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The sequence architecture and depositional systems of the Paleogene lacustrine rift succession in the Huanghekou Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, NE China were investigated based on seismic profiles, combined with well log and core data. Four second‐order or composite sequences and seven third‐order sequences were identified. The depositional systems identified in the basin include: fan delta, braid delta, meander fluvial delta, lacustrine and sublacustrine fan. Identification of the slope break was conducted combining the interpretation of faults of each sequence and the identification of syndepositional faults, based on the subdivision of sequence stratigraphy and analysis of depositional systems. Multiple geomorphologic units were recognized in the Paleogene of the Huanghekou Sag including faults, flexures, depositional slope break belts, ditch‐valleys and sub‐uplifts in the central sag. Using genetic division principles and taking into consideration tectonic features of the Paleogene of the Huanghekou Sag, the study area was divided into the Northern Steep Slope/Fault Slope Break System, the Southern Gentle Slope Break System and T10 Tectonic Slope Break System/T10 Tectonic Belt. Responses of slope break systems to deposition–erosion are shown as: (1) basin marginal slope break is the boundary of the eroded area and provenance area; (2) ditch‐valley formed by different kinds of slope break belts is a good transport bypass for source materials; (3) shape of the slope break belt of the slope break system controls sediments types; (4) the ditch‐valley and sub‐sag of a slope break system is an unloading area for sediments; and (5) due to their different origins, association characteristics and developing patterns, the Paleogene slope break belt systems in the Huanghekou Sag show different controls on depositional systems. The Northern Fault Slope Break system controls the deposition of a fan delta‐lacustrine‐subaqueous fan, the Southern Gentle Slope Break system controls the deposition of a fluvial–deltaic–shallow lacustrine and sublacustrine fan, and the T10 Tectonic Slope Break System controls the deposition of shallow lacustrine beach bar sandbodies. The existence of a slope break system is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for studying sandbody development. The formation of effective sandbodies along the slope break depends on the reasonable coupling of effective provenance, necessary association patterns of slope break belt, adequate unloading space and creation of definite accommodation space. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
袁才 《地质与勘探》2016,52(1):182-190
目前常用的古构造图的制作方法为"厚度图法"和"断层平移法",这两种方法对断控圈闭为主的古构造恢复具有一定的局限性,且不能定量化的研究古构造生长发育情况。本论文首次将三维古构造恢复技术应用于珠江口盆地番禺-流花地区。三维古构造恢复技术在应用时,避免了厚度异常现象,实现了去压实恢复,能够更真实的反映古构造情况。该技术在珠江口盆地番禺流花地区"A"构造的应用,达到了定量分析古构造发育的效果,并且认识到了A构造在关键时期T32时期古构造幅度较小,后期构造幅度增大是A构造充满度过低的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
Based on 25-year(1987–2011) tropical cyclone(TC) best track data, a statistical study was carried out to investigate the basic features of upper-tropospheric TC–environment interactions over the western North Pacific. Interaction was defined as the absolute value of eddy momentum flux convergence(EFC) exceeding 10 m s~(-1)d~(-1). Based on this definition, it was found that 18% of all six-hourly TC samples experienced interaction. Extreme interaction cases showed that EFC can reach~120 m s~(-1)d~(-1) during the extratropical-cyclone(EC) stage, an order of magnitude larger than reported in previous studies.Composite analysis showed that positive interactions are characterized by a double-jet flow pattern, rather than the traditional trough pattern, because it is the jets that bring in large EFC from the upper-level environment to the TC center. The role of the outflow jet is also enhanced by relatively low inertial stability, as compared to the inflow jet. Among several environmental factors, it was found that extremely large EFC is usually accompanied by high inertial stability, low SST and strong vertical wind shear(VWS). Thus, the positive effect of EFC is cancelled by their negative effects. Only those samples during the EC stage, whose intensities were less dependent on VWS and the underlying SST, could survive in extremely large EFC environments, or even re-intensify. For classical TCs(not in the EC stage), it was found that environments with a moderate EFC value generally below ~25 m s~(-1)d~(-1) are more favorable for a TC's intensification than those with extremely large EFC.  相似文献   
