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按泛函分析理论来剖析平差计算中的数学结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要运用泛函分析中Hilbert空间的对偶空间和对偶算子理论来剖析平差计算的数学结构。全文共分四个部分。第一部分主要讲平差计算中一些空间和算子的性质和它们之间的内在联系,第二部分讲关于平差数学模型的分类问题,第三部分是本文的重点,主要讨论如何利用交换图直接写出平差计算中的基本公式,前二个部分是为这部分服务的,最后一部分是补充说明几个有关问题。  相似文献   
利用MM5中尺度非静力模式对1998年8月8~9日松嫩流域的东北冷涡切变型暴雨过程进行了数值模拟和对比试验。结果表明, MM5能够对此次过程进行较成功的模拟; 同时发现, 此次过程首先由高层强的正涡度平流触发, 低涡区强降水的产生是由于高低空急流的耦合。其中, 高空急流的作用强烈而短暂, 低空急流的作用较为持久, 强度稍弱。阻高前部下沉气流形成的中层偏东干冷气流是切变形成的关键, 它与偏南气流在对流层中层形成的风向切变是产生上升运动的主要强迫机制。减弱阻高使其底部偏东气流减弱及后部偏南气流在高层减弱、低层增强, 导致降水减弱, 并使系统位置偏东、偏南。西北路冷空气增强使低涡和切变北侧高层偏南气流增强、低层偏南气流减弱, 导致降水强度增强、尺度增大。  相似文献   
This paper presents a general coupling extended multiscale FEM (GCEMs) for solving the coupling problem of elasto‐plastic consolidation of heterogeneous saturated porous media. In the GCEMs, the numerical multiscale base functions for the solid skeleton and fluid phase of the coupling system are all constructed on the basis of the equivalent stiffness matrix of the unit cell, which not only contain the interaction between the solid and fluid phases but also consider the time effect. Furthermore, in order to improve the computational accuracy for two‐dimensional problems, a multi‐node coarse element strategy for the GCEMs is proposed, and a two‐scale iteration algorithm for the elasto‐plastic consolidation analysis is developed. Some one‐dimensional and two‐dimensional homogeneous and heterogeneous numerical examples are carried out to validate the proposed method through the comparison with the coupling multiscale FEM and standard FEM. Numerical results show that the newly developed GCEMs can almost preserve the same convergent property as the standard FEM and also possesses the advantages of high computational efficiency. In addition, the GCEMs can be easily applied to other coupling multifield and multiphase transient problems. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文论述了海冰外缘线在我国海冰监测和预报中的重要作用,分析了常规的海冰外缘线提取方法存在的不足.同时,结合MODIS遥感影像和渤海悬浮泥沙分布的特点,讨论了凝聚层次聚类的MODIS影像分割算法[1].该算法以影像光谱特性和形状特性作为判定规则,通过加入影像网格化、碎斑和噪声去除等分析,在优化冰水识别参数及分割结果提取海...  相似文献   
Vibrio parahaemolyticus (VP) is one of the pathogenic vibrios endangering net-cage cultured Pseudosciaena crocea,Fennerpenaeus chinensis, and shellfish in coastal areas of China. Several types of hemolysins produced by Vp have been characterized as major virulence factors.They are thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH),TDH-related hemolysin (TRH) and thermolabile hemolysin (TLH). In this study, we cloned tdh, trh, and tlh genes from the genome DNA of VP by polymerase chain reaction (PCR).We ligated the three genes into prokaryotic expression vector pET-28a (+),and transformed the recombinant plasmids into Es-cherichia coli BL21 (DE3). The expression of recombinant proteins was induced by isopropyl-β-D-thiogalacto-pyranoside (IPTG). The recombinant proteins were expressed in a form of inclusion bodies and thus purified with Ni-NTA affinity chromatography. Western blotting results showed that recombinant proteins,TDH, TRH and TLH, could be recognized by rabbit anti-VP serum. The three purified proteins were renatured by gradient dialysis.The renatured proteins exhibited hemolytic activity except for TLH in the presence of phosphatidylcholine. These results not only are helpful for better understanding these genes’ functions under a single factor level, but also provide evidence for VP vaccine engineering.  相似文献   
大兴安岭地区的一次暴雪天气诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用常规观测资料、FY-2气象卫星水汽云图、多普勒雷达资料、NCEP(1°×1°)逐6h再分析资料对2016年11月13—14日东北冷涡背景下的大兴安岭地区暴雪天气过程进行分析。结果表明:高空冷涡后部横槽南摆,使干冷空气南下以及冷涡前部西南低空急流北上且辐合急剧加强为暴雪天气提供了非常有利的环流背景;≥20m·s-1的西南低空急流作为水汽输送带,为暴雪区提供了充足的水汽来源;垂直上升运动中心和散度辐合辐散中心基本耦合且加强,为暴雪提供了强有利的动力抬升条件,有利于上升运动的增强发展;暴雪是发生在条件对称不稳定的(湿位涡MPV2<0)的背景下,暴雪中心位于MPV2等值线密集带以及MPV2绝对值得到较大增长的区域。水汽图像上有表征干侵入特征的干缝、斧形暗区等;雷达回波显示低层东南风急流非常显著,低层强烈发展的东南暖湿气流与东北—西南走向的大兴安岭山脉相垂直时,地形强迫抬升不仅使迎风坡的垂直上升运动迅速加强,而且使低层水汽辐合得到加强和维持为暴雪提供了充足的水汽,这也是暴雪主要集中在大兴安岭东麓的重要因素。  相似文献   
