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The two drill holes, which penetrated sub‐horizontal rare earth element (REE) ore units at the Nechalacho REE in the Proterozoic Thor Lake syenite, Canada, were studied in order to clarify the enrichment mechanism of the high‐field‐strength elements (HFSE: Zr, Nb and REE). The REE ore units occur in the albitized and potassic altered miaskitic syenite. Zircon is the most common REE mineral in the REE ore units, and is divided into five types as follows: Type‐1 zircon occurs as discrete grains in phlogopite, and has a chemical character similar to igneous zircon. Type‐2 zircon consists of a porous HREE‐rich core and LREE–Nb–F‐rich rim. Enrichment of F in the rim of type‐2 zircon suggests that F was related to the enrichment of HFSE. The core of type‐2 zircon is regarded to be magmatic and the rim to be hydrothermal in origin. Type‐3 zircon is characterized by euhedral to anhedral crystals, which occur in a complex intergrowth with REE fluorocarbonates. Type‐3 zircon has high REE, Nb and F contents. Type‐4 zircon consists of porous‐core and ‐rim, but their chemical compositions are similar to each other. This zircon is a subhedral crystal rimmed by fergusonite. Type‐5 zircon is characterized by smaller, porous and subhedral to anhedral crystals. The interstices between small zircon grains are filled by fergusonite. Type‐4 and type‐5 zircon grains have low REE, Nb and F contents. Type‐1 zircon is only included in one unit, which is less hydrothermally altered and mineralized. Type‐2 and type‐3 zircon grains mainly occur in the shallow units, while those of type‐4 and type‐5 are found in the deep units. The deep units have high HFSE contents and strongly altered mineral textures (type‐4 and type‐5) compared to the shallow units. Occurrences of these five types of zircon are different according to the depth and degree of the hydrothermal alteration by solutions rich in F and CO3, which permit a model for the evolution of the zircon crystallization in the Nechalacho REE deposit as follows: (i) type‐1 (discrete magmatic zircon) is formed in miaskitic syenite. (ii) LREE–Nb–F‐rich hydrothermal zircon formed around HREE‐rich magmatic zircon (type‐2). (iii) type‐3 zircon crystallized through the F and CO3‐rich hydrothermal alteration of type‐2 zircon which formed the complex intergrowth with REE fluorocarbonates; (iv) the CO3‐rich hydrothermal fluid corroded type‐3, forming REE–Nb‐poor zircon (type‐4). Niobium and REE were no longer stable in the zircon structure and crystallized as fergusonite around the REE–Nb‐leached zircon (type‐4); (v) type‐5 zircon is formed by the more CO3‐rich hydrothermal alteration of type‐4 zircon, suggested by the fact that type‐4 and type‐5 zircon grains are often included in ankerite. Type‐3 to type‐5 zircon grains at the Nechalacho REE deposit were continuously formed by leaching and/or dissolution of type‐2 zircon in the presence of F‐ and/or CO3‐rich hydrothermal fluid. These mineral associations indicate that three representative hydrothermal stages were present and related to HFSE enrichment in the Nechalacho REE deposit: (i) F‐rich hydrothermal stage caused the crystallization of REE–Nb‐rich zircon (type‐2 rim and type‐3), with abundant formation of phlogopite and fluorite; (ii) F‐ and CO3‐rich hydrothermal stage led to the replacement of a part of REE–Nb–F‐rich zircon by REE fluorocarbonate; and (iii) CO3‐rich hydrothermal stage resulted in crystallization of the REE–Nb–F‐poor zircon and fergusonite, with ankerite. REE and Nb in hydrothermal fluid at the Nechalacho REE deposit were finally concentrated into fergusonite by way of REE–Nb–F‐rich zircon in the hydrothermally altered units.  相似文献   
The Chatree deposit is located in the Loei‐Phetchabun‐Nakhon Nayok volcanic belt that extends from Laos in the north through central and eastern Thailand into Cambodia. Gold‐bearing quartz veins at the Q prospect of the Chatree deposit are hosted within polymictic andesitic breccia and volcanic sedimentary breccia. The orebodies of the Chatree deposit consist of veins, veinlets and stockwork. Gold‐bearing quartz veins are composed mainly of quartz, calcite and illite with small amounts of adularia, chlorite and sulfide minerals. The gold‐bearing quartz veins were divided into five stages based on the cross‐cutting relationship and mineral assemblage. Intense gold mineralization occurred in Stages