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随着沿海经济带的开发建设,海洋生态环境承受着巨大压力,湿地、河口、海湾、海岛等重要生态系统面临前所未有的威胁。对海洋生态的保护修复已经迫在眉睫、刻不容缓。文章基于辽宁省海洋资源环境的特征,结合海域开发利用及海洋生态修复现状,探索辽宁省海洋生态修复工作面临的主要问题,并提出生态修复重点及对策建议,截至2017年,累计整治修复岸线长度约140km,整治修复海域面积超过50km~2。辽宁省海洋生态修复工作面临的主要问题有:近岸局部海域水体污染、生态受损;湿地、滩涂面积有缩减趋势;河口生态系统脆弱,生物多样性指数降低;海湾生态功能退化;海岛生态环境失衡。辽宁省应重点开展海湾环境综合治理以及滨海湿地、岸滩、岛礁等整治修复工作。 相似文献
海平面上升对河北黄骅台风风暴潮漫滩影响的数值研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
基于河北省黄骅地区的风暴潮漫滩灾害风险评估模型,利用成熟的业务化台风风暴潮数值预报模式、100m分辨率的风暴潮漫滩数值模式,以及该地区的海平面上升和地面沉降结果数据,对台风登陆地点、路径、方向进行科学组合,利用各种组合参数条件进行数值计算,得到了995、985、975、965hPa四种台风强度下,海平面上升对风暴潮漫滩的影响。在相对海平面上升50cm和100cm情况下,四种台风强度的风暴潮平均最大漫滩面积分别增加了约35%和86%;台风强度中等,即985或975hPa时,风暴潮最大漫滩面积的增加更为显著。研究表明,海平面上升对该地区的漫滩影响非常明显,有效防范风暴潮灾害的同时,在气候变化的大背景下,应进一步研究和提出应对海平面上升的长效防治措施。 相似文献
A three-dimensional model study on ocean dynamic response to traveling cyclone over the Huanghai Sea
On the basis of numerical simulation of the mean circulation and relevant thermal-salinity fields in June with a three-dimensional ocean model (ECOM-si), the model outputs are used as first guess of initial fields for numerical integration of the model equations and the numerical results are applied to investigating the dynamical responses of the Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea (HECS) in the course of a weak land-to-sea cyclone‘s passage over the Huanghai Sea on 15-16 June 1999. Predominance of the dynamic impact of cyclone over the thermal one in June in the HECS is justified using observations and model simulations.The cyclone and its surrounding weather system, i.e,, subtropical high ridge to its south could influence current and thermal fields in the Bohai Sea, the Huanghai Sea and the northern East China Sea even though the intensity of cyclone was rather weak. The response of oceanic currents to the wind stresses driven by the cyclone and its southern subtropical high were strongly characterized by the wind drift with its extent of equivalent scale of cyclone in the horizontal and of Ekman layer in the vertical. The sea response at a given site was closely related to the transient local wind speed and direction,especially was sensitive to the local wind direction,which is demonstrated at three points locating at the southern and western Huanghai Sea and the northern East China Sea. So the sea responses at locations differed considerably from one another. Current responded to the wind stress in a simple way:directly to the wind-driven current and subsequent gradient current and slope current, etc., whereas sea temperature responded to the wind stress in two ways: directly to the cyclone-induced cooling and indirectly to water movements both in the horizontal and the vertical by the cyclone‘ s wind stress. So the sea temperature variation under the influence of cyclone was more complicate than the current. The HECS in response to the cyclone and its ambient weather system was likely to be a fast process and such a response could last at least for more than 1d. Current increased with the duration of wind stress exerted on the surface and decreased with the increasing depth. Affected by the cyclone, the maximum sea surface temperature decreased by almost 1.6℃ during the 24h cyclone. 相似文献
