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The Woodroffe thrust, central Australia, is a > 1.5-km-wide mylonitized shear zone marked by large volumes of mm- to cm-scale pseudotachylyte veins. The pseudotachylytes display typical melt-origin features, including rounded and embayed clasts, spherulitic and dentritic microlites, and flow structures within a fine-grained matrix. Three types of pseudotachylyte are identified on the basis of deformation texture, vein morphology, and host-rock lithology: cataclasite-related (C-Pt), mylonite-related (M-Pt), and ultramylonite-related (Um-Pt). The M-Pt and Um-Pt veins intrude into mylonite and ultramylonite and are themselves overprinted by subsequent mylonitization. These pseudotachylytes contain an internal foliation defined by flattened porphyroclasts and layering of the fine-grained vein matrix, and the foliation is generally oriented parallel to foliation in the surrounding mylonite and ultramylonite. These observations constrain the timing and environment of M-Pt and Um-Pt pseudotachylyte formation to a protracted period of deformation and mylonitization within the ductile regime of the crust. The M-Pt and Um-Pt veins, as well as the host mylonite, are overprinted by cataclasis and multiple generations of late-stage C-Pt veins that were generated in the brittle-dominated regime of the upper crust during uplift and exhumation of the shear zone.The coexistence of multiple generations of voluminous C-Pt, M-Pt, and Um-Pt veins indicates that the pseudotachylyte veins represent a large number of large earthquakes and accompanying seismic slip over an extended period of seismicity on the Woodroffe thrust. The timing and distribution of pseudotachylyte indicate that the earthquakes nucleated at the base of the brittle-dominated seismogenic zone and propagated down through the brittle–ductile transition into the ductile-dominated regime of the crust.  相似文献   
The turbulent flow in the local scour hole around a single non-submerged spur dyke is investigated with both experimental and numerical methods. The experiments are conducted under clear-water scour regime with an impermeable spur dyke. The scour geometry and flow velocities are measured in details with a high-resolution laser displacement meter, electro-magnetic velocimetries and PIV (Particle image velocimetry). A 3D non-linear k-ε model is developed to simulate the complex local flow field around the scour area. The numerical model is formulated using FVM (Finite volume method) on a collocated unstructured mesh, capable of resolving complex geometries and boundaries. It is found that the simulation results are reasonably consistent with those of the experimental measurements. Based on the study results, the nature of the flow structure around a spur dyke with local scour hole is analyzed.  相似文献   
Previous studies have demonstrated that riparian vegetation leads to channel transformation from a multi-bar to a single-thread channel planform. However, it still remains unclear how the presence of pioneer and mature vegetation affects the morphodynamics of single-thread meandering rivers. In this study, we therefore investigated the effects of vegetation strength on the morphodynamic evolution of an experimental meandering channel. Three physical laboratory experiments were conducted using alfalfa sprouts in different life stages – no vegetation, immature vegetation, and mature vegetation – to simulate different floodplain vegetation strengths. Our results demonstrate that vegetation plays a key role in mediating bank erosion and point-bar accretion, and that this is reflected in both the evolution of the channel bed as well as the sediment flux. The presence of mature vegetation maintained a deep, single-thread channel by reducing bank erosion, thereby limiting both channel widening and sediment storage capacity. Conversely, an unvegetated floodplain led to channel widening and high sediment storage capacity. Channel evolution in the unvegetated scenario showed that the active sediment supply from outer bank erosion led to slightly delayed point-bar accretion on the inner banks due to helical flow, deflecting the surface flow toward the outer banks and causing further erosion. In contrast, in the immature vegetation scenario, the outer banks were also initially eroded, but point-bar accretion did not clearly progress. This led to a greater width-to-depth ratio, resulting in a transition from a single- to a multi-thread channel with minor flow paths on the floodplain. The experimental results suggest that the eco-morphodynamic effects of young (low-strength) and mature (high-strength) vegetation are different. Notably, low-strength, early-stage vegetation increases channel complexity by accelerating both channel widening and branching, and therefore might promote the coexistence of multi-bars and pioneer vegetation.  相似文献   
