intensity areas.  相似文献   
The subsurface media are not perfectly elastic, thus anelastic absorption, attenuation and dispersion (aka Q filtering) effects occur during wave propagation, diminishing seismic resolution. Compensating for anelastic effects is imperative for resolution enhancement. Q values are required for most of conventional Q-compensation methods, and the source wavelet is additionally required for some of them. Based on the previous work of non-stationary sparse reflectivity inversion, we evaluate a series of methods for Q-compensation with/without knowing Q and with/without knowing wavelet. We demonstrate that if Q-compensation takes the wavelet into account, it generates better results for the severely attenuated components, benefiting from the sparsity promotion. We then evaluate a two-phase Q-compensation method in the frequency domain to eliminate Q requirement. In phase 1, the observed seismogram is disintegrated into the least number of Q-filtered wavelets chosen from a dictionary by optimizing a basis pursuit denoising problem, where the dictionary is composed of the known wavelet with different propagation times, each filtered with a range of possible values. The elements of the dictionary are weighted by the infinity norm of the corresponding column and further preconditioned to provide wavelets of different values and different propagation times equal probability to entry into the solution space. In phase 2, we derive analytic solutions for estimates of reflectivity and Q and solve an over-determined equation to obtain the final reflectivity series and Q values, where both the amplitude and phase information are utilized to estimate the Q values. The evaluated inversion-based Q estimation method handles the wave-interference effects better than conventional spectral-ratio-based methods. For Q-compensation, we investigate why sparsity promoting does matter. Numerical and field data experiments indicate the feasibility of the evaluated method of Q-compensation without knowing Q but with wavelet given.  相似文献   
This study aims to develop a joint probability function of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and cumulative absolute velocity (CAV) for the strong ground motion data from Taiwan. First, a total of 40,385 earthquake time histories are collected from the Taiwan Strong Motion Instrumentation Program. Then, the copula approach is introduced and applied to model the joint probability distribution of PGA and CAV. Finally, the correlation results using the PGA‐CAV empirical data and the normalized residuals are compared. The results indicate that there exists a strong positive correlation between PGA and CAV. For both the PGA and CAV empirical data and the normalized residuals, the multivariate lognormal distribution composed of two lognormal marginal distributions and the Gaussian copula provides adequate characterization of the PGA‐CAV joint distribution observed in Taiwan. This finding demonstrates the validity of the conventional two‐step approach for developing empirical ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) of multiple ground motion parameters from the copula viewpoint. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文首次弄清了毛垭温泉测点的局部地质环境,确定了测泉的水文地质性质和类型,弥补了建点基础资料之不足。采用常规的调查追踪方法对该前兆观测点近期出现的特大异常进行了较为详细地落实,并简要分析了调查结果。  相似文献   
本文通过镜下鉴定,结合电子探针分析、X衍射分析等,总结了研究区各金矿床(点)的矿物物性、成分、分布等特征。矿物学的研究表明,整个成矿过程和构造动力变质密切相关。  相似文献   
利用电子显微探针元素分析技术(EPMA)对黄海南部野生银鲳和鮸鱼的耳石进行了锶和钙沉积特征的初步分析。定量线分析结果表明,两种鱼类耳石的Sr/Ca之间存在显著的种间差异。银鲳耳石Sr/Ca比,在耳石核心及相邻处为低值区(5.86±0.92);3段Sr/Ca高值区分别为近核心部(7.88±1.28)、第1龄处(9.44±1.82)及耳石边缘(7.91±1.38);揭示银鲳孵化和早期发育应需要盐度适中的生境,当龄鱼在后期的生长中需洄游经过两段高盐生境(其中之一在第1龄时)。鮸鱼耳石Sr/Ca比波动表现为耳石核心处(7.72±0.97)高于其余部分,反映了鮸鱼孵化及初期发育阶段可能生活在高盐度生境,而当龄鱼随后阶段的生长和发育过程则会洄游至盐度有所降低的生境中进行。  相似文献   
