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基于1956-2015年洞庭湖主要控制站实测水文数据,运用Mann-Kendall检验法、主成分分析法对比分析了近60 a来洞庭湖东、南、西三个湖区水位演变特征及其影响因素。结果表明:从调弦口堵口至葛洲坝截流后,南咀和城陵矶站同流量下水位均升高,但南咀站平均水位受三口分流能力减弱而下降(0.03 m),城陵矶站平均水位受湖盆泥沙淤积和长江干流顶托作用而上升(1.33 m);三峡水库运行后,湖盆冲淤基本持平,湖泊同流量下水位基本不变,由于该时段长江流域整体为相对枯水期,因而与葛洲坝截流后相比湖泊年平均水位下降约0.31~0.58 m。近60 a来南咀站平均水位呈显著下降趋势(p<0.05),而城陵矶站水位呈显著上升趋势(p<0.01),说明湖泊水位影响因素作用存在空间异质性。洞庭湖年内水位存在涨(4-5月)~丰(6-9月)~退(10-11月)~枯(12月-次年3月)的变化特征,葛洲坝运行期丰水期水位上涨明显,三峡运行期各月水位均有下降,受水库调度方式影响7-10月水位降幅最大。洞庭湖流域降水量、四水入湖和出湖径流大小以及长江干流水情是洞庭湖水位变化的主要影响因素,三口来沙变异条件下的洞庭湖冲淤量变化是湖泊水位变化的次要因素。  相似文献   
道路场景中路灯数量大、类型多,大场景中路灯详细信息获取是一项繁重的工作。本文提出先验样本集辅助的、基于骨架线缓冲区判别的路灯点云提取及种类识别算法:先根据路灯在车载LiDAR点云中的表达特征,构建路灯模型,并构建路灯先验样本集;再依据数学形态学的理论和方法,提取车载LiDAR点云场景中的杆状地物,在路灯模型及语义规则约束下,得到候选路灯;然后根据候选路灯的参数信息,及已获取路灯的统计信息,从样本集中筛选候选样本;最后基于最小二乘理论的匹配算法,对路灯先验样本与候选路灯点云进行匹配筛选,并基于路灯骨架线信息构建的双重缓冲区,对候选路灯进行判别分析,实现路灯的提取和种类识别。试验表明,该算法对于遮挡少、数据相对完整的路灯提取准确度为95.2%,对于遮挡严重、点云密度低、数据完整性差的路灯提取准确度为78.0%,验证了该算法对大场景中路灯详细信息提取的稳健性。  相似文献   
基于车载激光扫描的带状地物表面快速重建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据带状地物空间形态特征以及车载激光扫描系统对带状地物数据采集的特点,提出对相邻两条扫描线数据构建三角网进而完成整个带状地物表面快速重建方法。该方法充分利用了每条扫描线获取带状地物横截面的特点,相邻两条扫描线构建的三角网能准确地反映其所覆盖的狭长条带区域的形态结构,把所有狭长条带连接起来便能准确地描述整个带状地物的形态结构。在网格构建过程中自动建立点、线、面间的拓扑关系或隐含拓扑关系,查询和动态更新操作都限制在非常狭小的范围内,便于快速重建。  相似文献   
评估了中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体动力学数值模拟国家重点实验室海洋环流模式L30T63和海气耦合模式FGCM 0模拟的热带太平洋年平均状态 ,资料取自L30T63由观测的大气强迫驱动的Control试验、由NCARCCM3大气强迫驱动的Spinup试验、以及相应的海气耦合模式FGCM 0。主要的结论是 :( 1 )在“准确”的海表强迫下 ,Control模拟的海面温度和温跃层与观测结果相当接近 ,模式的固有误差是赤道冷舌过分西伸和东南太平洋温跃层偏浅。 ( 2 )Spinup能模拟出合理的热带太平洋上层海洋环流 ,但存在两个问题 ,即 :暖池区海面温度显著偏高、沿赤道的梯度过大 ;赤道温跃层偏浅、东西向坡度偏小 ,它们分别与CCM3提供的海表短波辐射通量和风应力的系统误差有关。这两个问题很可能是海气耦合模式FGCM 0运行初期误差迅速发展的重要原因。 ( 3)FGCM 0模拟的赤道暖池区上层 1 0 0m的平均温度比观测低 3℃。分析表明FGCM 0夸大了暖池区海洋动力过程的降温作用 ,使得模拟的“暖池”在一定程度上具有冷舌的属性。FGCM 0模拟的热带南太平洋温跃层比观测结果偏浅数十米到 1 0 0m ,以致赤道两侧的上层海洋温度分布趋于对称 ,成为“doubleITCZ”现象在上层海洋中的表现。风应力旋度的系统误差和垂直混合随深度衰减过快  相似文献   
Organic geochemical record of environmental changes in Lake Dianchi,China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to investigate the natural ecosystem of Lake Dianchi and to assess its anthropogenic impacts, a stratigraphic study of bulk and molecular compositions of organic matter was conducted using a 63-cm long sediment core. The results show that two apparent environmental changes occurred during the evolution of Lake Dianchi: (1) the first change occurred in the 43–63 cm sediment depth, and was revealed by the amount and the composition of organic matter in the stage. Natural changes were possibly major factors responsible for triggering the environmental change, but the influence of human activities could not be excluded. Subsequently, the lake entered into a relatively stable and oligotrophic stage, which maintained until 20-cm sediment depth. (2) Eutrophication started in