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一次层状云飞机播云试验的云微物理特征及响应分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
于丽娟  姚展予 《气象》2009,35(10):8-24
根据2005年3月21日在河南进行的层状云飞机播云试验的探测资料,对人工增雨催化前后层状云的宏微观物理量进行对比分析.结果表明,播云前在4200m高度平飞中观测到的小云粒子数浓度最大值为1.36×108个/m3,相应平均直径在5μm左右;小云粒子数浓度和云液态水含量在催化后均减小,播撒层下方变化较之播撒层变化更加显著;5000m高度小云粒子平均直径由催化前的17.32μm增加到催化后的18.07μm,平均直径明显增大,这些作业前后微观物理量的变化表明了人工催化层状云的物理响应.不同高度飞行具有相似的粒子谱分布.  相似文献   
以热量平衡为基础的体感温度模型及气候要素的效应分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
通过对丰季人体热量平衡方程的建立与计算,结合我国不同年龄段人群的新陈谢特点,分别建立了不同的体感温度模型,经与我国目前应用较为广泛的人体舒适度统计模型的计算结果相比较,证明以热量平衡为基础的人体感温度模型更具有普遍性。还分析了风,湿度,辐射对体感温度的影响效应。这些结果将为拓宽舒适度服务范围,建立以人体舒适度为核心的城市气象服务体系提供理论依据。  相似文献   
西太平洋赤道海域的热量平衡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用1986年11月中国科学院实验3号考察船在西太平洋赤道海域(0°~5°N,130°~150°E)考察所获得的29天辐射资料和同期取得的温、压、湿、风和探空等资料,计算了这一海域11月份的热量平衡各量值和整层气柱的加热量。结果表明:该海域是一个强热源区,其上空大气也是一个强热源区。  相似文献   
A new method of cluster analysis for numerical classification of climate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In this paper, a new method of cluster analysis incorporating a statistical test, was proposed in order to decide whether to accept or reject the assumption of a numerical classification of climate according to a 2 test. On the basis of normality of errors, the 2 test has been derived from the variance of the Euclidean distance or from that of the reduced distance.This new method of cluster analysis consists of uniform clustering and central clustering. The former is adapted to a more detailed numerical classification of climate, while the latter is appropriate for the large-scale numerical classification of climate. Examples of calculation and application of this new method of cluster analysis are presented in order to illustrate calculations undertaken in the processes of climate classification.  相似文献   
Based on the daily mean temperature data of CN05.2 from 1961 to 2012, cold events (CEs) are first divided into two categories according to their duration: strong cold events (SCEs) and weak cold events (WCEs). Then, the characteristics of CEs, SCEs, and WCEs during springtime are investigated. The results indicate that in the pre-1990s epoch, ENSO and Arctic Oscillation events in the previous winter are closely related to SCEs in the following spring. The multidecadal variations of CEs, SCEs, and WCEs are obvious. The intensity trend for SCEs is significantly negative, but it seems less apparent for WCEs. Further analysis reveals that when both SCEs and WCEs occur, a typical East Asian trough in the 850- hPa wind field, whose northwesterly wind component invades Northeast China (NEC) and causes freezing days, can be found in every decade. For the SCEs, a cold vortex, with its center located over Okhotsk and northeasterly current affecting NEC, is found as an additional feature. For the WCEs, the cold vortex is located in Karafuto and its northwesterly airflow intrudes into NEC. As for the difference between SCEs and WCEs, the northwestern flow is weaker while the northeastern counterpart is stronger during the SCEs, in all decades. In the Takaya–Nakamura flux and divergence fields, for the SCEs, a divergence center exists over NEC; and over its downstream regions, a stronger divergence center appears, not like a wave train. However, the opposite is the case for the WCEs; moreover, the wave train appears clearly during the WCEs, which means that the wave energy can propagate and dissipate more easily during WCEs.  相似文献   