Phenol is one of the main pollutants in phenol wastewater and has been proved non‐biodegradable. In this study, based on strongly ring‐opening capability of boron doped diamond film electrode, a highly efficient and energy‐saving method with ultra‐low carbon emission is established through a combination of electrochemical oxidation and biological degradation. On one hand, electrochemical oxidation as pretreatment can solve the critical problem that phenol wastewater is a biological recalcitrant. On the other hand, the relatively low current efficiency during the late stage of electrochemical oxidation can be solved by follow‐up biological treatment, thus reduce the energy consumption and the cost significantly. More importantly, the carboxylic acids (oxidized from phenol) can be fully used as carbon source (no additional carbon source is added) for microbial growth instead of being oxidized to carbon dioxide and water through selecting optimizing sequencing batch reactor access time, so the carbon emission is greatly reduced. The results showed that it can save about 76.5% energy consumption and about 51.2% chemical oxygen demand can be used to maintain microorganism self‐reproduction. This is significant that this combined technology not only runs highly effectively at low cost, but also reduces the emission of greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, thus environment friendly with wide application prospects.  相似文献   

入梅时间早晚直接影响梅雨期雨量的多寡,其准确预测对农业、交通和旅游业等气象服务具有重要意义。利用中国气象局2017年发布的《梅雨监测业务规定》中的入梅日期资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,研究1981—2020年江淮梅雨入梅早晚的气候特征,分析亚洲夏季风对入梅日早晚的影响。结果表明:(1)江淮梅雨入梅日具有显著的年际变化特征,平均入梅日为6月21日,标准差为11 d,最早和最晚入梅日相差39 d。(2)入梅日与南亚夏季风SASM (South AsianSummer Monsoon)呈显著负相关,与东亚夏季风EASM (East Asian Summer Monsoon)呈正相关。强SASM年,南亚高压偏东,中高纬度高空急流偏南,江淮地区为水汽辐合区,有利于江淮区入梅偏早;强EASM年,西太副高偏北偏强,南风气流旺盛,水汽在华南和东北地区辐合,在江淮地区辐散,不利于梅雨的发生。(3)由于亚洲夏季风具有协同爆发的特点,强SASM-弱EASM协同年,平均入梅日较常年平均偏早4 d,与之相反的协同年入梅日偏晚11.6 d。强SASM-弱EASM年,江淮地区位于高空急流出口右侧,伊朗高压位置偏东,高空受小槽东移影响,低层南亚夏季风发展旺盛,水汽在江淮地区辐合,有利于入梅偏早。弱SASM-强EASM年,中高纬度高空急流轴偏北,江淮地区受脊前偏北气流控制,低层亚洲夏季风辐合区偏东,江淮地区仅为过路水汽通道,不利于江淮区入梅。故亚洲夏季风的强弱与协同发展对江淮梅雨入梅早晚具有一定的指示意义。

A full length amphioxus cDNA, encoding a novel phosducin-like protein (Amphi-PhLP),was identified for the first time from the gut cDNA library of Branchiostoma belched. It is comprised of 1 550 bp and an open reading frame (ORF) of 241 amino acids, with a predicted molecular mass of approximately 28 kDa. In situ hybridization histocbemistry revealed a tissue-specific expression pattern of Amphi-PhLP with the high levels in the ovary, and at a lower level in the hind gut and testis, hepatic caecum, gill, endostyle, and epipharyngeal groove, while it was absent in the muscle, neural tube and notochord. In the Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells transfected with the expression plasmid pEGFP-NIIAmphi-PhLP, the fusion protein was targeted in the cytoplasm of CHO cells, suggesting that Amphi-PhLP is a cytosolic protein. This work may provide a framework for further understanding of the physiological function of Amphi-PhLP in B. belcheri.  相似文献   
利用YJ-3000t和JL-3600t多顶砧压力机,以哀牢山造山带南部红河县大白能—乐育剖面上的天然块状斜长角闪岩为初始样品,在950℃、1.0~3.5GPa、恒温20~300h条件下进行了两个系列的斜长角闪岩块状样品脱水部分熔融实验:(1)保持温度T=950℃,加热时间t=100h不变,改变压力(1.0~3.5GPa)的实验;(2)保持温度T=950℃,压力p=3.0GPa不变,改变加热时间(20~300h)的实验。结果表明,1.0~3.5GPa、950℃、恒温100h的条件下,随压力升高,斜长角闪岩中依次生成了单斜辉石+石榴石+熔体的矿物组合(1.0~1.5GPa)和单斜辉石+石榴石+熔体+硬玉+SiO2矿物+蓝晶石(2.0~3.5GPa)的矿物组合。3.0GPa、950℃条件下,随加热时间增加,实验产物中依次生成了单斜辉石+石榴石+熔体+硬玉+SiO2矿物+蓝晶石的矿物组合(20~100h)和单斜辉石+石榴石+熔体的矿物组合(150~300h)。斜长角闪岩的原岩结构决定了实验产物中新生矿物和熔体的分布。依据实验产物的矿物组合和新生矿物的分布特征,讨论了950℃、1.0~3.5GPa、恒温(20~300h)条件下,斜长角闪岩部分熔融过程的结构变化、变质反应以及石榴石冠状体的成因。  相似文献   
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