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In this paper, an improved algorithm is proposed to separate blended seismic data. We formulate the deblending problem as a regularization problem in both common receiver domain and frequency domain. It is suitable for different kinds of coding methods such as random time delay discussed in this paper. Two basic approximation frames, which are iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm (ISTA) and fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm (FISTA), are compared. We also derive the Lipschitz constant used in approximation frames. In order to achieve a faster convergence and higher accuracy, we propose to use firm-thresholding function as the thresholding function in ISTA and FISTA. Two synthetic blended examples demonstrate that the performances of four kinds of algorithms (ISTA with soft- and firm-thresholding, FISTA with soft- and firm-thresholding) are all effective, and furthermore FISTA with a firm-thresholding operator exhibits the most robust behavior. Finally, we show one numerically blended field data example processed by FISTA with firm-thresholding function.  相似文献   
横断山区产水服务空间异质性及归因分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
戴尔阜  王亚慧 《地理学报》2020,75(3):607-619
包括产水服务在内的生态系统服务已被纳入区域土地利用规划以及可持续发展决策中,识别其空间分异特征及影响因素是进行决策的基础,而空间分异的定量归因研究仍需进一步加强。以空间异质性明显的中国横断山区为研究区,借助InVEST模型模拟产水服务空间分布,选择气候、地形、土壤、植被、土地利用等因子,采用地理探测器开展产水服务空间异质性归因分析。结果表明,① 气候类因子是产水服务空间异质性的主要控制因子,其中以降水量和蒸散量为主。② 在不同地貌及气候分区中,各因子对产水的空间分异的解释能力存在显著差异:平缓地区,蒸散量解释能力远高于降水量,随着起伏度的增大,降水量解释能力逐步增强,最终成为主要因子;在高原气候区,以蒸散量解释能力最强,而在中亚热带气候区,降水量为主要的控制因子。③ 值得注意的是,平缓地区土地利用类型因子的解释能力较为突出,在山区发展中应注意土地利用的合理规划,以减轻土地利用变化对产水服务空间变化的影响。④ 风险探测识别的产水服务重要区主要为初育土及人为土分布区、灌木林区以及坡度在≤ 5°和25°~35°区域,而其对应的高程值则在不同区域之间存在差异,因此,在横断山区产水服务的维持与保护工作中应充分考虑不同分区的具体情况。  相似文献   
针对降雨输入不确定性对实时洪水预报影响的问题,本文采用不考虑未来预报降雨、考虑未来预报降雨、考虑预报降雨的降雨量误差和降雨时间误差4种方法,以陕西省两个半湿润流域(陈河流域和大河坝流域)为研究区域,分析不同预见期和不同降雨输入情况下洪水预报的精度.研究表明:相对于不考虑未来降雨情况,考虑未来降雨后在预报预见期较长时对预报结果精度提升较大,在预见期较短时对预报结果精度提升不显著;暴雨中心位置不同对预报精度影响也不同,当暴雨中心位于流域下游时降雨量误差对流量预报误差影响更大;降雨量误差主要影响洪量相对误差和洪峰相对误差,且这种影响是线性的,对确定性系数的影响是非线性的二次函数,降雨时间误差主要影响峰现时间误差.  相似文献   
The growth and interspecies competition of two red tide algal species Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle et Heimdal and Gymnodinium sp.were studied under different concentration ratios of nitrogen to phosphorus,and the algal batch culture experiments were conducted.The physiological and biochemical indexes were measured periodically,including the maximum comparing growth rate,relative growth rate,average double time and chlorophyll a concentration.The results showed that when the concentration ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus was 16:1,the maximum comparing growth rate,relative growth rate and chlorophyll a concentration of Thalassiosira pseudonana all reached the highest,and average double time was the shortest.This implied that the optimal concentration ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus of Thalassiosira pseudonana is 16:1.When the concentration ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus was 6:1,the maximum comparing growth rate,relative growth rate and the chlorophyll a concentration of Gymnodinium sp.reached the highest,and average double time was the shortest,so the optimal concentration ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus of Gymnodinium sp.is 6:1.From the growth curves as indicated both in the cell density and the chlorophyll a concentration,it is suggested that the influence of concentration ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus on the chlorophyll a concentration and the cell density are almost the same.Different concentration ratios of nitrogen to phosphorus had weak influence on community succession and the competition between the two algae.Gymnodinium sp.may use the phosphorus in vivo for growth,so it is important to pay attention to the concealment of phosphorus,in order to avoid the outbreak of red tide.On the basis of the importance of nitrogen and phosphorus and the ratio of their concentration,the possible outbreak mechanism of red tide of the two algae was also discussed.  相似文献   
王亚辉  全华  王亚力 《地理科学进展》2019,38(12):1903-1916