I and IV. The mineral assemblage of Stages I and IV is characterized by quartz–calcite–illite–laumontite–adularia–chlorite–sulfide minerals and electrum. Quartz textures of Stages I and IV are also characterized by microcrystalline and flamboyant textures, respectively. Coexistence of laumontite, illite and chlorite in the gold‐bearing quartz vein of Stage IV suggests that the gold‐bearing quartz veins were formed at approximately 200°C. The flamboyant and brecciated textures of the gold‐bearing quartz vein of Stage IV suggest that gold precipitated with silica minerals from a hydrothermal solution that was supersaturated by boiling. The δ18O values of quartz in Stages I to V range from +10.4 to +11.6‰ except for the δ18O value of quartz in Stage IV (+15.0‰). The increase in δ18O values of quartz at Stage IV is explained by boiling. PH2O is estimated to be 16 bars at 200°C. The fCO2 value is estimated to be 1 bar based on the presence of calcite in the mineral assemblage of Stage IV. The total pressure of the hydrothermal solution is approximately 20 bars at 200°C, suggesting that the gold‐bearing quartz veins of the Q prospect formed about 200 m below the paleosurface.  相似文献   
The Benjamin River apatite prospect in northern New Brunswick, Canada, is hosted by the Late Silurian Dickie Brook plutonic complex, which is made up of intrusive units represented by monzogranite, diorite and gabbro. The IOA ores, composed mainly of apatite, augite, and magnetite at Benjamin River form pegmatitic pods and lenses in the host igneous rocks, the largest of which is 100 m long and 10–20 m wide in the diorite and gabbro units. In this study, 28 IOA ore and rock samples were collected from the diorite and gabbro units. Mineralogical observations show that the apatite–augite–magnetite ores are variable in the amounts of apatite, augite, and magnetite and are associated with minor amounts of epidote‐group minerals (allanite, REE‐rich epidote and epidte) and trace amounts of albite, titanite, ilmenite, titanomagnetite, pyrite, chlorite, calcite, and quartz. Apatite and augite grains contain small anhydrite inclusions. This suggests that the magma that crystallized apatite and augite had high oxygen fugacity. In back scattered electron (BSE) images, apatite grains in the ores have two zones of different appearance: (i) primary REE‐rich zone; and (ii) porous REE‐poor zone. The porous REE‐poor zones mainly appear in rims and/or inside of the apatite grains, in addition to the presence of apatite grains which totally consist of a porous REE‐poor apatite. This porous REE‐poor apatite is characterized by low REE (<0.84 wt%), Si (<0.28 wt%), and Cl (<0.17 wt%) contents. Epidote‐group minerals mainly occur in grain boundary between the porous REE‐poor apatite and augite. These indicate that REE leached from primary REE‐rich apatite crystallized as allanite and REE‐rich epidote. Magnetite in the ores often occurs as veinlets that cut apatite grains or as anhedral grains that replace a part of augite. These textures suggest that magnetite crystallized in the late stage. Pyrite veins occur in the ores, including a large amount of quartz and calcite veins. Pyrite veins mainly occur with quartz veins in augite. These textures indicate pyrite veins are the latest phase. Apatite–augite–magnetite ore, gabbro–quartz diorite and feldspar dike collected from the Benjamin River prospect contain dirty pure albite (Ab98Or2–Ab100) under the microscope. The feldspar dikes mainly consist of dirty pure albite. Occurrences of the dirty pure albite suggest remarkable albitization (sodic alteration) of original plagioclase (An25.3–An60 in Pilote et al., 2012) associating with intrusion of monzogranite into gabbro and diorite. SO42? bearing magma crystallized primary REE‐rich apatite, augite and anhydrite reacted with Fe in the sodic fluids, which result in oxidation of Fe2+ and release of S2? into the sodic fluids. REE, Ca and Fe from primary REE‐rich apatite, augite and plagioclase altered by the sodic fluids were released into the fluids. Then Fe3+ in the sodic fluids precipitated as Fe oxides and epidote‐group minerals in apatite–augite–magnetite ores. Finally, residual S2? in sodic fluids crystallized as latest pyrite veins. In conclusion, mineralization in Benjamin River IOA prospect are divided into four stages: (1) oxidized magmatic stage that crystallized apatite, augite and anhydrite; (2) sodic metasomatic stage accompanying alteration of magmatic minerals; (3) oxidized fluid stage (magnetite–epidote group minerals mineralization); and (4) reduced fluid stage (pyrite mineralization).  相似文献   
