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We have identified two contrasting styles of Paleoproterozoic metamorphism in the northern part of the Fennoscandian Shield. The Karelia and Lapland-Kola Provinces, comprising Archean and overlying Paleoproterozoic supracrustal rocks, show a typical medium pressure Barrovian-style metamorphism with commonly found kyanite-bearing mineral assemblages and ITD (isothermal decompression) PT paths. In the juxtaposed Svecofennia Province metamorphism represents low pressure-high temperature Buchan style with garnet-cordierite migmatites and intercalated andalusite-cordierite and andalusite-staurolite schists and sillimanite-muscovite gneisses. The retrograde PT paths show only a moderate uplift during cooling.

U-Pb age determinations on monazite were made using the LA-ICP-MS from more than 80 samples from metasedimentary rocks. The sampling covered most parts of the Paleoproterozoic bedrock in Finland. The analyses reveal three peaks at c. 1.91 Ga, 1.86–1.88 Ga and at 1.79–1.81 Ga. The oldest, c. 1.91 Ga monazites are mostly found in the Lapland-Kola Province which is located in the northernmost Finland. In the Karelia Province where the Paleoproterozoic is underlain by Archean bedrock monazite yielded ages of 1.76?1.81 Ga with only a few older exceptions in samples showing a spread of 207Pb/206Pb ages from c. 1.92–1.81 Ga. The Karelia Province underwent tectonic thickening, where monazite ages of around 1.80 Ga mostly represent exhumation near the temperature maximum.

In the Svecofennia Province monazite ages vary from c. 1.89 to 1.78 Ga. In the Western Finland Subprovince the monazite ages in high-grade migmatites are mostly 1.86?1.88 Ga but within the older migmatite areas there are lower grade zones where monazite yields ages of c. 1.80 Ga. Some samples also show a spread of 207Pb/206Pb ages from 1.89?1.86 Ga to c. 1.78 Ga. In the Southern Finland Subprovince most ages are either 1.80?1.78 Ga, especially in the andalusite grade schists, or the sample shows a spread of 207Pb/206Pb ages from c. 1.88 to 1.78 Ga. Only in the eastern part of the Southern Finland Subprovince there are rocks which yield merely 1.86?1.89 Ga ages. Low pressure-high temperature metamorphism and lack of high or medium P/T rocks in the Svecofennia Province refers rather to accretionary than collisional processes.  相似文献   
In a valley sheltered from strong synoptic effects, the dynamics of the valley atmosphere at night is dominated by katabatic winds. In a stably stratified atmosphere, these winds undergo temporal oscillations, whose frequency is given by $N \sin {\alpha }$ N sin α for an infinitely long slope of constant slope angle $\alpha $ α , $N$ N being the buoyancy frequency. Such an unsteady flow in a stably stratified atmosphere may also generate internal gravity waves (IGWs). The numerical study by Chemel et al. (Meteorol Atmos Phys 203:187–194, 2009) showed that, in the stable atmosphere of a deep valley, the oscillatory motions associated with the IGWs generated by katabatic winds are distinct from those of the katabatic winds. The IGW frequency was found to be independent of $\alpha $ α and about $0.8N$ 0.8 N . Their study did not consider the effects of the background stratification and valley geometry on these results. The present work extends this study by investigating those effects for a wide range of stratifications and slope angles, through numerical simulations for a deep valley. The two oscillatory systems are reproduced in the simulations. The frequency of the oscillations of the katabatic winds is found to be equal to $N$ N times the sine of the maximum slope angle. Remarkably, the IGW frequency is found to also vary as $C_\mathrm{w}N$ C w N , with $C_\mathrm{w}$ C w in the range $0.7$ 0.7 $0.95$ 0.95 . These values for $C_\mathrm{w}$ C w are similar to those reported for IGWs radiated by any turbulent field with no dominant frequency component. Results suggest that the IGW wavelength is controlled by the valley depth.  相似文献   
