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该种方法利用离子色谱仪的电导检测器与电化学检测器串联 ,十几分钟即可连续完成水中S2 - 、SO2 - 3 、SO2 - 4、S2 O2 - 3 的测定 ,方法具有快速、高效、方便、灵敏、选择性好等特点。方法的检出限分别为 :S2 - 12 5 μg/L ;SO2 - 3 2 2 4 μg/L ;SO2 - 45 0 μg/L ;S2 O2 - 35 0 μg/L。相对标准偏差在 1 5 %~ 6 9%之间 ,能够满足水中S2 - 、SO2 - 3 、SO2 - 4、S2 O2 - 3四种阴离子分析测试的需要。  相似文献   
根据深海钻探样品分析,对东太平洋地区573孔始新世末渐新世初的地层进行了研究,尤其是研究了其稀土元素地球化学特征。各层球粒陨石标准化值曲线平缓,重稀土相对富集,各层Ce严重亏损(第2层轻度亏损),各层的Eu仅轻度亏损。始新世与渐新世的界线地层含钨粘土层的稀土元素含量明显比其它层含量高得多。此外,该层还富含Fe及指示地外成因的Ni、Co、Ir等元素,且底部富含微玻璃陨石。这些特征说明该含金属粘土层的形成与火山活动有显关系,其底部可能还与陨击作用相联系。从区域地质情况来看,始新世末期有明显的生物灭绝和环境变化,微玻璃陨石广泛发育,说明该时期明显的灾变事件发生。  相似文献   
常州市区地下水污染研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据常州市地下水环境背景值、水质长期监测数据,分析常州市地下水水质演变规律。通过分析1982年至2009年水质状况,对地下水污染程度进行分级,综合评价地下水水质。并结合地下水污染因子变化规律、水化学类型变化趋势,提出地下水保护综合治理措施。  相似文献   
The Hongge magmatic Fe-Ti-V oxide deposit in the Panxi region, SW China, is hosted in a layered mafic–ultramafic intrusion. This 2.7-km-thick, lopolith-like intrusion consists of the lower, middle, and upper zones, which are composed of olivine clinopyroxenite, clinopyroxenite, and gabbro, respectively. Abundant Fe-Ti oxide layers mainly occur in the middle zone and the lower part of the upper zone. Fe-Ti oxides include Cr-rich and Cr-poor titanomagnetite and granular ilmenite. Cr-rich titanomagnetite is commonly disseminated in the olivine clinopyroxenite of the lower parts of the lower and middle zones and contains 1.89 to 14.9 wt% Cr2O3 and 3.20 to 16.2 wt% TiO2, whereas Cr-poor titanomagnetite typically occurs as net-textured and massive ores in the upper middle and upper zones and contains much lower Cr2O3 (<0.4 wt%) but more variable TiO2 (0.11 to 18.2 wt%). Disseminated Cr-rich titanomagnetite in the ultramafic rocks is commonly enclosed in either olivine or clinopyroxene, whereas Cr-poor titanomangetite of the net-textured and massive ores is mainly interstitial to clinopyroxene and plagioclase. The lithology of the Hongge intrusion is consistent with multiple injections of magmas, the lower zone being derived from a single pulse of less differentiated ferrobasaltic magma and the middle and upper zones from multiple pulses of more differentiated magmas. Cr-rich titanomagnetite in the disseminated ores of the lower and middle zones is interpreted to represent an early crystallization phase whereas clusters of Cr-poor titanomagnetite, granular ilmenite, and apatite in the net-textured ores of the middle and upper zones are thought to have formed from an Fe-Ti-(P)-rich melt segregated from a differentiated ferrobasaltic magma as a result of liquid immiscibility. The dense Fe-Ti-(P)-rich melt percolated downward through the underlying silicate crystal mush to form net-textured and massive Fe-Ti oxide ores, whereas the coexisting Si-rich melt formed the overlying plagioclase-rich rocks in the intrusion.  相似文献   
川西前陆盆地天然气成藏过程   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
川西前陆盆地具有丰富的天然气资源,发育上三叠统巨厚的煤系烃源岩,以生气为主,并发育多套储盖组合。天然气成因类型主要是煤成气,目前的气田分布主要受古隆起、沟通下部烃源岩和上部储集层的隐伏断层以及储集条件的控制。川西前陆盆地具有多期成藏、燕山期或喜山期聚集、喜山期调整等特点。来自上三叠统煤系源岩的天然气聚集主要在燕山期,形成原生气藏或下生上储型气藏;后经过喜山期的逆冲作用,对浅层储集层进行改造,产生的断裂沟通深部气藏与浅层圈闭,在对深层(主要在上三叠统)原生气藏进行改造的同时形成浅层(侏罗系)次生气藏。  相似文献   