the upper 20 cm depth. Human activities became a major factor influencing environmental changes in this stage. Vertical profiles of various organic geochemical variables in the upper 20-cm sediments show evidence that primary productivity of the lake increased progressively and that the lake started eutrophic. Especially in the uppermost 10 cm, notable excursions to less negative δ13Corg and δ15Ntotal and high TOC concentrations have recorded an abrupt change in the lacustrine environment, suggesting that the lake entered a hypereutrophic stage. In addition, enhancement of αβ-hopanes reflects the contribution of fossil fuels to the lake sediments.  相似文献   
2007年8月和12月两次对舟山钓梁垦区周围的沉积物中Cu、Pb、Zn、Cr和有机碳(OC)、硫化物(HS)的含量进行了全样分析。元素Zn、Pb、Cd和Cu的含量在8月测次中分别为1 51.85~1 94.85 ug/g、43.75~56.25 ug/g、0.1~0.11 ug/g和20.37~25.22ug/g,12月测次分别为109.6~144.97 ug/g、31.25~50.00 ug/g、0.01~0.07 ug/g和22.7~30.93 ug/g。受物源和各组分的生物地球化学特征的影响,Cu和Cd的含量冬季高于夏季,而Pb和Zn则夏季明显高于冬季。受当地水动力条件和冲淤影响,8月和12月各组分的空间分布状况有所差别,表现为冬季高含量区向西南偏移。Lars Ha-kanson潜在生态风险评价结果表明,研究区域内各重金属含量均超过了浅海沉积物中质量标准,但各金属元素单因子生态风险系数相对较小,属于轻度风险,总的潜在生态风险程度属于中度,12月潜在生态风险指数明显大于8月。  相似文献   
Coupled Model Simulations of Climate Changes in the 20th Century and Beyond   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
Several scenario experiments of the IPCC 4th Assessment Report (AR4) are performed by version g1.0 of a Flexible coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System Model (FGOALS) developed at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAP/CAS), including the "Climate of the 20th century experiment", "CO2 1% increase per year to doubling experiment" and two separate IPCC greenhouse gases emission scenarios AIB and B1 experiments. To distinguish between the different impacts of natural variations and human activities on the climate change, three-member ensemble runs are performed for each scenario experiment. The coupled model simulations show: (1) from 1900 to 2000, the global mean temper- ature increases about 0.5℃ and the major increase occurs during the later half of the 20th century, which is in consistent with the observations that highlights the coupled model's ability to reproduce the climate changes since the industrial revolution; (2) the global mean surface air temperature increases about 1.6℃ in the CO2 doubling experiment and 1.5℃ and 2.4℃ in the A1B and B1 scenarios, respectively. The global warming is indicated by not only the changes of the surface temperature and precipitation but also the temperature increase in the deep ocean. The thermal expansion of the sea water would induce the rise of the global mean sea level. Both the control run and the 20th century climate change run are carried out again with version g1.1 of FGOALS, in which the cold biases in the high latitudes were removed. They are then compared with those from version g1.0 of FGOALS in order to distinguish the effect of the model biases on the simulation of global warming.  相似文献   
