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Excessive degassing of Izu-Oshima volcano: magma convection in a conduit   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Excess degassing of magmatic H2O and SO2 was observed at Izu-Oshima volcano during its latest degassing activity from January 1988 to March 1990. The minimum production rate for degassed magma was calculated to be about 1×104 kg/s using emission rates of magmatic H2O and SO2, and H2O and S contents of the magma. The minimum total volume of magma degassed during the 27-month period is estimated to be 2.6×108 m3. This volume is 20 times larger than that of the magma ejected during the 1986 summit eruption. Convective transport of magma through a conduit is proposed as the mechanism that causes degassing from a magma reservoir at several kilometers depth. The magma transport rate is quantitatively evaluated based on two fluid-dynamic models: Poiseuille flow in a concentric double-walled pipe, and ascent of non-degassed magma spheres through a conduit filled with degassed magma. This process is further tested for an andesitic volcano and is concluded to be a common process for volcanoes that discharge excess volatiles.  相似文献   
Japan developed large areas of coniferous plantations for timber production between the 1950s and 1970s; however, forestry practices such as thinning, pruning, and harvesting in most of the plantations have declined since the 1980s. Researchers speculated that reduced forestry practices could reduce run‐off and therefore available water resources. As a countermeasure to this potential risk, many local governments have introduced local taxes to stimulate forestry practices in the plantations. However, no studies have presented evidence for decreased annual run‐off and/or low flow in watersheds where forestry practices have declined. As a starting point for assessing this risk, this study examined potential changes in the annual run‐off and low flow in the Terauchi watershed. A large area of this watershed was covered with coniferous plantations. We first surveyed the annual investment in forestry operations and the number of forest owners in the city of Amagi. (Note that Amagi includes the Terauchi watershed.) Both decreased during the period 1979–2007, indicating reduced forestry practices. The frequency distribution of plantation tree ages in the watershed also suggested reduced forestry practices. After excluding the effect of precipitation, we examined potential changes in the annual run‐off and low flow during the period 1979–2007. We did not observe significant decreases in the annual run‐off and low flow during the period. Thus, the risk of decreased water resources might be less than expected, and countermeasures to the risk should be reconsidered. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Active volcanoes are thought to be important contributors to the atmospheric mercury (Hg) budget, and this chemical element is one of the most harmful atmospheric pollutants, owing to its high toxicity and long residence time in ecosystems. There is, however, considerable uncertainty over the magnitude of the global volcanic Hg flux, since the existing data on volcanogenic Hg emissions are sparse and often ambiguous. In an attempt to extend the currently limited dataset on volcanogenic Hg emissions, we summarize the results of Hg flux measurements at seven active open-conduit volcanoes; Stromboli, Asama, Miyakejima, Montserrat, Ambrym, Yasur, and Nyiragongo.. Data from the dome-building Soufriere Hills volcano are also reported. Using our determined mercury to SO2 mass ratios in tandem with the simultaneously-determined SO2 emission rates, we estimate that the 7 volcanoes have Hg emission rates ranging from 0.2 to 18 t yr-1 (corresponding to a total Hg flux of ~41 t·yr-1). Based on our dataset and previous work, we propose that a Hg/SO2 plume ratio ~10-5 is best-representative of gas emissions from quiescent degassing volcanoes. Using this ratio, we infer a global volcanic Hg flux from persistent degassing of ~95 t·yr-1 .  相似文献   
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) mission will launch a spacecraft in 2024 to return samples from Phobos in 2029. Curatorial work for the returned Phobos samples is critical for the sample allocation without degrading the sample integrity and subsequent sample analysis that will provide new constraints on the origin of Phobos and the evolution of the circum-Mars environment. The Sample Analysis Working Team of the MMX is designing the sample curation protocol. The curation protocol consists of three phases: (1) quick analysis (extraction and mass spectrometry for gases), (2) pre-basic characterization (bulk-scale observation), and (3) basic characterization (grain-by-grain observation and allocation of the sample aliquots). Nondestructive analyses within the clean chamber (e.g., visible and near-infrared spectral imaging) and outside the chamber (e.g., gas mass spectrometry) are incorporated into the curation flow in coordination with the MMX mission instrument teams for ground-truthing the remote-sensing data sets. The MMX curation/sample analysis flow enables the seamless integration between the sample and remote-sensing data sets to maximize the scientific value of the collected Phobos samples.  相似文献   
We present a spicule model whose eruption occurs as a result of the sudden pressure enhancement at the bright point located at the root of the spicule. To show this, one dimensional (constant cross sectional) and time dependent hydrodynamic equations are solved numerically in the realistic solar atmosphere extending from the photosphere to the corona. Adiabatic motion is assumed. The pressure enhancement by a bright point at the base of the model atmosphere generates a shock wave. The shock gets stronger as it passes upward through the chromosphere and eventually collides with the chromosphere-corona interface which is a kind of a contact discontinuity. As the result, the interface begins to move upward. We identify the matter following behind this interface as the solar spicule. The model explains many observed features, such as the height and the density of the spicules, although such features have been hitherto considered not to be explained easily by shock theories.  相似文献   