In a novel finding for a beach environment, Poizot et al. (2013) identified an FB+ trend (sediments becoming finer, better sorted and more positively skewed upshore) on a well-developed swash bar on the upper foreshore of the Camposoto beach of Cádiz in SW Spain. In their Discussion of that paper, Muñoz-Perez et al. (2014) provide some supporting arguments and also report grain-size, beach profile and other data from nearby beaches which differ from those of Poizot and colleagues for Camposoto beach, pointing out that a trend observed on one beach may not apply to a neighbouring beach. However, even though the absolute values differ, the overall trends actually do show the same general behaviour. In our Reply to their comments, we also address some difficulties in comparing granulometric datasets generated by different analytical techniques.  相似文献   

À la bordure occidentale du massif du Grand Paradis (Alpes occidentales), la zone Piémontaise est constituée des unités océaniques des schistes lustrés et de l’unité continentale du Grand Paradis. Une étude métamorphique nous permet de préciser et de discuter des discontinuités de pression et des conditions de rétro-morphose de trois unités piémontaises déjà distinguées antérieurement. L’unité supérieure des schistes lustrés (LS) métamorphisée dans le faciès des schistes bleus (9.5 ± 2 kbar, 340 ± 30 °C). L’unité inférieure des schistes lustrés (LI) métamorphisée dans le faciès des éclogites (12.5±3 kbar, 480±50 °C). L’unité continentale du Grand Paradis (GP) métamorphisée dans le faciès des éclogites de plus haute pression (12 à 20 kbar, 500 ± 50 °C). L’ensemble des unités enregistre une décompression dans les conditions du faciès amphibolite à épidote, et donc avec une légère augmentation tardive de température, pour les unités LI et GP, et dans celles des schistes verts pour l’unité LS. L’étude des inclusions fluides dans les fentes de tension et dans les plans de cisaillement, en parallèle à l’élude des paragenèses rétromorphiques permet de montrer que c’est tardivement (4 ± 1 kbar, 400 ± 50 °C) que l’histoire tectonomélamor-phique devient commune à l’ensemble des unités. L’étude du champ de la déformation finie met en évidence une tectonique en extension qui débute en conditions ductiles dans le faciès amphibolite à épidote pour LI, et schiste vert pour LS, et se poursuit en conditions fragiles. La déformation ductile se traduit par des trajectoires en dômes et bassins de la foliation, avec une partition entre des domaines en aplatissement au c?ur des dômes et des domaines en cisaillement simple en bordure des dômes, au contact entre les différentes unités. La déformation fragile correspond au continuum plus tardif de la déformation extensive ductile. Cette tectonique extensive n’est qu’en partie responsable des sautes de pression entre les trois unités étudiés. Elle correspond à l’accommodation, en surface, au poinçonnement vertical des unités de haute pression, en contexte de convergence, par l’écaillage progressif de la croûte européenne à l’avant du butoir mantellique apulien. © 2000 Editions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   
Evolving mountain belts dynamics is very sensitive to surface processes. The surface processes affect tectonics by enhancing crust exhumation and thermal weakening, and depositing soft yet cold sediments in surrounding basins. While 2D plane strain models approximate cylindrical tectonic structures well, simple 1D mass transfer cannot capture erosion–sedimentation complexity. The Eastern Kyrgyz Tien Shan, where structures, basins and exhumation rates are well constrained, is used here to illustrate this issue. Thermo‐mechanical models demonstrate that 1D transport cannot adjust both basin geometry and Apatite Fission Track exhumation ages. When out‐of‐plane sediment transfer is considered, the amount of evacuated sediment delays or accelerates the formation of new faults, affecting the relative timing of exhumation. For our case study, lateral drainage must evacuate 80% of the sediments to match the geological constraints, which is consistent with other source to sink analyses. This indicates that lateral drainage should not be neglected in regional 2D models.  相似文献   
