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张萍  李哲  王胜  郭劲松  肖艳  刘静 《湖泊科学》2015,27(3):459-465
水华鱼腥藻是常见的有害水华藻种,但其在磷、光强、温度等生境要素协同作用下的生长动力学鲜见报道.本研究在Lehman模型、Steele模型基础上,设置8个PO3-4-P梯度:0、0.1、0.2、0.5、0.75、1.0、2.5、5.0μmol/L,4个温度水平:15、20、25和30℃和4个光强水平:1000、2000、3000和5000 lx,采取单因素实验方法进行水华鱼腥藻室内纯培养.Monod模型表明水华鱼腥藻最适生长温度和光强条件分别是20℃和3000 lx,最大比生长速率(μmax)和半饱和常数(KS)分别为0.447 d-1和0.081μmol P/L;分别用Lehman模型和Steele模型模拟水华鱼腥藻μmax在不同磷浓度下对连续变化的温度和光强的响应,Lehman动力学模拟结果表明水华鱼腥藻的最适生长温度为21.22±0.98℃,μmax和KS分别为0.421±0.011 d-1和0.055±0.009μmol P/L;Steele模型结果表明μmax和KS分别为0.461±0.010 d-1和0.051±0.009μmol P/L,水华鱼腥藻最适生长光强Ik为2650.93±88.19 lx.  相似文献   
渭干河流域"2002·7"特大洪水分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄健  毛炜峄  李燕  王顺德 《冰川冻土》2003,25(2):204-210
渭干河是塔里木河流域第六大源流, 位于天山西部南麓, 渭干河干流起点有新疆最大的流域性控制工程--克孜尔水库. 2002年7月下旬天山中西部山区出现大暴雨(雪)过程, 渭干河流域山区降水持续时间长达30 h以上, 山区降水量50 mm左右, 导致5条支流和渭干河干流出现有水文记录以来的最大洪峰, 流量超过警戒流量和危险流量的2~3.5倍, 暴雨(雪)过程结束之后, 融雪型洪峰长时间居高不下. 洪水过程中, 各支流以及暴雨与融雪等多种洪峰遭遇现象很明显. 克孜尔水库入库洪峰流量达3 660 m3*s-1, 经水库调洪错峰, 出库峰值流量为1 000 m3*s-1, 削峰率72.7%.  相似文献   
通过对延边地区东部五道沟岩群黑云阳起石片岩的单颗粒锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄测定.获得21个单点年龄,其中包括7组谐和年龄和1组不谐和年龄.谐和年龄分别为1347.8 Ma、844.8 Ma、340.2~313.7 Ma(平均值为323±23 Ma,N=4,MSWD=0.23,置信度=0.88)、292.9~288.3 Ma(平均值=291±25 Ma,N=3,MSWD=0.031.置信度=0.86)、279.2~266.2 Ma(平均值为279±28 Ma,N=4,MSWD=0.031,置信度=0.86)、127.4~124.2 Ma(206Pb/208U年龄平均值为126.5±3.7 Ma,N=5,MSWD=0.12;置信度=O.97)、116.1~106.3 Ma(平均值为115±39 Ma,N=2,MSWD=1.2置信度=0.27),不谐和年龄的下交点年龄为(451±120)Ma、上交点年龄为(1811±400)Ma(MSWD=7.2);这一结果表明:阳起石片岩的原岩主要是来自中元古代、新元古代和早古生代的碎屑物,指示五道沟群的沉积成岩作用发生在石炭世(323±23 Ma),变质作用发生在晚二叠世(291±25 Ma),之后在279.2~266.2 Ma、126.5~106.3 Ma先后受两次岩浆用和蚀变作用的改造.  相似文献   
嫦娥三号卫星于2013年12月2日发射,并成功着陆月球,其巡视器上搭载的测月雷达实现了首次雷达就位探测月球。基于测月雷达的探测机制,给出了两种计算月壤相对介电常数的方法,标定件标定法和双天线时延法,并通过仿真验证了两种计算方法的有效性,文中同时给出了两种计算方法存在的局限性,为后期基于嫦娥三号雷达数据进行月球次表层的介电特性反演提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
In this paper, we reconstruct the finite energy force-free magnetic field of the active region NOAA 8100 on 4 November 1997 above the photosphere. In particular, the 3-D magnetic field structures before and after a 2B/X2 flare at 05:58 UT in this region are analyzed. The magnetic field lines were extrapolated in close coincidence with the Yohkoh soft X-ray (SXR) loops accordingly. It is found that the active region is composed of an emerging flux loop, a complex loop system with differential magnetic field shear, and large-scale, or open field lines. Similar magnetic connectivity has been obtained for both instants but apparent changes of the twisting situations of the calculated magnetic field lines can be observed that properly align with the corresponding SXR coronal loops. We conclude that this flare was triggered by the interaction of an emerging flux loop and a large loop system with differential magnetic field shear, as well as large-scale, or open field lines. The onset of the flare was at the common footpoints of several interacting magnetic loops and confined near the footpoints of the emerging flux loop. The sheared configuration remained even after the energetic flare, as demonstrated by calculated values of the twist for the loop system, which means that the active region was relaxed to a lower energy state but not completely to the minimum energy state (two days later another X-class flare occurred in this region).  相似文献   