Results of the mineral and chemical study of surface-altered hyaloclastites from the Theistareykir and Nämafjall geothermal zones, the North Iceland rift, are considered. The paper scrutinizes the composition of hydrothermally altered rocks mainly consisting of clay minerals related to the transformation of bedrock hyaloclastites. The clay minerals also make up slope talus or proluvial deltas around highlands. The major clay minerals in areas of the present-day fumarole activity are kaolinite and smectite, while the redeposited talus-proluvial sediments are mainly composed of smectites. The studied rocks contain framboids, globules, rods, and other structures with morphology and size similar to those of mineralized bacteria. The local concentration of Ag in proluvial deposits is attributed to the intense bacterial activity. It is supposed that elevated contents of some trace elements could be related to an intense microbiotic influence.  相似文献   
The origin of granite-gneiss domes is traditionally attributed to gravity tectonics, the ascent of granite-gneiss diapirs in a gravitational field owing to a relative decrease in the density of granitized rocks compared with their protolith. This is usually considered by the example of a two-layer medium with a lower layer of granitized rocks overlain by a denser protolith layer; the development of gravitational instability in the system results in the ascent of a granite-gneiss diapir. However, the diapiric process can be initiated only if Archimedes?? buoyancy forces at the roof of the granite-gneiss layer will overcome the resistance of the protolith rocks related to their long-term strength. Under the conditions of plastic deformations, this requires the existence of a large-scale irregularity in the relief of the layer boundary, namely, an antiform cusp in the roof of the granite-gneiss layer. The model is based on the assumption that such antiforms appear owing to the reactive infiltration instability of the morphology of the granitization front caused by an increase in the fluid permeability of granitized rocks compared with that of the protolith. The results of computer modeling support the geological feasibility of the reactive infiltration mechanism of the generation and development of the protodiapiric forms of the granitization front triggering the development of the diapiric process of the gravitational upwelling of granite-gneiss domes. The model of a protodiapir stage allows us to consider dome formation as a result of the development of two sequential instabilities: the reactive infiltration instability of the granitization front related to an increase in the permeability of the transformed rock followed by the gravitational instability related to a relative decrease in rock density.  相似文献   
王彦 《矿物学报》2012,32(2):316-320
以表格的形式汇总介绍了SCI收录的20种矿物学类目核心期刊的刊名、国际标准刊号(ISSN)、出版地和最新影响因子,并详细介绍了这20种期刊的出版周期、出版者、联系地址、最新期刊网址及期刊描述等全方位的期刊信息。期刊描述内容包括:期刊的创刊年以及期刊的发展,期刊刊载的主要内容,网站可免费获取的该刊目次和文摘及全文信息等,以便为相应学科的科研工作者提供参考。  相似文献   
Melt inclusions and aqueous fluid inclusions in quartz phenocrysts from host felsic volcanics, as well as fluid inclusions in minerals of ores and wall rocks were studied at the Cu-Zn massive sulfide deposits in the Verkhneural’sk ore district, the South Urals. The high-temperature (850–1210°C) magmatic melts of volcanic rocks are normal in alkalinity and correspond to rhyolites of the tholeiitic series. The groups of predominant K-Na-type (K2O/Na2O = 0.3–1.0), less abundant Na-type (K2O/Na2O = 0.15–0.3), and K-type (K2O/Na2O = 1.9–9.3) rhyolites are distinguished. The average concentrations (wt %) of volatile components in the melts are as follows: 2.9 H2O (up to 6.5), 0.13 Cl (up to 0.28), and 0.09 F (up to 0.42). When quartz was crystallizing, the melt was heterogeneous, contained magnetite crystals and sulfide globules (pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, bornite). High-density