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Falling stage systems tract(FSST)is an offlap strata with strong relationship with hydrocarbon exploration,which is driven by relative lake-level fall and developed above the highstand systems tract and below the lowstand systems tract of a new sequence. It has no relationship with sediment supply. Based on the theory of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentology,3D seismic data,drilling core data,and well-logging data were comprehensively analyzed. The study showed that the FSST strata was formed in the Member 3 of Shahejie Formation in the Laizhouwan sag. The FSST can be divided into three units,namely as units P1,P2,and P3 from bottom to top. The P1 is the first unit of progradation downlap the bottom of the FSST. The top of the unit P3 is a sequence boundary exhibits subaerial unconformity. The seismic profile along the source direction is characterized by the low-angle oblique progradation reflection that downstream the center of lake basin from west to east. Incised valleys developed on the top of the FSST perpendicular to the source direction. Gamma-ray logging response is manifested by a series of funnel-shaped complex,indicating that the sedimentary response of the FSST was a cycle of coarsening-upward parasequence sets. Comprehensive studies on core interpretation and well-logging analysis showed that the FSST was a fluvial-delta sedimentary system with slumped fan deposits associated with the delta front. Consequently,the FSST is a common result of relative dry climate and falling of lake level,considering regional tectonic evolution,sediment supply,and paleo-climate change. The discovery of the FSST in the Laizhouwan sag has an important geological significance for the sedimentological interpretation,and it offers a guidance for further oil exploration in the study area. In addition,it also serves as a significant reference for future research on the FSST development and exploration in the continental lacustrine rift basin.  相似文献   
Topographic feature points and lines are the framework of topography, and their spatial distance relationship is an breakthrough in the study of topographical geometry, internal structure and development level. Proximity distance (PD) is an indicator to describe the distance between the gully source point (GSP) and the watershed boundary. In the upstream catchment area, PDs can be expressed by the streamline proximity distance (SPD), as well as by the horizontal proximity distance (HPD) and the vertical proximity distance (VPD) in the horizontal and vertical dimensions, respectively. The series of indicators (e.g., SPD, HPD and VPD) are important for quantifying the geomorphological development process of a loess basin because of the headward erosion of loess gullies. In this study, the digital elevation model data with 5 m resolution and a digital topographic analysis method are used for the statistical analyses of the SPD, VPD and HPD in 50 sample areas of 6 geomorphic types in the Loess Plateau of northern Shaanxi. The spatial characteristics and the influencing factors are also analysed. Results show that: 1) Central tendencies for the HPDs and the VPDs for the whole study area and the six typical loess landforms are evident. 