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The detailed lithospheric structure of South China is the basis for the understanding of tectonic processes of eastern China.Specifically,two essential issues in the study of lithospheric structure are the thermal and compositional structures,which are usually derived from either geophysical or geochemical observations.However,inversions from single geophysical or geochemical datasets have certain limitations,making it necessary to develop joint inversions of geophysical,geochemical and petrological datasets.In this paper,through thermodynamic simulation and probabilistic inversion,we inverted multiple datasets including topography,geoid height,surface heat flow and surface wave dispersion curves for the 3D lithospheric thermal and compositional structure of South China.The results reveal a thin(<100 km)and flat LAB beneath the South China Fold System Block and the lower Yangtze Craton.Also,we found that the lithospheric mantle is primarily composed of saturated peridotite,indicating that the ancient refractory lithospheric mantle has been replaced by new materials.The dominant dynamic mechanism for lithospheric thinning in eastern South China may be the flat subduction of ancient Pacific slab,while thermal erosion may have also played a significant role.In contrast,the LAB depth beneath the Sichuan Basin is much thicker(>200 km),suggesting that the thick and cold craton lithospheric roots are retained.There may exist a discontinuous interface beneath the Sichuan Basin,with the saturated lower layer thicker than the refractory upper layer.As a result,the lithospheric mantle of the Sichuan Basin and surrounding regions is mainly composed of saturated and transitional peridotite.  相似文献   
西藏冈底斯岩浆岩带西段北侧的林子宗群火山岩含有从板块俯冲机制向大陆碰撞机制转变的丰富信息。将措勤地区典中组火山岩与冈底斯岩浆岩带东段林周盆地的典中组火山岩在同位素地球化学、演化特征方面进行对比,探讨冈底斯岩浆岩带西段与东段在演化过程中的异同性。结果表明,措勤地区典中组火山岩的87Sr/86Sr初始比值变化范围为0.710352~0.713423,具较高的87Sr/86Sr比值;143Nd/144Nd初始比值为0.512293~0.512407,具较低的143Nd/144Nd比值;林周盆地典中组火山岩的87Sr/86Sr初始比值为0.7057~0.7063之间,143Nd/144Nd初始比值范围为0.5125~0.5126。同位素特征显示措勤地区典中组源区物质可能来自于富集Ⅱ型地幔,即源区为俯冲和再循环的大陆地壳物质与地幔岩发生了混合作用的产物,源区受控于冈底斯地壳基底。林周盆地典中组火山岩源区物质可能与富集Ⅰ型地幔有关。  相似文献   
官厅水库近三十年的水质演变时序特征   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
基于过去的研究成果,综述了官厅水库近三十年来的水质演变过程,分阶段探讨了官厅水库水污染的来源和特征。与此同时,从污染物的角度探讨了官厅水库典型污染物的时空变化规律。研究结果表明,官厅水库的水质演变先后经历了四个阶段,依次为1972~1975年以有机毒物和重金属污染为特征的水体污染,1981~1992年以有机污染为主体的水体再污染,1992~1995年增加了大肠杆菌污染的水体复合污染,以及1996年至今以氮磷污染为明显特征的水体有机复合污染。从主要污染物的时间变化上看,库区COD和主要重金属含量均在缓慢上升,挥发酚的含量呈现波动趋势,氨氮和总磷的含量持续大幅度上升。污染物在库区的空间分布规律相似,入库处污染物浓度明显高于出库处的污染物浓度。  相似文献   
胡光明  张亚金  周雁 《地质科学》2010,45(03):734-744
中下扬子早 中三叠世膏盐层是对早印支运动的沉积响应,本文从膏盐的成因、中下扬子膏盐层位的差异、沉积环境的变迁、膏盐的厚度变化和产状特征、沉积中心和沉降中心的分布等方面,分析早印支运动的表现形式。中下扬子早 中三叠世依次出现陆棚台地(碳酸盐岩)、潟湖—潮坪(白云岩与膏盐)和滨海(碎屑岩),这种大规模海退,正是早印支运动表现为构造抬升的结果。抬升过程中,残留海水在炎热干燥的气候条件下蒸发形成膏盐层,而中扬子的膏盐层位比下扬子低,据此推测中扬子先于下扬子与华北板块碰撞而抬升。平面上,现今构造格局(主要由中印支—早燕山运动形成复向斜、复背斜和推覆构造)的坳陷区主要为白云岩与(硬)石膏互层或石膏夹少量白云岩或云质石膏,膏盐层厚度大,现今构造的隆坳过渡区主要为石膏假晶、含膏云岩、石膏质白云岩、白云岩夹石膏等,膏盐层厚度小,而膏盐的厚度和产状与沉积时的水深和地势直接相关; 另外,地层等厚图显示膏盐层主要分布于当时的沉降中心。这些沉积特征显示膏盐沉积时的地势与现今隆坳相间的构造地貌存在一定程度的吻合,说明膏盐沉积时的地层已经发生了轻微的褶皱变形(未见角度不整合和地层缺失)。  相似文献   