用逐日的欧洲中期数值预报中心再分析(ERA)风应力,和由Haney公式结合ERA海表资料与预报海温计算出的热通量强迫一个全球大洋环流模式.并用逐日的模拟结果与TOGA-COARE(Tropical Ocean--Global Atmosphere--Coupled Ocean-AtmosphereResponse Experiment)浮标观测资料对比,分析模拟结果中暖池海区上层海洋热量平衡对西风爆发(WWB)的响应.在第一次WWB过程中,模拟与观测的主要差异在WWB期间,而造成差异的原因主要是模式中由下沉运动引起的增温和由强的纬向温度梯度引起的暖平流.初步认为下沉增温可能是差分格式本身和模式分辨率不足造成的.从热量平衡的结果看,第二次WWB事件的模拟比第一次更成功,两次差异可能与两次WWB事件的季节背景不同有关.  相似文献   
刘东生等60多年前描述的在陕西蓝田灞河组下部的Hipparion sp., 材料较少, 但形态特殊, 此后一直未见相关报道。近年来在这一地区又发现了类似三趾马化石的新材料。新发现的Hipparion sp. 个体小, 原尖短、圆, 次尖明显偏向舌侧, 次尖颈收缩, DP4的次尖几乎完全孤立; 原小尖褶长大复杂, 次附尖粗大、分叉, 向外伸出; 端附尖长大, 根部收缩, 内侧收缩沟内伸, 并呈复杂的褶沟。这些组合特征与包括Hipparion chiai在内的灞河组上部3种三趾马扁长的原尖截然不同, 也区别于九老坡的Hipparion plocodus(Hipparion fossatum), 而接近于大庙沟的Hipparion sp.。新材料的发现表明灞河早期的这种形态比较特殊的三趾马可能延续到了灞河晚期, 甚至更晚的时代, 同时在白鹿塬西侧蓝田汤峪河道一带有新近系地层出露。  相似文献   
The results obtained in this paper indicate that carbazole-type compounds have high thermal stability and also show stability in oxidation and bio-degradation. This kind of compounds still has a high concentration and complete distribution in the analyzed dry asphalt samples, showing that they are particularly useful in studying petroleum migration of paleo-pool. During the basin's first-stage of oil-gas pool formation in the Silurian in Tazhong and Tabei areas of Tarim Basin (at the end of Silurian period) and the second-stage in the Awati area (in Permian), the petroleum experienced a long-distance migration. During the formation of the Silurian paleo-pools in Tazhong Uplift at the end of Silurian, the petroleum mainly came from the lower and middle Cambrian source rocks in the Manjiaer sag. The petroleum migrated towards the southwest-south entering the Silurian reservoir beds in Tazhong first. Then, it further migrated within Silurian from northwest to southeast along the highs of the Structural Belts to the region of the Silurian pinchout boundary in Tazhong. In Tabei Uplift, during the first-stage of pool formation, the petroleum was also from the lower and middle Cambrian source rocks in the Manjiaer sag. It migrated northwest entering the Silurian reservoir beds in the Tabei Uplift firstly, and then the migration continued in the same direction within the Silurian reservoirs and finally the petroleum was trapped in higher positions. During the second-stage pool formation in the Silurian beds in the areas around Awati sag, the petroleum mainly came from the lower-middle Cambrian source rocks in the Awati sag. The petroleum migrated from the generation center to Silurian reservoirs in all directions around the sag through major paths, and the petroleum was finally trapped in higher locations.  相似文献   
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