2) Spatial patterns of the HPDs and the VPDs exhibit evident trends and zonal distributions over the whole study area. 3) The HPDs have a strong positive correlation with gully density (GD) and hypsometric integral. The VPDs also correlates with GD to an extent. Vegetation cover, mean annual precipitation and loess thickness have stronger effects on the VPD than on the HPD.  相似文献   
赵小艳  孙楠  苏有锦 《中国地震》2015,31(2):209-217
分析了1965~2014年发生在云南地区的共计223次M≥5.0地震,发现其中有前震的地震74次,占33.2%;云南不同构造区前震的比例差异较大,前震较多的地区是澜沧-耿马地块和腾冲-保山地块;前震与主震的震级差、时间间隔、空间距离优势分布分别为0.5~2.9、10天内和20km内,可以利用这些特点在识别出前震后进而对后续主震做出预测。  相似文献   
为了改善现有的时频域算法对于探地雷达信号消噪效果不佳的现状,本文利用时频谱分解重排算法实现了探地雷达信号的优化消噪处理.由于采用窗口函数对信号进行划分,传统的时频变换方法得到的结果是模糊化的信号时频分布,这使得在时频消噪过程中,如果阈值取不好,信号的有用成份极容易受到损伤.而采用时频谱分解重排算法可以对信号的时频变换结果进行重排,使得信号能量更加集中在真实频率点附近,从而获得更高的分辨率,而且可以显著降低消噪过程中对有用信息损伤的几率.仿真数据和实际资料对比结果表明,时频重排谱分解算法比传统消噪方法具有更好的消噪效果.  相似文献   
因提供多参量、压制深部异常突出浅部异常等优点,近几年航磁梯度测量在国内航空物探领域成为新的研究热点.以AGS-863航磁全轴梯度勘查系统为依托,介绍了航磁梯度理论基础和应用研究现状,为了总结归纳航磁梯度异常与地下地质体的对应关系,设计了典型理论地磁模型,进行了大量正演模拟计算工作,并结合野外应用实例,得出以下几点结论:相比于总场异常,梯度异常在圈定磁性体方面更具优势;对于独立磁性体,垂向梯度的峰值精确对应异常体的中心位置,当模型走向延伸越长,主剖面异常的零值点越靠近异常体边界,主剖面的纵向梯度的最大值和最小值可精确对应异常体的左右边界,垂直于主剖面的横向梯度的最大值和最小值精确对应异常的上下边界;对于组合磁性体,利用主剖面的纵向梯度峰值和垂直于主剖面的横向梯度峰值锁定的磁性体范围有所扩大,并且垂向梯度峰值向附近磁性体方向偏移;对比实测梯度数据与理论梯度数据,发现实测梯度数据存在明显的优势,可以在人文干扰识别、高频地质信息挖掘等方面发挥突出作用.这些工作可以为实测航磁梯度的野外数据获取者认识异常、鉴别异常和区分真假异常等提供参考,并为异常解释工作者提供一定的帮助.  相似文献   
五台—恒山地区是山西省重要的铜、金等多金属成矿带之一,与岩浆热液有关的矿床通常与燕山期岩体关系密切.以往主要研究对象为特征明显的航磁异常,并未对低缓异常引起足够的重视.本次利用滑动平均法对1∶5万航磁数据求取剩余异常,进行位场分离,提取出弱磁异常信息,结合地质、重力、化探等综合信息推断该异常可能为隐伏岩体的反映,并对其进行野外异常查证,为本区深入开展找矿或找矿突破指明方向.  相似文献   
为深入研究孤山航电枢纽移民安置区存在的主要工程地质问题,采用了系统地质调查研究,结合必要的勘探布置,查明了各移民安置区存在的主要地质问题,即环境地质问题、滑坡稳定问题、人工边坡稳定问题、地基沉降变形问题。最后针对不同的地质问题建议采取不同的工程处理措施,得出了通过工程处理措施后的各移民安置区总体满足规划设计要求的结论。  相似文献   
贵州凤冈县田坝村茶园土壤硒的含量及评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用氢化物原子荧光光谱法,较系统测定了研究区三大茶园土壤硒的含量。分析结果表明,土壤中硒的平均含量值为1.22 mg/kg,平均值均高于全国土壤硒含量(0.29 mg/kg)及贵州省土壤硒含量(0.369 mg/kg)的水平。据我国硒元素生态景观界限值的划分等级标准,研究区属于富硒的土壤环境,对当地今后种植富硒茶、调整农业种植结构、有效利用特种土地、生态环境学研究,可提供地球化学方面的基础资料和参考依据,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
为了研究江苏地区下击暴流的结构特征,利用常规天气资料、雷达探测资料、自动气象站观测资料和ERA5再分析资料等,选取2007—2018年江苏地区19个典型下击暴流过程进行统计分析。结果表明:江苏下击暴流的分布呈北多南少,以湿下击暴流为主,7月是下击暴流的高发月份,孤立风暴型下击暴流具有弱的天气尺度强迫和上干下湿的结构,风暴移速较慢,飑线镶嵌型下击暴流具有很强的天气尺度强迫特征,风暴移速较快。下击暴流影响期间地面温度变化剧烈,温度降低伴随有明显风速增大过程。统计显示,产生下击暴流风暴的环境温度平均垂直递减率为6.8℃/km,能够保证负浮力的维持,干冷空气被中层辐合气流夹卷进入风暴内进一步加强了下沉气流,使得下击暴流得以维持和加强。下击暴流的初生阶段,强反射率因子核心和中层径向辐合出现在下击暴流发生前20—30 min,成熟阶段,强反射率因子核心高度有明显降低,低层呈辐散结构。  相似文献   
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