Han-Lin  Chen  Zi-Long  Li  Shu-Feng  Yang  Chuan-Wan  Dong  Wen-Jiao  Xiao  Yoshiaki  Tainosho 《Island Arc》2006,15(1):210-222
Abstract A mafic granulite body was newly discovered in the Altay Orogenic Belt, northwest China. The rocks comprise a suite of coarse‐grained and fine‐grained granulites. Orthopyroxenes (hypersthenes) in the rocks have high XMg and low Al2O3 contents, whereas clinopyroxenes have low TiO2 and Al2O3 contents. Amphiboles and biotites have a high Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) ratio and low contents of F and Cl. The peak metamorphic pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions are estimated as 750–780°C and 6–7 kbar, and retrograde P–T conditions are in the range of 590–620°C and 2.3–3.7 kbar, indicating significant decompression. Metamorphic reactions and P–T estimates define a clockwise P–T path. Geochemically, the rocks are high in Mg/(Mg + Fe) and Al2O3, depleted in U, Th, K and Rb, and characterized by light rare earth element enrichment and a weak positive Eu anomaly. The Altay mafic granulite shows depleted Nb, P and Ti contents in the mid‐oceanic ridge basalt normalized spider diagram. The geochemical characteristics suggest that the protolith of the Altay mafic granulite was calc‐alkaline basalt and andesite with an island‐arc affinity. The rock has a high 143Nd/144Nd ratio with ?Nd(0) > 0, indicating derivation from a mantle‐depleted source. In the present study, a two‐stage model for the evolution of the Altay mafic granulite is proposed: an early stage in which calc‐alkaline basalt and andesite with island‐arc affinity were subducted into a deeper level of the crust and subjected to granulite‐facies metamorphism generating the mafic granulite, followed by the later stage exhumation of the system into the upper crust by the late Paleozoic thrusting.  相似文献   
The structure of the turbulent boundary layer underneath laboratory wind waves was studied by using a combination of a high-sensitivity thermometer array with a two-component sonic flowmeter. The temperature fluctuations are used to detect movements of water parcels, with temperature as a passive quantity. The turbulence energy was dominant in the frequency range (0.01 0.1 Hz), which was much smaller than the wind-wave frequency (2 5 Hz), and in which the turbulence was anisotropic. There was a frequency range (0.2 2 Hz for velocity, 0.2 5 Hz for temperature fluctuation) where the turbulence was isotropic and had a –5/3 slope in the energy spectrum. These points are the same as those in previous works. However, by analyses of the time series by using a variable-interval time-averaging technique (VITA), it has been found that conspicuous events in this main turbulence energy band are the downward bursting from the vicinity of the water surface. Thus the structure of the water layer underneath the wind waves has characters which are similar to the familiar turbulent boundary layer over a rough solid wall, as already conceived. It has been found that, at the same time, the turbulence energy can be related to quantities of the wind waves (the root mean squared water level fluctuation and the wave peak frequency), for different wind and wave conditions. That is, the turbulence underneath the wind waves develops under a close coupling with the wind waves.  相似文献   
Satoshi  Hirano  Yoshiaki  Araki  Koji  Kameo  Hiroshi  Kitazato  Hideki  Wada 《Island Arc》2006,15(3):313-327
Abstract   A drilling and coring investigation of the Sagara oil field, central Honshu, Japan, was conducted to contribute to the understanding of hydrocarbon migration processes in a forearc basin. Core samples were analyzed to determine lithology, physical properties (specifically gas permeability) and the characteristics of oil occurrence. Gas permeability values greater than approximately 10−11 m2 constitute the basic precondition for any lithology to serve as a potential fluid conduit or reservoir in the Sagara oil field. Cores recovered from the 200.6-m-deep borehole were primarily composed of alternating siltstone, sandstone and conglomerate, all of which are correlated to the late Miocene Sagara Group. Both sandstone and conglomerate can be classified into two types, carbonate-cemented and poorly to non-cemented, based on matrix material characteristics. Oil stains are generally absent in the former lithology and more common in the latter. Variations in physical properties with respect to gas permeability values are directly related to the presence and character of carbonate cement, with higher permeabilities common in poorly to non-cemented rocks. The relationships between lithology, oil-staining, cementation and permeability indicate that cementation preceded oil infiltration and that cementation processes exerted significant control on the evolution of the reservoir.  相似文献   
