The Hard X-ray Telescope (HXT) is a Fourier-synthesis imager; a set of spatially-modulated photon count data are taken from 64 independent subcollimators and are Fourier-transformed into an image by using procedures such as the maximum entropy method (MEM) or CLEAN. The HXT takes images of solar flares simultaneously in four energy bands, nominally 15 (or 19)–24, 24–35, 35–57, and 57–100 keV, with an ultimate angular resolution as fine as 5 arc sec and a time resolution 0.5 s. Each subcollimator has a field of view wider than the solar disk. The total effective area of the collimator/detector system reaches 70 cm2, about one order of magnitude larger than that of the HINOTORI hard X-ray imager. Thanks to these improvements, HXT will for the first time enable us to take images of flares at photon energies above 30 keV. These higher-energy images will be compared with lower-energy ones, giving clues to the understanding of nonthermal processes in solar flares, i.e., the acceleration and confinement of energetic electrons. It is of particular importance to specify the acceleration site with regard to the magnetic field figuration in a flaring region, which will be achieved by collaborative observations between HXT and the Soft X-ray Telescope on board the same mission.After the launch the name of SOLAR-A has been changed to YOHKOH. 相似文献
Rare-earth elements in a whole-rock sample and in major components of the Allende meteorite were investigated; for a few samples, abundances of Ba, Sr, Ca, and Al were also determined. Of the materials investigated in the present work, CaAl-rich inclusions G and O seem to be of the greatest significance. In spite of the minor difference in mineralogy between them, the apparent chondrite-normalized RE pattern is much different between these two inclusions. (Yb and Eu in inclusion G appear exceptionally irregular). This observation is inferred to reflect a rather subtle difference in condition of condensation. It is also worthwhile to note that, while two portions (pink and white) of the inclusion G show similar aspects in the abundances of lithophile trace elements investigated, they show a remarkable difference at the same time. The white portion (Gw) of inclusion G can be considered to be a mixture of chondritic material and highly fractionated material like the faintly pink portion (Gp) picked from the same inclusion. This would suggest the possibility that the Gp-like material was produced from chondritic dust.The “matrix” separated from Allende was found to be fractionated with respect to the RE abundances relative to representative chondrite. It has also a very high value for the Ba abundance. 相似文献
We describe a catalogue of solar flares observed by the three instruments (SOT, XRT, EIS) onboard the Hinode satellite. From the launch of the Hinode satellite in September 2006 until late 2011, about 5000 solar flares (larger than A-class in the GOES classification) occurred during the five-year period of Hinode observations, and more than half of them were captured by the Hinode telescopes. Observation information for RHESSI and Nobeyama Radioheliograph are also included in the catalogue. This catalogue is distributed to users through the Internet. It will be useful and helpful for scientists in surveying flares to be analyzed, facilitate access to Hinode data, and help advance data analysis activities among the world solar community. 相似文献
The goal of this study was to test hollow‐fiber ultrafiltration as a method for concentrating in situ bacteria and viruses in groundwater samples. Water samples from nine wells tapping a shallow sandy aquifer in a densely populated village in Bangladesh were reduced in volume approximately 400‐fold using ultrafiltration. Culture‐based assays for total coliforms and Escherichia coli, as well as molecular‐based assays for E. coli, Bacteroides, and adenovirus, were used as microbial markers before and after ultrafiltration to evaluate performance. Ultrafiltration increased the concentration of the microbial markers in 99% of cases. However, concentration factors (CF = post‐filtration concentration/pre‐filtration concentration) for each marker calculated from geometric means ranged from 52 to 1018 compared to the expected value of 400. The efficiency was difficult to quantify because concentrations of some of the markers, especially E. coli and total coliforms, in the well water (WW) collected before ultrafiltration varied by several orders of magnitude during the period of sampling. The potential influence of colloidal iron oxide precipitates in the groundwater was tested by adding EDTA to the pre‐filtration water in half of the samples to prevent the formation of precipitates. The use of EDTA had no significant effect on the measurement of culturable or molecular markers across the 0.5 to 10 mg/L range of dissolved Fe2+ concentrations observed in the groundwater, indicating that colloidal iron did not hinder or enhance recovery or detection of the microbial markers. Ultrafiltration appears to be effective for concentrating microorganisms in environmental water samples, but additional research is needed to quantify losses during filtration. 相似文献
The behavior of the water wedge advancing along the interface between two homogeneous layers is investigated experimentally. The horizontally intruding wedge is strongly influenced by the detailed structure of the interface, even when the interface is sharp enough for its position to be visually determined. Within our experimental range, the intrusion velocity is very slow and depends on the thickness of the interface along which the water wedge intrudes. The wedge length is well described by the relation which is derived using an analogy to the linearly stratified case. The results could be useful for understanding the generation mechanism of the oceanic microstructure. 相似文献
