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According to geophysical data, the Mediterranean Sea depressions are noted for a peculiar type of the earth's crust. The sedimentary rock sequence is of great thickness (8–15 km) and is of platform-type dislocation. Several structural stages are distinguished in the sedimentary complex. The youngest of them are the Messinian (evaporite) and Pliocene—Quaternary stages. The consolidated part of the earth's crust shows small thickness and is divided into large blocks. Vertical dislocations of the large crustal blocks which were conditioned by condensation—rarefaction and the upper mantle substance migration were at the base of Mediterranean sea floor transformation.  相似文献   
研究了N甲基对二甲胺基苯乙烯吡啶碘盐系列化合物的合成、分离方法,通过可见吸收、MS谱、HNMR 谱及氮素测定分析产物,证实了其结构和理论预期的一致性  相似文献   
1959-2003年青海省干湿变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用青海省1959-2003年气象资料,计算了修正的Palmer干旱指数,并对其进行了分析。结果表明:在青海省旱涝监测中,PDSI指数反映旱涝程度更为客观;青海省的干旱主要以轻旱为主;夏秋季年际干湿交替较冬春季频繁,变化振幅也较大;秋季青海省干旱化倾向最为严重,冬春季出现轻旱几率最大。另外,春季干旱总面积在减小;夏季轻旱面积增加,而中旱、重旱面积在减小;秋冬季重旱面积在增加。  相似文献   
切变线暴雨过程中湿位涡的中尺度时空特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴君  汤剑平  邰庆国  石莹  裴洪芹 《气象》2007,33(10):45-51
利用中尺度数值预报模式MM5V3.6,对2005年9月19—21日发生在山东中南部的区域性切变线暴雨天气过程进行了数值模拟。并用高时空分辨率的模式输出资料,对此次暴雨过程的湿位涡场特征进行了诊断分析。结果表明:θse面陡立易导致湿斜压涡度的发展,形成θse陡峭密集区,密集区内容易发生暴雨。通过湿位涡的分析,揭示了暴雨过程中湿位涡的中尺度演变特征和空间结构,表明切变线暴雨的发生发展与湿位涡的时空演变有很好的联系。暴雨主要出现在850hPa的ζMPV1负值区和ζMPV2正值区等值线密集区附近,降水中心位于ζMPV1负值中心前部对流不稳定区中。  相似文献   
一个双波地形重力波拖曳参数化方案   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王元  唐锦赟  伍荣生 《气象学报》2007,65(5):733-743
当地形次尺度强迫的作用与显式的经典动力作用效应相当时,地形重力波拖曳力对于环流的维持,以及动量和热量通量输送的动力效应变得十分显著。这种地形次尺度拖曳作用项可通过参数化的方法,在动力方程中加入额外的小项而引入数值模式。目前成熟的地形重力波拖曳参数化方法,如第1代基于线性单波理论的参数化方案;以及侧重考虑了临界层作用等因素对拖曳力的额外贡献的第2代参数化方案,都无法有效表达风速垂直变化引起的波动应力随高度变化的特征。基于上述考虑,本文给出了一个双波参数化方案用于计算地形重力波拖曳中由线性自由传播重力波造成的波动应力的垂直分布。通过二阶WKB近似,它对由风速垂直变化引起的对波动应力的选择性临界层吸收过程和经典的临界层吸收过程做了显式处理;而在不发生临界层吸收现象的地区,则用两个单波同时在垂直方向上进行应力的传播,并利用波饱和标准进行应力耗散。进一步地在真实地形(以大别山地区为个例)条件下的测试结果表明,通过在不同理想风速廓线以及北半球冬季中纬度纬向平均风廓线下对波动应力垂直分布的计算,证明该方案确实能有效地给出应力随高度变化的特征。  相似文献   
骨架矿物—粘土矿物碱耗协同效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈忠  高晓勇 《矿物岩石》1999,19(3):61-64
选择了克拉玛依油田二中区T2k1砂砾岩储层中的六种储层矿物,石英,正长石,微斜长石,Ca-蒙脱石,高岭石,伊利石。在不同的条件下研究了这六种矿物的碱耗量,还研究骨架矿物与粘土矿物按照一定的质量配比而成的复配矿物的碱耗量,探讨了矿物碱耗的协同效应,结果表明单矿物的碱耗序列为,蒙脱石(S)〉高岭石(K)〉伊利石(I)〉微斜长石(M)〉石英(Q)〉正长石(J),复配物的碱耗总体上受粘土矿物控制,尤其是蒙  相似文献   
以地震反演为主,结合测井、岩石物理、地震相和正演模拟等技术综合研究火成岩的速度场特征。岩石物理实验是研究火成岩物性参数有效的工具,实验数据的分析能帮助预测火成岩岩性和速度信息,为反演等工作利用地震资料描述火成岩提供依据。原始测井曲线的环境校正和标准化处理是高品质合成记录和反演效果的前提条件。稀疏脉冲反演、基于模型的反演和神经网络反演这三种方法结果的分辨率较原始地震数据有了很大提高,从中可识别出火成岩的空间展布,但基于模型的反演分辨率相对较高。伽马属性反演的分辨率在识别火成岩方面比上述三种方法要高得多,但是单一的属性又很难满足火成岩特征描述的要求,因此多参数融合是一种行之有效的方法。结合地震相的应用,最终得到符合地质特征的火成岩三维速度场,并通过误差分析和正演模拟验证了速度场精度,为变速度成图和低幅构造勘探提供了科学的依据。  相似文献   
唐良保 《铀矿地质》1995,11(6):362-367
