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介绍了高空气象探测中数据不确定度的分析方法,并提出优化测量方案。  相似文献   
To understand the aqueous species important for transport of rhenium under supercritical conditions, we conducted a series of solubility experiments on the Re–ReO2 buffer assemblage and ReS2. In these experiments, pH was buffered by the K–feldspar–muscovite–quartz assemblage; in sulfur-free systems was buffered by the Re–ReO2 assemblage; and and in sulfur-containing systems were buffered by the magnetite–pyrite–pyrrhotite assemblage. Our experimental studies indicate that the species ReCl4 0 is dominant at 400°C in slightly acidic to near-neutral, and chloride-rich (total chloride concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 1.0 M) environments, and ReCl3 + may predominate at 500°C in a solution with total chloride concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 M. The results also demonstrate that the solubility of ReS2 is about two orders of magnitude less than that of ReO2. This finding not only suggests that ReS2 (or a ReS2 component in molybdenite) is the solubility-controlling phase in sulfur-containing, reducing environments but also implies that a mixing process involving an oxidized, rhenium-containing solution and a solution with reduced sulfur is one of the most effective mechanisms for deposition of rhenium. In analogy with Re, TcS2 may be the stable Tc-bearing phase in deep geological repositories of radioactive wastes.  相似文献   
利用改进的TurboEdit算法与Chebyshev多项式探测与修复周跳   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据利用TurboEdit方法对GPS观测数据进行周跳探测的特点,设计了固定弧段长度的滑动窗口拟合模型,对其中的Geometry-Free组合法进行改进;在探测出周跳后,利用最小二乘Chebyshev多项式拟合来修复周跳。实验结果表明,改进后的TurboEdit算法可以探测出等周的1周小周跳、等周的大周跳和连续的小周跳、大周跳,同时,最小二乘Chebyshev多项式拟合可以精确修复以上周跳对。  相似文献   
上海港温室主楼建筑造型新颖、结构体系独特,使其结构动力特性和地震响应十分复杂.为了给结构抗震设计提供可靠的依据,主要研究了结构的自振特性,并应用有限元数值方法分别对结构在多遇和罕遇地震作用下的动力时程响应进行了分析.同时采用弹塑性静力(推覆)分析方法对结构在罕遇地震作用下的地震响应及推覆过程中塑性铰的分布状态进行了研究.结果表明,结构不存在明显的扭转不规则现象,且满足现行规范提出的各项抗震设防要求和既定的各项抗震性能指标,具有可靠的抗震承载力.  相似文献   
Naturally occurring organic ligands, such as acetate, citrate, malonate, oxalate, and succinate, play important roles in mobility and accumulation of La and other rare earth elements in low temperature systems under Earth surface conditions. However, a comprehensive and consistent thermodynamic database covering the complexes of rare earth elements with those naturally occurring organic ligands is lacking. In this study, thermodynamic data of organic species of rare earth elements (REE) represented by La, with an emphasis on their aqueous complexes with organic ligands, are critically reviewed. The organic ligands covered by this study include acetate, citrate, malonate, oxalate and succinate. In this critical review, the Specific Interaction Theory (SIT) model is adopted for extrapolation to infinite dilution. This model is a reliable activity coefficient model valid for a wide range of ionic strengths. These critically reviewed data, including complex formation constants, SIT interaction coefficients and solubility product constants, would enable accurate modeling of the speciation and solubility of REE in various environments including high ionic strength environments, providing insight into mobility and enrichment of REE in various environments.  相似文献   
通常情况下,人们一般采用最小安全系数评价边坡的安全性,这也是规范推荐的指标。事实上,采用最大加速度也可以用来评价边坡的安全性。安全系数体现的是边坡的强度储备,加速度是从动力学方面考察边坡当前状态与滑动状态之间的距离,即在运动加速度方面的储备。结合典型无黏性土边坡和黏性土边坡,通过算例分析加速度的主要影响因素,并对最小安全系数和最大加速度之间的关系进行分析。计算结果表明,黏聚力在土的抗剪强度中占的比重越小,加速度与安全系数的相关性越好。  相似文献   
为及时掌握露天矿边坡变形规律,基于现代监测技术、网络通讯技术和计算机技术为一体,建立一套实时动态反映边坡位移变形和应力变化的自动化监测系统。通过对海州露天矿北帮边坡的连续性监测,结果表明:海州露天矿属于蠕变型滑坡,目前正处于局部变形、整体稳定的状态。系统的构建实现了边坡位移和应力的高精度、自动化、连续性监测,将为露天矿边坡灾害的动态预警和安全决策的及时制定提供有效的技术支持,对边坡的灾害防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   
克停哈尔铜钼多金属矿床是2013~2014年在青海省祁漫塔格成矿带新发现的一处小型矿床,大地构造位置属东昆仑祁漫塔格早古生代裂陷槽,位于柴达木盆地西南缘.区内出露地层主要有古元古代金水口岩群和寒武—奥陶纪滩间山群,金水口岩群碳酸盐岩是矽卡岩型铁多金属矿产出的有利地层.华力西期闪长岩、印支期中酸性花岗岩类发育,印支期似斑状花岗闪长岩是区内铜钼矿的主要含矿岩体.区内构造活动强烈,北西西—北西向的压性、压扭性断裂组成了区域主体构造骨架,多期多组构造交错,为成矿提供了良好通道.矿区成矿具有多期次系列成矿的特征,形成以含矿斑岩体为中心的斑岩铜钼矿化,外围为矽卡岩型铁多金属矿及脉状铅锌矿化的岩浆热液成矿系列.  相似文献   
中深层地热单井换热是一种\  相似文献   
自动增益控制方法(AGC)是地震资料处理中常用的一个模块。通过构建模型和两套处理流程,对炮集、CDP道集和叠后数据使用该模块后可能给振幅带来的影响进行了分析,进而讨论了该模块对AVO属性分析、岩性和流体识别等振幅解释技术产生的影响。研究认为,AGC方法对岩性异常处的振幅变化会带来严重失真,最终将导致解释错误。因此,在以振幅解释为目的的处理流程中,叠前和叠后禁止使用AGC方法。  相似文献   
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