Sodic pyroxene (jadeite content Xjd=0.1–0.3) occurs locally as small inclusions within, albite porphyroblasts and in the matrix of hematite-bearing quartz schists in the Sanbagawa (Sambagawa) metamorphic belt, central Shikoku, Japan. The sodic, pyroxene-bearing samples are characteristically free from chlorite and their typical mineral assemblage is sodic pyroxene+subcalcic (or sodic) amphibole+phengitic mica+albite+quartz+hematite+titanite±epidote. Spessartine-rich garnet occurs in Mn-rich samples. Sodic pyroxene in epidote-bearing samples tends to be poorer in acmite content (average XAcm=0.26–0.50) than that in the epidote-free samples (XAcm=0.45–0.47). XJd shows no systematic relationship to metamorphic grade, and is different among the three sampling regions [Saruta-gawa, Asemi-gawa and Bessi (Besshi)]. The average XJd of the Saruta-gawa samples (0.21–0.29) is higher than that of the Asemi-gawa (0.13–0.17) and Bessi (0.14–0.23). The P-T conditions of the Asemi-gawa and Bessi regions are estimated at 5.5–6.5 kbar, >360°C in the chlorite zone, 7–8.5 kbar, 440±15°C in the garnet zone and 8–9.5 kbar, 520±25°C in the albite-biotite zone. Metamorphic pressure of the Saruta-gawa region is systematically 1–1.5 kbar higher than that of the Asemi-gawa and Bessi regions, and materials of the Saruta-gawa region have been subducted to a level 3–5 km deeper than materials that underwent metamorphism at equivalent temperatures and are now exposed in the Asemi-gawa and Bessi regions. Pressure slightly increases toward the north (structurally high levels) through the Sanbagawa belt of central shikoku. Two types of zonal structure were observed in relatively coarse-grained sodic pyroxenes in the matrix. One type is characterized by increasing XJd from core to rim, the other type by decreasing XJd from core to rim. Both types of zoned pyroxenes show an increase in XFe2+[=Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg)] from core to rim. The first type of zoning was observed in a sample from the chlorite zone of lowest grade, whereas the latter occurs in the garnet and albite-biotite zones of higher grade. The contrast in zonal structure implies that dP/dT during prograde metamorphism decreased with increasing metamorphic grade and may have been negative in some samples from the higher-grade zones. The estimated dP/dT of the prograde stage of the chlorite zone is 3.2 kbar/100°C, and that of the garnet and albite-biotite zones is -1.8 to 0.9 kbar/100°C. The variation of dP/dT at shallow and deep levels of a subduction system probably reflects the difference of heating duration and/or change in thermal gradient of the subduction zone by continuous cooling of the surrounding mantle. 相似文献
Based on the lunar data on lanthanides, U, Th, Ba, and Sr, the partition coefficients for fractional solidification were estimated for these elements. The resultant values suggest the removal of solids with perhaps pyroxenic composition. The partition coefficient for europium can be judged to be normal as divalent europium dominantly present in the melt. When we go back following the trend of fractionation of abundances, we can reach the stage where there is no europium anomaly and where the thorium concentration level is chondritic. It can be imagined that the material corresponding to this stage was the directly original lunar material system. As a possibility, a zone melting is thought to be a possible process for the derivation of that material from chondritic material. The chondrite-normalized lanthanide patterns for silicate materials of two stony-irons appear to provide us with an intriguing clue to this problem. 相似文献
The variability of the sea surface wind and wind waves in the coastal area of the Eastern Tsushima Strait was investigated
based on the hourly data from 1990 to 1997 obtained at a station 2 km off Tsuyazaki, Fukuoka. The annual mean wind speed was
4.84 m s−1, with strong northwesterly monsoon in winter and weak southwesterly wind in summer. Significant wave heights and wave periods
showed similar sinusoidal seasonal cycles around their annual means of 0.608 m and 4.77 s, respectively. The seasonal variability
relative to the annual mean is maximum for wave heights, medium for wind speeds, and minimum for wave periods. Significant
wave heights off Tsuyazaki turned out to be bounded by a criterion, which is proportional to the square of the significant
wave period corresponding to a constant steepness, irrespective of the season or the wind speed. For terms shorter than a
month, the significant wave height and the wave period were found to have the same spectral form as the inshore wind velocity:
white for frequencies less than 0.2 day−1 and proportional to the frequency to the −5/3 power for higher frequencies, where the latter corresponds to the inertial
subrange of turbulence. The spectral levels of wave heights and wave periods in that inertial range were also correlated with those of the inshore wind velocity, though the scatter was large.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
We investigated the influence of dynamical in-consistency of initial conditions on the predictive skill of decadal climate predictions. The investigation builds on the fully coupled global model “Coupled GCM for Earth Simulator” (CFES). In two separate experiments, the ocean component of the coupled model is full-field initialized with two different initial fields from either the same coupled model CFES or the GECCO2 Ocean Synthesis while the atmosphere is initialized from CFES in both cases. Differences between both experiments show that higher SST forecast skill is obtained when initializing with coupled data assimilation initial conditions (CIH) instead of those from GECCO2 (GIH), with the most significant difference in skill obtained over the tropical Pacific at lead year one. High predictive skill of SST over the tropical Pacific seen in CIH reflects the good reproduction of El Niño events at lead year one. In contrast, GIH produces additional erroneous El Niño events. The tropical Pacific skill differences between both runs can be rationalized in terms of the zonal momentum balance between the wind stress and pressure gradient force, which characterizes the upper equatorial Pacific. In GIH, the differences between the oceanic and atmospheric state at initial time leads to imbalance between the zonal wind stress and pressure gradient force over the equatorial Pacific, which leads to the additional pseudo El Niño events and explains reduced predictive skill. The balance can be reestablished if anomaly initialization strategy is applied with GECCO2 initial conditions and improved predictive skill in the tropical Pacific is observed at lead year one. However, initializing the coupled model with self-consistent initial conditions leads to the highest skill of climate prediction in the tropical Pacific by preserving the momentum balance between zonal wind stress and pressure gradient force along the equatorial Pacific.
Accurate estimation of stiffness loss is a challenging problem in structural health monitoring. In this study orthogonal wavelet decomposition is used for identifying the stiffness loss in a single degree of freedom spring-mass-damper system. The effects of excitation frequency on accuracy of damage detection is investigated. Results show that pseudo-alias effects caused by the orthogonal wavelet decomposition (OWD), affect damage detectability. It is demonstrated that theproposed approach is sunable for damage detection when the excitation frequency is relatively low. This study shows how a priori knowledge about the signal and ability to control the sampling frequency can enhance damage detectability. 相似文献