唐铁桥  黄海军  尚华艳 《海洋学报》2010,32(9):6003-6008
基于跟车模型的特点,提出了跟车模型的动能变化公式,利用该公式研究换道概率对各车辆动能的影响.数值实验结果表明,换道概率和相对速度对各车辆动能产生较大影响,但换道概率和相对速度会分别降低其动能变化频率和幅度.此外,系统增加的平均动能会随着系统最大换道概率的增加而降低.  相似文献   
河嘉203H井是川东北河坝构造嘉二高压含硫气藏部署的第一口水平井,具有埋藏深、储层压力高、腐蚀分压高、地层易漏失、水平井压井堵漏难度大的特点,通过开展工具优选、管柱结构优化设计、流程优选,并对替浆、放喷油嘴控制及压井等主要工序的施工工艺参数进行研究,形成了河坝嘉二含硫气藏水平井测试工艺技术体系,并在河嘉203H井获得成功应用。  相似文献   
Calcite veins and cements occur widely in Carboniferous and Permian reservoirs of the Hongche fault zone, northwestern Junggar Basin in northwest China. The calcites were investigated by fluid inclusion and trace-element analyses, providing an improved understanding of the petroleum migration history. It is indicated that the Hongche fault behaved as a migration pathway before the Early Cretaceous, allowing two oil charges to migrate into the hanging-wall, fault-core and footwall reservoirs across the fault. Since the Late Cretaceous, the Hongche fault has been sealed. As a consequence, meteoric water flowed down only into the hanging-wall and fault-core reservoirs. The meteoric-water incursion is likely an important cause for degradation of reservoir oils. In contrast, the footwall reservoirs received gas charge (the third hydrocarbon event) following the Late Cretaceous. This helps explain the distribution of petroleum across the fault. This study provides an example of how a fault may evolve as pathway and seal over time, and how reservoir diagenetic minerals can provide clues to complex petroleum migration histories.  相似文献   
A bio-optical dataset collected during the 1998?C2007 period in the Yellow and East China Seas (YECS) was used to provide alternative empirical ocean-color algorithms in the retrieval of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), total suspended matter (TSM), and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption coefficients at 440 nm (ag440). Assuming that remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs) could be retrieved accurately, empirical algorithms for TChl (regionally tuned Tassan??s Chl-a algorithm) in case-1 waters (TChl2i in case-2 waters), TTSM (regionally tuned Tassan??s TSM algorithm), and Tag440 or Cag440 (regionally tuned Tassan??s or Carder??s ag440 algorithm) were able to retrieve Chl-a, TSM, and ag440 with uncertainties as high as 35, 46, and 35%, respectively. Applying the standard SeaWiFS Rrs, TChl was not viable in the eastern part of the YECS, which was associated with an inaccurate SeaWiFS Rrs retrieval because of improper atmospheric correction. TChl behaved better than other algorithms in the turbid case-2 waters, although overestimation was still observed. To retrieve more reliable Chl-a estimates with standard SeaWiFS Rrs in turbid water (a proxy for case-2 waters), we modified TChl for data with SeaWiFS normalized water-leaving radiance at 555 nm (nLw555) > 2 mW cm?2 ??m?1 sr?1 (TChl2s). Finally, with standard SeaWiFS Rrs, we recommend switching algorithms from TChl2s (for case-2 waters) to MOCChl (SeaWiFS-modified NASA OC4v4 standard algorithm for case-1 waters) for retrieving Chl-a, which resulted in uncertainties as high as 49%. To retrieve TSM and ag440 using SeaWiFS Rrs, we recommend empirical algorithms for TTSM (pre-SeaWiFS-modified form) and MTag440 or MCag440 (SeaWiFS Rrs-modified forms of Tag440 or Cag440). These could retrieve with uncertainties as high as 82 and 52%, respectively.  相似文献   
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