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1959-2003年青海省干湿变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用青海省1959-2003年气象资料,计算了修正的Palmer干旱指数,并对其进行了分析。结果表明:在青海省旱涝监测中,PDSI指数反映旱涝程度更为客观;青海省的干旱主要以轻旱为主;夏秋季年际干湿交替较冬春季频繁,变化振幅也较大;秋季青海省干旱化倾向最为严重,冬春季出现轻旱几率最大。另外,春季干旱总面积在减小;夏季轻旱面积增加,而中旱、重旱面积在减小;秋冬季重旱面积在增加。  相似文献   
未来是否会发生由大西洋热盐环流崩溃引起的气候突变是目前极富争议性的全球气候变化问题。首先回顾了过去发生的气候突变事件以及若干成因假说,介绍了McGill地球系统模拟组的有关研究成果,并探讨了过去气候突变事件中的南北半球遥相关,最后讨论了未来是否会发生大西洋热盐环流崩溃引起的气候突变。对过去发生的大西洋热盐环流突变的研究表明,它产生的气候背景与现代气候以及将来进一步变暖的气候截然不同,因此不能凭过去发生过的突变事件来推论将来会发生类似的气候突变。尽管有的气候模式预测全球变暖会导致大西洋热盐环流减弱甚至崩溃而引发气候突变,但是目前全球气候系统的观测有许多不足之处,并且现代气候模式也存在较大的不确定性,因此尚不能确信现在的全球变暖会导致这样的气候突变。  相似文献   
An estimation of internal soliton forces on a pile in the ocean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Internal soliton forces on oil-platform piles in the ocean are estimated with the Morison Formula. Different from sur- face wave forces, which change only in magnitude along a pile, internal soliton forces can be distributed over the entire pile in the water and they change not only in magnitude but also in direction with depth. Our calculations show that the maximum total force caused by a soliton with its associated current of 2.1 m s-1 is nearly equal to the maximum total force exerted by a surface wave with a wavelength of 300 m and a wave-height of 18 m. The total internal soliton force is large enough to affect the operations of marine oil platforms and other facilities. Therefore, the influence of internal solitons should not be neglected in the design of oil platforms.  相似文献   
Four marine cyanobacterial isolates, named 104, 109, 113 and 115, from marine water off China's coast can release a large amount of exopolysaccharide (EPS) to medium. The effects of different components in medium on EPS production by the four isolates were investigated. Under the optimal condition, the EPS released by isolates 104,109, 113 and 115 reached 7.48 g L^-1, 8.33 g L^-1, 18.26 g L^-1, and 6.78 g L^-1 within 14 d,respectively. Based on the conventional identification methods for cyanobacteria,these isolates were assigned to genus Cyanothece.  相似文献   
Coupled effects on a single point mooring(SPM) system subjected to the combined action of wind,waves and current are studied in this paper. Due to the complicatedness of the sea state and the huge size of the vessel,physical experimental study is both time consuming and uneconomical,whereas the numerical study is cost-effective and DNV software provides powerful SESAM software in solving the issues. This paper focuses on the modeling process of the SPM system,catenary equilibrium calculation,static analysis of the vessel in three different scenarios,and dynamic response simulation of the SPM system under environmental excitations. The three scenarios in study are as follows:the SPM is under the combined function of(a) wind,waves and current,(b) wind and waves,(c) current and waves. They are so set that one can compare the contributions of different types of loads in both static and dynamic studies. Numerical study shows that wind and current are the two major factors contributing to the mooring line tension,and surge and sway are the two dominant motions of the moored vessel subjected to environmental excitations.  相似文献   
基于功能性状的生物多样性分析是当前生态学研究中的常用方法之一.浮游动物作为水生态系统食物网的重要组成成分,其功能多样性受关注的程度远不如其重要性.本文通过对14个水体浮游甲壳动物群落结构的研究,分析了环境因子对其功能多样性指数,包括功能丰富度(FRic)、功能均匀度(FEve)、功能离散度(FDiv)和功能分散度(FD...  相似文献   
雅丹沉积物蕴含丰富的区域环境变化和物源演变信息.以柴达木盆地西北部的长垄状雅丹为研究对象,通过对地球化学元素的研究,探讨沉积物的化学风化特征及其对物质输移的指示意义.结果表明:(1)雅丹沉积物的常量元素以SiO2、CaO、Al2O3、MgO和Na2O为主,微量元素Cl、Sr、Ba和Zr含量较高.相较于上陆壳平均化学元素...  相似文献   
文章将理论建构与案例分析相结合,首先提出地缘介质概念,论证了地理环境的介质属性及其传导权力的效率差异,并阐明不同地缘介质的地缘功能,然后以乌克兰为案例,揭示地缘行为体挖掘并利用地理环境的介质属性进行权力施动的空间实践及其产生的地缘环境效应。结果表明:1)地处地缘战略交汇区的乌克兰,其地理环境的介质属性显著,这为地缘行为体在乌克兰进行权力施动提供了空间中介。2)乌克兰地理环境中各介质要素的地缘功能及其对地缘行为体权力传导的效率差异明显。地理位置和地形地貌具有地缘安全功能,自然资源的地缘经济功能强大,政党和民族的地缘政治功能较强,语言和宗教的地缘文化功能较为凸显。自然资源、政党、民族、宗教的介质属性较强,地理位置、地形地貌的介质属性在逐渐减弱。3)不同地缘行为体(利益集团)争相利用地理环境的介质属性进行权力的空间施动,使其在乌克兰的地缘位势此消彼长,致使乌克兰地缘环境激烈震荡。从地缘介质的视角探索权力施动的空间实践及其效应,对提升中国在周边的地缘影响力具有一定启示意义。  相似文献   
This paper proposes an analytical model for evaluating the dynamic response of an underground railway tunnel in layered foundation soil with different saturations. The soil is modeled as layered media, and the circular tunnel lining is modeled as an infinite Flügge cylindrical shell. The separation of variables method is used to solve the motion equation of the shell, and the wave equation of the soil is solved using the Helmholtz decomposition theorem. A dynamic matrix reflecting the wave vecto...  相似文献   
崇义—大余—上犹矿集区是世界著名的黑钨矿床集中区,本文选择钨锡多金属硫化物石英脉型(柯树岭和漂塘矿床)和锡钨石英脉型(仙鹅塘矿床)3个矿床石英中的白云母开展40Ar/39Ar年代学研究,测得坪年龄分别是:钨锡多金属硫化物石英脉型是 158.9 ± 1.4 Ma(漂塘)、158.8 ± 1.2 Ma(柯树岭);钨锡石英脉型的是231.4 ± 2.4 Ma(仙鹅塘),在反等时线图上,其对应的截距年龄分别是158.8 ± 1.6 Ma、158.7 ± 1.9Ma和232.5 ± 2.4 Ma。由此表明,在崇余犹矿集区内存在两个不同成矿时期,即以黑钨矿为主的多金属硫化物石英脉型矿床形成于中侏罗世,集中于160~150Ma之间,与南岭地区钨锡矿床的主成矿期是一致的;而以锡石为主的,并含有大量白钨矿的石英脉型矿床可形成于印支期  相似文献   
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