2015年汛期气候预测先兆信号的综合分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
陈丽娟  顾薇  丁婷  袁媛  任宏利 《气象》2016,42(4):496-506
文章全面回顾了发布2015年汛期预测时考虑的先兆信号及其应用情况。2015年春夏季厄尔尼诺事件进一步发展,并由中部型向东部型转变,热带印度洋为一致偏暖模态发展;冬、春季北大西洋三极子为正位相;冬、春季北极海冰较常年略偏少,南极海冰偏多;冬季欧亚积雪增量略少,青藏高原积雪略多但气温偏高。通过诊断分析,认为2015年汛期预测的主导外强迫信号是太平洋厄尔尼诺事件和印度洋海温一致偏暖模态。同时参考动力气候模式的预测,在4月初的预报中,重点考虑了厄尔尼诺事件的强度和空间型变化对东亚夏季风环流的影响,有利于东亚夏季风偏弱,西太平洋副热带高压偏强偏西,季风季节内进程偏晚,我国降水呈南多北少型。在5月底的订正预报中,进一步考虑热带印度洋偏暖模态对副热带高压偏强偏西偏南的影响,以及南半球越赤道气流强度偏弱特征及对夏季风季节进程和强度的影响。经过综合分析,准确地预测了2015年东亚夏季风偏弱、我国夏季降水南多北少的布局,以及季节内主要气候事件的演变。最后对汛期气候预测存在的不足进行了初步分析和讨论。  相似文献   
利用北京观象台观测资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析数据,对1999年6月24日至7月2日北京一次持续性高温天气的演变和发展过程及非绝热加热作用对系统的影响进行诊断分析,结果表明:在此次高温天气发生前,欧亚大陆中高纬度环流经向度很大,欧洲北部和贝加尔湖以南为高压脊控制,中亚和我国东北地区则处于低压槽内。贝加尔湖南部的高压脊纬向延伸范围较广,在东移过程中长时间影响北京。随着贝加尔湖以南的高压脊逐渐东移,北京上空下沉增温与非绝热加热作用有所增强,北京逐渐受到高温天气影响。在高温天气发生的后半阶段,我国东北的低压槽入海后在120130°E附近维持并发展,槽前非绝热加热率很大。从垂直方向来看,加热率在500 hPa以下随高度迅速增加,根据全型涡度方程,强烈的非绝热加热率垂直分布不均作为一个明显的涡度源区,对入海低压槽的稳定维持有显著的作用。而入海低压槽的稳定维持,又阻碍了华北高压脊的东移,使其在北京地区长时间稳定少动,为北京带来多日的持续性高温天气。  相似文献   
基于WebGIS、HTTP通信、数据库等技术,制定了一键式预警信息发布规范,有效整合了电子显示屏、预警大喇叭、手机等预警发布终端,开发了气象预警信息一键式发布平台,实现了地图综合显示、气象数据叠加、任意预警区域选取、一键式发布预警信息等功能,提高了预警信息发布的可视化水平,保证了多终端预警信息发布的高效性、一致性。该系统的一键式信息发布技术,为气象预警发布开拓了新思路,能够有效提升业务水平和预警发布能力。  相似文献   
为适应中国民用航天遥感从科学试验向业务服务模式转变,更好地探索、了解与解决应用需求与航天遥感系统对接等方面遇到的技术问题,促进航天遥感统筹协调可持续发展,中国适时于2004年成立了国家航天局航天遥感论证中心。10余年来,论证中心以航天遥感系统为研究对象,系统开展了面向应用的航天遥感科学论证概念、理论方法、技术工程与应用研究。本文是论证中心团队长期从事航天遥感科学论证研究与实践的系统总结,介绍了遥感论证初步认知、遥感论证关注问题、遥感论证理论体系与模型方法集、遥感论证能力建设及遥感论证实践等方面内容,给出了遥感论证定义并详细分析了研究范围和内容,提出了由知识维、进程维和逻辑维所组成的遥感论证作用域3维空间结构,指出社会发展加快和信息化水平提高,带动整个航天遥感数据信息链向更大规模、更短响应时间周期、更综合数据集成、更高数据质量、更加智能化方向发展,航天遥感系统将进入新的"智慧遥感"发展阶段。得益于十余年来中国民用航天快速发展,我们经历了风云三号新型载荷校飞、多角度多光谱偏振遥感器论证、环境星应用工程论证等实践,取得了多方面理论方法的突破,并应用到2030民用航天发展规划、高分辨率对地观测系统、国家自然灾害空间信息基础设施、国家民用空间基础设施中长期发展、2030中国综合地球观测系统规划等论证当中。经过不断实践,快速迭代,形成了遥感论证理论体系及相应的十大模型方法,包括遥感信息流模型、遥感信息特征模型、遥感信息应用模型、遥感信息量分析模型、遥感数据工程模型、航天遥感系统结构模型、航天遥感系统状态描述模型、航天遥感系统质量模型、航天遥感系统发展动力模型及能力体系模型。这些模型方法全面反映了航天遥感系统特征、结构、状态、发展动力、条件等,可广泛用于对航天遥感系统进行顶层设计、规划、考察、分析、评价、预测,并开展实践探索。  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to research the effects of jute fiber content, fiber length, water content and dry density of reinforced and unreinforced soil on the strength influence mechanism by implementing a series of laboratory tests and analysis. The most efficient fiber reinforcement effects was achieved by means of adding jute fiber with content of 0.6 % and length of 6 mm into expansive soil specimen prepared at maximum dry density and optimum moisture content. The cohesion of reinforced specimens increased first with increasing fiber content and fiber length and then decreased with further increase in fiber content and fiber length. The internal friction angle of reinforced specimens were not affected significantly by fiber content and fiber length. Higher water content reduces the fiber reinforcement effects by means of acting as lubricant in the interface of fiber and soil particles. Fiber reinforcement effects is more prominent for specimens prepared at higher dry density by increasing the effective contact area of fiber/soil. The application prospect of soil reinforcement using natural fiber is impeded by the hydrophilic nature and biodegradability of natural fiber, thus, studies on using chemical additive to do surface treatment for natural fiber are needed to improve the interfacial interaction of fiber/soil so as to widen the application of natural fiber.  相似文献   
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