Regional and local characteristics of active fault patterns and elevation variation throughout Honshu, Japan are characterized in terms of their fractal dimensions; this allows variation in these complex variables to be compared directly to the scalar properties of net Quaternary vertical displacement, elevation and 10- and 110-year horizontal strains. The comparisons reveal that, throughout Honshu as a whole, there is significant correlation (r=0.75) between Quaternary vertical displacement, elevation, and its fractal properties. There is poor correlation, however, of elevation and its fractal properties to horizontal crustal strain, and also between Quaternary vertical displacement and horizontal crustal strain. A slight negative correlation is observed between the fractal properties of the active fault system and horizontal crustal strain measured over 10- and 110-year time periods (–0.43 and –0.26, respectively). The correlation between the 10-year (1985–1994) and 110-year (1883–1994) area strains, 0.48, reveals the occurrence of considerable change in the distribution of regional strain over these short time frames. Local computations of the correlation between data sets made for overlapping 160 km length windows of data spaced every 20 km along analysis lines reveal internal fluctuations in the correlation between variables. The local correlation between Quaternary vertical displacement and elevation is highest through central Japan and the Kinki Triangle. There is weak negative correlation between area strain and fractal dimensions of the active fault network. The local correlation between the fractal dimensions of active faults and horizontal area strain over the recent 10-year time period averages about –0.6 through central Japan in an area that extends across the Kinki Triangle through the northern part of central Honshu and northeast across the Itoigawa Shizuoka Tectonic Line. In general, regions of greatest complexity in the active fault network are associated with persistent negative area or compressional strain. Sparsely faulted areas in general coincide with areas of positive or roughly zero area strain. The presence of negative correlation through central Japan and the Kinki Triangle area in the recent 10-year period results from a decrease of area strain within an increasingly complex active fault system that reaches maximum negative values concentrated in the Kinki Triangle during the 1985–1994 time period.  相似文献   
The Holocene stalagmite FG01 collected at the Fukugaguchi Cave in Itoigawa, central Japan provides a unique high‐resolution record of the East Asian winter monsoon. Because of the climate conditions on the Japan Sea side of the Japanese islands, the volume of precipitation during the winter is strongly reflected in the stalagmite δ18O signal. Examination of the carbon isotopes and the Mg/Ca ratio of FG01 provided additional information on the Holocene climate in Itoigawa, which is characterized by two different modes separated at 6.4 ka. Dripwater composition and the correlation between the δ13C and Mg/Ca data of FG01 indicate the importance of prior calcite precipitation (PCP), a process that selectively eliminated 12C and calcium ions from infiltrating water from CO2 degassing and calcite precipitation. In an earlier period (10.0–6.4 ka), an increase in soil pCO2 associated with warming and wetting climate trends was a critical factor that enhanced PCP, and resulted in an increasing trend in the Mg/Ca and δ13C data and a negative correlation between the δ13C and δ18O profiles. A distinct peak in the δ13C age profile at 6.8 ka could be a response to an increase of approximately 10% in C4 plants in the recharge area. At 6.4 ka, the climate mode changed to another, and correlation between δ18O and δ13C became positive. In addition, a millennial‐scale variation in δ18O and pulsed changes in δ13C and Mg/Ca became distinct. Assuming that δ18O and PCP were controlled by moisture in the later period, the volume of precipitation was high during 6.0–5.2, 4.4–4.0, and 3.0–2.0 ka. In contrast, the driest interval in Itoigawa was during 0.2–0.4 ka, and broadly corresponds to the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   
