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点源冰雹云研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了一类新型冰雹云——点源冰雹云。文章介绍了点源冰雹云的实例、特征、演变规律、单体性质及单体之间关系等。此文还介绍了它的模式及它与传播雹云的异同。  相似文献   
本文研究时间序列的变点问题。所给出的统计方法可用来推断一个时间序列是否存在变点,存在几个变点以及变点在什么位置。这种统计推断方法可用于气候阶段的划分。  相似文献   
为了便于开展冬季水泥混凝土施工气象服务,选用临河和海流图(乌拉特中旗)测站近10a的气象资料分别作为河套和后山地区的气象数据.选取逐日最高气温、最低气温、定时相对湿度、最小相对湿度、降水量、定时风速,经过筛选、统计、计算,得出河套地区水泥施工适宜时段为4月上旬末至10月中旬,后n1地区水泥施工适宜时段为4月中旬末至10月上旬.这一研究结果町以提升冬季建筑施工气象服务的针对性和实用性。  相似文献   
A two-layer primitive equation model is developed in this paper. The capabilities of this model aretested by the use of multiyearly averaged January and July sea surface level pressure fields and windfields which can be diagnosed from the pressure fields. The results show that the ocean surface currentsand undercurrents in the second layer driven by the sea surface wind and the sea surface pressure areclose to the observation. The results are also compared with that of the IAP OGCM and the OSUOGCM.  相似文献   
In the present study the links between spring Arctic Oscillation (AO) and East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) was investigated with focus on the importance of the North Pacific atmospheric circulation and sea surface temperature (SST). To reduce the statistical uncertainty, we analyzed high-pass filtered data with the inter-annual time scales, and excluded the El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation signals in the climate fields using a linear fitting method. The significant relationship between spring AO and EASM are supported by the changes of multi-monsoon components, including monsoon indices, precipitation, and three-dimensional atmospheric circulations. Following a stronger positive spring AO, an anomalous cyclonic circulation at 850?hPa appears in southeastern Asia and the western North Pacific in summer, with the easterly anomalies spanning from the Pacific to Asian continent along 25°N?C30°N and the westerly anomalies south of 15°N. At the same time, the summer western North Pacific subtropical high becomes weaker. Consistently, the positive precipitation anomalies are developed over a broad region south of 30°N stretching from southern China to the western Pacific and the negative precipitation anomalies appear in the lower valley of the Yangtze River and southern Japan. The anomalous cyclone in the western North Pacific persisting from spring to summer plays a key role in modulating EASM and monsoon precipitation by a positive air-sea feedback mechanism. During spring the AO-associated atmospheric circulation change produces warmer SSTs between 150°E?C180° near the equator. The anomalous sensible and latent heating, in turn, intensifies the cyclone through a Gill-type response of the atmosphere. Through this positive feedback, the tropical atmosphere and SST patterns sustain their strength from spring to summer, that consequently modifies the monsoon trough and the western North Pacific subtropical high and eventually the EASM precipitation. Moreover, the SST response to AO-circulation is supported by the numerical simulations of an ocean model, and the anomalous atmospheric circulation over the western North Pacific is also reproduced by the dedicated numerical simulations using the coupled atmosphere?Cocean model. The observation evidence and numerical simulations suggest the spring AO can impact the EASM via triggering tropical air-sea feedback over the western North Pacific.  相似文献   
阐述了CTL-713C天气雷达视频积分处理器(DVIP)的工作原理,分析了CTL-713C天气雷达视频积分处理器信号工作流程,给出了视频积分处理器重要测量点参数和主要时序产生电路波形,得出视频积分处理器的故障判断和检修方法,并通过实例分析进行了检验,最后对视频积分处理器的故障检修方法进行了小结,指出掌握DVIP工作电路各关键点参数和相关时序波形的重要性.  相似文献   
在过去的几十年中,我国气象事业的不断发展,中国风云气象卫星完成了从试验应用型向业务服务性的不断转型,因此对于卫星信号接收天线的可靠性和指向精度要求越来越高。目前用于接收风云系列极轨气象卫星下行信号的天线主要有12m和4.2m天线,其具有动态特性高、波束宽度窄等特点,因此需要在天线安装和运行期间对天线的轴系误差进行精确的标定和校准。本文在传统标校方法的基础上,提出了利用太阳进行的误差标校技术,进一步降低了标校环节的复杂程度,提高了标校精度。  相似文献   
东北地区初霜冻的天气气候特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
杨克明  陈秀凤  王东生  吴昊 《气象》1999,25(6):13-18
利用实测资料和历史天气图资料,对近31年我国东北地区初霜冻的天气气候特征进行了分析,并探讨了初霜冻出现前24小时的环流形势特征和天气演变过程,给出了初霜冻的时空分布特征以及对预报有用的一些判据。对实时预报业务有参考作用。  相似文献   
On the basis of the geological and geochemical studies, including chemical analysis of bulk rocks, rare-earth and trace element studies, fluid inclusion, and S and O isotopic analyses, the authors described the geo-logical background of the deposit in detail and presented significant proofs for the conditions of formation of the Shaxi porphyry copper-gold deposit. Compared with other large and supper-large porphyry copper deposits in China and the adjacent Cu-Au mineralized areas, the ore-forming processes and conditions were analyzed; and the possibil-ity of forming large porphyry copper deposits in the Shaxi area was discussed. The present study indicated that the ore-forming fluid and material were mainly of magmatic origin, while meteoric water played a certain role in the ore-forming processes. Interactions between subducting and overriding plates provided a major driving force for the formation of igneous rocks and the deposition of metal elements in East China since Jurassic. Based on the geo-chemical data of the Shaxi intrusive, it is found that the copper (gold) mineralization is closely related to the genesis of adakite-like intrusive in the Shaxi area. This adakite-like intrusive was formed in the subduction environment as a result of the subduction of the West Pacific plate toward the East China continent, where there is a great potential-ity to form a large porphyry copper deposit.  相似文献   
芒萁是华南退化坡地上最具代表性的先锋种、优势种和关键种,能够快速形成密集的单优种层片结构。与传统阻碍更新的观点不同,野外观察发现芒萁层片内仍有少数物种能够成功定居,被认为具有生态筛效应。文章通过设置4种芒萁层片处理(芒萁层片完全剔除-UR;仅保留地上层-AF;仅保留根毯层-AR;芒萁层片全部保留-CK),分别在不同处理下移植目标种幼苗并结合土壤性状,探究芒萁层片生态筛效应及其潜在机理。结果发现:1)桉林芒萁根毯层中土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾、交换性钠、交换性钙、交换性镁和阳离子交换量均显著高于芒萁红壤层和裸地红壤;2)多数乔木种和草本种在芒萁根毯层保留时无法存活,仅荷木、桃金娘、梅叶冬青和野牡丹等目标种幼苗在保留芒萁根毯层处理(AR和CK)下能够存活与生长。这表明芒萁层片确实具有生态筛效应,且其关键在于根毯层的作用而并非土壤养分改善作用。理论上,芒萁层片(尤其是根毯层)与生态恢复的生物阈值突破密切相关,未来需要进一步解析芒萁根毯层的结构与功能。应用上,华南地区存在大量以芒萁为单优林下植物的人工林类型(如桉林等),在进行结构优化与林分改造时需注意芒萁的生态筛效应。  相似文献   
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