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系统地介绍了湘西州的地质旅游资源特征,指出切实保护和合理开发利用湘西州丰富的地质旅游资源,将旅游业作为支柱产业是发展该州经济的合理之举,进而提出了保护和开发该州地质旅游资源的8条建议.  相似文献   
青藏高原拉萨地块南北向裂谷中发育少量中新世高镁超钾质火山岩,岩石具有较高的SiO2含量(53%~50%),同时具有极高的K2O(7%~6%)、MgO(11%~8%)、Cr(500×10-6~400×10-6)、Ni(400×10-6~260×10-6)含量,较高的放射性成因87Sr/86Sr(0.7265~0.7199)、非放射性成因143Nd/144Nd(0.511844~0.511769)比值,δ18OVSMOW值较高,变化范围很大(10.4‰~6.4‰),其源区为加入了大量俯冲印度地壳的富集地幔。40Ar/39Ar同位素年龄指示他们喷发时代为17~13Ma。结合正断层与火山岩的切割与覆盖关系,指出高原正断层强烈活动时间为23~13Ma,持续了~10Ma,伸展速率为5.6±3.0mm/a。高镁超钾质火山岩与裂谷在时间上的一致和空间上的重合,指示高镁超钾质火山岩与裂谷的形成演化密切相关,高原裂谷系统的建立是由于俯冲印度地壳的断离造成的高原岩石圈的伸展破裂,其活动时期分为2个阶段,首先伴随高原隆升(23~13Ma),随后在重力作用下,促使高原垮塌(13Ma~现在)。  相似文献   
利用京津冀地区2018—2020年5月的流动重力观测资料,分析了2020年7月12日河北唐山古冶5.1级地震前不同时间尺度重力场变化.结果表明:0.5年尺度重力场变化图像较好地反映了此次地震"震前一年,重力场持续上升(正)变化→震前反向变化→在重力变化梯度带零等值线附近发震"的演化过程;震前0.5年和1年年尺度重力场均...  相似文献   
Dai  Erfu  Wang  Yahui 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(6):1005-1020
Ecosystem services, which include water yield services, have been incorporated into decision processes of regional land use planning and sustainable development. Spatial pattern characteristics and identification of factors that influence water yield are the basis for decision making. However, there are limited studies on the driving mechanisms that affect the spatial heterogeneity of ecosystem services. In this study, we used the Hengduan Mountain region in southwest China, with obvious spatial heterogeneity, as the research site. The water yield module in the In VEST software was used to simulate the spatial distribution of water yield. Also, quantitative attribution analysis was conducted for various geomorphological and climatic zones in the Hengduan Mountain region by using the geographical detector method. Influencing factors, such as climate, topography, soil, vegetation type, and land use type and pattern, were taken into consideration for this analysis. Four key findings were obtained. First, water yield spatial heterogeneity is influenced most by climate-related factors, where precipitation and evapotranspiration are the dominant factors. Second, the relative importance of each impact factor to the water yield heterogeneity differs significantly by geomorphological and climatic zones. In flat areas, the influence of evapotranspiration is higher than that of precipitation. As relief increases, the importance of precipitation increases and eventually, it becomes the most influential factor. Evapotranspiration is the most influential factor in a plateau climate zone, while in the mid-subtropical zone, precipitation is the main controlling factor. Third, land use type is also an important driving force in flat areas. Thus, more attention should be paid to urbanization and land use planning, which involves land use changes, to mitigate the impact on water yield spatial pattern. The fourth finding was that a risk detector showed that Primarosol and Anthropogenic soil areas, shrub areas, and areas with slope 5° and 25°–35° should be recognized as water yield important zones, while the corresponding elevation values are different among different geomorphological and climatic zones. Therefore, the spatial heterogeneity and influencing factors in different zones should be fully con-sidered while planning the maintenance and protection of water yield services in the Hengduan Mountain region.  相似文献   
马晓莉  李顺  岳雅慧 《第四纪研究》2023,43(5):1157-1171
雅鲁藏布江河谷(尤其是"一江两河"区域)风沙化较为严重,制约了当地社会经济的可持续发展,追踪河谷风沙来源对当地风沙治理意义重大。本研究聚焦于拉萨贡嘎机场附近的山南宽谷风沙地貌,采集2个河沙、3个风成沙丘和1个坡积物样品,以及引用前人研究的2个河沙样品。基于碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄及微量元素地球化学特征,进行沙源示踪研究,旨在为当地风沙治理提供科学依据。对360颗锆石进行LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年,获得322个谐和年龄。分析结果表明,河沙、风成沙丘及坡积物样品碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄分布特征高度相似,主要峰值与冈底斯岩浆弧新生代的两期岩浆活动一一对应;非矩阵多维标度统计技术(MDS)分析也证实了样品与冈底斯岩浆弧有良好的亲缘性;地球化学判别图解显示锆石具有亏损轻稀土元素、富集重稀土元素、明显正Ce异常和明显负Eu异常的特征,亦指示其岩浆成因,表明冈底斯岩浆弧为沙丘、河沙与坡积物中碎屑锆石的主要来源。依据不同类型样品碎屑锆石年龄对比以及锆石年龄相似程度对比,结果发现:1)雅鲁藏布江地区风沙地貌主要是由于枯水季河床水位下降,导致河岸和河漫滩出露地表,就地起沙吹扬到山坡上所形成;2)研究区河沙并非主要从上游搬运而来,更多是拉萨河搬运汇入的泥沙。依据沙源分析结果,欲解决河谷风沙化问题,首要应在河岸和河漫滩种植适宜当地气候的耐旱植物固定河床上的泥沙,这是最直接有效的手段。  相似文献   
近30年来耕地养老保障功能的时空演变及政策启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
厘清耕地养老保障功能的时空演变,为新时代农村土地保障功能提供科学判断。把拥有承包权的耕地看作农户的一项资产,利用1986—2015年农村固定观察点中近61万份农户资料,分别从全国和省级尺度揭示耕地养老保障功能的演变规律,为完善农村养老保障体系提供参考。结果显示:按1986年不变价,全国层面上,人均耕地养老保障价值从550元/年降至150元/年,研究期内降幅达到72%。20世纪80年代,农民依靠承包耕地能够满足家庭老年居民的养老支出;1994年其价值已无法支撑老年居民消费,此后养老需求的缺口不断扩大。省际层面上,研究期内各省份耕地的养老保障价值均呈现下降趋势,且省际间存在明显差异;养老需求的缺口不断扩大,其中东南沿海、长江沿线地区尤为突出。耕地养老假说已失去其基本论据,依靠耕地无法满足农村老年居民的养老支出。农村养老保障必须建立在公共社会保障体系的基础上,而不能再指望农户家庭拥有的少量耕地,政府应加强农村养老服务的建设。  相似文献   