This study compared precipitation, mean air temperature (MAT) and mean sea level pressure (MSLP) from two widely used reanalysis datasets (ERA-40 and NCEP) with those from observed stations across eastern China. The evaluation was based on a comparison of both temporal and spatial variability and included several assessment criteria such as the mean values, normalized root mean square error, Mann–Kendall test, empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) and probability density functions. The results showed that both the ERA-40 and NCEP datasets could capture temporal and spatial variability of the observed precipitation, MAT and MSLP over eastern China. The results showed that the two reanalysis datasets performed better for MAT and MSLP than for precipitation. Overall, the two reanalysis datasets revealed reasonable agreement with observations according to the evaluation. ERA-40 was better at capturing the temporal and spatial distributions for these three variables than NCEP, especially for MAT and MSLP. NCEP tended to overestimate the annual precipitation for both mean and extreme values, while ERA-40 tended to underestimate it, particularly for extreme values. The two reanalysis datasets performed better in the east and northeast regions of the study area than in other regions for capturing the temporal variability of MAT and MSLP. ERA-40 was poor at capturing the temporal variability of precipitation in northeastern China. According to the trend analysis, the two reanalysis datasets showed lower trends for MAT and precipitation and higher trends for MSLP. Both ERA-40 and NCEP had larger explained variances for the first two EOFs than the observed precipitation. This implies that both reanalysis datasets tend to simulate a more uniform spatial distribution for precipitation in the study area.  相似文献   
西北区东部一次暴雨的数值模拟试验   总被引:19,自引:23,他引:19  
运用双向嵌套的中尺度数值预报模式MM5,对1998年7月上旬西北区东部一次暴雨过程进行了高分辨率数值模拟和敏感性试验。结果表明,该模式能较好地模拟这次暴雨过程,对这次暴雨过程相关的中尺度系统的发生发展也作出了较成功的模拟;大尺度及积云对流尺度的凝结潜热在降水过程中是一个主要因子,潜热释放将加热中高层大气,促使高层大气辐散,低层辐合,垂直运动加强,导致较大的降水;初始时刻不同地区低层大气水汽含量的多寡直接对本次暴雨产生影响,并为这次暴雨提供了水汽源;地面水汽和感热的垂直输送为暴雨的发生发展补充了能量。  相似文献   
国家气象中心新一代业务中期预报模式T213L31的主要特点   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
陈起英  姚明明  王雨 《气象》2004,30(10):16-21
T2 1 3中期数值预报系统于 2 0 0 2年 9月 1日起在国家气象中心正式业务化。作为此系统核心的T2 1 3L31全球模式与原业务模式T1 0 6L1 9相比 ,采用了一些新的数值技术 ,包括半拉格朗日时间积分方案的引入 ,采用规约格点 ,分布内存与共享内存并行相结合 ,从而在目前有限的计算机资源条件下 ,能积分高分辨率的模式。更重要的是 ,模式采用了一些更新、具有更真实物理概念的物理过程参数化方案 ,对于辐射方案、次网格尺度地形参数化、积云对流方案、云方案、陆面过程方案都作了很大改进 ,从而克服了许多T1 0 6L1 9模式中存在的问题 ,明显提高了T2 1 3L31模式的预报技巧。  相似文献   
关于梅雨研究的回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从梅雨的划分、梅雨的降水分型、梅雨与季风的关系及梅雨的影响因子几个方面,对前人的研究成果进行了回顾和讨论。最后,提出梅雨研究仍需解决的问题:(1)江淮流域梅雨季节的开始至今仍没有一个客观统一划定标准;(2)南海季风、印度季风等季风子系统对梅雨的影响大小及其机制尚需进一步研究讨论;(3)应针对梅雨季节内江淮流域不同的降水分布型,寻找其前期预兆信号进行深入研究;(4)应特别注意特定海温分布型对梅雨的影响,并从中找出影响梅雨的关键区域和影响的关键时段;(5)积冰和雪盖与梅雨异常的关系仍需进一步求证,影响机制还需进一步探索。  相似文献   
郑州市城市气候特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用郑州城市生态站与郑州国家基准气候站2004-2007年的温、湿气象要素资料,分析了郑州城市干、热岛强度的季节变化及日变化。结果发现:郑州城市热岛强度秋季大于春季,日变化则具有夜间强、白昼弱的特点;干岛强度同样是秋季大于春季,日变化特点也为夜间强,白天弱。  相似文献   
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