Our ongoing investigation of how ‘Pillars’ and other structure form in molecular clouds irradiated by ultraviolet (UV) stars has revealed that the Rayleigh–Taylor instability is strongly suppressed by recombination in the photoevaporated outflow, that clumps and filaments may be key, that the evolution of structure is well-modeled by compressible hydrodynamics, and that directionality of the UV radiation may have significant effects. We discuss a generic, flexible set of laboratory experiments that can test these results.  相似文献   
A sample of 54 6.7-GHz methanol maser sources was monitored at HartRAO for 4 years, and 11 12.2-GHz methanol masers for 3 years. The majority of the maser features display a significant degree of variability but with a wide range of timescales and behaviors. Some maser features remained unvarying throughout the monitoring programme, while others showed sporadic flares or sudden drops in flux density. Yet another group show quasi-periodic and periodic variations. In some cases the maser features dropped below the detection limit for a significant length of time before increasing in intensity and reappearing.  相似文献   
Summary A new technique, the Double Fracture Method ofin situ stress measurement, is described with regard to its theoretical principles and field instrumentation. The method differs from the hydraulic fracture method in that the loading fluid is prevented from penetrating into the induced fractures. In the new method, the loading pressure is raised to create a set of two mutually perpendicular microfractures on the borehole boundary. The principal stresses and their orientation in the plane normal to the borehole can be deduced from the diametral deformation of the borehole. Laboratory and field measurements validating the method are discussed.  相似文献   
Adjustment of Wind Waves to Sudden Changes of Wind Speed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An experiment was conducted in a small wind-wave facility at the Ocean Engineering Laboratory, California, to address the following question: when the wind speed changes rapidly, how quickly and in what manner do the short wind waves respond? To answer this question we have produced a very rapid change in wind speed between U low (4.6 m s?1) and U high (7.1 m s?1). Water surface elevation and air turbulence were monitored up to a fetch of 5.5 m. The cycle of increasing and decreasing wind speed was repeated 20 times to assure statistical accuracy in the measurement by taking an ensemble mean. In this way, we were able to study in detail the processes by which the young laboratory wind waves adjust to wind speed perturbations. We found that the wind-wave response occurs over two time scales determined by local equilibrium adjustment and fetch adjustment, Δt 1/T = O(10) and Δt 2/T = O(100), respectively, in the current tank. The steady state is characterized by a constant non-dimensional wave height (H/gT 2 or equivalently, the wave steepness for linear gravity waves) depending on wind speed. This equilibrium state was found in our non-steady experiments to apply at all fetches, even during the long transition to steady state, but only after a short initial relaxation Δt 1/T of O(10) following a sudden change in wind speed. The complete transition to the new steady state takes much longer, Δt 2/T of O(100) at the largest fetch, during which time energy propagates over the entire fetch along the rays (dx/dt = c g) and grows under the influence of wind pumping. At the same time, frequency downshifts. Although the current study is limited in scale variations, we believe that the suggestion that the two adjustment time scales are related to local equilibrium adjustment and fetch adjustment is also applicable to the ocean.  相似文献   
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