Recent studies on the relationship between the Nusselt ( Nu ) and Rayleigh ( Ra ) numbers for base-heated convection in a spherical shell with a constant viscosity show that the power-law index is around 1/4, which is different from the value of 1/3 predicted by a simple boundary layer theory. We show that such a difference may be caused by the flow pattern due to the geometry. The flow pattern of the convection in a spherical shell at relatively low Ra , at least, less than 106, is characterized by narrow upwelling and broad downwelling, which is similar to the opposite flow pattern of internally heated convection. Convection in the internally heated case predicts the power-law index of 1/4. We demonstrate this relationship based on the concept of 'local' Rayleigh ( Ra1 ) and Nusselt ( Nu1 ) numbers  相似文献   
Abstract The deformation style of the Torlesse Terrane along the southern Kaikoura coast, South Island, New Zealand, records shallow level deformation processes within an accretionary prism during the Early Cretaceous. The beds exhibit complicated structural features resulting from multistage deformations in a lithological unit, that were intimately related with the dewatering and lithification of terrigenous sediments. The earliest phase of deformation throughout the transect studied was the development of pinch-and-swell structures and boudinage fabrics due to layer-parallel extension while the beds were poorly consolidated. This was followed locally by mesoscopic tight to close recumbent folding. The beds are cut locally by two phases of mudstone intrusions. The earlier phase was initiated by 'in situ' fluidization of mudstone layers, whereas the later phase represented intrusion of siliceous claystone probably derived from an overpressured decollement. Minor faults at high-angles to bedding by layer-normal shortening then disrupted the beds throughout the transect. The deformation was followed by formation of meso- and macroscopic scale open to gentle folds by layer-parallel shortening. Kilometer-scale differential stratal rotations were produced during the final main tectonic phase that occurred in association with post-accretion Neogene regional disturbance.  相似文献   
Tokyo Bay is one of the estuaries in Japan with a high population of almost 26 million people in the basin area. One of the major concerns for the environment in this water area is the decreasing ecosystem functions including the deterioration of water and sediment qualities caused by various anthropogenic activities. Since the bottom sediments around almost the entire area of the inner bay consist of fine materials with a high organic content, which cause the deterioration of water quality through processes such as hypoxia, an understanding of the fine sediment dynamics in the Bay is crucial for an environmental assessment of the water area. This paper proposes a model for the key processes of fine sediment dynamics, which reflects field data about muddy bed structures and their dynamics obtained during the monitoring campaign in 2007. One of the specific features of the sediment in the Bay at present is the persistent existence of fluid mud layers (water content over 300?%) with a thickness of around a few decimeters, which might be caused by deposition of abundant organic particles due to eutrophication. The present study shows that diffusion flux model delivers quite reliable results for estimating erosion flux from the top of fluid mud layers after calibrating the model parameter against the time series data of vertical flux measured by an acoustic Doppler velocimeter system. This study also derives analytical solutions, based on the Bingham fluid concept, of advection flux in the fluid mud layer on which external shear stress force is applied.  相似文献   
To investigate the evolution of any processes on planetary surfaces in the outer Solar System, the rheological properties of non-water ices were studied by means of a sound velocity measurement system and a uniaxial deformation apparatus. A pulse transmission method was used to obtain longitudinal (Vp) and transverse (Vs) wave velocities through solid nitrogen and methane at temperatures ranging from 5 to 64 K and from 5 to 90 K, respectively. The measured velocities confirmed that the solid methane and solid nitrogen samples were non-porous polycrystalline samples without any cracks and bubbles inside. Compression tests at constant strain-rate were performed for solid nitrogen and methane at temperatures of 5-56 K and 5-77 K, respectively, at strain-rates of 10−4-10−2 s−1. Both brittle and ductile behavior was observed for solid nitrogen and methane under these conditions. The maximum strength of solid nitrogen was observed to be 9 MPa in the brittle failure mode, and that of solid methane was 10 MPa. These low strengths cannot support cantaloupe structures with the topographic undulation larger than several kilometers found on Triton’s surface, suggesting that other materials such as H2O ice could underlay solid methane and nitrogen and support these structures.  相似文献   
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