农户的非农就业如何影响中国的土地流转?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To clarify the impact of non-agricultural employment on rural land circulation in China,we built logit models using the Chinese Household Income Project 2013 dataset,which includes 18,948 household samples over 15 provinces,126 cities and 234 counties of China in 2013.We use the proportion of non-agricultural income,the proportion of non-agricultural laborers and non-agricultural fixed operating assets to reflect the degree of the households’dependence on agriculture,the degree of the households’laborers committed to non-agricultural employment and the stability of non-agricultural employment,respectively.The results show that the stability of non-agricultural employment is an important reason for farmers to transfer out their land,and an increase in non-agricultural income is the fundamental reason.The proportion of non-agricultural assets has the greatest impact on the decision to transfer land,followed by the proportion of non-agricultural income.Per unit increase in the non-agricultural income ratio has a stronger effect on the transfer-out decision than it does on the transfer-in decision,which is a 0.09 increase of the probability of transfer-out the land and a 0.07 decrease of the probability of transfer-in the land.In terms of regional differences,when considering the impact of non-agricultural employment on the land transfer-out decision,the impacts of non-agricultural income and labor force are the greatest in the Central region.The impact of non-agricultural assets is the greatest in the Eastern region.For the Eastern region,the decision to transfer out land is mainly affected by non-agricultural assets and the non-agricultural labor force,and the decision to transfer in land is mainly affected by non-agricultural assets.In the Central and Western regions,the decision to transfer out land is mainly affected by non-agricultural assets,non-agricultural income and the non-agricultural labor force,in that order.The decision to transfer in land in the Central region is not significantly affected by non-agricultural employment.The decision to transfer in land in the Western region is mainly affected by non-agricultural assets,non-agricultural labor force and non-agricultural income,in that order.We note that non-agricultural assets have a prominent impact on land transfer,which shows that the stability of non-agricultural employment has an important impact on land transfer decision-making.Vocational training for rural labor forces may be an effective means to promote stable non-agricultural employment and simultaneously facilitate rural land circulation,especially in Central and Western China.  相似文献   
The abundance and temporal patterns of viable diatom resting stage cells in sediments of the East China Sea in 2006 have been investigated. The abundance of viable resting stages was enumerated with the most probable number (MPN) technique. Overall, 25 diatom species (including varieties) belonging to 16 genera were detected. Viable resting stage cells were common, on the order of 103 to 106 cells/g dry mass. The abundant taxa included Skeletonema marina, S. dohrnii, Chaetoceros curvisetus and Thalassiosira spp., with Skeletonema accounting for 83.3% of the cell. The effects of temperature (10, 15, 20, 25℃), salinity (20, 25, 30, 35 psu) and light intensity (0, 300, 4 000, 8 000 lux) on the germination of resting stages in sediment samples were also determined. The results showed that light intensity had a significant positive effect on the germination of diatom resting stage cells (p <0.01) and that diatoms could not germinate in darkness. Temperature and salinity had no noticeable effects on the germination. The present study suggests that there are abundant diatom resting cells in sediments of the East China Sea, which could serve as a "seed bank" in the phytoplankton population succession and contribute to the initiation of algal blooms.  相似文献   
我们搜集了国际国内地震台网资料、宏观考察资料、地震专题研究报告,对1900—1949年5级以上地震全部进行了核查,重新进行定位处理,并结合宏观考察资料和前人工作成果进行分析研究,得到较为准确的震中位置。通过这项研究,增补了原目录中遗漏的地震,并对目录中的错误进行了修正,从而得到一份较为完整可靠的地震目录。  相似文献   
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