aqueous fluid inclusions, which were identified for the first time in quartz phenocrysts from felsic volcanics of the South Urals, provide evidence for real participation of magmatic water in hydrothermal ore formation. The fluids were homogenized at 124–245°C in the liquid phase; the salinity of the aqueous solution is 1.2–6.2 wt % NaCl equiv. The calculated fluid pressure is very high: 7.0–8.7 kbar at 850°C and 5.1–6.8 kbar at 700°C. The LA-ICP-MS analysis of melt and aqueous fluid inclusions in quartz phenocrysts shows a high saturation of primary magmatic fluid and melt with metals. This indicates ore potential of island-arc volcanic complexes spatially associated with massive sulfide deposits. The systematic study of fluid inclusions in minerals of ores and wall rocks at five massive sulfide deposits of the Verkhneural’sk district furnished evidence that ore-forming fluids had temperature of 375–115°C, pressure up to 1.0–0.5 kbar, chloride composition, and salinity of 0.8–11.2 (occasionally up to 22.8) wt % NaCl equiv. The H and O isotopic compositions of sericite from host metasomatic rocks suggest a substantial contribution of seawater to the composition of mineral-forming fluids. The role of magmatic water increases in the central zones of the feeding conduit and with depth. The dual nature of fluids with the prevalence of their magmatic source is supported by S, C, O, and Sr isotopic compositions. The TC parameters of the formation of massive sulfide deposits are consistent with the data on fluid inclusions from contemporary sulfide mounds on the oceanic bottom.  相似文献   
Jilin Province in NE China lies on the eastern edge of the Xing–Meng Orogenic Belt. Mineral exploration in this area has resulted in the discovery of numerous large, medium, and small sized Cu, Mo, Au, and Co deposits. To better understand the formation and distribution of both the porphyry and skarn types Cu deposits of the region, we examined the geological characteristics of the deposits and applied zircon U–Pb and molybdenite Re–Os isotope dating to constrain the age of the mineralization. The Binghugou Cu deposit yields a zircon U–Pb age for quartz diorite of 128.1 ± 1.6 Ma; the Chang'anpu Cu deposit yields a zircon U–Pb age for granite porphyry of 117.0 ± 1.4 Ma; the Ermi Cu deposit yields a zircon U–Pb age for granite porphyry of 96.8 ± 1.1 Ma; the Tongshan Cu deposit yields molybdenite Re–Os model ages of 128.7 to 130.2 Ma, an isochron age of 129.0 ± 1.6 Ma, and a weighted mean model age of 129.2 ± 0.7 Ma; and the Tianhexing Cu deposit yields molybdenite Re–Os model ages of 113.9 to 115.2 Ma, an isochron age of 114.7 ± 1.2 Ma, and a weighted mean model age of 114.7 ± 0.7 Ma. The new ages, combined with existing geochronology data, show that intense porphyry and skarn types Cu mineralization was coeval with Cretaceous magmatism. The geotectonic processes responsible for the genesis of the Cu mineralization were probably related to lithospheric thinning. By analyzing the accumulated molybdenite Re–Os, zircon U–Pb, and Ar–Ar ages for NE China, it is concluded that the Cu deposits formed during multiple events coinciding with periods of magmatic activity. We have identified five phases of mineralization: early Paleozoic (~476 Ma), late Paleozoic (286.5–273.6 Ma), early Mesozoic (~228.7 Ma), Jurassic (194.8–137.1 Ma), and Cretaceous (131.2–96.8 Ma). Although Cu deposits formed during each phase, most of the Cu mineralization occurred during the Cretaceous.  相似文献   
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