近年来交叉研究已成为国内外旅游研究的主流范式。入境旅游研究一直以来又是旅游交叉研究的重点和热点。国际友城关系是一种重要的城市外交关系。探讨国际友城关系的入境游效应及其时空异质性,有助于挖掘入境旅游的驱动力。基于此,论文将国际友城关系(城市外交)纳入城市入境旅游影响因素模型,以中国60个典型城市1973—2017年的面板数据,运用工具变量两阶段回归法实证检验了城市缔结国际友城、国际友城累计数对城市外国游客规模增长的推动作用,以及这种作用是否因城市的区位差异而呈现出异质性。研究发现:① 城市缔结国际友城关系,显著增加了城市外国游客接待规模。平均而言,城市缔结国际友城比未缔结国际友城接待的外国游客多约150%~160%。② 城市缔结的国际友城累计数的增加对城市外国游客接待规模的正向促进作用平均达3.6%~3.9%,即城市缔结的国际友城累计数每增加1%,城市接待的外国游客规模平均将增加3.6~3.9个百分点。③ 缔结国际友城以及国际友城数量的增加对城市外国游客规模的推动作用存在显著的区域异质性。其中,中西部城市的异质性强于东部和东北部城市,这主要源于不同区域城市开展国际友城关系的时间长短以及与国际友城外方城市间的交流合作密切程度等因素所致。④ 理论上城市缔结的国际友城累计超过50对时,再增加国际友城数量对城市外国游客规模的推动作用将不再明显。研究成果不仅拓宽了传统入境旅游的研究视角,更丰富了入境旅游驱动力理论,同时为中国城市借助国际友城关系推动外国游客规模增长提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
在新型城镇化工作大力推进、户籍制度改革不断深化的背景下,建立城乡一体的不动产登记制度显得尤为必要。本文扼要叙述了不动产登记与城乡协调发展的关系,阐明了城乡协调发展的落脚点是建立归属清晰、权责明确、监管有效的产权制度,统一城乡不动产登记对实现城乡一体的土地产权意义重大。其次基于不动产统一登记制度,提出了促进城乡协调发展的具体措施,以实现城乡服务共享、数据互联、市场公平、同权同利。  相似文献   
The biomass, species composition and diversity of benthic diatom assemblages in mud-flat soils in Kandelia candel (L.) Druce communities with and without vegetation were studied seasonally at the Houyu Bay in Fuding City, Fujian Province, China. A total of 103 taxa were identified (including varieties). Eighty-four taxa were found in the mud-flat with vegetation and 74 taxa in the mud-flat without vegetation, while the biomass was large in January and April and decreased from July to October. The most abundant species in the mud-flat with vegetation are Nitzschia cocconeiformis, Gyrosigma scalproides and N. fasciculata, compared with G. scalproides and N.obtusa var. scalpelliformis in the mud-flat without vegetation. High/P values at 2 sites during all seasons suggest that diatom assemblages in the sediments of the Houyu Bay represent an original environment. Multi-dimensional scaling of diatom assemblages from mud-flats with and without vegetation shows that a slight seasonal change and only a single association occur in the mangroves.  相似文献   
Abate  Rediat  Hetharua  Buce Hanoch  Patil  Vishal  Lin  Daner  Kifle  Demeke  Liang  Junrong  Chen  Changping  Sun  Lin  Kao  Shuh-Ji  Bi  Yonghong  Huang  Bangqin  Gao  Yahui 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2023,41(1):203-214
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - The response of phytoplankton and its satellite bacteria to various concentrations (0.01%–10% v/v) of ethanol is studied. To elucidate the effect of...  相似文献   
The Loess Plateau has been experiencing large‐scale land use and cover changes (LUCCs) over the past 50 years. It is well known about the significant decreasing trend of annual streamflow and sediment load in the catchments in this area. However, how surface run‐off and sediment load behaved in response to LUCC at flood events remained a research question. We investigated 371 flood events from 1963 to 2011 in a typical medium‐sized catchment within the Plateau in order to understand how LUCC affected the surface run‐off generation and sediment load and their behaviours based on the analysis of return periods. The results showed that the mean annual surface run‐off and sediment load from flood events accounted for 49.6% and 91.8% of their mean annual totals. The reduction of surface run‐off and associated sediment yield in floods explained about 85.0% and 89.2% of declines in the total annual streamflow and sediment load, respectively. The occurrences of flood events and peak sediment concentrations greater than 500 kg/m3 showed a significantly downward trend, yet the counterclockwise loop events still dominated the flood event processes in the catchment. The results suggest that LUCC over the past 50 years resulted in significant changes in the water balance components and associated soil erosion and sediment transportation in the catchment. This was achieved mainly by reducing surface run‐off and sediment yield during floods with return period of less than 5 years. Run‐off–sediment load behaviour during the extreme events with greater than 10‐year return periods has not changed. Outcomes from this study are useful in understanding the eco‐hydrological processes and assisting the sustainable catchment management and land use planning on the Loess Plateau, and the methodologies are general and applicable to similar areas worldwide.  相似文献   
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