The failure of brittle materials, for example glasses and rock masses, is commonly observed to be discontinuous. It is, however, difficult to simulate these phenomena by use of conventional numerical simulation methods, for example the finite difference method or the finite element method, because of the presence of computational grids or elements artificially introduced before the simulation. It is, therefore, important for research on such discontinuous failures in science and engineering to analyze the phenomena seamlessly. This study deals with the coupled simulation of elastic wave propagation and failure phenomena by use of a moving particle semi-implicit (MPS) method. It is simple to model the objects of analysis because no grid or lattice structure is necessary. In addition, lack of a grid or lattice structure makes it simple to simulate large deformations and failure phenomena at the same time. We first compare analytical and MPS solutions by use of Lamb’s problem with different offset distances, material properties, and source frequencies. Our results show that analytical and numerical seismograms are in good agreement with each other for 20 particles in a minimum wavelength. Finally, we focus our attention on the Hopkinson effect as an example of failure induced by elastic wave propagation. In the application of the MPS, the algorithm is basically the same as in the previous calculation except for the introduction of a failure criterion. The failure criterion applied in this study is that particle connectivity must be disconnected when the distance between the particles exceeds a failure threshold. We applied the developed algorithm to a suspended specimen that was modeled as a long bar consisting of thousands of particles. A compressional wave in the bar is generated by an abrupt pressure change on one edge. The compressional wave propagates along the interior of the specimen and is visualized clearly. At the other end of the bar, the spalling of the bar is reproduced numerically, and a broken piece of the bar is formed and falls away from the main body of the bar. Consequently, these results show that the MPS method effectively reproduces wave propagation and failure phenomena at the same time.  相似文献   
We have systematically surveyed the effects of the ion temperature anisotropy on the peak reconnected flux level of the tearing instability excited in a thick current sheet (its half-thickness D equal to the ion inertial length). A series of two- and three-dimensional (2-D and 3-D) simulations have been performed for a magnetotail-like situation, where the ion perpendicular temperature is fixed to balance the magnetic pressure of the lobe while the ion parallel temperature can be varied to give rise to the temperature anisotropy αi=Ti,perp/Ti,para. Focusing on the behavior of the fastest growing mode (wavelength λ=12D), the results are summarized as follows: (1) The peak levels are larger when the initial αi is larger and lobe reconnection is obtained only when αi>1.5. (2) 3-D effects do speed-up the reconnection process but do not change the peak level substantially. (3) The time-scale of gas pressure build-up at the center of magnetic islands relative to the time-scale of reconnected flux growth is identified to be the key issue in determining the peak level. Based on these results for the fastest growing mode with λ=12D, discussion is given on the larger-scale development, that is, what happens when longer wavelength modes are allowed to develop.  相似文献   
Utilization of cheap renewable carbon feedstock for polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production not only brings down its production cost but also ensures sustainability. The scope of this study was to evaluate the potential of sap extracted from felled oil palm trunk (OPT) as a novel inexpensive renewable carbon source for PHA production. OPT sap was found to be nutritionally rich and contained various fermentable sugars (5.5% w/v) as its major constituent. Termite gut isolate, Bacillus megaterium MC1 grew profoundly in mineral medium with OPT sap as carbon source and a cell density of 10.9 g/L was attained after 16 h of cultivation in shake flask cultures. A maximum poly‐3‐hydroxybutyrate [P(3HB)] content (% cell dry weight; CDW) of 30 wt% and a P(3HB) concentration of 3.28 g/L was recorded. Additionally, OPT sap extracted from younger tree trunks with prolonged storage had higher sugar content (10.8% w/v) and, when used as a growth medium without the addition of any nutrients, supported bacterial growth comparable to commercially available media.  相似文献   
Sampling and analyses methods for determining the stable isotopic compositions of Hg in an active volcanic system were tested and optimized at the volcanic complex of Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy). Condensed gaseous fumarole Hg(fum)T, plume gaseous elemental Hg(g)0 and plume particulate Hg(p)II were obtained at fumaroles F0, F5, F11, and FA. The average total Hg emissions, based on HgT/SO2 in condensed fumarolic gases and plumes, range from 2.5 to 10.1 kg y? 1, in agreement with published values [Ferrara, R., Mazzolai, B., Lanzillotta, E., Nucaro, E., Pirrone, N., 2000. Volcanoes as emission sources of atmospheric mercury in the Mediterranean Basin. Sci. Total Environ. 259(1–3), 115–121; Aiuppa, A., Bagnato, E., Witt, M.L.I., Mather, T.A., Parello, F., Pyle, D.M., Martin, R.S., 2007. Real-time simultaneous detection of volcanic Hg and SO2 at La Fossa Crater, Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Sicily). Geophys. Res. Lett. 34(L21307).]. Plume Hg(p)II increases with distance from the fumarole vent, at the expense of Hg(g)0 and indicates significant in-plume oxidation and condensation of fumarole Hg(fum)T.Relative to the NIST SRM 3133 Hg standard, the stable isotopic compositions of Hg are δ202Hg(fum)T = ? 0.74‰ ± 0.18 (2SD, n = 4) for condensed gaseous fumarole Hg(fum)T, δ202Hg(g)0 = ? 1.74‰ ± 0.36 (2SD, n = 1) for plume gaseous elemental Hg(g)0 at the F0 fumarole, and δ202Hg(p)II = ? 0.11‰ ± 0.18 (2SD, n = 4) for plume particulate Hg(p)II. The enrichment of Hg(p)II in the heavy isotopes and Hg(g)0 in the light isotopes relative to the total condensed fumarolic Hg(fum)T gas complements the speciation data and demonstrates a gas-particle fractionation occurring after the gas expulsion in ambient T° atmosphere. A first order Rayleigh equilibrium condensation isotope fractionation model yields a fractionation factor αcond-gas of 1.00135 ± 0.00058.  相似文献   
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