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利用1979—2019年CN05.1中国区域高分辨率降水格点数据、英国Hadley中心观测海温数据、ERA5逐月大气再分析资料及大气环流模式,研究了华南后汛期期间(7—9月)IOD Modoki事件与华南后汛期降水异常的关系及可能机理。观测资料结果表明,华南后汛期降水异常与热带印度洋中部(东和西部)海温异常呈显著正(负)相关关系,表现为印度洋IOD Modoki或印度洋三极子事件的空间分布型。滤除ENSO信号影响后,华南后汛期降水异常仍和IOD Modoki存在较为密切的联系。IOD Modoki正异常对华南后汛期降水异常的影响有以下途径,一方面,异常水汽从热带印度洋东部向西输送至热带中印度洋后,在北半球受科氏力作用向东输送至华南地区,为华南地区提供了充足的水汽条件,并且对华南地区降水正异常的主要水汽辐合贡献为平均水汽的水平扰动散度项和扰动引起的平均水汽垂直平流项。另一方面,热带东南印度洋海温负异常,通过Mastuno-Gill响应引起对流层低层自热带东南印度洋至热带中印度洋有东南风异常,增强了70°E附近的越赤道气流,在北半球向东输送至西北太平洋,这引起了华南地区对流层低层气旋式环流异常。另外,热带东印度洋对流层低(高)层异常辐散(辐合),华南地区低(高)层异常辐合(辐散)增强了东亚地区的局地Hadley环流,有利于华南地区降水的产生。再者,IOD Modoki引起南亚季风区受异常下沉运动控制,并通过季风-荒漠机制引起副热带北大西洋东部、北非荒漠区及地中海西部周围正涡度异常,激发了沿急流向下游传播的准静止Rossby波,增强了日本海高压异常和华南及邻近地区对流层低层气旋式环流异常。上述原因均有利于华南地区降水的产生,反之亦然。上述结果在数值模式中亦得到了验证。  相似文献   
Unstructured-grid models grounded on semi-implicit, finite-volume, Eulerian–Lagrangian algorithms, such as UnTRIM and ELCIRC, have enjoyed considerable success recently in simulating 3D estuarine and coastal circulation. However, opportunities for improving the accuracy of this type of models were identified during extensive simulations of a tightly coupled estuary–plume–shelf system in the Columbia River system. Efforts to improve numerical accuracy resulted in SELFE, a new finite-element model for cross-scale ocean modeling. SELFE retains key benefits, including computational efficiency of existing semi-implicit Eulerian–Lagrangian finite-volume models, but relaxes restrictions on grids, uses higher-order shape functions for elevation, and enables superior flexibility in representing the bathymetry. Better representation of the bathymetry is enabled by a novel, “localized” vertical grid that resembles unstructured grids. At a particular horizontal location, SELFE uses either S coordinates or SZ coordinates, but the equations are consistently solved in Z space. SELFE also performs well relative to volume conservation and spurious oscillations, two problems that plague some finite-element models. This paper introduces SELFE as an open-source code available for community use and enhancement. The main focus here is on describing the formulation of the model and on showing results for a range of progressively demanding benchmark tests. While leaving details to separate publications, we also briefly illustrate the superior performance of SELFE over ELCIRC in a field application to the Columbia River estuary and plume.  相似文献   
台风“杜苏芮”(2305)是1949年至2023年9月登陆福建第2强台风,引发福建极端强降水。利用双偏振雷达、FY-4A等多源观测资料分析了福建强降水发展的主要特征,指出2个明显的降水阶段分别由台风眼壁与内螺旋雨带、台风外螺旋雨带造成。“杜苏芮”登陆后眼壁附近中β尺度对流云团发展,云团低层以大雨滴为主,对流云团分裂进入内螺旋雨带中发展为线状对流,数密度更高的较大雨滴产生极端雨量。而台风移出福建后外螺旋雨带后部对流组织化,形成带状中尺度对流系统,通过“列车效应”持续影响福建沿海,产生极端强降水,高浓度小雨滴是主要的云微物理特征。降水与鹫峰山、戴云山地形密切相关,向东开口的喇叭口地区利于形成强降水中心。  相似文献   
对2021年第6号台风“烟花”的主要特点与路径预报重大调整过程中出现的难点问题进行分析和研究,得出主要结论如下。(1)“烟花”移动缓慢,是首个两次登陆浙江的台风,在浙北和杭州湾附近地区长时间滞留。(2)降雨影响范围广、累计降雨量大、大风持续时间长。(3)反映出来的重要难点问题有:当多数模式预报出现一致的偏差时,预报员难以做出订正,有必要开展对模式中台风重要影响系统(高空冷涡、热带对流层上层槽等)的预报检验工作;台风移速缓慢的定量程度难以把握,需要通过总结历史个例和敏感性试验等方法开展东侧台风对西侧台风移动缓慢影响的定量研究;西风带槽/脊对副热带高压退/进快慢的定量影响把握困难,影响北上台风转向点的预报,特别是当不同模式有分歧的时候预报难度更大。  相似文献   
