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Tidal flow and fine-sediment transport at the South Channel–North Passage of the partially-mixed Changjiang River estuary were studied using a two-dimensional horizontal (2DH) numerical model. This 2DH model was achieved by depth-integrating the momentum and convection–diffusion equations. The Alternating Direction Implicit scheme was used to solve the governing equations. The iterative method was adopted for the calculation of convection and diffusion terms of momentum equation. Comparisons between calculated and measured results (tidal elevations and depth-averaged velocities) have shown reasonable agreement. Horizontal distributions of tidal current velocity and suspended sediment concentration were qualitatively consistent with observations. Those modeled results were analyzed to elucidate the mechanisms for the formation of the turbidity maximum and intratidal variations in fine-sediment transport processes.  相似文献   
The water characteristics of the Gucheng Lake, such as eutrophication, health and spatial distribution, were investigated. On the basis of the trophic state index (TSI) and entropy weight, a synthesized trophic state index (STSI) model was established to assess lake eutrophication condition through calculating STSI, choosing TP, TN, COD, BOD and NH3-N as trophic variables. The STSI ranged from 50.58 to 62.44, which showed that the water has been between eutrophic and supereutrophic. A histogram was applied to health risk assessment which was analyzed from carcinogenic substances (Cr+6, As and Cd) and non-carcinogenic substances (hydroxybenzene, Pb, Hg, CN and NH3), and the results showed that the former was much greater than the latter for effect. The total risk for each resident caused by all pollutants ranged from 5.18E-05 to 8.34E-05, which is far higher than the standard, recommended by Sweden Bureau of Environment Protection and Holland Ministry of Building and Environment Protection (1.0E-05). Cluster analysis was used to detect similarities and dissimilarities among the seven sampling sites and explain the observed clustering in terms of affected conditions. Twenty-one variables were used to divide seven sampling sites into three groups, namely, north lake, south lake and lake center.  相似文献   
针对现有土地登记发证业务的特点和作业方式,提出了莱芜市土地登记系统的设计思路和原则,依托莱芜市三维国土一张图管地平台开发设计了土地登记系统。总体上实现了土地登记办公的整个业务流程,为政府管理部门办理日常业务提供了新模式。  相似文献   
灌河口外为粉沙淤泥质海岸,口外沙嘴发育,形成主、副槽,拦门沙浅区水深仅2 m左右,波浪掀沙作用强烈,水沙运动复杂。利用波、流共同作用下物理模型试验研究灌河口外拦门沙深水航道整治后水动力变化及航槽回淤,特别是台风浪情况下航道骤淤问题。研究表明:灌河口外海域动力条件、泥沙环境以及工程涉及问题复杂,双导堤配合航槽疏浚整治工程能有效发挥减淤效果,通过双导堤间过流断面积补偿能有效降低工程对新沂河排洪的影响,正常条件下航道开挖年回淤约190~330万方,台风浪骤淤约为180万方,建议导堤根部加高以减少口门附近航道回淤。  相似文献   
印度尼西亚海域潮波的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于ROMS模式构建了模拟区域为(15.52°S-7.13°N,110.39°~134.15°E)水平分辨率为2′的潮波数值模式,分别模拟了印尼海域M2、S2、K1、O1四个主要分潮。模拟结果与29个卫星高度计交叠点上的调和常数进行比较,符合较好。M2分潮的振幅均方根差为3.4cm,迟角均方根差为5.9°;S2分潮的振幅均方根差为1.7cm,迟角均方根差为6.3°;K1分潮振幅均方根差为1.1cm,迟角均方根差为5.8°;O1分潮振幅均方根差为1.2cm,迟角均方根差为4.4°。M2、S2、K1、O1分潮向量均方根差分别为3.8cm、2.4cm、1.9cm和1.3cm,模拟结果的相对偏差在10%左右。根据计算结果分析了印尼海域的潮汐特征及潮能传播规律,结果显示:爪哇海以外的印尼海域主要为不规则半日潮区;全日潮潮能主要由太平洋传入印尼海域,而半日潮潮能则是从印度洋传入印尼海域。  相似文献   
陆徐荣  杨磊  陆华 《江苏地质》2014,38(2):293-297
从淮河江苏段与地下水含水层关系出发,认为淮河河床切割了地下水承压含水层。地下水的水动力特征表明地下水接受了淮河水的补给。从水质研究的角度印证了地表水与地下水的补排关系。将淮河水与潜水、微承压、承压水之间进行聚类分析,印证了微承压、承压水与淮河水同源。  相似文献   
江苏平原地区(淮河流域)潜水碘含量控制因素探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆徐荣  杨磊  陆华  谷小溪 《地球学报》2014,35(2):211-216
本文通过工作区潜水碘含量的分布特点,与所处土壤、水文地质条件、地形地貌等一起进行综合分析,对地下水中碘的控制因素有了一个全新的认识:与前人认为地下水中碘的含量与有机质成正比的观点不同的是,本文认为地下水中碘的含量与有机质含量无固定关系,但有机质有助于促进水溶性碘的增加,相似水文地质条件下成正比;地下水径流条件对潜水碘含量影响重大,径流条件较好的丘陵、岗地往往较低,地势低平、径流条件较差的洼地和泛滥沉积区往往为高碘地区;相同水文地质条件下,地下水中的碘含量与土壤中的含量成正比;碘的另一重要特征是在地下水中的浓度较为稳定,随时间、开采而变化不大。  相似文献   
济阳坳陷中生界分布广泛,具有油气成藏的基本地质条件,并取得了一定的勘探发现,但其勘探程度和研究程度相对较低,包括地层划分、沉积体系、储层特征、控藏因素等。特别是地层时代、分层与分界等基本的地质问题尚存在不同的观点和认识。根据区内14口井的10个火山岩全岩样品和79个小于2μm的泥岩自生伊利石样品,开展K-Ar法同位素年代地层学测定,分别确定了中生界的坊子组、蒙阴组、三台组和西洼组的绝对年龄值,将坊子组划归下侏罗统,蒙阴组为中侏罗统,缺失上侏罗统,并明确了各组的接触关系。  相似文献   
Artificial biological soil crusts (ABSCs), formed by inoculating Microcoleus vaginatus Gom. and Scytonema javanicum Born. et Flah. onto the topsoil of desert dunes, proved to be effective tools for the stabilization of moving dunes and promotion of soil fertility. As dominant driving forces in arid habitats, the abiotic environmental conditions of undulating dunes produce a gradient of abiotic stresses on cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria are considered pioneering phototrophs in early soil crust communities in deserts. In this study, the development of ABSCs under various environmental site conditions was investigated using 16S rRNA-based polymerase chain reaction, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), and soil property measurements. After inoculation in 2002 and long-term development, patchy moss crusts were observed on the dunes. All of the available sequenced bands in the DGGE gels belonged to Oscillatoriales and Nostocales. The dominant Nostocales genus in the ABSCs was still Scytonema; however, more Oscillatoriales genera were identified, which belonged to Microcoleus and Phormidium. The cyanobacterial compositions of different slope types were significantly distinct (p < 0.05), particularly those from windward slopes. The crusts of the top-dune slopes were more heterogeneous. In addition, the soil physicochemical properties and richness indices of the windward slopes were significantly lower than those of the leeward and interdune slopes (p < 0.05). Compared with uninoculated control dunes, all of the inoculated dunes had far higher biodiversities.  相似文献   
正The Mengyejing potash salt deposit(MPSD)is the only pre-Quaternary potash salt deposit in China.The MPSD is located in the southern Simao Basin,southeastern Tibetan Plateau.The MPSD,along with rock salts and clastic rocks,  相似文献   
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