秦岭翠华山水湫池地区分布的黑云母花岗岩是陕西翠华山国家山崩地质公园的崩塌母岩,目前还未见对其系统地开展年代学、地球化学研究。本文在野外调查的基础上,对翠华山水湫池地区分布的黑云母花岗岩首次进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年、Lu-Hf同位素及全岩地球化学分析,获得锆石U-Pb加权平均年龄为149.4Ma±1.1 Ma,时代属于晚侏罗世;结合前人的研究成果资料,翠华山复式岩体可能存在~227 Ma、~150 Ma、~119 Ma三期岩浆侵位活动;全岩地球化学分析具有高硅(w(SiO2)=69.83%~75.31%)、富钾(w(K2O)=2.71%~5.23%)、弱过铝质(A/CNK=1.00~1.07)特征,属于高钾钙碱性-钾玄岩Ⅰ型花岗岩;其轻、重稀土分馏明显(w(LREE)/w(HREE)=10.09~67.50),富集LILE(K、La、Pb、Sr)、亏损HFSE(Ta、Nb、P、Ti),Eu呈弱负异常—轻微正异常,且显示高Sr低Y花岗岩特征;锆石Hf同位素分析得出εHf(t)=-4.6~-1.4,T...  相似文献   
In the Lesser Caucasus and NE Anatolia, three domains are distinguished from south to north: (1) Gondwanian-derived continental terranes represented by the South Armenian Block (SAB) and the Tauride–Anatolide Platform (TAP), (2) scattered outcrops of Mesozoic ophiolites, obducted during the Upper Cretaceous times, marking the northern Neotethys suture, and (3) the Eurasian plate, represented by the Eastern Pontides and the Somkheto-Karabagh Arc. At several locations along the northern Neotethyan suture, slivers of preserved unmetamorphozed relics of now-disappeared Northern Neotethys oceanic domain (ophiolite bodies) are obducted over the northern edge of the passive SAB and TAP margins to the south. There is evidence for thrusting of the suture zone ophiolites towards the north; however, we ascribe this to retro-thrusting and accretion onto the active Eurasian margin during the latter stages of obduction. Geodynamic reconstructions of the Lesser Caucasus feature two north dipping subduction zones: (1) one under the Eurasian margin and (2) farther south, an intra-oceanic subduction leading to ophiolite emplacement above the northern margin of SAB. We extend our model for the Lesser Caucasus to NE Anatolia by proposing that the ophiolites of these zones originate from the same oceanic domain, emplaced during a common obduction event. This would correspond to the obduction of non-metamorphic oceanic domain along a lateral distance of more than 500?km and overthrust up to 80?km of passive continental margin. We infer that the missing volcanic arc, formed above the intra-oceanic subduction, was dragged under the obducting ophiolite through scaling by faulting and tectonic erosion. In this scenario part of the blueschists of Stepanavan, the garnet amphibolites of Amasia and the metamorphic arc complex of Erzincan correspond to this missing volcanic arc. Distal outcrops of this exceptional object were preserved from latter collision, concentrated along the suture zones.  相似文献   
A new approach was developed to measure the water content of silicate glasses using Raman spectroscopy, which is independent of the glass matrix composition and structure. Contrary to previous studies, the compositional range of our studied silicate glasses was not restricted to rhyolites, but included andesitic, basaltic and phonolitic glasses. We used 21 glasses with known water contents for calibration. To reduce the uncertainties caused by the baseline removal and correct for the influence of the glass composition on the spectra, we developed the following strategy: (1) application of a frequency-dependent intensity correction of the Raman spectra; (2) normalization of the water peak using the broad T–O and T–O–T vibration band at 850–1250 cm−1 wavenumbers (instead of the low wavenumber T–O–T broad band, which appeared to be highly sensitive to the FeO content and the degree of polymerization of the melt); (3) normalization of the integrated Si-O band area by the total number of tetrahedral cations and the position of the band maximum. The calibration line shows a ±0.4 wt% uncertainty at one relative standard deviation in the range of 0.8–9.5 wt% water and a wide range of natural melt compositions. This method provides a simple, quick, broadly available and cost-effective way for a quantitative determination of the water content of silicate glasses. Application to silicate melt inclusions yielded data in good agreement with SIMS data.  相似文献   
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