Recent tsunamis affecting the West Coast of the USA have resulted in significant damage to ports and harbors, as well as to recreational and commercial vessels attempting to escape the tsunami. With the completion of tsunami inundation simulations for a distant tsunami originating from the Aleutian Islands and a locally generated tsunami on the Cascadia subduction zone (CSZ), the State of Oregon is now able to provide guidance on the magnitudes and directions of the simulated currents for the Oregon coast and shelf region. Our analyses indicate that first wave arrivals for an Aleutian Island event would take place on the north coast,?~?3 h 40 min after the start of the earthquake,?~?20 min later on the southern Oregon coast. The simulations demonstrated significant along-coast variability in both the tsunamis water levels and currents, caused by localized bathymetric effects (e.g., submarine banks and reefs). A locally generated CSZ event would reach the open coast within 7–13 min; maximum inundation occurs at?~?30–40 min. As the tsunami current velocities increase, the potential for damage in ports and harbors correspondingly increases, while also affecting a vessels ability to maintain control out on the ocean. Scientific consensus suggests that tsunami currents?<?1.54 m/s are unlikely to impact maritime safety in ports and harbors. No such guidance is available for boats operating on the ocean, though studies undertaken in Japan suggest that velocities in the region of 1–2 m/s may be damaging to boats. In addition to the effects of currents, there is the added potential for wave amplification of locally generated wind waves interacting with opposing tsunami currents in the offshore. Our analyses explore potential wave amplification effects for a range of generic sea states, ultimately producing a nomogram of wave amplification for a range of wave and opposing current conditions. These data will be useful for US Coast Guard and Port authorities as they evaluate maritime tsunami evacuation options for the Oregon coast. Finally, we identify three regions of hazard (high, moderate, and low) across the Oregon shelf, which can be used to help guide final designation of tsunami maritime evacuation zones for the coast.  相似文献   
Mesozoic granitic intrusions are widely distributed in the Nanling region,South China.Yanshanian granites are closely connected with the formation of tungsten deposits.The Xihuashan granite is a typica...  相似文献   
在利用遥感数据和地理信息系统(GIS)技术的矿产资源勘查与评价中,矿化蚀变信息提取和构造信息提取起着至关重要的作用。以缅甸铜金矿为例,利用ETM+遥感图像,采用比值法、阈值分割和主成分分析(PCA)提取羟基蚀变信息;利用数字高程模型和遥感数据提取与铜金矿化有关的线环构造,结合地质资料和上述信息,利用证据权和分形方法进行整合,确定该研究区的成矿远景区。结果发现,已知铜金矿均分布于成矿靶区中,综合信息可为下一步的矿产资源勘探工作提供决策依据。  相似文献   
2020年7月西北太平洋和南海出现了史无前例的“空台”事件。利用NCEP再分析数据集、中国气象局(CMA)台风最佳路径等资料研究了此次“空台”现象的大尺度环流背景及动力和热力学特征。使用台风潜在生成指数(DGPI)分析发现2020年7月大尺度环流背景不利于台风生成,环流系统的异常通过影响对流层垂直风切变和垂直运动限制了台风的活动。2020年7月马斯克林高压较常年明显偏西偏弱,导致索马里急流强度减弱,越赤道气流不活跃,菲律宾以东洋面和南海海域盛行一致的偏东气流,历史同期活跃在该区域的季风槽无法建立,从而不利于热带扰动的生成。北半球极涡主体偏向西半球一侧,影响东半球冷空气势力较弱,副热带高压位置偏西;南亚高压较历史同期偏强且偏东,其东侧强盛的偏东气流将洋中槽截断,在西北太平洋区域出现反气旋性环流,该区域下沉气流增强,导致副热带高压强度增强,对流层中层强烈的下沉气流抑制了台风的生成和发展。此外,受中高层环流系统异常的影响,7月菲律宾吕宋岛以东洋面和南海地区环境垂直风切变较常年偏高2~4 m/s,南海部分海域偏高达4~8 m/s,同时该区域内异常偏强的下沉气流导致对流层低层相对湿度偏低,大气层...  相似文献   
薛霖  李英  许映龙  王蕾  戴高菊 《大气科学》2015,39(4):789-801
台风在趋近大陆过程中强度一般衰减, 但Meranti(1010)北上进入台湾海峡过程中却迅速加强, 且在登陆福建时达到最强。采用中国气象局台风资料、NCEP GFS 0.5°×0.5°再分析资料及台湾雷达资料, 结合中尺度数值模式WRF(The Weather Research and Forecasting Model)开展台湾地形敏感性试验, 研究Meranti进入台湾海峡过程中的结构变化及迅速加强机理。结果表明:台湾地形是Meranti迅速加强的一个重要影响因子。Meranti北上过程中, 一方面通过台湾岛地形分流作用及其背风坡效应在台湾海峡内诱生中尺度涡旋, 形成正负相间的涡度分布, 激发出与台风相关的扰动波列。地形强迫抬升及扰动波列可加强垂直运动和积云对流, 有利于台风对流发展。另一方面, 台湾地形还通过改变环境气流使台风高空辐散场加强, 环境风垂直切变减小, 形成有利于台风发展的环流背景。比较不同高度台湾地形试验中台风动能收支发现, 台湾地形激发的扰动波列和积云对流增强了次网格尺度系统与台风间能量的交换, 成为Meranti登陆前迅速加强的主要动能源。  相似文献   
高拴柱  吕心艳  王海平  许映龙 《气象》2012,38(7):834-840
热带气旋莫兰蒂(1010)进入台湾海峡后显著加强。本文普查了历史上在台湾海峡与"莫兰蒂"有相似路径的热带气旋,其中几乎没有增强的热带气旋个例;总结了"莫兰蒂"在台湾海峡活动时的强度变化,指出在实时业务中国内外台风预报中心对于"莫兰蒂"强度的判定存在明显偏弱的现象。运用天气学和动力诊断方法,分析了"莫兰蒂"在台湾海峡活动时热带气旋发展的基本条件,结果发现:台湾海峡区域有较高的海表温度、丰富的中低层水汽净流入、强烈的低层辐合和高层辐散、低层涡度净流入,为"莫兰蒂"的发展提供了有利的动力和热力条件,弱的环境风垂直切变又使其强度增长没有受到大的抑制作用。研究结果可为热带气旋强度或强度变化预报提供有意义的参考。  相似文献   
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