本义采用氢化物法分离技术,使样品溶液中的锗转变为气态氢化锗(GeH_4),达到与基体分离的目的,有效地消除了各种离子的干扰。研究并证明了在15%以上的磷酸介质中,各种酸(HCl,H_2SO_4,HNO_3,HCIO_4)度在1%-10%的范围内变化均不影响锗的测定,大大简化了操作手续,方法灵敏度高、使用范围广、准确、简便、快速。Ge的检出限为0.1μg/g,相对标准偏差<7%。可应用于地质,冶金,生物,环保,卫生,食品中微量锗的测定。  相似文献   
The mantle metasomatites (fluidized magmatic rocks) of the Pamir-Tien Shan region show extremely high contents of lithophile and chalcophile trace elements, which often exceeds the regional average abundances of the Earth’s crust. Geochemical relations were established between mantle and crustal rocks, and it was shown that the compositions of magmatic rocks of different age and formation depth and polychronous mineralization are relatively stable. These data and some other facts indicate the possible influence of mantle fluids (melts) on the crustal rocks and processes. An alternative model implies the geochemical influence of crustal rocks on the geochemical characteristics of the regional mantle. The ore material of alkali basic rocks and some hydrothermal and rare metal deposits shows a geochemical affinity to the supposed mantle (mantle-crustal) sources. The ore-bearing fluids (melts) were presumably related to the evolution of ultradeep “hot” material of mantle plumes and “daughter” diapirs carrying alkaline, trace, and ore elements.  相似文献   
Iron isotopes, together with mineral elemental compositions of spinel peridotite xenoliths and clinopyroxenites from Hannuoba and Hebi Cenozoic alkaline basalts, were analyzed to investigate iron isotopic features of the lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton. The results show that the Hannuoba spinel peridotite xenoliths have small but distinguishable Fe isotopic variations. Overall variations in δ57Fe are in a range of −0.25 to 0.14‰ for olivine, −0.17 to 0.17‰ for orthopyroxene, −0.21 to 0.27‰ for clinopyroxene, and −0.16 to 0.26‰ for spinel, respectively. Clinopyroxene has the heaviest iron isotopic ratio and olivine the lightest within individual sample. No clear linear relationships between the mineral pairs on “δ-δ” plot suggest that iron isotopes of mineral separates analyzed have been affected largely by some open system processes. The broadly negative correlations between mineral iron isotopes and metasomatic indexes such as spinel Cr#, (La/Yb)N ratios of clinopyroxenes suggest that iron isotopic variations in different minerals and peridotites were probably produced by mantle metasomatism. The Hebi phlogopite-bearing lherzolite, which is significantly modified by metasomatic events, appears to be much heavier isotopically than clinopyroxene-poor lherzolite. This study further confirms previous conclusions that the lithospheric mantle has distinguishable and heterogeneous iron isotopic variations at the xenoliths scale. Mantle metasomatism is the most likely cause for the iron isotope variations in mantle peridotites.  相似文献   
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