垂直度控制和标高控制是确保高层和超高层建筑施工质量的关键,传统的高层或超高层建筑施工垂直度控制和标高控制方法存在着工作过程繁琐、效率低、精度难尽人意等若干问题,为了克服传统法的缺陷,提出了利用GPS技术进行高层或超高层建筑施工垂直度与标高控制的新思路,高层或超高层建筑施工垂直度与标高的GPS控制摆脱了传统方法对地面控制点的过度依赖,实现了对施工垂直度与标高的快速、高效、高精度控制,确保了施工质量。结合工程实例叙述了利用GPS技术控制高层或超高层建筑施工垂直度与标高的工作过程。 相似文献
本文系统阐述了《军官地图集》电子版的设计和研制中的若干问题,包括《军官地图集》电子版的总体设计、数据库设计、自动分幅设计以及专题图设计等。总体设计主要包括系统的结构设计、地理数据库设计、各功能模块设计等几部分。在地图集系统中,多比例尺海量地理数据的应用必然要求有强大的数据库支持,系统中采用了易于存储、便于管理的数据结构,并对数据库的各类数据描述表进行了详细说明。自动分幅设计是电子地图集的一个新功能,本文提出了电子地图集的分幅方式:经纬线分幅、矩形分幅、名称分幅和区域分幅,并阐述了它们各自的优缺点。《军官地图集》电子版中的专题地图在设计上突出了图集的系统性和军事特色,本文提出了该电子版中专题地图设计的原则和方法。根据该电子版的设计和制作过程,同时提出了电子地图集制作的步骤,并阐明了电子地图集设计中的不足和发展方向。 相似文献
针对传统算法效率低的问题,将隐式双时间步法应用于求解二维浅水方程,建立了非结构网格下高效的有限体积模型。在应用双时间步法时,虚拟时间层中的定常问题采用高效的隐式LU-SGS(Lower-Upper Symmetric Gauss-Seidel)方法进行迭代求解。通过模拟计算4个典型算例以及与传统显式算法进行比较,对模型精度、效率及处理实际问题能力进行检验,分析了时间步长、内迭代次数对模型性能的影响。结果表明,双时间步法放宽了稳定性对时间步长的限制,时间步长可取到显式格式10倍以上,计算耗时减少了50%以上,模型具有良好精度与适应性,具有较好的推广应用价值。 相似文献
以二元结构河岸崩塌模式为研究背景,在弯道水槽中展开系列试验,研究凹岸坡脚处成型崩塌体在水力作用下输移过程及其对岸坡稳定性与河床冲淤的交互影响。试验成果表明,崩塌体经水力分解破碎呈块状、片状或颗粒状起动,部分随水流带至凸岸或下游,堆积在坡脚附近的崩塌体残留量随水力作用大小及土体特性不同而变化。崩塌体临水面周围尤其上下游端水流紊动强烈易形成较大剪切力区,临坡面上下游端附近剪切力较无崩塌体时减小;崩塌体体积越大,对剪切力区特征的改变也越明显。崩塌体的存在虽不能制止附近岸坡的再次崩塌,但可能抑制崩岸发展及附近河床淤积的程度,崩塌体的粘性或体积越大,这种抑制作用越显著;相同崩塌体抑制附近河床淤积的程度较抑制岸坡崩塌的程度大。 相似文献
离心实验模拟以其可以获得与原型一致的应力水平并且能够大大缩短原型历时而被应用于污染物迁移实验研究。在离心相似理论及离心实验模拟的相似基础上,重点回顾了离心机在饱和带水分、非饱和带水分、保守性溶质、NAPLs、重金属、核素迁移以及污染场地修复方面的实验应用。最后讨论了离心模拟中土壤预制和加速度选择的问题,并简单介绍了离心监测方法。可以得出结论:离心机能够成功用于各类物质迁移的实验研究中,离心实验模拟能够为理论和数值等分析方法快速提供真实可靠的参数依据,但离心实验的理论基础和监测方法需要进一步完善,此外也应积极开展更接近实际情况下的离心实验模拟研究。 相似文献
At present, the research on the layout of rural residential areas in the mountainous environment under the threat of earthquake disasters and frequent geological disasters is still rare. Taking Yinchanggou watershed in Longmenshan Town of Pengzhou City as an example, based on the summary of the geological hazard development characteristics in this area, the authors carried out the hazard risk zoning through 8 indexes. Then the geological hazard risk zoning was used as the primary factor to evaluate the suitability of rural residential areas. Besides, combined with the topographical conditions, socio-economic situation and ecological environment, a suitable evaluation index system for rural residential land under the threat of geological disasters was constructed, with the restrictive conditions of extremely high-risk areas, single geological hazards, slopes ≥25° and basic farmland protection areas. Finally, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was used to evaluate the suitability of residential land in Yinchanggou watershed of Pengzhou City. The results show that high suitability areas account for 4.2% of the total area of the study area, moderate suitability areas 11.4%, low suitability areas 10.5%, and unsuitable areas 73.8%. The “suitable” areas for rural residential land are mainly distributed along the highway, and some are multiple “blocky” concentrated distribution areas. The terrain is flat and the traffic condition is convenient, which can provide some guidance for the selection of new rural residential locations. 相似文献