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Five oceanographic surveys were carried out in the East China Sea (ECS) and Yellow Sea from 1999 to 2003. In all, seven different sections were surveyed, but one section (the PN section) was observed on every cruise. Two time-series stations were also surveyed, one located at the Changjiang River mouth, the other over the continental shelf in the PN section.We identified biogeochemical characteristics for waters close to the Changjiang Estuary and in the Kuroshio waters (KW), respectively. Resuspension is a strong feature near bottom over the ECS continental shelf, with suspended matter values 13 times higher than that for the surface. A model of particulate organic carbon (POC) dynamics based on a rectangle equation reveals that POC concentration close to the Changjiang Estuary varies with a semidiurnal period of ∼13 h, coinciding with the tidal period. The upper limit for POC residence times in the seasons we covered over the shelf are estimated to be on the order of weeks and generally increase seaward from near the Changjiang Estuary to the KW. Short POC residence times suggest that POC in the ECS is rapidly exported from euphotic waters.A nepheloid layer, observed as elevated suspended matter in near the bottom of the water column, is important in particle transfer over the shelf, especially in winter when the residual current flows mainly eastward. Cross-shelf transport of POC via the nepheloid layer is estimated to be 0.22 × 1012 g yr−1. Comparison with other work indicates that POC transport is ∼2% of the Changjiang POC input.  相似文献   
近海工程环境应用中各种风资料的平均时间分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从近海工程设计应用的需要出发,对于通常使用的不同来源的测风资料平均时间进行了分析,这些资料来源包括:岸边及近海探查与生产设施上的气象台站、天气观测船、浮标、商船气象报、从受灾情况估计出的极大风速以及动力诊断模型估计出的海面风速。  相似文献   
河口沉积物中的有机物质和营养成分,部分直接来自陆源,部分则源于河口水体的生物化学作用。在有污染源的地区,水体携带着无机和有机污染物的微粒和某些洛于水的化学物质,它们在海水与河水混合的河口环境条件下发生沉淀;另一些溶解性的营养物质能促使浮游生物繁殖,这些生物死亡后也变为沉淀性的有机物质,致使底质状况恶化,在一定条件下会形成对海洋生物异常有害的腐泥。国内外关于利用底泥的有机组分来探讨河口水域有机污染状况的资料目前还较少,对衡量有机污染或海域富营养化程度的底泥测定项目也研究得很不够。通常只用底泥中的硫化物、有机碳(或COD)和氮等成分的含量来反映底质的状况,但由于海域自然环境状况不同,这些成分的背景含量也有很大的差异,往往难以对比。为对本河口区底泥中的有机组分的含量状况及其与有机污染的关系有较全面的了解,我们分析测定了河口区沉积物中的有机碳(TOC),有机氮(TON),总磷(TP),腐植酸量(HA)、硫化物(S),烧失量(IL)和阴离子表面活性剂(AS)等成分的含量。沉积物样品主要采于1984年5月。采样站位示于图1。根据站位设置的具体自然条件,可将调查区划分为三个区段:永定新河河口段,系指受潮汐影响的河段,包括A,B,C 和D站;大沽排污口区,系指天津南排污河河口段的E和11b站,以及海河防潮闸外侧的11a站;河口近岸海区,系指上述两区段站位以外的其他调查水域,包括北塘口、大沽口及其口外海域。对沉积物中的有机组分采用下列分析方法:有机碳——重格酸钾氧化法;有机氮——元素仪测定法;硫化物——腆量法;腐植酸——碱液提取法;阴离子表面活性剂——乙基紫光度法和原子吸收间接法(吴景阳等,1986 ;本集吴景阳等另文);磷——比色法;烧失量——重量法。 本文着重讨论这些有机组分的含量分布特征及其规律。  相似文献   
东太湖茭草区网围养鱼模式试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据东太湖茭草区资源及环境特点,开展网围养鱼模式试验,结果表明:(1)经济效益明显,产投比1.2—1.5;(2)有良好生态效应,防治湖泊沼泽化和茭草区水质恶化;(3)社会效益显著,解决湖区剩余劳动力和城市居民吃鱼难的问题;(4)利于湖泊资源管理和保护。  相似文献   
TheeffectsofimmobilizationonphysiologyandultrastructureofunicellularalgaPlatymonassubcordiformis¥ZhangXuecheng;WuXiaonanandLi...  相似文献   
青岛局地风特征的分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文根据位于胶州湾东岸的青岛沧口和流亭两机场气象台和唠山区气象台资料及现场实验资料对胶州湾东岸的海陆风气候特征,来自胶州湾与来自南面黄海水域的两支海陆风相互作用及其对沧口地区的影响,崂山西坡下坡风的气候特征及影响进行了分析。文中还提出了一种根据常规气象观测资料估算海陆风发生频率的方法。  相似文献   
Intensive current measurements in the area northeast of Taiwan indicate subsurface, southwestward flow existed between the inshore edge of the Kuroshio and the East China Sea continental slope. At 70 km away from Taiwan, this countercurrent has a mean speed about 30 cm s–1 at mid-depth. Closer to Taiwan, the flow turns along with the topography, and subjects to sidewall and bottom friction. Both the magnitude and the vertical shear of this countercurrent are comparable with that inferred from hydrographic survey. The wind field features short-period (a few days) fluctuations associated with the cold front passages, however, this is not reflected on the current records. It appears that the countercurrent is fairly steady. Together with similar reversing flow found at places much further to the north, the overall pattern seems to be a general quasi-steady feature along most part of the shelf edge of the East China Sea.  相似文献   
Genetic diversity of cultivated populations was investigated using assay of vertical slabpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in 4 species of shrimps, which were Penaeus japonicus, Penaeus monodon , Penaeus vannamei and Metapenaeus ensis, The results showed that the mean number of alle-les per locus (A) is 1.3±0.2, 1.3±0.1, 1.3±0.1 and 1.3 ±0.1 respectively; the percentage of polymorphic loci (P0.95) is 12.5, 6.7, 20 and 23.5 respectively; the expected heterozygosity (He) is 0.042±0.034,0.042±0.031, 0.094±0.042 and 0.097±0.047 respectively; and the observed heterozygosity (H0)is 0.029±0.024, 0.028±0.023,0.154±0.082 and 0.150±0.084 respectively. The difference of genetic diversity is obvious in 4 species of shrimps. The degree of genetic diversity is M. ensis > P. vannamei > P. japonicus > P. monodon. In short, the lower level of genetic diversity is estimated in 4 species of shrimps.  相似文献   
作者对加州鲈鱼繁殖习性及早期胚胎发育进行了阐述,对受精卵孵化与水温的关系进行了研究。结果表明:加州鲈鱼2龄即达性成熟,3—6月繁殖产卵,水温20℃—24℃时达产卵盛期;雄鱼具有筑巢护卵及护苗等生殖习性;水温17.4℃—19.5℃,平均18.3℃时,受精卵孵化时数为74小时25分钟;在实验温度范围内,孵化时数与水温负相关,而与有效积温正相关。有效积温与平均水温负相关。  相似文献   
中国东南沿海潮灾与防潮对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴培木 《台湾海峡》1994,13(3):308-315
中国东南沿海是中风暴潮灾害的最严得岸段,本文针对闽,粤,海南三省台风暴潮灾害概况,防潮现状及其存在问题,提出防潮减灾的对策和见解,以祈提醒人们居安思危,防患未然。  相似文献   
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