中国内陆干旱、半干旱区苦咸水分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过大量野外调查、水样采集和化验分析,对中国内陆干旱、半干旱区的苦咸水和高氟水分布特征进行了初步研究。采集到的地表和地下水样中,分别有51.0%和41.5%属于苦咸水;55%和59%水样氟化物含量超标,属于高氟水。研究区的苦咸水以Cl--Na+和HCO3--Na+为主要离子类型,SO42--Mg2+和SO42--Ca2+为次要离子类型。苦咸水和高氟水主要分布在内陆河流域下游尾闾、封闭内流区低洼湖盆低地、北部准平原化干燥剥蚀低山残丘间冲积洼地、沙漠低洼湖盆和黄土高原中西部径流系数较小的河流及部分露头潜水等区域,并具有区域富集性分布特点。季节性降水、季节性河流或渠系灌溉对苦咸水的季节性或年际间变化和空间分布有较大影响。较高浓度基质含盐量、水文地质结构、气候条件和特定的水文地球化学环境是苦咸水和高氟水形成与富集分布的主要原因。  相似文献   
GPS掩星技术低轨卫星计划的现状及进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
主要介绍了几个国际上已经实施的GPS掩星计划(GPS/MET,Φrsted,Sunsat,SAC-C,CHAMP)和在研的(COSMIC,ACE)低轨卫星计划的现状及取得的进展。通过总结可知,下一代GPS掩星接收器应具有体积小、质量轻(几百克)、低功耗的特点;能提供实时的卫星物理状态参数;飞行器上的自主计算和控制;星上数据通信和命令解释;所有跟踪数据应符合厘米级精密定轨的要求;能提供掩星和海洋反射实验的测量。  相似文献   
河口大型滩涂演化关系到航运通畅、生态保护以及近岸工程的安全性,是地貌学和工程界关注的热点。利用单波束测深系统对长江口崇明东滩进行高精度监测,并结合近年来周围环境因素分析其冲淤格局。结果表明:(1) 2011-2017年间崇明东滩和北港北沙基本以淤积为主,北港北汊河槽中央局部形成-2 m心滩,-5 m等深线包络面积基本稳定,整体呈"长高不长大"的格局;(2)海洋来沙是其淤积的主要物源,汊道涨落潮时空分异而形成的两大环流是塑造此地形的主要原因;崇明东滩和北港北沙的淤积直接挤压北港北汊的发展,沙体淤积可能会引起未来两大沙体的并靠;(3)崇明东滩、北支南沿的滩涂整治工程是促进北支萎缩和崇明东滩淤积的重要因素,另外横沙通道落潮分流增加,青草沙围水工程改变了北港河槽的曲率,也有利于北港北沙的淤积。  相似文献   

Based on hydrological data obtained during the 7th to 9th Chinese National Arctic Research Expeditions in the summers of 2016–2018, the main water structure on the shelf of the northern Bering Sea and the volume and heat fluxes of the Bering Strait throughflow were analyzed. Distinct variability was identified in the three Pacific water masses feeding the strait - Anadyr Water (AW), Bering Shelf Water (BSW) and Alaskan coastal water (ACW). Overall, the temperature and salinity of the entire section increased each year, with 2018 showing significant anomalies, i.e., a temperature anomaly of up to 1?°C and a maximum salinity anomaly of 2. From 2016 to 2018, the extent of the ACW gradually narrowed in the eastern part of this section, while the AW expanded eastward each year. The net volume transport through each of the three sections increased poleward from 1.65?Sv to 2.76?Sv, with the AW increasing from 0?Sv to 1.03?Sv, the BSW varying between 0.52–1.65?Sv, and the ACW gradually decreasing from 1.04?Sv to disappearing completely. The net heat fluxes were also poleward, varying between 25.77 TW and 61.50 TW, and showing a significant increase. Significant variations in magnitude and extent were observed in each water mass of the Bering Strait throughflow, which could produce widespread effects in the Arctic Ocean and the global ocean beyond.  相似文献   
Zintl化合物是以Edward Zintl命名的化合物,是一类由电正性的碱金属或碱土金属与电负性的13族或14族元素形成的特殊金属间化合物。其价键模式可以是离子键、金属键和共价键共存,其中的准金属可以共价键的形式形成各种形式的离子簇,因而其结构复杂多样。这类化合物的部分阴离子簇不仅具有稳定的笼状、层状和链状结构,并且具有特殊的光、电、磁等性能,使得在半导体、催化、电极材料等方面都有应用的前景和发展潜力。介绍了几个特殊Zintl化合物体系,盐湖丰产元素在Zintl化合物中的作用,指出了含有盐湖丰产元素的Zintl化合物的应用前景和方向。  相似文献   
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