以沈阳市为例,运用高分辨率遥感影像识别城市应急避难场所,采用空间插值、波段集统计等方法刻画应急避难场所空间分布及其与人口的空间匹配性,通过栅格成本分析和加权Voronoi图等方法测算空间可达性并划分其服务区范围。研究表明:(1)沈阳市应急避难场所分布呈现出"小集聚、大分散"的基本格局,与人口分布的空间匹配性差;(2)应急避难场所可达性表现出空间异质性,大型用地对整体格局起到主要塑造作用;(3)研究区域可划分为14个较为明确的应急避难场所服务区,不同服务范围在空间上存在大小、数量和构成上的差异。最后,从城市安全视角对沈阳市应急避难场所的空间布局提出优化建议,为政府部门决策提供科学依据与政策参考。  相似文献   
Ji  Feng  Shi  Yuchuan  Zhou  Huixing  Liu  Haiming  Liao  Yi 《Natural Hazards》2017,87(1):165-184
Farmers along the Amazon River each year face multiple natural hazards that threaten crop production and limit the potential for agricultural development of the expansive floodplain and active channel. In this paper we report the findings of a study of natural hazard-related risk associated with rice production on silt bars in the active channel of the Amazon River near Iquitos, Peru. Data were gathered in four rice producing communities in 2014 using household surveys (n = 83 households), focus group discussions, surveying of land elevations along the Amazon River, and interpretation of remote sensing imagery. The probability, extent, and severity of rice crop shortfalls were estimated for recent production years and the economic losses to farming households were also assessed. Our findings point to a very high risk of crop shortfalls due to natural hazards, suggesting that a good year brings rice farmers bounty and a bad year, near penury. River stage reversals (repiquetes) and edaphic conditions were found to be more problematic than the often cited hazard of high and/or early floods. Also surprisingly, farmers’ perceptions of hazards and risk diverged markedly from actual shortfalls experienced during the production years studied. Our results provide the first quantitative estimates of risk due to the multiple natural hazards along the Amazon River and point to the need to assist lowland farmers with risk mitigation so as to unlock the considerable potential of Amazon floodlands for agricultural production.  相似文献   
Dynamic performance of insulation is one of the key parameters during the insulation application for high-speed railway subgrade. This paper conducted laboratory and field tests for the materials and dynamic load,especially for thermal performance, elastic deformation, and accumulated deformation of insulation materials.Experiment results show that mechanical properties of insulation layer structure are stable, which satisfies the requirements of the high speed railway.  相似文献   
新一轮农业结构调整是一种战略性调整,面临着巨大的压力。目前的农业结构调整存在很多误区,要求用新的思维方式进行思考。文章阐述了农业系统论,分析了农业的结构和功能,重点从8个方面探讨农业结构调整的新思路,阐述了农业系统论和农业结构调整的关系,对新一轮农业结构调整有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
上海城市空间结构的复杂性分析   总被引:26,自引:4,他引:26  
本文研究了上海市空间结构的复杂性。研究发现与经典的城市空间结构模式不同 ,上海的空间结构表现出复杂性。这些复杂性包括商业重心与 CBD分离 ;城市产业带存在多重结构 ;城市出现递阶行为上的边缘城市 ,它们的分布具有类似混沌的特点。本文对伯吉斯 (Brugess)以来的城市标准模式提出修正。  相似文献   
周琪  李平衡  王权  郑超磊  徐璐 《中国沙漠》2014,34(1):98-107
涡度相关仪通量值所代表的通量贡献区范围,对于通量观测塔的选址、仪器安装高度的确定以及通量观测数据的质量控制等具有重要的指导意义。利用通量贡献区模型对位于古尔班通古特沙漠试验场通量观测资料的空间代表性进行初步分析。结果表明:该荒漠区在大气稳定条件下90%的通量贡献区最远可以达到686.40 m,通量贡献函数最大点的位置在162.50 m;大气稳定时各风向的通量贡献区范围在生长末期均达到最大,生长初期和中期的源区变化因受到各风向风速和植被下垫面的影响而有差异;大气不稳定时不同生长时期各风向通量贡献区没有固定变化规律;通量源区大约有58.71%的信息来自于荒漠区通量观测塔西南至西北方,整个生长季生长末期通量贡献最多,所占比例为40.16%。由FSAM模型测得的通量贡献区范围可以较准确地反映荒漠生态系统下垫面的通量信息。  相似文献   
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